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Yama Kokoro
Yama Kokoro
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

He finds a way Empty He finds a way

Tue Mar 19, 2024 12:24 pm
Mission Details:
Yama Kokoro
Yama Kokoro
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

He finds a way Empty Re: He finds a way

Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:52 pm
His rather questionable skills were put into great use only a few hours. He had nearly convinced four men to choose one of them to be brutally murdered while they watched, simply for throwing a woman to the ground. But if he was honest the group was a bit noisy, and maybe they truly did deserve to have their leader killed. Bandits were always such a nasty sort, and it took someone just as nasty or worse to bring them back down to the planet. He liked to envision that the men were now going to become simple gardners if it meant not having to deal with Yama ever again, which he felt was exactly what he wanted for them.

He wasn't sure if that reality was what would ever happen to him, the idea of starting a family and settling down. He knew that that would never happen should he get together with Akaime, but he thought of the children that could be adopted and how happy that would make him. When he was in captivity, he always wanted to see children, they were by far the greatest joys that he ever had in his village when he was a young adult, and the joy that children brought him never seemed to cease.

He pushed the thoughts to the side for now, as the shopkeep told him that he had helped the day before that there was a job that he was looking to have someone strong and capable do, but he didn't trust just anyone with the job. The shopkeep told him of the others that he had asked to do this job, both of which were members of the village that were starting to be developed a little farther north in the island. One man was rather large like Yama, and the other was supposed to be taking the job, an arhcer by the name Kitsu. But he was told by Ren that there would be another to take the position today.

Yama shrugged and nodded his head, he wasn't terribly concerned with just who he was to do this job with. But he was concerned with keeping his little deeds quiet, so he figured it would be best to do whatever the shopkeep wanted for now, as he was the only witness to his deeds. So he would play nice, for as long as it was required to get this man to quiet himself.

When he accepted the job, he began walking towards the settlement, and he would read the print out that laid out the job description onto it. The job seemed simple enough: meet with the seller of a rather exotic bird and transport the bird back to the shopkeep. Not entirely sure why he would want to hire him for such a job, maybe to encounter some resistance? He wasn't sure who would want to try and steal the pet, but he was adamant that he was the one for the job.

When he would reach the settlement, there would be two individuals standing there, side-by-side seeming to be waiting for him. When he saw the two, the shopkeep was correct about the first man. It was the man that he had met at the tournament. He would wave hello to him as he continued to get closer to them. The other individual was smaller, by a significant degree. He had dark hair and was rather plain looking. He didn't seem to be excited to be there, but of course neither was he, so that was fair enough. When he arrived at their position, he would give a simple hello before asking if they were ready to take on this mission.

When the team was ready to go, they would set off to the seller's position. He wasn't too familiar with the island's settlements yet, so he would let the other big man take the lead when it came to guiding them through and getting to the meet up location. As they walked, he would speak with the large man about what he had been getting into and what his activities were throughout the village. Yama was always the curious sort, and this man seemed to share a kinship with him, maybe not by blood, but in spirit.

They arrived at the seller's position, and this is when Yama would take the lead as the shopkeep would have asked. He knocked on the door, and a weird shuffling of feet scattering across the floor behind the door. Yama would take a step back, awaiting for the door to open. After a few minutes of waiting, the door would slowly swing open, and an odd looking individual would poke his head out the door. He asked if he was here about a pet, and Yama had confirmed that that was what they were there for.

The man would open the door the rest of the way, and shove a cage into his chest and shut it rather rapidly. Yama was taken aback for a moment, unsure of what just happened, but he would think no further as he turned around to the others with him. He would hold up the cage, and shrug his shoulders, saying that it looked like the job was half over already. The group would walk through the settlement once again, this time Yama knew where they were going because he had just been there.

They arrived at the shopkeeper's store, and when Yama entered, the man would be overjoyed to see that there wasn't any issues with the delivery. Yama was exceedingly confused as to what the issue was, but he decided not to inquire upon the man's odd antics about this particular package delivery, deciding it was best to simply let it lie and let the man have his fun, even if it was a bit off. But that isn't where the man would leave the day, as he saw Yama and the other two walk away, he would beckon them back to his counter.

The shopkeep would tell him that there was a rather... unfortunate leak in his supply. There was a man who had taken some of his materials and turned them into rather potent poisons and began to spread their effects through the nearby settlement. It was causing some to go mad, while it was causing others to become and sick and even die. The shopkeep would ask the group if they would be willing to track down the materials and see if they could bring the man responsible back to the shop, or to simply kill him.

