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Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Where The Wild Things Are. Empty Where The Wild Things Are.

Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:42 pm
Mission Details:

"Everyone please, stand back! Do not cross the yellow line!", the Konoha Officer of the leaf yelled. The situation from the institute had finally gone to far, toying with the notion that they were god. A year ago, the infamous KSI (Konoha Science Institute) was granted a budget to experiment on the local animal life that inhabited the deep rich forest surrounding the village. From what the higher ups have said, it was one of the largest grants given to the KSI in a long time. Apparently someone brought up a case so enticing, the grant was basically a blank check. However, with great power, comes great responsibility. Now, the village suffers a great threat from within. Enhanced, bioengineered animals with no clue to their real potential.

The feral creatures knew not where there were, and experiencing life out of their cages for the first time. Once the food chain gets established, it will mean certain destruction for the leaf. However, Okisho and the rest of the team stand at the ready outside the tall marble like doors, waiting for the go ahead to enter the KSI building and take down the animals before they get out. Oh, and of course. Due to the insane amounts of money poured into the project, taking the animals down with non lethal force was of top priority. He sighs while dwelling on the last thought of of the higher ups requesting the animals to be kept alive.

As for attire, Okisho is considered a minimalist, nothing too flashy and void of any logos. This also includes his Clan emblem, which much of his people love to don out in public. He is usually seen wearing a simple all black shirt, and a pair of dark navy-blue slacks which stop at the top of his ankles. A single ninja pouch concealed underneath his black shirt. The pouch his attached to his black leather belt, fastened on the back right side of his waist. His shoes are standard issued shinobi editions, revealing his toes and back ankles.

Within the ear piece of his wireless headset, commands from the higher ups flood the channel.

"Ok, Team 145. You are now granted permission to enter the grounds. Be cautious of the enhanced combatants, reports show that the animals have enhanced speed, enhanced strength, and enhanced reasoning skills. Not gonna lie, these creatures will be one hell of a game. Good hunting, and do not become the hunted."
TWC/ 410
TMWC/ 410/3,000
Kazusa Uchiha
Kazusa Uchiha
Stat Page : The Hidden Leaf's Bully
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Where The Wild Things Are. Empty Re: Where The Wild Things Are.

Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:18 pm
Kazusa stood ready with his team outside the large marble doors to the KSI building. It seemed their experiments on animals had finally caught up to them with a containment breach sending a large amount of them out throughout the building. It was chaos in the village as many waited fearfully for the situation to turn critical and the creatures to break free into the general public. However, unlike the common fear response going around Kazusa was pleased with this turn of events. While he cared for his village and would do his best to ensure the mission didn't turn critical he finally had a mission that was worthy of his talents. Now that he was a proper genin he was done with the random errands they sent the academy lackards on.

Of course, it wasn't to say that the mission didn't have its challenges. Their team leader was none other than Okisho, a man who had left only a small impression on him since their last mission. Kazusa had no idea if he was up to the task. But at least this mission would finally show whether he was strong or weak even if he held some mistaken ideals. But the time for musing was over as instruction finally came in over the wireless headpiece came in.

"Ok, Team 145. You are now granted permission to enter the grounds. Be cautious of the enhanced combatants, reports show that the animals have enhanced speed, enhanced strength, and enhanced reasoning skills. Not gonna lie, these creatures will be one hell of a game. Good hunting, and do not become the hunted."

With that, they breached the door and began the hunt. Kazusa immediately activated his sharingan, not wanting to be caught unawares. Chakra vision and enhanced perception would be huge boons here in case the animals decided to ambush them. But even as the thought crossed his mind he saw a mass of chakra to their right just before a massive ape leaped out to attack.

Flicking his hands to the appropriate handseal he cloned himself four times, sending two out on the offensive while he and the other two split up to create different targets. Kazusa was no fool, he was still fresh from the academy so his task was to distract and fool his opponents, not take them down himself.

WC: 394
TWC: 394
MTWC: 804/3000
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Where The Wild Things Are. Empty Re: Where The Wild Things Are.

Thu Jun 06, 2024 1:26 pm
The sounds of multiple shinobi carried throughout the dim lit interior of the building, the team power forwards with discipline. There was no room to be a hero. Their lives, along with the lives of the villagers they sworn to protect hung on the balance. Before entering the building, Okisho, took note of a particular genin among the ranks. Kazusa, a student he met a while back ago, roughly few weeks, was now fighting side by side. Surprised, and respecting the fact that he was a genin now due to the rules regarding shinobi taking on B rank missions, he made sure he would congratulate him should all go successful.

