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First Day at the Academy Empty First Day at the Academy

Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:04 pm
Razz’s first day at the Academy

His heart was pounding was he walked through the doors to the academy “I want to do this” he told himself it was the only way to get stronger. He had arrived ten minutes ago and had barely found his classroom when they all had been shuffled out by their instructor. As they entered an open flat area where there class would take place there were lined up rows.

The instructor walked out In front and after surveying them over said “All right students you are here because you want to be a part of something greater you want to be he shield which protects our village.” The man paused looking at each of them “If there are any who do not wish to be this you may leave now, no one will hold it against you”

“This guy is kind of intense“ Razz thought “Most the people here are still children”
There were no takers to his offer of leaving, and a ghoulish smile crossed the man’s lips “All right then let’s see if you feel the same way after this” He pointed to the running track “I want to see twenty laps around that right now.”

As one the class moved towards the track a few of the students sent fearful looks at their instructor who was following them. The moment feet met the track all the students took off running, many started at top speed breaking away from the main group others fell behind as some were naturally slower than others. Razz stayed with the middle group, after all there were twenty laps and he had plenty of time to try and pass people.

He was far more used to running longer distances than this, it was not about speed but stamina it was about who could complete the laps not who could finish first. As they group neared lap five that differences in people began to show, some had never trained much in their life and they were quickly falling behind others who were putting everything thing they had into this were still in front but tiring fast. Then there were those like him those who had trained there body’s for events like this they stayed kept a fast but even pace breathing deeply and focusing on their goal of finishing.

At lap fifteen the differences between the groups was quite clear only Razz and five others were keeping a good pace while the majority of the class was in a large slow moving mob like blob and the distance between them and the six in front was growing.

As his group rounded the last corner several of his classmates broke out into a dead run racing to be first across the line. Razz felt in inclination to do so himself as he was sure there instructor had more in store for them.

When he crossed the line the instructor said “Go grab some water and be quick about it” Nodding Razz picked up his water bottle and took a swig before moved back to the instructor. The man lined up the six of them and looked them over with more intensity. Out of the six of them four were girls and two were boys, with the exception of Razz all were breathing hard and seemingly tired. “I want Sixty pushups on the double” Ordered the instructor and the six complied with the order. Again Razz kept his pace steady and constant arms pumping as his body moved up and down. Two of the girls finished ahead of him leaving him in third as he pushed out his sixtieth , the other guy of the group finished right on his heels living the last to girls who almost finished at the same time.

They waited taking a breather waiting for the instructor who was herding the other students and telling them to go get some water and take a five minute break. When he returned to them he nodded to himself “All right your stamina is good but I wonder how good?” He pointed north “The village gate is that way the one who reaches it first and brings me back a sign that they did so will receive a special prize.

He glanced at them and raised an eyebrow “Go” he ordered.
Razz and the others started running, winning this race had no real appeal to him he was not here to win races or get prizes he was here to get stronger and more disciplined with himself. The only desire he had was not to be last and for that reason alone he ran fast. As they reached the first district of houses he lept one top of a lamp post and from there to the roof of a smaller house, after all there was no reason to take the street unless one had to and besides there were less people there.
He was not the only one with this idea as three others appeared on the roof tops as well and the bounded towards their destination. Razz found leaping from rooftop to roof top a strangely difficult experience. All his life had been spent among the trees hunting and training he was used to the trees and how one moved through them, the unfamiliar footing slowed him down some.

The village passed under feet as he leapt, sights sounds and smells that were strange to him he found himself wanting to explore this his village later and decided that after the academy closed he just might. The gates of the village loomed over him as he leapt down and touched the wood, he slipped his finger under a small splinter and tugged it off turning to run back to the rooftops and to the academy.

His heart was pounding with effort and his breath was becoming heavy but he reveled in it accepting that discomfort with the knowledge that he was becoming stronger even as he did this simple race. On the way back he was surer of his footing the village gliding under his leaps as he raced.

The Academy was in sight as he landed on the earth again his breathing growing heavy, beside him a mere three feet in front of him was one of the four girls that had started in this race. She was fast but her breathing was heavier and her moments were a bit jerky, the entrance came into view with the instructor leaning against it waiting. The Girl redoubled her efforts putting on even more speed but in doing so she missed the small stone in her path, she stepped on it wrong and slipped heading for a crash in to the herd earth.

Razz reacted without thinking hand shooting out griping her shoulder and holding her up long enough for her to regain her balance. The girl however was thinking and as he passed her she shifted her weight slamming him hip to hip the force making him lose balance. He landed in a roll dispersing the enegry of fall, as he regained his feet the girl passed the entrance winning the race and whatever prize came with it.

[Word Count 1,204 Training Type:Stamina]

He finished second slowing down to a fast walk trying to shake off his fatigue, he glanced over at the girl being praised by the Instructor and felt a flash of anger. Closing his eyes he took several deep breaths balling the anger and pushing it into the back of his mind he was take that out on his practice dummy when he got home.