Yama would admit that the latter option was the more likely outcome, but he would certainly take on this job for him. Yama turned to the others, and asked if they wanted to come along with him to complete this mission as well, saying that he could use the back up, especially when it came to tracking the individual as that was certainly not his strong suit. Should the two accept his offer, then they would be off once more into the settlement to find out just who was causing these problems to happen to the people within.

They would start scanning the areas, trying to find evidence of a man doing some mischevious deeds, and even the man that was with them, who went by the name Sakoshi seemed to have a way to read people's minds. He would note this ability, noting that he didn't want to be on the other end of that exchange for some pretty obvious reasons. But after they had found someone that was currently sick from the poisons that had been given out, Sakoshi would begin to read their mind to try and find out who may have done this to them.

After reading the woman's mind, they had an idea of just who was performing these deeds, but finding him was going to be the other issue. Sakoshi said that he had his face in his mind, but they were going to have to find the man that he believed responsible. Sakoshi would explain the likelihood of finding the man was nearing the realm of impossibility, so he suggested that they instead put their focus on trying to heal the people that were sick, and he would give the face of the man to the proper authorities, namely Ren, via his telepathic link, and then they would be able to catch the man later on.

Yama would agree to this and ask how they would be able to help the sick, when none of them had any capabilities of helping in such a regard. Sakoshi would suggest the idea of bringing water to those that are sick, as that would be a way to help them fight off the sickness caused. Yama figured that that would be the best way that he could help. He would let Takeshiyama help in any way that he found necessary, but he was fine with just providing water to the sick and needing.

He would grab a few buckets, and line them onto a few sticks that he would throw over his shoulder and start heading towards the river. When he arrived to the river, he would begin filling the buckets with water, one by one he would load them back onto the sticks, sling them back over his shoulders, and then he would wander back into the village, ready to distribute the water to those in need. Sakoshi seemed to be going house to house, gathering more information on the man or men that had distributed the poisons, and he wasn't sure just what Takeshiyama would be doing in this situation.

For a few hours he would deliver the water to the people, do odd jobs for those that were too sick to do them themselves, and he would think of just how dangerous Sakoshi's ability to read minds was. If he was ever the target, then he would be concerned for his own welcome at the island. Takeshiyama didn't seem to mind his presence, but that is because he didn't know just what he had done before he had gotten here.

He knew that it was worthless to worry about such things, as it would only make him seem suspicious. So he would try not to give the others a reason not to trust him by continuing to provide the villagers with whatever they were needing at that time. When he was finished giving the water and doing the odd jobs for the sick, he would reunite with the other members of their makeshift little party. Sakoshi would instruct that he had a decent idea of what the man looked like and where he may be after reading the minds of many in the village, so he would send the information off to Ren so he would be able to handle the situation.

Sakoshi then bowed to the other two before leaving for whatever village or settlement that they had originated from. He would bow to Takeshiyama, thanking him for all of his help during this day full of missions. He noted that the sun was beginning to set and the day was coming to a close, he would leave for the other end of the settlement, where he would hope to be able to find a good place to sleep for the night.

He was realizing that living his life with no money was getting to be tiresome as sleeping on the floor did get old after a while. But for now, content is the state he would remain for the time being. He thought of Akaime, and the beauty that his life would be filled with if he could truly be with him. But for now those were pipe dreams, something that he would have to think about in his daydreams through the day, but hopefully one day he could make them a reality. In the mean time, he would find a place in the midst of the pines, and he would fall asleep to gentle embrace of the earth, and the calming sensation that was the river beside him.

WC: 2031
TWC: 2031

Completion of 2 B rank missions
+12k Ryo
+60 AP
Current bonus AP once this is approved = 719

WC Claims:
Moving 20 speed to Chakra (Reducing Speed to 99 and bumping chakra to 21)
+1000 towards double mastering Block.(complete) (Mastering for power) (Previous Progress)
+1000 towards mastering Leaf Great Whirlwind (complete) (mastering for power)
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

He finds a way Empty Re: He finds a way

Tue Mar 19, 2024 4:15 pm
There was nothing like waking up in the morning to an empty room. Truly he didn't care for sleeping around others, they were noisy and could be such a drag to wake up next to, getting in your way and overall just being a nuisance. But what was even nicer than waking up to an empty room, was not having a single thing to do that day. Those were the days that made him truly love his life of having to care very little. But lately, he had been making his days filled with some rather interesting activities.