Back to the mission, Okisho running point with his three tomoe sharingan active, a large 8 foot ape springs from the shadows and makes it way towards the group's right flank. 'Kazusa!', he thought. Taking note of the light images of clones, Kazusa dispatched to handle the Ape, Okisho forms a single half tiger handseal with his right hand and charges back up The Uchiha. The giant ape, taking in everyone's scent while charging, decides to run through the light images unabated. These animals were smarter than there unaltered counterparts, it would take more than a few holo clones to take them down. With a single stroke of his right hand towards the beats, maintaining 8 meters, he sends forth a fire whip, lashing at the Ape's arms causing it to halt its progression and tumble to the ground. His position and striking was well out of Kazusa's location to avoid friendly fire. The other shinobi in the group add in to the mix with there own unique jutsu, subduing the target while keeping it alive.

"Remember, Kazusa! Tricks like that won't work with these animals! They're much smarte-"

"ABOVE!", said another shinobi in the party. Okisho snaps his field of vision upwards to see...

A giant 5 foot Raccoon, springs from a balcony above, and dives down 10 meters in front of them. The un steady breathing from it echoed throughout the area. "Whoah, What the fuck is that thing? Is that Raccoon?" "This is why they tell you not to feed these things...", the banter from the two shinobi came to a halt after getting a better look of it as it moved in. Foaming at the mouth with an unkempt coat, it charges towards the group with a fury of rage. Its altered jagged claws could be heard digging into the tile floor with each step.

As it reached 5 meters within the group, it halts its movement only to stand up high on it's hind legs, attempting to fling the pieces of tile trapped within it's paws and flings it towards the group. OKisho, along with who ever decided to, disbursed from formation. The projects were flung at an incredible speed.

"Look Out!", said one shinobi in the group.
TWC/ 1,287/3,000

Kazusa Uchiha likes this post

Kazusa Uchiha
Kazusa Uchiha
Stat Page : The Hidden Leaf's Bully
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Where The Wild Things Are. Empty Re: Where The Wild Things Are.

Fri Jun 07, 2024 9:21 pm
As Kazusa committed to his distraction Okisho was right there with him. A whip of fire formed from his hand lashing and knocking the ape's hand down before the rest of the squad took it down with a variety of other techniques. Okisho took the time to admonish Kazusa's strategy.

"Remember, Kazusa! Tricks like that won't work with these animals! They're much smarte-"

But then a loud shout pierced through them, cutting him off. "ABOVE!"

A giant raccoon dropped from the balcony above, foaming at the mouth and looking entirely too menacing. Before Kazusa knew what to do the creature charged forward only to halt a few meters out from the group to throw a loose tile at Kazusa. Only instinct saved his life. With his limited repertoire Kazusa's hands moved into various positions Ram -> Tiger -> Boar! With that he dropped into the earth below him. The projectile shattering uselessly just beyond from where he had been standing. Knowing his job wasn't finished, but unaware of the chaos happening above him Kazusa's hands formed more handseals while he burrowed a ways from his position. Boar -> Ox -> Serpent! Kazusa emerged from the ground but only up to his torso, he took enough time to see the raccoon a few meters away before executing the jutsu, by slamming his hand into the ground The earth rumbled and roared outwards from his hand, the earth breaking forward until it caught the raccoon in its wake. The raccoon fell downwards and had its lower body trapped between chunks of earth disturbed in the wake of Kazusa's jutsu. He didn't take the moment to crow in triumph however and instead burrowed back into position beside Okisho before coming out of the earth.

All was silent as they waited, hyper alert for something else to emerge and attack from the nearby vicinity. Luck was in their favor as they slowly dropped their guards, nothing else was close enough to attack them immediately. Taking a moment to catch his breath Kazusa turned to Okisho, "Do we know how many of these things are out there? I'm not sure we can take on very many of these, especially if they wise up and attack in groups."

WC: 374
TWC: 768
MTWC: 1,661/3,000
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Where The Wild Things Are. Empty Re: Where The Wild Things Are.

Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:37 pm
Evading just in the nick of time, his visual prowess granting him the necessary edge, He ends up a few meters to the left of his location away from the rabid raccoon; the other shinobi quickly regain their footing as well and remain safe and untouched, despite the surprise attack. Kazusa, doing a remarkable job subduing the rabid creature, appears besides Okisho with the aid of his jutsu. It's arms and legs submerged underground prevented it from doing anymore harm. "Good job adhering to the rules of engagement, that thing isn't going anywhere." However, Kazusa's questioning about the number of assets left to detain, warranted a fellow shinobi to speak up.

