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Daiki meeting someone special! Empty Daiki meeting someone special!

Thu Mar 07, 2024 9:22 pm
As the night wore on, Daiki found himself fully immersed in the rhythm of the bar. The air was thick with the scent of liquor and the sound of clinking glasses, laughter, and music filled the room. Behind the bar, Daiki moved with a fluid grace, his movements precise and practiced as he expertly crafted cocktails and served patrons with a warm smile.

The bar itself was a sight to behold, bathed in the warm glow of flickering candles and adorned with elegant Gothic décor. Dark wood furnishings contrasted beautifully with splashes of vibrant color, from emerald green cushions to burnt orange tapestries adorning the walls. The atmosphere was both cozy and eclectic, inviting guests to relax and unwind in its embrace.

Throughout the night, Daiki's energy never waned, his enthusiasm contagious as he engaged with customers and ensured that everyone felt welcome and appreciated. He took pride in his craft, pouring drinks with care and precision, each one a work of art in its own right.

As the hours passed and the crowd began to thin, Daiki took a moment to survey the scene before him. The bar was alive with activity, but there was a sense of satisfaction in the air, a feeling of accomplishment that filled him with pride. He had poured his heart and soul into creating this space, and seeing it come to life brought him a profound sense of fulfillment.

Just as Daiki was about to begin the process of closing up for the night, a figure caught his eye as they stepped through the door. Tall and slender, with dark hair and striking gray eyes, the newcomer exuded an aura of mystery and intrigue. His attire was understated yet stylish, with a leather jacket in a subtle slate gray hue and an array of carefully chosen accessories adorning his person.

As the stranger made his way towards the bar, Daiki couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity. There was something about the man's demeanor that piqued his interest, a sense of quiet confidence and undeniable charm that drew others towards him like moths to a flame. With a welcoming smile, Daiki greeted the stranger, eager to see what the night would bring.

Behind the polished mahogany bar counter, Daiki leaned forward attentively as he observed the mysterious newcomer approach. His gray eyes gleamed with a subtle curiosity, reflecting the warm glow of the ambient lighting in the bar. As the stranger drew nearer, Daiki noted the air of intrigue that seemed to surround him, like a cloak of enigma woven from the shadows themselves.

With each step, the stranger exuded a quiet confidence that commanded attention, his movements fluid and deliberate. Daiki couldn't help but admire the man's sense of style, from the sleek leather jacket that draped effortlessly over his slender frame to the delicate glint of jewelry that adorned his fingers and ears.

As the stranger reached the bar, Daiki greeted him with a welcoming smile, his own aura of warmth and hospitality enveloping the space between them. "Welcome fellow traveler," he said, his voice smooth and inviting. "What can I get for you tonight?"

Kutari Uchiha
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Daiki meeting someone special! Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Thu Mar 07, 2024 10:14 pm
"What a beautiful place. It would be a damn shame for it to get burned to the ground, wouldn't it?" The raven-haired Uchiha would wander through the village streets until he finally came across a bar by a waterfall in a more scenic area of the village. "The timber would simply light so easy, and with a single breath it would create a beautiful bonfire. Something almost ethereal. It would be so mesmerizing." He would muse on the burning of the beautiful building for a few moments, standing there, still as he looked across the grains of each of the boards that made up this immaculate piece of artwork.

He ended up pushing the thoughts to the side as he entered the building. There was quite a few people within the bar, not particularly interesting as it was a time of day where drinking would likely be socially acceptable. He would be wearing his slate gray jacket, even though it was hot outside. He had slick black shades that covered his eyes that matched a pair of black tight-fitting jeans. His shirt underneath the jacket was a bright white pressed shirt. He would glide through the crowd and find himself at the bar. Looking across the beautiful craftsmanship, wishing he could bring it to cinders.

Looking for the proprieter of the establishment, he would wave his hand to them in a nonchalant manner. When he was greeted, he would order the most expensive whiskey that he had on offer, and he would tell the person that he would start a tab for the day, offering a nice tip of 100 ryo to whoever he would be speaking with. When he was served, he would gladly accept the drink, and ask for two more, but put them on the rocks. He would see the mass of the man before him, and he would be in awe.