After walking around for a full minute then getting his water bottle and taking several long swigs, the others of their group had arrived as well and were told to walk it off and get some water. Soon they were called back by the instructor “Very good each of you have willpower that is very important to being a ninja.” He cleared his throat “Now I want to assess your fighting skills, the others of your class have already done this and now it is your turn.”

One of the girls raised her hand “Sensei can we wait a few minutes I can barely stand”
“Do you think your enemy will give that on the battlefield?” he asked eyes dead serious “This Academy exists to train and create the next generation of Ninja for this village and I for one and not planning to lose anyone to stupid mistakes.”
The girl said nothing more “You know your places in the race first will face second, third with face fourth and fifth will face six.”

They walked over to the small patches of dirt where they were to spar, the instructor grabbed two others assistants and set them with the other two fights while watched the one between Razz and the girl.

He slid into his stance and waited breathing slowly and deeply trying to calm his nerves, the girl on the other hand was breathing hard and looking none too pleased about facing him. “Begin” the instructor ordered and she charged throwing the first punch aimed straight as his jaw.

She was fast Razz noted as he gently stepped to one side the jerking his head away the punch barely grazing his jaw. The girl spun as roundhouse kick whistling towards his side and Razz moved with it feeling the foot hit his side but not able to connect correctly. Again she charged her fist aiming at his face again, Razz stepped inside the punch putting his body a bare inch away from the girl he put two hands on her chest and shoved putting his entire body into the motion.

She flew back landing outside the boundary of the ring, the instructor shook his head “No boy this is not about defeating your opponent in the least painful manner it’s about showing him how strong your are.” He glanced at the girl “Again” he said and she stepped back into the ring an ember of anger burring in her eyes. “Begin” the instructor ordered and just like the last time she charged, she faked a punch as his sternum and launched one at his head. Razz ignored the fake and moved his hand up, just before the punch connected his gently guided it off course and stepped forward punching with his left hand the girl vanished in a puff of smoke and his hand cracked a log.

He managed not to hiss at the discomfort, his hand was not broken they were too tough for that but still his had not been prepared for that. “Hold” the instructor ordered and Razz froze only to receive as kick in the back of his head for his troubles. Now his head throbbed as he whirred striking out reflexively, like a blur the instructor was between them knocking the girl spinning with his open hand and blocking Razzes strike “I said hold” he growled and glared at the girl just standing up “Unless I order it no Jutsu during my sparing sessions”

He glanced at Razz glaring for emphases, Razz said nothing only thinking of the throb his head was going to experience later. “Now Again”
The girl reentered looking confident now “Begin” the order came again and she rushed him for a third time, be even as she prepared her punch and sent it flying Razz was moving or rather falling letting his body sink towards the earth going under her punch, he leapt sideways rolling along the ground coming up behind her.

She spun throwing another roundhouse kick, that was when he saw it ,a way to beat her with minimal effort he had seen it happen on the road only thirty minutes ago. He blocked the kick stepping into the space in front of her and before she could retract her foot he slid his left foot into her right foot. The one holding her entire body weight by itself the small shift he created caused her to lose balance crash into the ground. Grabbing the foot that kicked him he yanked her towards him moving dragging her back through the dirt and the a quick move placed his foot on her throat.

Both of them froze and in that instant Razz felt his darkness whispered in his mind telling him to end her right now. With an angry growl he forced the voice of shadows away from his mind banishing its words from his thoughts the Instructor said “Good that is enough” Razz quickly removed his foot and took two steps back. She girl slowly rose to her feet the back of her shirt in shreds and she was staring at him with something bordering on rage in her black eyes….her jetl black eyes “Shit” Razz thought “I just pissed of an uchiha”

Even living in the forest most of his life he had heard of them and for his part wanting nothing to do with enemies from the most powerful clan in the village and possible one of the top three in the world. But what was done was done and there was nothing he could do about it so he could only wait and hope she forgot about him.

[Word Count 1008 Training type: Sparring]

They were all lined up and the instructor informed them that not every day would be like this one he had simply been testing there endurance and skill. “Tomorrow you will be in classrooms and begin with the written work, do not think it is worthless though. You will be studying tactics, charka, how to hide and go unnoticed everything thing you learn there will help you in the field some day. Now go get some lunch and go home but this is one of your few half days so make the most of it.”

So just like that the first day ended, the moment the instructor had said go he began making his way to the entrance wanting to leave as quickly as possible. “Hey you” a girls voice said “Wait” That for him was better than ready set go and he took off holding nothing back.

She chased him for a little bit but she was tired and while Razz was too he had more practice at running tired than she did and soon left her behind. The woods of his home could not come fast enough as he quietly entered the little house. His day looked up blinking owlishly at him several books lying around him on the table along with a number of written notes to himself about a translation or a thought on what the book meant .

“Did you have a good day at the Academy?” his dad asked

Razz nodded “Good” his dad said before returning to his books, his dad was not a well spoken person and this was as much as Razz expected in words for the rest of the day. Turning he picked up his own book and laying down on his bed began to reread the woods he already knew by heart. Today had been and interesting day he just hoped that girl forget about him by tomorrow .



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