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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 858900

Dual Citizenship, Part 1 Empty Dual Citizenship, Part 1

Mon Jul 08, 2024 11:30 am
Mission Details:

The MadKat taps his new Oni SBs, a pair a kicks with resale value worth over 10x it‘s MSRP, while awaiting in the Infamous Moon Medical Institute for his name to be called.

Along with his new shoes, Katsuragi's attire consists of a Yakuta black leather jacket, altered to that of a vest. The inner workings still functional with no hindrance. Underneath his vest, he wears a navy blue hoodie. His belt is black leather, designer's choice, with an overlapping LV emblem as a buckle. The locking strapped to keep it in the holster was buttoned in, although easily retrievable with a willful draw. Behind, were attached two weapon pouches with various tools and such for assistance. His pouches are covered by his hoodie, but are still accessible with ease. His pants being that of a fresh pair of black stretch jeans with ankle zippers located on the lower inside section of the pants. His hair, still vivid, was a solid dark purple. He also sports a full beard. His hair in contrast with his pale skin, however, his arms torso and hands bore a mural of mostly assorted prison tattoos; all black ink in color. His most notable tattoo, aside from his spiderweb tattoos that indicate that he has served time in Pelican Island, was his Jashinist Symbol that is stamped on the right side of his neck. He himself stood at a height of 6'2 feet with a thin frame. His other tools and such were also assorted evenly along his attire, given no hint to their whereabouts yet allowed him easy access with a little bit of technique due to his skill with the hidden arms technique.

He scans the room, looking at all the others awaiting to be called. His own number, was quite high. He looks over to his right, wondering if said person‘s number was lower. Perhaps a deal could be made? “Pish! Yo, what number you got?”, his now wide concerning eyes await the answer he wanted to hear.
TWC/ 336
TMWC/ 336/ 500
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 858900

Dual Citizenship, Part 1 Empty Re: Dual Citizenship, Part 1

Thu Jul 11, 2024 11:39 am
The young man turbs towards the bandit, weary of the stranger, yet still entertained him due to his learned behaviors as a child. The unwanted need to satisfy all, including the ones you wanted no business with.

“12…”, he stated. Katsuragi looked down towards his ticket once more. “34, aint that a bitch”, he groaned. He retreats back to his own personal space, leaving the young man to his own devices. What was he to do? Surprisingly, he didn’t want to cause any trouble. He actually needed to get a physical, among other things. The healthcare at Pelican island wasn’t exactly filled with care at all.

Moments later, a medical doctor was seen walking into the room with Katsuragi waiting on top of the tap up right.

“Doctor Doctor! Gimme the news, SON!”, his gleeful joy escapes his lips as the doctor eyes him down with concerning eyes.

“Mr… MaDKat? Geezus.. im going to recommend that you abstain frok your usual high risk behaviors. The drinking, the drugs, all of it. Atleast for a while, let your body rest. Your aging yourself rapid with all these drugs…”

“You want me to go through life, sober?”, he slow rises from the table, fixes his attention towards the doctor. “Are you CRAzy?! I need this! All the shit I’ve done in the past, the shit I went through! I need to forget all that. What do you think is keeping all that at bay? Hmm?”, he crosses his arms together, remaining as he were.

“If you don’t take a break, or stop? You will sorely regret it. The widthdrawls, I know can be a bit much. But, you will be all the better for it. Remember, the past is what makes us who we are today…”

Katsuragi looks off to the side “whatever…”, although, he took what the doctor said with a grain of salt. Maaaaybe, he needed to lay off the booze, drugs, weed, and gambling. “Ok ok, im reformed. Can I go?”

The doctor sighs, giving Katsuragi his papers.
TWC/ 675
TMWC/ 675/ 500
Claiming 1,000 ryo, +7,500 ryo(A rank bonus), 5 AP(converted to 250 ryo). Total: 8,750 ryo.

675 words towards Imitation White Hole V7.2, Previous Training (1,181/1,313 word count reduced due to maxed stats)
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Dual Citizenship, Part 1 Empty Re: Dual Citizenship, Part 1

Thu Jul 11, 2024 7:21 pm
Katsuragi wrote:
TWC/ 675
TMWC/ 675/ 500
Claiming 1,000 ryo, +7,500 ryo(A rank bonus),  5 AP(converted to 250 ryo). Total: 8,750 ryo.

675 words towards Imitation White Hole V7.2, Previous Training (1,181/1,313 word count reduced due to maxed stats)

Dual Citizenship, Part 1 JPYXIpT
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