"I wonder what his body would look like if I caught it aflame. Would the muscle cause him to burn faster? Or slower? It would be fascinating to see his eyes melt within his skull from the sheer heat of the flame." He would speak to the man behind the bar, "Tell me. You have quite the stature upon you. Would you consider yourself to be of a strong lineage?" He would let the words hang on the air for a while, or until they were responded to by the mountain of a man. The thought of him burning alive would still be actively in his brain as he would listen to his response.

WC: 421
Vagabond (D-Rank)
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Daiki meeting someone special! Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Thu Mar 07, 2024 10:35 pm
As Daiki stood behind the bar, his gaze swept across the bustling crowd, taking in the eclectic mix of patrons who had gathered to enjoy the evening's offerings. His attention was momentarily drawn to the figure who had just entered, a man who exuded an air of quiet confidence as he made his way through the throng of people.

With a subtle nod of acknowledgment, Daiki noted the stranger's attire – the sleek leather jacket, the black shades, the meticulously pressed shirt – all elements that spoke of a man who took pride in his appearance. As the stranger approached the bar, Daiki couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue mingled with a hint of caution.

When the stranger ordered the most expensive whiskey on offer and generously offered to start a tab with a hefty tip of 100 ryo, Daiki's eyebrows raised in surprise and appreciation. He accepted the tip graciously, offering a sincere nod of thanks before preparing the man's drinks with practiced efficiency.

As the glasses clinked softly against the polished bar counter, the stranger's piercing gaze met Daiki's own, his question hanging in the air like a lingering echo. Daiki paused for a moment, considering the implications of the inquiry before responding.

"I suppose you could say that," Daiki replied, his tone measured as he carefully chose his words. "I come from a long line of hardworking individuals who have always strived to make their mark on the world. Whether that translates to strength or not is up for interpretation, I suppose."

With a small but genuine smile, Daiki leaned in slightly, his eyes meeting the stranger's with a quiet intensity. "But enough about me," he continued, deftly shifting the focus of the conversation. "What brings you here tonight? Looking for a bit of excitement, perhaps?"
Kutari Uchiha
Kutari Uchiha
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Daiki meeting someone special! Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:31 pm
The mass of likely flammable flesh moved with a deftness that he didn't anticipate. He seemed to have a bit of grace to his footwork. "Maybe he was a quick one?" the thought ran thorugh his mind for but a moment before he would listen to his voice. Slightly on the soft side, didn't quite match his body, although his head was also a bit small so that didn't seem to fit either. His outfit was interesting, not quite what he would expect in a high end place, the apron was a bit off for the overall experience of the place and it wouldn't stop bothering the raven-haired Uchiha. He didn't know everything about fashion, but he knew enough to know that an apron didn't belong in a fancy place.

A slight tinge in the neck would occur within the Uchiha. He wasn't sure just what the sensation was for, but he had a feeling it was due to the lack of alcohol in his system. He would look the man up and down again, partially thinking about burning him alive, but also curious about this man's past. "Strived to make their mark, huh? Well. This whiskey sure is top notch there, friend. But do tell me, as I am furiously curious. What lands do you come from? Because I have a feeling it's not from here. The skin tone isn't quite right for this location, so you've been here for a little while, but not for long."

He would remove his jacket and show his bronzed skin tone, "You see this? This is from a land that is baked in the sun day in and day out. I look a little more local than you in that regard." He would sit at the bar on one of the stools, and he would drink his third whiskey by the time he had finished asking his next question. His body was handling the alcohol quite well, not even beginning to slur his words. He would ask for two more, but make them doubles as he would listen to the man's response. He didn't put off a threatening front, it was more an inquisitive one. One that begged for knowledge in the strangest of arenas. But he felt that there was something about this man, something interesting. "Maybe he wouldn't make the best kindling, perhaps he could provide more intrigue on this side of existence." He would ponder as the man would respond back to him.

WC: 414
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Daiki meeting someone special! Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Fri Mar 08, 2024 10:17 pm
Daiki felt a flicker of surprise at the stranger's perceptive gaze, his senses sharpening as he assessed the man's words. There was a keenness in the stranger's eyes, a depth of insight that hinted at a mind as sharp as a blade. As the stranger spoke, Daiki couldn't help but admire his ability to read between the lines, to discern the subtle nuances of their interaction with uncanny accuracy.

