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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Of a return...home...was this necessary (Entrance) Empty Of a return...home...was this necessary (Entrance)

Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:43 pm
With the initial leg of the Moon Basho complete, Tkaeshiyama found himself making his way back hoome.  He'd enjoyed meeting Yama a man with some promise in the sport, and had even enjoyed coaching and watching Daiki who had a little less, but made up for it in his attitude.  Still, he was feeling relieved that his exhibition had gone well and that the thing was done.  Not that it would have hurt his record to have taken a defeat, but it would have hurt his pride.  Still the match went well enough, even though he felt a slight twinge in his back.  It was with all this on his mind, when he got a rather irritating message from Ren.

Supposedly they had finally gotten together and mostly completed much of the construction that had been going on in the background of his life.   If this was a story one might wonder why he had never mentioned it before now, as though it was sort of happening but wasn't and there was a whole approval and limbo process.  No, this isn't a story. the fact is Takeshiyama, Kaito the Oni....just didn't give a shit.  So while there was a lot going on all around him, he'd ignored it for the more important business of his own life and tasks.  Still it appeared he couldn't ignore it any longer, as Ren had requested he officially register with the village as a guest.  A mandatory task, made even more so by the fact that his house was located within the up and coming place.  Maybe he shouldn't have built it there and found a more peaceful location.....but what was done was done, and the thought of paying the carpenter another astronomical fee just didn't sit well with him at the time being.  

So, he made his way to the gates where Ren had promised to meet him.  He'd approach and see some new faces loitering around...the supposed newly hired and appointed gate guards.  It was interesting how slowly, and yet how quickly things like this can start to appear.  

For his part having just come from the tournament, he was tired and a bit more disheveled than his normal appearance.  Sweat had come and gone down his face, and he'd untied his hair so it flowed freely much longer than one might expect given it was constantly tied so tight.  His kimono was left off his shoulders, so he strode shirtless with the fabric loose, he'd also opted to kick off the clogs and placed them in the bag with the muwashi that desperately needed a wash.  With all of this...he hoped Ren would realize he wasn't in the mood for some grand task, especially when he felt he had been here since practically day one.  

It was a turn of events that the girl that seemed so happy go lucky had taken up as the leader of the place...the one that he had worked with on his very first job in moon.  You never could tell about the ambitions of others, and now the man he had spent hours and hours alongside in the mines was the deputy leader.  

Wiggly-Woo hung loosely around his neck, with teh kimono down there was no hiding his face.  Instead, he kept it up right, the 5-foot-long snake wrapped several times around the man's throat, its head bobbing as he walked towards the little station that had been set up to get everyone sorted out with the village.  Spying Ren sitting at the desk he would approach the man with a wave of a large arm before walking the short distance up to him.

"Is this really all necessary....I would hope you all know who I am by now..."   He would say in his low voice.  He couldn't hide that annoyance in his voice, but he did manage to keep his eyes from rolling....mostly.  "I left all the papers on my way out this morning, do you just need me to sign something?"  He would listen to whatever instructions that Ren provided, and then he would do it.  Any signatures and documents he would fill out with a sloppy hand, his writing barely above that of scratches and Xs on paper.  Once it was compelte he would ask if there was anything else before remembering something.  

"By the way, never say there is debts between us."  He'd say before reaching into his bag.  The ryo would stink of sweat, but it was all there.  Every dollar that he had borrowed to accumulate the knowledge of the samurai.  "Just don't be shocked at my fee if you ask me to start training ever runt in this place."  He'd say with a shrug, the 150 thousand ryos falling onto the table Infront of the man.

TWC - 798
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Of a return...home...was this necessary (Entrance) Empty Re: Of a return...home...was this necessary (Entrance)

Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:00 pm
This morning had dawned like the last few, with no real particularities to them. There was a gentle light filtering through the curtains of his room, creating a dappled pattern of light on the walls that surrounded him. Sakoshi had begun this day like the others, rooted in a simplicity and a mindfulness that pretty much defined his entire existence. He would throw his legs out of his bed, slowly bring himself to an upright position. He wiped the hair out of his eyes and he rubbed the tired out of them as well. He stood from his bed, and it was then that he heard familiar footsteps coming towards his door, Ren.

Sure enough, Ren would open his door after knocking. His face was plain, but with a hint of tiredness. Sakoshi was sure that ren had been tired from having to help with so much of the village prep and set up. But regardless, Ren seemed to enjoy it. The next words were exactly what Sakoshi had been expecting, Gate duty. Ren would ask him to fulfill the post once more, and Sakoshi would wave him off saying that he would do the job for him.

