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Chihiro Misaki
Chihiro Misaki
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 500

Chihiro's Tutor [ Open ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chihiro's Tutor [ Open ]

Mon Mar 04, 2024 12:32 am
Chihiro sat and listened to the Uchiha man intently, trying to grasp but little further help came. He tried explaining to her again, but she just tried and tried and couldn't seem to get it. She kept practicing with turning into Hanzo at this point, and either his eye color would be wrong, or his nails would be slightly too long, or his hair would shimmer opalescently. Maybe he even had a lip balm on, during some transformations. She got closer and closer each time, though, the differences becoming more and more minute.

However,as her frustration grew, she began to get sloppy, which frustrated her more. She wasn't about to give up, though, but she would need a nap after all of this was over with.

Then Chihiro made a tansformation of hanzo that was entirely correct, except, well, his clothes were slightly a different color, a little lighter than those in reality.

Come on! She was so close!

And then she got it.

"Finally" she would say in Hanzo's voice to him. "Good god, that took forever." she would state before transforming back into herself with a poof. Ugh i hated that. It's so difficult! I think the only reason i didnt give up and do something else was because you were expecting me to keep going." She would say.

"See, I don't really have friends. People my ag generally look at my incompetencies and the facct that I'm still in the academy and think i'm worthless and pathetic. A lot of the other adults are like that too. Thank goodness the Kage hadn't given up on me yet. The young' uns also look at me unfavorably, as I'm older, and they often pic on me. It's hard to make yourself do things when nobody cares whether you do them or not... or whether you can. I believe they just tolerate me because of my refugee status. But, I'll show them." She would say turning from solemn to determined in a split second. "After I make genin, it mean I'm officially a resident in the land of sound; that I belong here! Then they can't blow me off, anymore!"

Though she would think to herself, "It is so tough to want to protect people who care little for your existence." At least they didn't hate or despise her, though. That was her main drive to do what she does. So that people will love her, acknowledge her, and tust her. Otherwise it was like she was invisible to the adults and like she was wearing a target for her peers and people of her age range.

Chihiro would then move on to the substitution technique which was fairly easy and she got near immediately. The first time, she made the mistake of making it slightly obvious she was going to do it by drawing weapons out to switch places with them. It wouldn't be a smart thing to do in a real battle unless she would pretend to drop them while throwing others. But then she got it down pretty fast.

It was almost as if thinking about what she wanted in life, and what she was doing to achieve it lit a ire under her butt. She was starting to beter as she tried combining techniques of her own volition, trying to review what he had learned earlier in their session. And she was able to do it successfully, though her muscles were very tense from all the pent up frustration with her life circumstances.

[ WC: 588 ]
[ TWC: 3572 ]

AP Tracking:

Keeping Track of Claims:
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

Chihiro's Tutor [ Open ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chihiro's Tutor [ Open ]

Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:56 am
The girl kept trying multiple times with the transformation technique, each time getting better and better and finally she made it albeit with a slight change about his attire. She was even able to mimic Hanzo's voice which impressed him since that wasn't a part of the technique and she did that subconsciously.

"Trust me, the Otokage would never give up on his people and I know that from my personal experience. He's extremely powerful but is humble, caring and a big softie, unfortunately I'm not like that as you can see from my introduction during our meeting. As for yourself, I feel that you are just underestimating yourself a lot. Yes you are taking a lot of time to master even the basic techniques, but you mimicked my voice without any prompt, which wasn't a part of the technique and you did it naturally. You may have different types of talents, something unique, you just have to find that. Lastly, you are not a refugee, you are a shinobi from Otogakure, this village is family to everyone!" he paused with a stern face.

He walked towards her and stood just an arms length, putting his right hand on her left shoulder, "You will become a Genin, I know that. All you have to do is continue what you are doing right now, keep training" he said, leaving his hand and giving her a thumbs up. Hanzo then moved away so she could continue her substitution training, "You got that pretty fast, nice!" he laughed.

"I'm going to teach you another technique called Cat Eyes, might not be very battle orientated, but could help when required. By focusing your chakra into your eyes, you can increase the ability to pick up ambient light, which means that even in perfect darkness, you can still see clearly", he began demonstrating and activated the Cat Eyes Technique. "I know it's not a match to the Sharingan, but it's always better to have a variety of techniques in hand when required, now you do it" he said while throwing his senbon at the light switch in the same manner he did previously. The Uchiha raised up his hand with three fingers pointing up, "How many fingers am I showing ?" he asked with a laugh.

WC: 380 | TWC: 2151

Battle Info:
Chihiro Misaki
Chihiro Misaki
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 500

Chihiro's Tutor [ Open ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chihiro's Tutor [ Open ]

Sat Mar 09, 2024 2:16 am
"Oh, Cat eyes! I believe I know of that one. Always had trouble with it though," She would state, noticing that with a quick flick of Hanzo's wrist, the room was now completely dark.

"You are holding up a weapon, aren't you?" she would state feeling weirdly about being in the dark in a small room with a guy older than her. She was trying to joke, but it came out very awkwardly with a nervous chuckle from Chihiro. Now would be the ultimate time to pull a prank on her, or worse.

She felt very uneasy, becoming hypervigilant. pausing and sensing the area around her, listening for any indication of noise, before sloly bringing her hands up into a tiger sign and trying to focus her energy and chakra into her eyes. It took a few minutes before she realized she could see. "Uh, that would be a three, Hanzo, uh, sensei.. I mean, uh... sir." She would state tripping over what to call him.

