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My New Comrade; Captain Crazy Empty My New Comrade; Captain Crazy

Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:42 pm
Chapter 1: My New Comrade; Captain Crazy

"Mom... I wanted a dog," the small feminine academy student with fiery red hair and sky blue eyes, Sachiko, stated bluntly, her eagerness for the moment before replaced with disbelief and anger as she stared at the colorful little parrot before her. "Why the HECK would I want a parrot?

Said parrot seemed to flinch at the girl's harsh tone and hop closer to the safety of the older woman, frightened.

"Now, now, sweetie, calm down. For one thing, parrots are MUCH more useful than nin- dogs; you can use them for infiltraton, sending messages, tracking, and-," an (admittedly) short- woman with auburn red hair and sky blue eyes that matched her daughter stated before being interjected by the angry child, her hands on her hips.

"But Mom, dogs can do all that stuff too and more! They're kind and sweet and loyal and cute!" Sachiko protested, causing her mother to frown.

"Sachiko, I'm not going to lie; ninja- dogs are loyal, I'll give them that, but once trained they are ruthless creatures- they're not pets you play with, dear. I was afraid if I gave you a ninja dog you would coddle it and inadverntly change it into a common houe- pet. Also, parrots are much less expensive than ninja dogs," the woman said seriously, giving her daughter a reprimanding look.

The look caused the young girl to placate her anger and she let out a small sigh, glancing at the parrot reluctantly. "Fine. ...Thanks for the parrot," Sachiko mumbled grumpily, elicting a small smile from her mother.

"Good. Now, please have fun with your new ninja parrot, dear!" the woman chirped happily before disappearing in a cloud of dark grey smoke, causing both parrot and child to cough simotaneously.

After the smoke cleared, it revealed the colorful little parrot and the human child, staring at each other curiosly. Several minutes of silence and staring presumed until Sachiko couldn't take it anymore. It's so quiet and awkward! the girl thought.

"Um... Hi!" the girl said happily, smiling in a friendly fashion as she held out her hand toward the frightened little parrot, "My name's Sachiko; it's nice to meet you! Do you have a name?"

Once the girl was finished with her introduction she looked at the parrot expectantly for a reply. However, the parrot merely resumed to stare at the girl in silence before pecking her outstretched hand, making the girl retract her now- injured hand from her foe and holding it to her chest.

"Me no like you," the parrot exclaimed, causing Sachiko's eyes to water slightly in pain and anger.

"Well, I don't like you either, meanie!" the girl hissed out angrily, glaring dangerously at the bird before screaming, "From this day forth, you're name is Captain Crazy!"

The girl then stuck her tongue out at the bird childishly before giggling at the silly name she gave her mean bird. The parrot, now dubbed as Captain Crazy, squaked in protest, "Me no crazy! You crazy, lady!"

Thus was the beginning of the glorious friendship between Sachiko the human and Captain Crazy the parrot.
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