Even though Sakoshi was by nature lazy and unmotivated, he did see that there was quite the draw to being able to have authority over people entering the village or not. It was always a funny little thing, reading peoples' minds. Most people only told you a fraction of what they were truly thinking. He had already seen others that had killed people, robbed people, and done awful things. But that wasn't what he was truly worried about when it came to people entering the village. He was more concerned with the people's ability to provide for the village that he was guarding.

Anyone had the capability to kill someone else, or cause others to be killed. But it was the intention that really drew his attention. If someone was killing people for the sake of it, then of course they wouldn't be allowed into the village, but it was those that killed for a reason that he had no problems with. There was Travin, an Iburi clan member who had spent much of his life stealing and killing from others. But yet, he was still allowed in by Sakoshi himself. Why? It's because it was always for a reason, even if the reason was money.

Plus when he had read his mind, there was no contract to be found on anyone within the land of Moon, so why fret about it? Ren would leave his room and start heading back down the hall towards the kitchen. Sakoshi would slowly start getting himself dressed and ready for the day of standing at the gates. That had to be the hardet part of the whole ordeal was standing at the gates with little to do but talk to people. It wasn't that he didn't like talking to people, which he really didn't all that much, it was the standing around.

But when he accepted the task from Ren, he understood just what it all meant for him. He realized the weight of the decision and just what it could mean if the wrong person was allowed into the village, but still he took on the challenge because it was something that he could do and use his rather particular skills to help aid the village in its entirety. He was nearly done getting ready when he started to consider if he was going to eat anything on the way to the gates. He decided against it and he was off through the kitchen, passing Ren and out the door.

It was a few minutes later that he realized that Ren had teleported directly behind him, and he wasn't sure why. Ren revealed that his plan was to go to the gates with him today because Takeshiyama had planned on coming through the gates that day, as a first time going to the village and he didn't want to miss it. Sakoshi was fine with this as he didn't really care either direction as to whether or not Ren was there, as it didn't affect the fact that he got to read people's minds in the process.

He had a hunger growing for him and his mind reading. It was envigorating being able to learn so much about people. There would come a time where he would be the most learned person in the village, and he wanted that reality like no other. It was an invigorating idea, and it was something that he had the process of being able to achieve. He just needed to find the right minds to read, and once he got to that point, he would be able to start stealing just the information that he needed.

The rest of the journey towards the village gates were a silent one. He didn't really enjoy talking all that much, and Ren was the type of respect his wishes on that, so he wouldn't bother him too much as he readied himself for the day at hand. During his travel towards the gate, he would think of the gate's purpose. They were of course a means to keep people out through a physical barrier, but there was truly much more to it. The gate symbolized the growth of the people within it, something he truly couldn't care less about the more he thought about it.

He arrived at the gate, and there was already a plethora of people that were waiting to be let into the village. He was surprised at how many people were interested in joining the village as it seemed that it had been non stop for the passed few days, unending amounts of minds that he had read. He had already learned so much about the world through the travelers that had gone before him. He had witnessed some of the events happening in their minds, and he was astonished at what the world had to offer.

The gates were opened, and he looked upon the people queued, waiting for him. He would let out a sigh and rub his eyes lightly. Ren would place his hand on his shoulder and reassure him that this was going to be okay and they would get through this. Ren was was always the type to reassure others. Sakoshi wasn't sure how so much positivity could fit within one human being, but he was a living testament of someone being filled to the brim with positivity and love, that was for certain.

The first on the agenda to be let in was none other than the man that Ren had wanted to see, Takeshiyama. The large man stood out of the crowd, because not everyone was as massive and the size of a small house. So Sakoshi would greet Takeshiyama with a wave and a bow. Ren doing the same, the two began to talk amongst each other. Sakoshi was enamored by the snake that hung around his neck. He asked to pet it, and if he was given permission, he would place his hand gently along the body of the snake.

Ren would accept money from Takeshiyama, the money that he was owed from the debt that he had gotten earlier before the village had been constructed. Then Ren would bow to Takeshiyama and would teleport out of the situation before too long, leaving Sakoshi to handle the rest of the gate. He looked upon the large man and he would begin his protocol that was for the village's entrance ritual.

To begin Sakoshi would smile and speak thusly, "Hello Takeshiyama. I know that you have been a good friend to those of Tsukigakure no Sato and to those that have founded it. But we have instituted a protocol to prevent intruders from entering. This is a thing that we're just going to get through so you can enter and I can get to those that truly need to be scanned, okay?" Should Takeshiyama agree then Sakoshi would continue. He held out his hand, and he would look the sumo in the eyes, "I require your hand, and eye contact for just a moment, please. This is what will gain me access to your mind, so I can get through our processes and get this over with."

He would look into the man's eyes and grab onto his hand, feeling it's heavy burden laying across his own hand. It would be then that he would soak in the man's memories. Everything that the sumo had done in his life would suddenly be sucked into his vast amounts of knowledge. The tournaments, the clan that he was in, every single thing that had ever happened to Takeshiyama was now being witnessed by the sloth of Tsukigakure no Sato. There was much to unpack, so he would begin from the beginning of his life and start moving towards the present.

