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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Familiar : Hakujya
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Marking the Territory - Page 3 Empty Re: Marking the Territory

Sun Feb 25, 2024 11:26 pm
Junko would listen to Akabayashi as he explained the complexities of the situation she had found herself in. He would pause momentarily as the waitress approached to bring some bread and take their order, she would ask for a small variety of sushi. The woman would then leave the table and Junko's attention was now fully on Akabayash once again. She was unaware that other small villages had recently run into trouble and apparently, the man in front of her was at least responsible for one. This concerned her, and she knew that she would need to continue discussing security plans with the others soon.

He would take a moment to eat a piece of bread, as he seemingly contemplated something she would speak up once more.

”I understand as to why you believe it’s your business, and I agree with you. Upon the creation of the village,I plan to send out representatives to those I believe to be symbiotic. Since I won't be able to keep its creation a secret, I believe it to be necessary and beneficial to form symbiotic relationships as soon as I would be of benefit to the other parties, which I believe we can be from the beginning. However, I appreciate the information as I was previously unaware of this.”

He then would ask what she believes he should do in this situation. She would lean forward excitedly, and nod slightly as he posed his question to her. She’d take a moment, letting the question linger as she complied her thoughts. Knowing that this would be the perfect opportunity to prove that she would prove to be a competent leader, she responded in a neutral but soft tone as she spoke while a pleasant smile formed on her lips.

”I appreciate the excellent question Lord Mizukage, I believe my response will prove to be interesting. First and foremost, if I found myself in your position, I would ensure that potential allies would be worth my time and effort to create a bond. Allies can be a valuable asset but also costly if not done properly. Secondly, I was ensure that the alliance wouldn't drain my own resources and could benefit me as well. Forming a symbiotic relationship instead of a parasitic one. Most importantly I would be on the lookout for allies that could aid in the prevention of an attack for both my village and my new allies, reaffirming the symbiotic nature of that relationship..”

She would pick up her glass of water and take a quick sip before tucking some of her long black hair behind her ear. She was unsure if he would even be open to the thought of an alliance between their villages but she needed to try. Upon setting her glass back down she’d continue if he allowed her to. She continued to speak in a rather confident but inviting tone.

”I have a similar question if you’d indulge me. If you were in my position and I in yours, you wanted to create something new that could be profitable to both your village and mine, how would you feel about a relationship forming?”

Remaining in her relaxed but respectful position, she eagerly waited to hear what the man would say. She would maintain the composure of a diplomat in this situation, rather than looking overeager.

Total WC: 3942
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Marking the Territory - Page 3 Empty Re: Marking the Territory

Sun Mar 03, 2024 8:57 pm
He would of course listen, adding in anything he would add in at the end of what she had to say. He was not quite sure about the plan to announce her village so quickly, but besides him the Oto guy knew so the secret was firmly out. Isolation and ignorance would not defend them from any attackers in fact it seemed to be this ladies plan to spread the word of her villages existence to call attention to it. Will it bring the attention Akabayashi thinks? Probably.

Excellent points if he were to ally with her there had to be something he would gain from it. He was not a fan of charity. She certainly knew the words he wanted to hear. At present he could tell there were not many ninja around although she said there were some they had yet to show up. Just a random guy did and then suddenly left after giving her money.

"Well, I would begin with knowing what the other has to offer. For example if you allied with Kiri you would have my forces and myself to call upon if someone attacked. I will talk to the kage of Hoshi before saying you would have their support as well." He would sit back in his chair and listen as she told him what she could offer.
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Familiar : Hakujya
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Marking the Territory - Page 3 Empty Re: Marking the Territory

Mon Mar 04, 2024 5:41 pm
Junko was happy to hear that he was seemingly interested in forming an alliance. However, at present, she was concerned that there was not much she could offer him since the village wasn’t even created yet. She bowed her head slightly as he informed her that he’d speak with Hoshi’s Kage about a potentially similar deal. Though she didn’t know really anything about the place, she was eager to begin forming relationships with other villages. After sitting back up from her bow and returning to the relaxed but respectful position she was in previously she would begin to speak one more.

”Thank you for your generous offer, I would highly appreciate you speaking with Hoshi’s Kage for us and would see it as an honor to enter into some sort of agreement with them as well. As for what we can offer you, regretfully for the time being I don’t think we could provide you with much.”