Then, Chihiro realized he hadn't moved from his original spot, and her stomach, that had dropped when the lights went off, returned to normal. So, she could trust him then? She hoped they would become more friendly outside of the school work she was doing in the future, however, right now things were rigid as she tested the waters with how close they could be while still remaining comfortable. And, friendship would come with time, but she still felt a bit weird. Almost like they were getting along too well. She'd have to keep an eye on that, as she had never clicked with anyone like this before... then again she really didn't have friends, so Hanzo would be the first one to fully accept her who wasn't the kage or her mentor.

Though her mentor was pretty hard on her, she knew it was only because he cared. He was the one paying for her housing all these years. If she didn't pass this time, she would become a working civillian. Just a commoner amongst a village of the greats. And she wanted to be great too.

So why didn't her mentor work on this with her? He was a higher-up ninja and didn't have time to be there. She was lucky if she even saw him in passing once a week, and even then, all he had time for was a quick "Hi" and then he was on his way with strict business. The only time they really talked was when things were going to change... like when she moved into her own place at 8, starting in the academy, her first mission or two, each time before the Genin exams, and then usually after them when she failed. They would eat together and she'd get a strict talking to, except this last time, where he said he was getting older and was not wanting to take as many missions. He couldn;t handle what he could when he was twenty or even forty, now. His body was growing tired, and he could still do mission work and be a strong leader and do very high ranking missions, he just couldn't do quite as many, and he was planning on her paying her own rent when she started taking missions as a chunin or at 18, whichever came sooner. Only she hadn't even become a genin yet.

He told her he couldn't keep up with the payments like he used to. It had invoked a sense of guilt within Chihiro, thinking that maybe he had worn himself out, taking all those extra missions just to make sure she was provided for, and she wasn't even one of his kids!

As these thoughts drifted through her mind, she stayed silent, going to turn on the lights. Her previous thoughts made her wonder if Hanzo had anyone looking out for him, like parents or siblings. He hadn't brought it up earlier when he had introduced himself. In fact, he said very, very little. She hoped to find out about it sometime, but didn't want to push the issue. Maybe he just didn't get along with his parents, or felt divulging things about his family could put them in danger. Or maybe he was like her and he didn't have them.

Chihiro sighed and crouched down into a squat, finding it harder to focus now. She ran her hands through her hair. "Is that all the basics now?" She asked leaning into a sitting formation, trying to smile away the slight pangs of guilt and hurt she was feeling from her mind wandering.

"Can you teach me something fun?" She asked, "Or rather, something I haven't already heard about? I know of a lot of weaker Jutsu at E-rank, but I only have heard of a couple D-rank ones. And I don't think I can do ones any stronger than C-rank. They are too dangerous for an academy student to try to learn." She would state talking more about the math and ranking system they had learned about in Jutsu Math and Jutsu 101. Her slight sadness would fade away, replaced by enthusiasm and eagerness to try the newer things.

[ WC: 869 ]
[ TWC: 4441 ]

AP Tracking:

Keeping Track of Claims:
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

Chihiro's Tutor [ Open ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chihiro's Tutor [ Open ]

Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:28 am
"That's absolutely right, and just call me Hanzo, we are about the same age" he laughed in the dark, hoping it won't be creepy. Suddenly, she became quiet, most probably lost in her thoughts. The Uchiha just analyzed her even in the dark, he could see that she was feeling some kind of guilt or depressed about something, at that point she turned the lights on.

As the lights were turned on, she changed her expression, which the Uchiha was aware about. "Something fun and new, yea sure of course" he smiled. "We are going to learn two new techniques, Body Flicker Technique and Chakra Flare. One is for quick movement and the other is for sending out an emergency signal. Watch what I do carefully Chihiro" he said walking towards the end of the training hall, standing 70 meters from her. He performed the Ram hand sign with his right and and activated the Body Flicker Technique, moving at a high speed, almost like as if he vanished and appeared in front of her 3 meters away. "Pretty cool right, now for the other one" he said standing at the same place.

He weaved the Ram hand sign again with his right hand and sent out a pulse of chakra, activating the Chakra Flare. "If you have the Chakra Sensory skill or Sensory Specialty, you will be able to locate the pulse for at least 500 meters. This is a crucial one, better for you to learn, if you ever need help, this is the way to do it" he said firmly. He wanted her to know these two techniques in order to flee or call for help whenever required.

The Uchiha was concerned for her safety and wanted her to learn these so incase of an emergency, he could always attend to her immediately. "Now it's your turn, go ahead and give it a try, just remember when you Body Flicker, the path is clear if not you will end up knocking into something” he laughed.

WC: 338 | TWC: 2489

Battle Info:
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

Chihiro's Tutor [ Open ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chihiro's Tutor [ Open ]

Sat Mar 23, 2024 4:47 am
Just before Chihiro could begin her task, a messenger hawk sent from the Kage's Office, entered the arena, dropping an envelope on Hanzo's hand. He quickly read through the contents and understood that the Uchiha was summoned by the Sound Ninja Five Commander, Guren Chinoike. "Hey Chihiro, looks like I've got an urgent matter to attend to right now. Keep your training going and make sure to practice them as much as possible. Practice makes perfect, I shall see you soon!" he spoke with a rushed voice as he adjusted his attire and left the premises immediately with Kirara.

WC: 100 | TWC: 2590

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