He nodded appreciatively at the compliment, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Thank you, sir. I'm glad you're enjoying the whiskey," he replied, his voice smooth and even. Despite the stranger's probing questions, Daiki remained composed, his demeanor relaxed yet attentive.

When the stranger mentioned his origins, Daiki's curiosity piqued even further. He watched intently as the man removed his jacket, revealing his bronzed skin tone, a stark contrast to Daiki's own fair complexion. The stranger's words rang true, and Daiki couldn't deny the validity of his observations.

With a nod of understanding, Daiki acknowledged the stranger's point. "You're right," he admitted, a hint of humility in his tone. "I'm not from around here. My roots lie elsewhere, in a land far from these shores." He paused for a moment, his gaze meeting the stranger's with a mix of curiosity and intrigue.

As he prepared another round of drinks, Daiki couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this encounter than met the eye. He sensed a kinship with the stranger, a shared understanding that transcended the boundaries of their respective origins. And as he handed the freshly poured drinks to the stranger, Daiki couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay hidden beneath the surface of their conversation.

With a practiced grace, Daiki deftly removed the apron, setting it aside as he focused his attention on the stranger before him. He felt a pang of self-consciousness at his earlier lapse in decorum, a subtle reminder of the importance of maintaining a polished appearance, especially in his line of work.

"Apologies for the indecency," Daiki said, his tone laced with sincerity. "I strive to maintain a certain level of professionalism, but it seems I let my guard down momentarily." He offered the stranger a sheepish smile, hoping to convey his genuine remorse for any lapse in hospitality.

As he listened to the stranger's response, Daiki couldn't help but admire the man's candor and insight. There was a depth to his words, a wisdom born of experience that resonated with Daiki on a profound level. Despite their differences in background and appearance, Daiki felt a sense of camaraderie with the stranger, a shared appreciation for the finer things in life.

With a practiced hand, Daiki poured another round of drinks, his movements fluid and precise. He savored the familiar ritual, finding solace in the rhythmic ebb and flow of the bartender's craft. And as he handed the drinks to the stranger, Daiki couldn't help but feel a sense of kinship with this enigmatic newcomer, a connection forged in the crucible of their shared humanity.

With a congenial smile, Daiki extended his hand across the polished surface of the bar, offering a gesture of friendship and camaraderie.

"I'm Daiki," he introduced himself, his voice warm and welcoming. "And what might I call you, friend?"

He awaited the stranger's response, curious to learn more about the mysterious individual who had wandered into his establishment. There was an air of intrigue surrounding the man, a sense of mystery that Daiki found both intriguing and captivating. As they exchanged pleasantries, Daiki couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation, eager to uncover the secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface of this chance encounter.

Kutari Uchiha
Kutari Uchiha
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Daiki meeting someone special! Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:57 am
The massive mound of flesh seemed to be within Kutari's own mind. Or at least that is what he thought when the apron was deftly taken from the man's body by his own hands. Maybe he heard the thoughts of his own creeping bothersome nature of the damned thing in such a nice place. He pushed the thoughts aside as he began to explain his true origins, stating that he was from a land far from these shores. A fine understanding between them as he shared similar origins. He wasn't sure just where this man was from, but if he had to guess it was a place where there wasn't as much sun, maybe the land of mountains.

He would analyze the man's body movements. They seemed to be practiced, something that you wouldn't simply pick up naturally. He had been doing this before, but what brought him to the island in the first place? He was certain that a simple nomad wouldn't have picked up such skills in the art of mixing drinks through happenstance, so there was more to this individual than what he was seeing. But he decided that he would learn more of this individual's history through the simple means of conversation.

"Explain to me where you're from. I am fascinated to see what brings such an individual with your pale complexion to these islands." He would leave his question in thei air, his face would be largely neutral, but still having an interested look over his face as he was curious just what the response would be leading him towards. The man was strong, or at least that's what he looked like. But he was curious as to why he didn't feel like burning him alive would be appropriate. There seemed to be something about this individual that made him more interesting.