She would pause for a moment to contemplate how to phrase her next few sentences but would speak up once more as she finished the thought.

”However, once the village has been created we plan to develop a few techniques that would primarily be only given to those in the village. If you allied with us, we could offer you access to two techniques of your choosing at any time, then once a year I would provide you with one of my choosing. I want you to be aware that it may be some time before we are able to develop these techniques seeing as my primary focus is the building of the village itself. However, once developed you could access some of your choosing. By that point perhaps you’d be interested in divulging some of the ones your village has created, though that can be discussed another time.”

She’d smile pleasantly as she finished speaking and took a bite of the bread once more as she excitedly awaited his response.

Total WC: 4276
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Marking the Territory - Page 3 Empty Re: Marking the Territory

Fri Mar 08, 2024 9:53 am
A tempting offer powerful jutsu of his choice and yearly tribute. He liked the offer so much it was like he had come up with it himself. He would not immediately respond however he did not want to seem too eager, to take the offer no matter how tempting it was. Instead, he would think on it while relaxing in his chair teetering on its hind legs and rocking a bit with his legs outstretched. "We have an accord." He would say, hoping the food would arrive shortly. He had something else on his mind, getting to dine with such a beauty by the beach was not something he was accustomed to.

"We can go over the minor details later. For now why don't we enjoy this view and eachothers company." His eyes would keep their purple ringed appearance as he spoke Yoshinori was still circling the perimeter coming into view every couple of minutes before going unseen once more.

"Tell me more about yourself Junko."
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Familiar : Hakujya
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Marking the Territory - Page 3 Empty Re: Marking the Territory

Fri Mar 08, 2024 7:07 pm
Junko would be a bit nervous as her proposal lingered in the air, she hoped that he wasn't upset by her offer. Though after a brief pause, he would accept her proposal. Her eyes would light up with excitement as the words left his mouth. Though she was unsure if he had made many deals like this in the past, this was the first big decision that she made on behalf of the village so she was rather happy with herself. She’d give an agreeing nod to him as he mentioned that the finer details could be gone over at another date. He then would state that instead, they should enjoy the view and each other's company. She found this to be a wonderful idea, if she was going to be a Kage some day, it would be wise to at least attempt to befriend her new ally. 

Her serious demeanor would be replaced by the up beat, sweet one she had when she first greeted him. He would then inquire about her, asking that she tell him more about her. She was unsure of what to say here, recently her time had been consumed by doing odd jobs and paperwork so she didn't have much time to indulge in her various hobbies. Junko would wait for him to finish speaking as she gazed at him with her siren eyes, then once he stopped she would speak in the sweet voice she used previously.

”I’d love nothing more than to spend some time getting to know each other! Is there anything specific you'd like to know about me? The first thing that comes to mind is that I have a love and passion for all things music and art! Once the village is up and secure, I plan on hosting festivals regularly to showcase the various artists that live within it.”

She would stop speaking as she noticed the waitress coming with their food, she would thank the woman as the food was placed in front of her. Once the waitress departed, Junko would carefully examine her Sushi, making sure that it was up to her standard. Before taking a bite, she'd continue speaking if allowed.

”I’d be more than happy to host you on one of those occasions if you wished! I think we'd have a great time together!”

Junko then would glance over the sushi once again and pick up some chopsticks that the waitress had brought over as well. After deciding which to choose, she would pick it up and inspect it slightly. Before placing it in her mouth she’d make eye contact with him once again before speaking up once more.

”What about you Lord Mizukage? I'm dying to know more about you”

She'd flash him a cute smile before placing the sushi in her mouth. This was one of her favorite spots to come to dinner with her companions so it tasted exactly how she knew it would be. Junko then would bob her head slightly from side to side, seemingly happy with how her food turned out. 

WC: 522
Total WC: 4798
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Marking the Territory - Page 3 Empty Re: Marking the Territory

Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:31 pm
She wanted to go to a festival with him? She was probably just being friendly. He would use a fork for his own food, a piece of cooked tuna and some broccoli. "A festival sounds lovely." It seemed she was someone who enjoyed the arts.