He had been going around the village, reading peoples' minds. Ever since he learned what he could do with his chakra in regards to sensory, he had been focusing on learning as much as he could with it. He had learned to even read people's minds by simply looking into their eyes. He had learned from his creator Ren that there were people from their tribe, the Yamanakas that were adept at all things sensory, and ever since then he had been trying to learn all he could. He especially loved to shake people's hands, just so he could get an idea of everything they had ever done in their lives. It was incredible the amount of secrets that he had in his arsenal now.

He hadn't yet read the minds of his other soon to be villagers, but he had made it a point in his mind to do just that as soon as he could. He was working on his abilities to read minds more proficiently, but it would indeed take time for him to be able to perform such acts, especially without other people knowing because that was a skill by itself. But today, it was not a day that he was allowed to simply exist without having responsibilities.

Today, he was given a special task by Ren. He was told that there was a shopkeeper in a nearby settlement, something about someone needing something from someone else, it was all very technical, and way too much for him to truly pay any attention to. Sakoshi would instead just form a few handseals and read Ren's mind. He would picture in his mind of the note that he had received. He asked Ren where the note was and if he could just leave him alone for the rest of the morning while he got ready.

Ren would shrug and hand him the letter before walking out of his room. Sakoshi would lie there for about half an hour before moving. He didn't truly want to get up, he didn't want to do anything regarding movement, but unfortunately he had to. Slowly he was to get out of his bed, he threw his legs onto the ground and lifted himself from the mattress. With a few groans and moans he was finally out of bed, and out onto the road to go meet with Takeshiyama at the meeting point.

Sakoshi hadn't spent too much time outside of the village, except for when he was on missions just like this one. Especially not by himself. So he decided that he was going to go and find Takeshiyama as he left the village so he could walk alongside him. Once he found the man, he would greet him and ask if he could walk with him to the meeting point that he was sure Ren must have told him about as well through the telepathy seal. Should he not have been informed quite yet, then Sakoshi would explain that Ren had a job for them both. Something about meeting a man to go see another man about picking up a pet for some reason.

Sakoshi wasn't exactly one hundred percent as to why they were getting this job in the first place, but he also wasn't the type to start asking questions about the jobs he was given, so he would just take it. The two would arrive at the meeting spot after about an hour's walk when they would see a man even larger than Takeshiyama himself. He stood roughly 7 feet tall and he was as wide as he had ever seen a man.

To say he was impressed would be an understatement, just the sheer size of the man was something to be impressed by. He also seemed to move with grace and confidence that he found interesting. He couldn't think of anything more enticing than to read that man's mind, but for now he would push those thoughts aside and he would focus instead of the job at hand. The rather large man would address them both, and it would seem that him and Takeshiyama had already had a meeting together. Sakoshi would bow to greet the man back, and the man asked them both if they were ready to start the mission.

Sakoshi confirmed that he was in fact ready to begin, then he started following the large man named Yama into the settlement that was behind them. He didn't really understand much about the situation, but he did understand that they were helping someone secure a pet purchase. Through the settlement they would go, and he started noticing that there was quite a lot of sick people out in the streets at this time. He would make a mental note of it as they continued through the place until they got to a rather ominous looking store.

Yama would knock on the door as the front door was locked, and they could hear the shuffling of feet behind the door. Sakoshi would quickly form a few handseals and wait for the man to open the door. If asked what he was doing, he would whisper that he was going to read the man's mind the moment the door was opened. Shortly thereafter the door opened and Sakoshi established eye contact with him after dropping his handseals before he could see them. He would stare into the man's eyes as he talked, but he wouldn't need to do it for long.

While he was reading his mind, he saw many odd purchases being done in his shop, anywhere from pets to people. Sakoshi would see him trafficking men, women, and even children from within his stalls. He understood that this would explain just why the man was being so shady when it came to when he would open his door, but for now he would simply make a mental note of it. He knew that what he was doing was bad, but he also knew that there wasn't much that he could do about it. So he would leave it alone for now.

Yama would receive the cage with the animal inside, and the group would be off, hurriedly walking through the settlement, dodging other people and trying not to bring too much attention to themselves. Well as little as possible when there was two titans within the group. When they arrived back at the shopkeep's place of business, he accepted the package from Yama hurriedly before telling them of another problem that he was needing help with. Sakoshi would weave a few hand seals behind Yama, then he would poke his head out from behind the massive man and look into the shopkeep's eyes, reading his mind as well.