Kutari himself had spent a lot of his life traveling, but only in the land of wind. He hadn't been anywhere other than that, but for someone as practiced with his craft as he was, he was fairly certain that he hadn't traveled all that much either. Either that or he traveled with a wandering circius that happened to have a bartender on the payroll. But he would leave the question in the air anyway and let him answer it with his possible words of deceit. But perhaps, he would speak truth. Either way Kutari was going to have fun with this mass of flesh.

WC: 412

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Daiki meeting someone special! Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Sun Mar 10, 2024 2:49 pm
Daiki regarded the man with a subtle flicker of annoyance behind his eyes. The constant prying of where he was from, seemed odd to Daiki. It wasn't the first time the stranger had asked, yet he hadn't provided his own name. Nevertheless, he maintained his composure, offering a polite smile prepared to respond, the best he could manage. His past was trip that would leave even seasoned village shinobi shook.  

Preparing himself to access his memories, he told the man, "I was born into a family of nomads. At about the age of 5, I was separated from them, and had to grow up on my own. I've stayed in all sorts of lands. Most recently, I sailed here from the Land of Forest. There was a restaurant and bar there. At first, I worked as a waiter, but the owner soon realized my knack for mixing drinks and promoted me to bartender and manager of the whole place. The work has always brought me a lot of joy! After working there for about a year or so, I had saved up a good amount of ryo, so I decided to sail here. I've always liked the warm weather! I hope I get a good tan here soon. But yeah, that's my story. I traveled here, and now you're sitting in my bar," he said all of this in a nostalgic and almost somber tone.

He would turn the question back at his acquaintance again, " So what should I call you?"

Kutari Uchiha
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Daiki meeting someone special! Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Sun Mar 10, 2024 3:35 pm
The man spoke with a small tinge of aggravation within his tone, coupled with the glint of annoyance in his eye. "Not a usual bartender. Generally this is the stuff they live for. Very interesting individual indeed. Maybe he would make good kindling." He would think to himself as the man would respond to him. He would listen to every word he would say with a slight interest into what he was saying, but largely he just wanted to keep his attention on other things, he couldn't care less about his history. But it was a good ruse for what his true intentions were, but of course he wouldn't give those up to this guy.

He had this guy pegged for a do gooder who had very little ambition in his heart aside from trying to live a good and honest life. Not a whole lot happening up in the skull except for what he assumed was poetry to try and impress the women and obviously something more than a simple protein shake in the mornings. Maybe that would explain why his head is so small? There was a lot about this individual that he had written on his forehead, even if he didn't know it.

"I be he's more of a red wine with dinner kind of guy. Likes to sit on the beach with some random woman that has fallen into the trap of his rhyming words that the woman doesn't actually know what they mean, with a slight chance that he didn't either. But I don't know, maybe he can do something that would bring of interest." He would think to himself as he would speak on his history some more, something about nomads, then raised by wolves by 5 or something. He would feel some sort of sick enjoyment over the idea of a five year old living alone in the woods, just imagine how hilarious that would be.

Then his thoughts about this man were confirmed. He spoke on the career that he had undergone in his years prior to arriving in Moon. "How boring," He thought to himself once more, just as the man was wrapping up his story. "To have such a blank canvas, just to fill with it with the most boring crap imagineable." He would finish his drink and he could feel his body swaying just slightly, finally reaching the point of contentment with his alcoholism.

He would turn a question to him, asking him what his name was. He would look up at the man's abnormally small head, and he would laugh to himself gently about it. "My name, dear barkeep, is Kutari. But you can call me Kut. I am a wandering musician of sorts. I just simply go through the world, learning new things and bringing fantastic visuals to those that ask. A lover of women, a singer of songs, and a writer of all things poetry. But mostly, a consumer of alcohol. I come from the land of Wind, where the sun never seems to leave, as it's presence is everpresent within the sands that cover the earth below it's domain."

He would feel his body warmed by the alcohol. He would look down the bar, and he would see a woman with bright green hair sitting at the bar, drinking the night away. "Now that." He looks over to the bartender. "Is exactly what I am here for. Gods above look at that woman. Goddess with an ass you can bounce a quarter off of. Fucking hell can you believe it?" He would say this just loud enough for the bartender to hear. "I gotta tell you, barkeep. I gotta have that one. At least once... a night." He would slap the table and laugh to himself. "You see, one nights like this. I simply just observe, I see everything I can about them and start learning their favorite drinks and even their habits, nail biting, how often they touch their face, and the like. It's a good thing to do because the next steps are when I start putting the moves on her. With a bit of finesse I can try and make her mine... for a while. But that's only one. Soon I'll have more. I plan on being here for a while, so I shall have plenty of women in the near future if you know what I mean, there barkeep."