"I enjoy science. The formula of fuinjutsu, the physics defying nature of space and time techniqies. The knowlege of the how and why." It was a bit nerdy, but he was someone who simply enjoyed knowledge. He listed a few types, but he studied more sibjects..

She seemed to be enjoying her meal as she bobbed her head. "If you would like to come to Kiri sometimes, I would not protest. Though there are not many festivals at least since I've been there." Maybe he would have some type of event when he returned, but Kiri always found fighting as their source of entertainment and he did not wish to change their culture.

"Where are you originally from, Junko? I am from the land of Haven, but before a ninja village was set up there." She probably didn't know much aside from there being a village there. If she asked he would inform her on more otherwise he was content to listen.
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Familiar : Hakujya
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Marking the Territory - Page 3 Empty Re: Marking the Territory

Thu Mar 14, 2024 2:19 am
Junko was overjoyed as he mentioned that a festival with her sounded lovely. He would then explain that he was more interested in the way the world around them worked. She appreciated his love for science and at this moment wished that she had taken an interest in a field similar. Recently she had found herself getting more in touch with the human body as she felt drawn to practice the medical arts. She wondered if he had any interests in medicine or simply knowing how the body worked.

She’d finish off her first piece of sushi he informed her that if she wished to come to Kiri at some point he wouldn’t mind. Junko would smile happily as he extended the offer to her. She hadn’t been to any of the larger villages and was eager to see what one was like. For a moment she’d daydream about them walking side by side as he showed her around his home. However, she was a bit disappointed to hear that they didn’t host celebrations as much as she planned to. Regardless she felt honored by the invitation, how could she deny such a request from the Mizukage himself after all? She’d nod happily before speaking up sweetly once more.

”I’d love that! I hate to admit it but I’ve steered away from the larger villages most of my life so I’d be interested in visiting once I feel that mine no longer requires me to be there. As for your village not hosting many festivals, I understand why, though maybe in the future we can host one together! We could have it here if you wished!”

Once she finished speaking Junko would place another piece of sushi in her mouth as she listened to him. He would inquire as to where she was from originally which was a rather difficult question to answer. She had been traveling the world with her mother ever since she could remember and never stayed in a place long enough to consider it her place of origin. He then informed her that he was originally from Haven but unfortunately, she didn’t know much about the area. Once she finished chewing she’d respond to his inquiry.

”Honestly I don’t really know where I’m from. You see, when I was young my mother wandered all over the place with a group of traveling minstrels so I didn’t have time to really form a connection with a specific place. We mostly visited small settlements and stuck to the borders of any villages we came across, which is why I unfortunately don’t know much about the world at large. I’ve only heard a bit about Haven, would you mind telling me a bit about it?”

She’d look at him with an alluring gaze as he held her interest in this moment and waited happily for his response.

Total WC:5282
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Marking the Territory - Page 3 Empty Re: Marking the Territory

Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:17 pm
He would probably prefer it hosted there. He was not quite sure how Kiri would take a festival with their new ally at their door. He would of course have to invite Hoshi and that would just be seen as him favoring his previous village. His current bodyguards being from Hoshi did that already. "If you are willing to host, that might be simpler. I can return to Kiri in the event problems arise rather quickly." Her dilemma with being unable to leave until her people no longer required her was helpful. He did not have to explain his dilemma with hosting it or have to invite Hoshi since it wasn't his village to invite people to. Now all he had to do was see who wished to go and then teleport there.

He would listen to where she was from. It seemed to be everywhere as she traveled quite often with her mother. Mostly small settlements, but she said she steered away from the larger settlements. Those werr usually the place travelers tended to visit. He wouldn't pry into her status as a likely missing ninja from one of the bigger villages. As he already had a guess as to her being a missing ninja. She was not one from Kiri or Hoshi, probably self taught or from Suna, which recently came to its end as a major village.

"Hoshi is a village with very zealous people. Ninjutsu was seen as evil and those using chakra were by default criminals. Some of us, like myself became actual criminals to survive. My job was getting money our gang was owed by any means necessary. When Hoshi village was established by Denkiteki and Akihana a princess of Haven things changed."

He remembered the two quite well nice folk needed someone with a cold heart to do the jobs others were now unwilling to do. "They made it so we were no longer criminals by default, so some of us decided to use our learned skills for the village others not so much. Yoshinori was one such person who had not changed and she was in a cell for years before he became kage of Kiri. Then he broke her out to become his bodyguard.