"Two more left. No... twentyyy three? I know for sure there are two large sources just like the first two we encountered. But one of them is surrounded by a lot of lesser souls. Very sporadic in their movements. The hell is going on up there?", the alarmed shinobi was seen kneeled down on one knee, holding the ram hand seal as she actively surveyed the building with the aid of her sensory jutsu. Okisho, surveying the field, looked upwards he sees a leading staircase leading upwards to the Aviary. The sign indicating such was on a gold plaque.

"Hey um, Sif? Would one of those chakra IDs be drooling saliva that may contain toxic bacteria and paralytic attributes? I'm only asking for a friend...", the wandering shinobi was seen looking down the hallway after regaining his footing. The imprint of what seemed to have come from a rather very large five fingered reptilian, accompanied with a trail of saliva, led down into the lower basement levels of the building.  

"That's going to be a very big problem, since we aren't suppose to kill any of the assets.", Okisho said, leaning over to witness the potential horror that awaited the team. "Remember, these things cost more than our annual salary. Ok, let's head to the aviary first. Sif, you stay here and keep an eye out for any movement that comes out of that tunnel. If the asset does show up, do not engage by yourself. Retreat and alert us on the radio. Lets go.", Okisho said while making his way towards the aviary.

Moments later, the rest of them, would arrive to the Aviary. The entrance was littered with debris of turned over chairs, broken desks, and papers scattered everywhere. The signs of struggle and pandemonium were indisputably present, as well as the pungent smell of bird feces. The environment, within the cage was that of a foggy forest. The ceilings were not visible, for only clouds of grey water vapor hung to it. The fog mentioned before really did aid much in seeing the environmental structures and design further out into the distance.  Slowly drawing a kunai, holding it in a reversal handle style. He hoped to catch the asset off guard, and allow Kazusa to use his earth entrapment jutsu to pin the asset down once again. Before he slowly enters the foggy domain, he looks back at his team to check in on their status.
TWC/ 1,412
TMWC/ 2,182
Kazusa Uchiha
Kazusa Uchiha
Stat Page : The Hidden Leaf's Bully
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Where The Wild Things Are. Empty Re: Where The Wild Things Are.

Sat Jun 15, 2024 7:20 pm
"Two more left. No... twentyyy three? I know for sure there are two large sources just like the first two we encountered. But one of them is surrounded by a lot of lesser souls. Very sporadic in their movements. The hell is going on up there?"

Pathetic. Kazusa listened as the other ninja answered his question but his only thought had been that single word. It should take much more than some extra creatures to panic a shinobi. Especially one that had been at the job longer than him. But he was saved from giving a response when another shinobi from the squad spoke up.

"Hey um, Sif? Would one of those chakra IDs be drooling saliva that may contain toxic bacteria and paralytic attributes? I'm only asking for a friend..."

Now that would be an interesting fight. He wondered if it was one he would be capable of fighting. He didn't have many techniques to take down such a creature. But it was a thought left for later as Okisho spoke up.

"That's going to be a very big problem, since we aren't suppose to kill any of the assets. Remember, these things cost more than our annual salary. Ok, let's head to the aviary first. Sif, you stay here and keep an eye out for any movement that comes out of that tunnel. If the asset does show up, do not engage by yourself. Retreat and alert us on the radio. Lets go."

With that Kazusa followed him up to the aviary. The area looked like a disaster had struck littered with debris and mess and the air held an unpleasant musty stank of uncleaned bird and waste. Not too far from them was a large cage that held what seemed to be a mist filled forest. The fog was all enveloping, hiding the ceiling, ground and anything much further than a few feet in a thick sheet of mist.

Kazusa knew that mist would be trouble. Being able to see their opponents would be important and not all of their team had abilities like the sharingan to allow them to see chakra. He also wasn't sure how effective his earth techniques would be against aerial opponents. But he didn't allow any of his tension show as he slowly followed Okisho into the mist. It wasn't long before he couldn't see much aside from the chakra fields that noted where the team was. They advanced moderately quickly and quietly as they tried to favour stealth over speed. It seemed to be going well until Kazusa saw a large mass of chakra up ahead. As they neared it all seemed to be going well until- SNAP. One of the squadmates stepped on a branch on the unseeable ground as they advanced. With a loud cry the mass of chakra up ahead took into the air and Kazusa was left with a sinking feeling that everything was about to go wrong.

WC: 492
TWC: 1,260
MTWC: 2,674/3,000
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Where The Wild Things Are. Empty Re: Where The Wild Things Are.