As he began scanning the man's mind, he would begin with asking his questions. "I have three questions that I must ask everyone that wishes to enter into our gates. Should you answer them honestly, then we shall pass through this piece of the interview. First question. How many have you killed or had die through your actions?" He would ask this question and begin to scan the man's memories for anything that would have to do with him killing another individual. There was of course death in the man's life. He had taken care of many things that needed taken care of.

But when it came to murder, he didn't see anything that was too peculiar or concerning for him when it came to his situation. When he found that the question was answered in its entirety, he would move on to the next question. "Second question. What brings you to Tsukigakure no Sato?" Again, as with the question before, he would scan the man's memories to see what would bring him to the village and if he planned on staying for a while. What he found is the leader of the village, another juicy little mind that he wanted to read, asking him to stay a while, and Ren piling onto that.

There was a bit of hesitation when it came to the idea of staying here. He was much like Ren used to be, having a wanderlust that brought him to many parts of the world, not wanting to build up too much of a connection to any particular place. Sakoshi could appreciate the idea of wanting to forever be on the road. Having the day guide you as you went, but this individual seemed to be guided more so by his tournaments than he was by mere fate and destiny.

When his second question was answered in a sufficient way, he would move to the third question, a question that often caused people to stir in their minds, but it was his favorite question to ask. "What is your most closely guarded goal in life?" The thing about this question was he didn't care what their goal was. What he truly cared about was the reaction to the question upon being asked. To many, this question was something that caused them to go deep in thought, and it was when people were deep in thought that he enjoyed reading their mind the most.

He would listen to the man's final answer to his final question, and when he felt sated with the answer, he would release the man's hand and he would release the eye contact with Takeshiyama. After the interview, he would bow to the man, thanking him for the cooperation and the time that he spent dealing with the protocol, apologizing once more when he would see Takeshiyama come out of the mind reading. "Thank you, Takeshiyama. Also, welcome to Tsukigakure no Sato. I hope you find all that you seek within our hallowed walls."

Used Psycho Mind Transmission
Used Eye Mind Reading
WC: 2000
TWC: 2000

Allowing Takeshiyama into the village
Learning Takeshiyama's chakra signature
Receiving the money from Takeshiyama on behalf of Ren. Money will go to Ren's inventory.

WC Claims:
+688 towards double mastering Eye Mind Reading (complete) (Previous Progress)
+1125 towards Unity Seal (Complete)
+187 towards Sixth Sense (187/1500)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Of a return...home...was this necessary (Entrance) Empty Re: Of a return...home...was this necessary (Entrance)

Sat Mar 23, 2024 12:25 am
During the conversation between Ren and Kaito, Sakoshi would make a request.  It almost seemed like Takeshiyama had ignored him as he made no movement or acknowledgement of the mans desire to touch the large black and cream snake.  Still just at that moment one might have believed they had gone unheard, the snake moved.  Its muscles propelling it forward to reach out towards the man.  It's eyes looking into the man's own.  A light of something more than just animal intellect could be gleamed within those eyes.  To a fellow man with powerful sensory abilities it wouldn't take much to realize that just maybe this creature wasn't exactly what it appeared.  As he would run his fingers along the scales the snake wouldn't break eye contact, staring deep into the man as though he wished to say something, but couldn't.  In truth the creature could speak to Kaito at will, a technique that was as disconcerting as Ren's telepathy seal.  Perhaps with continue practice the creature would eventually be able to perform this ability with others, its time washed in the chakra of the Tenga ruins providing it with gifts above any of the hatchlings that had come with it.  

  As they finished talking, Ren would vanish, a strange technique but one that Takeshiyama had seen once before so he was doing his best to get used to it.  He would turn and listen to Sakoshi, as the man explained protocols and formalities.  With a grunt he would reach out a ham sized hand taking the man's, giving it a tighter than necessary squeeze just to make sure he knew that he felt this  whole thing was ridiculous.  Looking down he would stare into the guards eyes, and wait for something to happen.  

He truly felt nothing, and he wondered if it was just a trick to sus out liars.  Still even as he held the man's hand certain memories flashed through his mind.  Times of his childhood and his first steps within the dohyo, wrestling and winning against the other boys in the clan of the Ushitora in Demon country, years and years gone by that he hadn't thought about in some time.  heart breaks and triumphs all of it flashed before he was broken from this revere by the questions.  