He would order a few more drinks for himself, and send one more down her way. If she would look his way, he would smile towards her, with an alluring look on his face. If she didn't, then he would just keep looking at her throughout his conversation with the barkeep. "So tell me barkeep. Do you by chance to know that woman's name?" He would leave the question in the air, curious about what he would say.

WC: 816

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Daiki meeting someone special! Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Mon Mar 11, 2024 7:36 pm
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Daiki meeting someone special! Empty Re: Daiki meeting someone special!

Mon Mar 11, 2024 11:11 pm
Daiki's demeanor shifted subtly as Kutari's words trickled through the air. His eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features as he processed the man's audacious remarks about Jun. He couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness over her, mingled with a hint of unease at Kutari's intentions with her. He thought of grabbing him by his fresh shirt, and picking him, carrying him to the door, and proudly toss him out the door. Daiki knew better though, so with that he took a deep breath, and approached the situation before him calmly.

With a composed facade, Daiki listened as Kutari introduced himself, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. The more Kutari spoke, the more Daiki's apprehension grew. He couldn't fathom the idea of someone like Kutari getting anywhere near Jun, let alone pursuing her with such blatant disregard.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Daiki cleared his throat before responding. "Kutari," he began, his voice carefully measured. "That woman you're referring to, with the bright green hair? That's Jun. She's... actually someone quite special to me." Hopefully someone like Kut could understand that, or at least the code among men.

Daiki's words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken meaning. He knew he needed to make his feelings clear, to assert his feelings for Jun in the face of Kutari's brazen advances for her.

Daiki's gaze shifted towards Jun, she was unaware of the conversation taking place between them. His heart pounded in his chest as he summoned the courage to speak his truth, knowing that this moment would define their relationship.

"Jun and I, well, we've been spending a lot of time together," Daiki continued, his voice steady but
hanging with emotion. "She's not just someone I work with. She's... someone I care deeply about."

His words hung in the air, a declaration of his feelings, finally being said aloud. Daiki couldn't bring himself to look away from Jun, his eyes filled with a mixture of affection and determination. He needed her to know, to understand his emotions for her was as deep as the sea itself, even if it meant baring his soul in front of everyone present.

As Daiki looked to Jun, he felt a warmth within him, a flame ignited by her beauty, her laughter, her unwavering support. In her, a haven amidst the chaos of the world. With every shared moment, he felt their souls entwining in an intricate dance of love and longing.

Daiki's heart raced as he met Jun's gaze, her eyes reflecting a warmth that stirred something deep within his soul. With a steadying breath he spoke, his voice raw with emotion yet filled with honesty and purity.

"Jun," he began, his words flowing from the depths of his soul, "since the day you walked into my life, you've brought a light brighter than I never knew I needed or desired. Your laughter, it's like a symphony in a world of silence, a melody that resonates deep within me, bringing peace to my soul."

He paused, his eyes locking with hers, searching for understanding between them, for connection. "In you, I've found not just a friend, but a soul fitting within my own, someone who sees beyond the surface and embraces life itself. Your kindness, your unwavering support, it's been my anchor in stormy seas, guiding me through the darkest of nights. And bringing me joy in the brightest of mornings."

As he spoke, the weight of his feelings lifted, carried away by the sincerity of his words. "And now, as I stand here before you, I realize that what I feel is more than friendship, it is beyond that. It's a love that defies explanation, a bond that transcends the confines of time and space. With each passing moment, my affection for you only deepens."

He reached out, his hand trembling slightly as it sought hers, a silent plea for acceptance from her, for reciprocation. "Jun, I love you," he spoke, his voice reaching out to her with a gentle clarity. "And I want nothing more than to walk this journey with you, to cherish each moment as if it were our last, to build a future filled with laughter, love, and endless eternity."

In that moment, amidst the soft glow of candlelight and the witnesses present, Daiki bared his soul to Jun, laying bare the depths of his heart and offering her the most precious gift he had to give: his love, unyielding and true.


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