When he looked into his eyes, he saw several things. He saw things that were quite mundane, like the pets that he collected in his home. But then he also witnessed the exchanging of different materials that would be the ingredients for poisons that could be created to cause havoc for many people in the surrounding areas. The shopkeep would explain that there had been a leak in his supply, and that someone had created some poisons with his ingredients and started poisoning the people in the nearby settlement.

Sakoshi found this odd, so he asked the shopkeep why he had ingredients for poisons in his shop. The man explained that it was something that he had in stock for pests and different rats. At first this seemed to check out, but as he continued to delve into his mind, he would find that he had been having several dealings with the bandits of Tengakure Ruins. Sakoshi wouldn't divulge this information, as he felt it was better to inform Ren of this information instead. He would connect with Ren and explain the situation to him, but externally simply nod his head in understanding.

The three would be off and they would start traveling back to the settlement that they had just left to try and find the culprit of this thievery and the poisons that had been distributed. He would begin by finding some of the sick people, and reading their minds, going back a few days to see just what had happened when they first started getting sick. He would repeat this process until he had started seeing a similar individual in each of the people's minds and memories.

When he had an idea of who it was, he said that it was unlikely that they would find the man here, as he would be long gone by now. But he transmitted the image of his face that Sakoshi had seen to Ren, telling him that there was another matter that he would need to deal with later on. When he was done transmitting that to Ren, he would decide that it was time that they take care of the villagers. He offered the idea of Yama fetching them water, which he would take to immediately.

Takeshiyama would do whatever he felt was right, but Sakoshi knew that he was going to take this time to start learning some secrets from these villagers. There was something going on around here, and he wasn't sure quite what it was. He would start practicing his chakra control with his mind reading technique, trying to do it without the use of hand seals. After a few attempts, he would get a successful one. He was beginning to master this technique without too much hassle. But the more he learned about these villagers, the more he realized that there was a rather strong population of rogue shinobi that had a piece of their influence in this settlement.

He would constantly transmit the messages to Ren, trying to keep him up to date about everything that he was seeing out in the field, to which Ren would tell him that he was doing a good job. To Sakoshi, this was fun and it was far detached from anything that he would call work, to him, this was hilarious. Being able to get directly to people's deepest secrets, simply by looking into their eyes for a moment. It was truly nothing difficult and he enjoyed every moment of it.

Soon, Yama was done fetching the water and distributing it to the people of the settlement. Sakoshi had gathered quite a bit of intel about the bandits in the area, and the best part is he barely had to speak a word to anyone. Takeshiyama would do the things that he did to try and help the people of the village. But all in all, Sakoshi would find that his time in the settlement was over and it was time for him to complete his mission by walking himself back home.

He would ask Takeshiyama if he was ready to get back to the village. If he was, then he would be off with him. If he wasn't, then he would trek the road between him and his bed alone. He had learned so much today, even got himself a bit closer to mastering that mind reading technique, now all there was to do was to work a bit harder on it, and who knew what dirty little secrets that he could get his greedy little hands on. Soon he was going to be the true bearer of secrets, the one that knew all, but that would take just a little bit more practice.

WC: 2011
TWC: 2011

Completion of 2 B rank missions
+24k Ryo
+120 AP
Doubled from Beloved Presence
Current AP bonus: 260

WC Claims:
+1875 towards Mind's Eye of the Kagura (Complete)
+125 towards mastering Eye Mind Reading (Mastering for half handseals) (125/1875)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

He finds a way Empty Re: He finds a way

Tue Mar 19, 2024 10:14 pm
With the first leg of the tournament completed, now came the time of waiting. So far, the Moon basho had already started itself in a way unlike many of the tournaments he had presented himself too before.  Tournaments typically lasted around fifteen days, with each wrestler only competing once a day for each of the days.  Their records slowly adding up throughout the days.  For this tournament however, they had opted for a three-legged structure with the finals having multiple matches on the last days of the tournament.  In truth he was fine with this, it allowed for more rest, and to consider himself as things moved forward.  His initial day was made up of nothing but an exhibition match, whereas now he waited.  Waited to see who else had qualified, and what the match schedule would eventually be.  It was his understanding that in the next leg they would compete in multiple matches and from that they would decide who would be able to compete in the final day.  There was little reason to be concerned with such things however, he was more concerned with the final day that in his mind there was little doubt that he would be competing in.  