Even as the question was asked, his mind went through the visions.  "Seven"  He would say simply.  Each death would flash quickly.  Some had been bandits on the road, one a fellow clan member in an ancient ritual of bravery, and one another wrestler when he had not known how to control his strength and his opponent had taken an unlucky fall after a heavy throw.  In truth, there had never been a careless kill, or even what Takeshiyama would consider murder.  Accidents, self defense though.,...the world was a cruel place, and he'd lived long enough that there was no way to escape such things.  

Secondly, he was questioned on if he would stay and why he was here.  First and foremost, the Moon Basho came to mind, as the reason he came her.  Why he had taken an escort job to pay his way to get here, and then the people he had met that asked for his help in preparation of the tournament.  Still there was no true answer on if he would stay or go after the tournament.  In truth there was no answer because he did not know it.  He saw the draw of the village but he also saw the draw of more tournaments.  It would soon become clear that many of these things would be known after this tournament, and if his dreams where alive oir if he had finally aged out of glory.  

"To become Yokozuna....there is no other goal.  never has been since I was a child."  He would say matter of factly.  The answer rang true, no hint of doubt or self fooling.  It had been his dream for so long, and nothing had changed.  There was worry if he would achieve it, but there was nothing else had had worked for over the last several decades.

The questions answered, he would be allowed in.  He'd make his way home, thinking there had been no reason for that whole charade of an interview.  He'd have just told the man.

As he moved through the village, he would look around.  Seeing the new buildings and people that had all seemed to come from no where.  It was amazing how fast certain things could occur.  As for his own home, while it wasn't near the hustle and bustle of the city proper, it still fell within the gates, and therefore it too was no longer the safe haven of isolation it used to be, though thinking on it it never really was in the first place anyway.  

He'd slowly walk home greeting some with a nod, or a wave but mostly ready to fall into bed after perhaps a sit int he sauna and then a shower.  Once home he'd throw his bag in the house, set the stones and fire and sit in the sauna, stripping down to nothing.  Though there where more people around these days, he had no inclination to change his already predetermined habits.  It would be up to them to look away if they were so offended.  Once in the Sauna he would think back on the memories that had flooded through his mind when Sakoshi had touched his hand.  Memories that he had not thought of in a great deal of time.  Specifically, that of his home.  There was a basho in demon country every year, it marked the final tournament of the year proper, one that he had not competed in for nearly thirty years.  It had been there that his fellow competitor had been killed, when he was still new to the sport, and still coming into his own as not only a wrestler but a man.  His strength, he had very little control back then, and he worked on all adrenaline and aggression.  A very different man than the people of this village knew.  

Still it had been an accident, but had still led to the falling out.  It had made a chain reaction that had caused him to adopt the life of a traveling rikishi.  Something he did not regret, but that did give him a pause to think of.  His own parents surely were dead by this time, if not then very old.  Perhaps he should return home, at least one more time.  

All these thoughts nearly caused him to fall asleep in the steam.  A hiss in his mind caused him to start and exit, maybe saving his life.  Grabbing some water, he would go into his home and shower of not only the sweat of the day but also the memories that had come with it.  Maybe he would go, maybe he wouldn't.  It wasn't something that would be decided today either way.  With that comforting thought he would fall into bed, Wiggly-Woo taking up his standard spot on the windowsill looking out past the house, keeping watch on those that came close.  His dreams where pleasant, perhaps due to his minds own tiredness on looking through so many memories.  

TWC - 2012

Exit into the village


For Takeshiyama
166,375 starting ryo - 150k for paying back Ren = 16,375 new ryo total

for Wiggly Woo
+10 to speed
+5 to strength

500 to Communication technique
1.5k to learn Third Eye

Memorizing Sakoshi Kurosawa's chakra signature for Wiggly-woo
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

Of a return...home...was this necessary (Entrance) Empty Re: Of a return...home...was this necessary (Entrance)

Sat Mar 23, 2024 5:34 pm
Sakoshi Kurosawa wrote:
Used Psycho Mind Transmission
Used Eye Mind Reading
WC: 2000
TWC: 2000

Allowing Takeshiyama into the village
Learning Takeshiyama's chakra signature
Receiving the money from Takeshiyama on behalf of Ren. Money will go to Ren's inventory.

WC Claims:
+688 towards double mastering Eye Mind Reading (complete) (Previous Progress)
+1125 towards Unity Seal (Complete)
+187 towards  Sixth Sense (187/1500)

Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

Of a return...home...was this necessary (Entrance) Empty Re: Of a return...home...was this necessary (Entrance)

Sat Mar 23, 2024 5:35 pm
Takeshiyama wrote:
TWC - 2012

Exit into the village


For Takeshiyama
166,375 starting ryo - 150k for paying back Ren = 16,375 new ryo total

for Wiggly Woo
+10 to speed
+5 to strength

500 to Communication technique
1.5k to learn Third Eye

Memorizing Sakoshi Kurosawa's chakra signature for Wiggly-woo

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