"They needed someone who wasn't afraid to take on the darker parts of running a village, interrogation, assassination, the gorey stuff that people don't want to know about and higher ups don't want you to talk about. So they made me one of their anbu when it was established. I wasn't suited to be a member of the Queensguard as I couldn't give a rats ass whose someones father was and how that makes them special." Well that was just the beginning there was much more to go, but he didn't want to be the one doing all of the talking.

"That is where I will have to cut the story as I seem to be talking too much. Will your village draw inspiration from the places you have vistited in the past?" He would ask taking a bit of his food and listening now.
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Familiar : Hakujya
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Marking the Territory - Page 3 Empty Re: Marking the Territory

Fri Mar 15, 2024 9:56 pm
Junko would nod excitedly as he explained that it would be simpler for them to host it in moo, which she completely understood. She would place her chopsticks down and pat her mouth gently as he began to tell her a bit about Hoshi. He informed her that Hoshi was a rather zealous place that once saw ninjutsu as evil. She could believe this, seeing as her mother had thought the same which caused her to be rather sheltered from the shinobi arts. It wasn’t until her mother passed away that Junko's father took a small interest in showing her what potential she had. He then would explain that his job was to get money for his gang, no matter the means. However, things changed when the village was created.

She would lean in excitedly as she became interested in the story, she was happy that he felt comfortable enough to reveal so much to her. He would continue by explaining that once Hoshi was created, Jutsu users were no longer seen as criminals. However, this caused some people to pursue a better future for the village, and others not as much. She was happy to hear that it had become more normalized for those who wished to pursue the shinobi arts. Junko wished that she had the opportunity to begin her training at a younger age without being chastised by her mother.

He then explained that he had been a part of the village Anbu instead of the queen's guard due to not caring about not caring who somebody’s father was. She’d cover her mouth and giggle slightly at his comment. Junko appreciated his honesty and admittedly found herself attracted to his commanding aura. Her previous assumption about him being rather strong and capable was seemingly correct as they don’t just let anybody join Anbu squads.

Before she could respond or make any remarks about his comments, he would quickly change subjects. She didn’t want to pry into his personal life any further than she already had and wished to not potentially upset him. He would inquire about where she planned to draw inspiration from for the village. She was unsure of this seeing as she wanted to maintain the natural beauty island. After contemplating for a few moments she’d speak up again.

”I appreciate the information on Hoshi Lord Mizukage, I’m excited to potentially meet the Kage someday. I think I plan on leaning more into the preexisting traditional style of architecture. I haven’t been to a place quite yet that harmonized with nature how I intend to, so I’m just going to be trying out some new things. Since I want to make it a culturally diverse village I’m going to try and create our own unique style!”

Unsure of where to take the conversation next, she’d recall that he said he had an interest fuinjutsu. She recently had been looking into a handful of techniques and was interested in learning a few things. If they were to be strong allies, maybe he’d be willing to teach her a few things. Junko was a bit hesitant to ask seeing as he had already given her a lot of information and she had given little in return.  Her face would redden as she became a bit embarrassed by her lack of knowledge and experience. If he had responded, she would wait for him to finish speaking before talking once more.

”I know you said previously that one of your primary interests was fuinjustsu. I haven’t had much time to study the topic myself but I do feel as if I’d excel in understanding the topic. I was curious if you’d be willing to show me the basics Lord Mizukage, if you’re as experienced as you say you are I’d be honored to learn from somebody as talented as yourself.”

She’d give him a deep bow as a sign of respect, hoping he would agree to at least show her how to perform a few techniques. Who else would be a better teacher than another village leader? If he accepted she’d flash him an excited smile before thanking him profusely. If he rejected her proposal she’d maintain her pleasant demeanor and apologize for suggesting such a thing.

Total WC: 5996
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Marking the Territory - Page 3 Empty Re: Marking the Territory

Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:36 pm
"I can teach you how to use fuinjutsu." He would say, taking another bite. Of course, he could not teach his strongest seals or even how to replicate them. Those were the abilities of his sharingan. He could teach her some useful ones though. Ones he has applied to himself already. "I do not think this location suitable for training, too many onlookers."
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