Still for the time being, he would keep his mind occupied by not only his own training but that of the odd jobs that continued to pile up.  He had officially declined Junko's advances for becoming an official member of the village's resources.  It was interesting how the shinobi put so much stock on role call and proper IDs, it was something that he had never considered and in some ways was uncomfortable with.  Perhaps it was his natural inclination to being a vagabond moving place to place, tourney to tourney without the need to be held down by a single place.  Still, he answered to the Sumo Federation that oversaw the rankings and the majority of the tournaments, so he also considered he judged the whole situation with more bias than it truly deserved.   Still, he had declined and in response she had merely asked that he continue to assist with the people around the area, and in return he would have not only safe passage but defense from whatever the village folks could provide.  This last bit seemed a touch dramatic to him, but he had bowed politely.  There was no reason to be rude.  

Today's part was something rather odd.  His charge was to accompany two others and to protect a pet.  Or the transportation of a pet....or maybe.....he truly didn't know.  He had barely glanced at the writ that contained the job details.  He trusted that when he showed up someone would just tell him what he needed to do, and then he could do it....get paid....and go home and most likely to bed.  He was already tired as though the author of his story was pushing through to get something done despite the deep-seated desire to go to bed.  

Arriving he would meet up with not only Sakoshi, a man he knew, but also with Yama, a man he also knew.  Sakoshi lived in the group home for strays that junko had started up, and that he had only recently escaped thanks to his own single room home.  Yama on the other hand was newer in town.  He had also competed in the opening leg of the Basho, and also for the first time since he had arrived in Moon, seen a man that had a normal physique.  Yama being only slightly taller, but not nearly as thick was the only physical specimen that matched Takeshiyama.  The man no doubt could afford to eat a bit more to improve his physique, but to each their own he supposed.  Reaching out he would clasp hands with both men in turn before setting out for the mission.  Yama mentioned being uncertain with the area, and seemed more than happy to have Takeshiyama lead the group.  As they walked Yama would talk to him wanting to know the lay of the land but also Kaito's own involvements in such.  He would discuss with him the different odd jobs the village often had, as easy ways to make ryo to support himself.  He mentioned the mines and the fishing that both always seemed available to anyone that may need it.  He also mentioned the best restruants as well as Daiki's bar as the best place for a drink and relaxation.  In truth they would talk enough to lead the conversation to go on until they had actually arrived at where they were supposed to go.  Looking around Takeshiyama would let Yama take the lead, something that Kaito rarely was apt to do in these situations.  It was almost always best to hang out in the back, and not have to worry about such things.

The area was....a bit ominous he thought.  They had travelled through the settlement into what he would consider a poorer area.  The building seemed run down and to be...less than on the up and up, but still who was he to judge.  Watching Yama would knock, and after a few words the door would open only to have a cage thrust into his chest and the door slammed back shut.  It all happened so quickly that He hadn't even had time to see what the man that passed off the creature looked like.  As they walked back he would look at the odd bird that was in the cage, its colorful plumage almost made it look as though it would be poisonous.  
A very strange creature to say the least.  Still a cover was used to hide it from view, and they would make their way back to the original place.  He wasn't sure why they wanted to make sure no one saw the bird, or that there might be issues, but he also hadn't opted to ask any questions.  Perhaps the creature was rare, or valuable it was hard to say and honestly didn't matter.  

Whatever danger the owner had been worried about however, was proved to be fruitless.  Perhaps he had been overly paranoid, or maybe the combination of two nearly seven feet tall men, plus another dangerous looking fellow just prevented anyone from wanting to try anything with them as they moved through the streets.  Likely at this point if someone really wanted the thing they would wait until it was handed off and the three men had left.  Ideally of course this wouldn't happen, but even more ideally, they would have already been paid and long gone, thus eliminating any moral obligation to get in a scruff over an animal.  Moving through the settlement quickly they would soon arrive back at the man's establishment and Yama would hand off the creature with a few words to the over excitement of the keeper.  In Kaito's opinion it was a little too much excitement, like those people who considered their dogs to be their children.  Something he wasn't wanting to deal he had started to walk away first, assuming the other two men could pick up the payment and hand it over to him outside.  He almost made it before he was beckoned back with a second job....something he wasn't pleased about.  It always seemed like they kept popping up.  

The second mission.....seemed delicately have been vastly more important than the first.  There was no way that this poisoning had happened in the mere hour or so it had taken them to track down and bring back a bird.  Furthermore, that likely explained why the mission was so easy if most people around had been sick.  Takeshiayma would simply rub his eye at the ridiculsness and casualness the man had dropped this revelation on them.  He was half tempted to take the bird back truth be told, but maybe another time.  Still, he would listen to the story of how some items had been stolen and he wished for the man to be captured or killed, which again seemed a little dramatic.  Sakoshi seemed to have his own skills and would talk about reading minds and sending back the identity to Ren to handle with the authorities.  All of that ninja magic shit was above his mind, so he did what he did best....he didn't think about it.  He'd listen to the plan for Yama to get water and support villagers as best as he could.