Mon Jun 17, 2024 3:32 pm
Traversing the haunting mist, the sound of a twig snapping echoed throughout the area. Okisho looks up to see a large source opf chakra form above them high above the ground. 'This is it', he gathered his strength and fortitude to endure what was coming next. The loud screeching sounds become more menacing as the source of chakra surged. However, to their surprise, would begin to dissipate. It revealed a perched figured a few meters north from where they were. The upgraded condor, twisting its neck, pierces through each shinobi's soul with an intimidating glare. Finally, the condor's army of bird come swooping down to drill their sharp beaks into the intruding shinobi.

Okisho, taking in all the information on the field, snaps back to the rest off the team while forming handseals. "These animals aren't enhanced. Do what you can!", he wings back towards the on coming threat and expels a stream of fire towards them. The swarm of birds headed at his position fly upwards almost immediately to avoid the harsh flames. Okisho keeps this up, and adds in other jutsu multiple times to fend off the birds.

"AHHAAA GUYS! *sounds of struggling and kunai bouncing off he walls/hard surfaces* I could use some help here.. Jesus! look at the size of that thing!" The Kunochi, who was in charge of watching the tunnel, was seen facing a 2 meter tall, 4 meters long murderous brown Komodo Dragon. The dragon slowly approached the kunochi with poisonous droll seeping out of it's mouth. The path way leading to the Aviary was cut off but smaller, yet till normal sized Komodo dragons. She was cut off, and caught off guard from the swarm of dragons now converging on her position. It 's heavy weight slowed its movement, but still posed as a threat none the less.  

"Copy that, Sif! Just hold on! OKisho!", the other shinobi ran to Okisho to relay what already was spoken over the comms.  

Again, a loud screech was a heard from afar from the once resting Condor. Finally, the Avian King was ready to enter the brawl. It perked up, puffing it's chest out only to flap it's monstruous wing span towards the group. It created a powerful gust of wind, tearing up the landscape before it, and soon the team as well should they get caught in the storm. Okisho, analyzing what appeared to be a jutsu coming from the Condor. He expels another stream of fire towards it, only to morph into a spider like creation of fire. Along with his new creation, his jutsu came with another feature. A ring of fire would form outwards towards the Condor.    

"Earth Style: Mud Fall!", yelled the other shinobi. A portal above the conder would form, releasing thick mud upon the Condor. The mud was so thick, the condor's wing became heavy to the point where aching flight would be next to impossible. Plus, with the add effect of the heat coming from the wall of flames, it harden along the its body. With flight no longer an option, and mobility restricted. The Asset submitted to the combination attack, and remained as it was, trapped before the team of genin.

"You want breakfast!? you gotta catch it assholes!", Sif yelled while continuing the fend off the dragons single handedly. Her experience with wind style jutsu allowed her to keep the dragons at bay. But her chakra was finite, her reserves dwindled with each use of her jutsu. Despite her remarkable perseverance, she was still incredibly in danger. 'Atta Girl, Sif! We are on the way!", the other shinobi yelled! Okisho, along with the anyone else who followed were seen backtracking towards the main hall to back up Sif. Along their way, they fought off against dragons which was no easy feat. There were even some in the hallway, lingering about. Although they weren't upgraded, natured made sure that they were armed with natural toxins and claws.  

Moments later, the team would stand victorious. They remained whole, with no casualties as far as they were concerned. The assets were contained in numerous ways. This was a good mission, in Okisho's eyes. A test of skill, fortitude, and adherence to the directives given to them by the higher ups. "Good job everyone!" Okisho said before radioing to the police outside that everything was taken care of.
later on that day, the higher ups reviewed the mission. Despite the mission being a B rank, intel suggested that it should have been an A rank, due to the strict guidelines and dangerous assets augmented by the scientist. The Higher ups granted each shinobi who performed the mission a medal of honor, for their hard work...

After Credits...

Sif received recommendations towards joining the Anbu. OKisho, along with a few others, had never seen her again.

The "other shinobi", took a job manning the post at the boarders due to the pay. He continues to perform adequately.

Okisho, continues to strive and find himself. It was his first medal ever given to him, which he himself uses to motivate himself through his aimless times.

And Kazusa... The higher ups continue to keep an ever watchful eye over the recent graduate who performed an A rank level mission. Forecast predicts the shinobi to become a useful asset in the future.    
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Where The Wild Things Are. Empty Re: Where The Wild Things Are.

Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:50 pm
Okisho Uchiha wrote:Exit, Claiming 6,000 Ryo and 30 AP
TWC/ 2,302
TMWC/ 3,564
2,302 words towards Talented V7, 2,301/3,750 words (reduced due to maxed stats)
2,000 words to memorize Kazusa's Chakra Sig

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