Wanting to do something different Takeshiyama would leave the other two men to do what they felt best.  Instead, he would walk around to the back of the shop to inspect the area.  It didn't take long to find a large wooden pallet leaning against the building.  Hoisting it up he would discover what was likely a hole in the wall created by a shinobi, or someone who had the abilities to move the earth with chakra.  He'd inform the shop keep of this and help in piling stone and other debris up to at least make it nearly impossible for anyone else to get in for the time being until it could be properly fixed.  He would also gather up the remnants of some of the supplies that had clearly been used to create the poison.  The only ingredient he recognized was that of Hemlock the rest he pocketed to be handed off to Ren at a later time, so as to give to the authorities.  He had very little faith that the keeper would be completely honest with what had been stolen so as not to get in trouble should any of the substances be of the illegal persuasion.  

Sakoshi had his own ways to gather information through whatever techniques he had developed, as for Takeshiyama he simply had mastered the art of the gab.  As he assisted different citizens back to their homes, gathering things for them, and doing a variety of odd jobs he would talk to all of the villagers.  They told him certain things like that of some rogue shinobi that had recently taken up residence nearby and how they seemed to be working to gain a foothold in the area for the resources.  It was likely not coincidental that that was going on at the same time of the poisoning.  He did his best to gain names and locations, something that he would also pass on to Sakoshi so that he could make sure Ren was aware.  Their information seemed to mostly match up, which he felt only added to its validity.  Before too long, many of the citizens had started to feel better.  It was hard to say how much was due to their administrations of care, and how much was that of a short acting poison.  That didn't really matter though, as their job had been to help and they had, as well as got some order back in the area by promising aid.

Not wanting to walk back with anyone Takeshiyama would bid farewell to Yama and Sakoshi.  He would make a pit stop on his way home to stop at Daiki's bar.  He had opted to stop to play a few hands of power as well as have a few drinks of sake.  No doubt Daiki was disappointed with his order, as he had heavily cut back on the sake consumption.  It would return, but he wished for the tournament to be completed before he went back to his standard orders.  Poker complete, and sake drank he would finally make his way back home.  He would use the sauna to sweat out the sins of the day before he retired to his bed.  He didn't give much thought on the day, but rather to his own performance a few days prior.  Again, he couldn't help but consider the weight of age, and how his time was slowly running out to accomplish what he wished to do.  This was likely his last chance to be able to be considered a Yokazuna....if he was unable to accomplish that....he wasn't sure what he would do.


TWC - 2011

Mission 1 6k + mission 2 6k + B rank 4k + B rank 4k = 20k ryo total

All AP (60) going to Wiggly-Woo
+15 top Vigor
+5 to speed

1k words to Temp Paralysis for Wiggly-woo
1k words to Debuff bolt for Wiggly Woo
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

He finds a way Empty Re: He finds a way

Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:47 am
Yama Kokoro wrote:
WC: 2031
TWC: 2031

Completion of 2 B rank missions
+12k Ryo
+60 AP
Current bonus AP once this is approved = 719

WC Claims:
Moving 20 speed to Chakra (Reducing Speed to 99 and bumping chakra to 21)
+1000 towards double mastering Block.(complete) (Mastering for power) (Previous Progress)
+1000 towards mastering Leaf Great Whirlwind (complete) (mastering for power)

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

He finds a way Empty Re: He finds a way

Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:47 am
Sakoshi Kurosawa wrote:
WC: 2011
TWC: 2011

Completion of 2 B rank missions
+24k Ryo
+120 AP
Doubled from Beloved Presence
Current AP bonus: 260

WC Claims:
+1875 towards Mind's Eye of the Kagura (Complete)
+125 towards mastering Eye Mind Reading (Mastering for half handseals) (125/1875)

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

He finds a way Empty Re: He finds a way

Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:47 am
Takeshiyama wrote:

TWC - 2011

Mission 1 6k + mission 2 6k + B rank 4k + B rank 4k = 20k ryo total

All AP (60) going to Wiggly-Woo
+15 top Vigor
+5 to speed

1k words to Temp Paralysis for Wiggly-woo
1k words to Debuff bolt for Wiggly Woo

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