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Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20750

For the Hive Empty For the Hive

Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:09 am
Valuable Assets
Patrol Training

The mission board this time had a slightly different mission, Cho had so far taken part in competitions, inspected weaponry, helped a fellow Ninja buy some shoes and some various other mundane but important to the village as a whole. He was impatient now, wanting to get out there and start to make a name for himself. The yellow and black haired Nin sat comfortably on the slopped roof of a building overlooking the slums of Konoha. He looked back, over his shoulder to the growing, clean and warm city of Konoha. He wasn’t naive, there would always be slums - but the divide couldn’t be more obvious.

The sun rised behind the slums, casting its shadow on the buildings behind him. The early morning or late evening was best for missions - less foot traffic and easier to spot something that was out of the ordinary.

Cho had been assigned to guard and deliver a wagon of water and food to these slums, he heard a rumour that many informants lived in this shady part of town, so keeping them happy and supplied was a way to maintain that relationship. Cho looked back down to the one wagon, the other was on its way and being escorted by a second Academy Student. It was best to work in two’s in humanitarian missions, so much could go wrong. So he waited, eyes focused on the mission target.

WC: 237

Last edited by Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru on Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:18 am; edited 1 time in total
Shion Kamizuru
Shion Kamizuru
Academy Student
Academy Student
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Clan Focus : WIP
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3750

For the Hive Empty Re: For the Hive

Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:17 am
Finishing up his first day at the academy was relaxing for Shion. Once his first day was out he was told that he was to get used to missions and to head to the mission center to familiarize himself with the process. Heading there he asked if there were any missions available now as he wanted to get some experience in as soon as possible. Being an academy student only allowed him to take E-rank missions as per the rules but that was fine with him. He looked at the list and saw there was a humanitarian mission to the slums. An area he was becoming familiar with as he lived near it. He saw there was someone signed up for it already. Wondering who the other academy student was since he was new he did not know many people he hoped it was someone who was easy to get along with. When he arrived to the merchant he saw the other student and smiled politely.

"Ah, you must be the other student. It's a pleasure to meet you I am Shion...Kamizuru, Shion."

WC- 184
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20750

For the Hive Empty Re: For the Hive

Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:26 am
It hadn’t been long until the other student arrived, he heard the footsteps before he could see the student, not because he was particularly loud - just the sun blocked out the other student. ”Ah. Not Tenko” Before the other Academy student even spoke he recognised the shadow was not of his friend, he was slightly disappointed at first - but he didn’t know just how wrong he was.

The other student spoke his name and then the Clan, the Kamizuru. At first it didn’t spark anything, but then it twigged. This couldn’t be right could it? He was one of the very limited amount of people who were able to escape Iwagakure in its destruction. Cho felt anger for a moment, ”This some kinda sick joke. There are no Kamizuru left.” He jumped down and landed on his feet, his hand resting on the Tanto at the small of his back.

”I’ve had enough of this shit.” Truly he suffered under Konoha’s care, a hostage to the Aburame Clan until they had no more use for him nor did they manage to learn any hiden clan techniques from him.

WC: 190
TWC: 427
Shion Kamizuru
Shion Kamizuru
Academy Student
Academy Student
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Clan Focus : WIP
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3750

For the Hive Empty Re: For the Hive

Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:37 am
Seeing the frustration coming from the other student he shook his head and calmly spoke.

"I don't kid about my heritage. One I am still proud to call my own. I don't know if you are upset by my heritage or by something else but I ask that you not draw your weapon on a comrade."

He would pause for a moment.

"I may come from a once great village as a refugee but I am a part of this village now so I hope you can forgive me if I have offended you. I am still getting used to the customs here."

He saw that the merchant was getting impatient and gave an apologetic smile to him

"Sorry sir we can continue now I think."

Looking to his partner for acknowledgment.

WC- 132
Total word count- 320
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20750

For the Hive Empty Re: For the Hive

Tue Jan 16, 2024 9:44 am
The blonde lingered for a moment, hand shaking from confusion. What the hell did that mean? There were more of his clan - here in Konoha. The other had came here as a refugee much like he did, though it seemed that Chokoku had came here a lot sooner than Shion. He wondered if it was a ploy, perhaps Nokino was testing him after his Genin test exam where he not so subtly declared his loyalty to Iwagakure. In retrospect he was lucky he was still here, let alone alive.

He decided to be careful, and let go of his Tanto for now, he put his hand out to the guy. ”The name’s Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru” his clothing would of likely given it away anyway, black and yellows with an accent of red mixed in, the tips of his hair a dark contrast to the yellow-blonde hair, his tied up hair was almost entirely black.

”You haven’t offended me - I’m sorry, I was unaware more of my clan, I mean our clan, survived the destruction.” He wasn’t sure how to feel or what to say, only to close up like a clam. He looked to the side, at the merchant and noticed the impatience himself. They were on the job now, this would have to wait.

”You’re right let’s go, there’s people depending on this” He turned on his heel,inspected the wagon for any compromises and lead towards the slums. Between scanning vantage points for enemies he kept a watchful eye on the other Kamizuru, after a moment of silence he took the first dive. ”Tell me about yourself, why did you sign up to the Academy” He probed.

WC: 279
TWC: 706
Shion Kamizuru
Shion Kamizuru
Academy Student
Academy Student
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Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : N/A
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Familiar : N/A
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Clan Focus : WIP
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3750

For the Hive Empty Re: For the Hive

Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:31 pm
His smile could fill the entire room. He heard the same clan name as his own and it was the first time he had heard about another Kamizuru and on his first mission. He wiped the grin off his face and began walking alongside the cart. Catching glimpses of his partner. He noticed that he wore more traditional designs for the Kamizuru while Shion himself wore lighter colors. White and Gold with black accents. He had not had a chance to learn any Kamizuru clan jutus yet as he was stuck in the shops in his youth.

"So, uh..." He was a little nervous asking. "You're Kamizuru too?" he paused. He was so excited to talk to someone from his own village but he could not find the words to get started. "I am so relieved someone else from the clan survived." He said with a genuine small smile on his face. He went from being overly excited to being relieved. He had thought they all passed in the assault so long ago. "I signed up for the academy for...well." He would continue walking looking up at the sky. "I want to know what being a ninja means...and why Iwa had to fall like it did." He teared up slightly but held it back. "I have to know why they all had to die like that..."

Silently in thought his eyes continued up in the clouds. Somber in tone and lost in thought.

WC- 245
Total WC- 565
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20750

For the Hive Empty Re: For the Hive

Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:23 am
Cho listened intently to the older student, he seemed to be slightly nervous when speaking - A stark difference between his own usual self. He wondered why he wasn’t excited there was another, or again he was to suspicious to lend the idea a thought, it would be easier for him if it was a lie, than his home in his heart be subject to the wrath and ruin his city has undergone.

”Yeah that’s correct, I was a refugee here when I was but 4 or 5 years of age, it’s odd- I don’t remember Iwagakure, it’s a cold and miserable memory only. I just remember the death, the damage and the unknown” He spoke matter of factly, stopping to let the caravan catch up slightly. ”Those who survived, like me and you, were assigned a fate worse than death when Iwagakure fell, we know we’ll never return - and it will fall into obscurity.”

He spoke half truths, his primary objective was to return home. To repair that which was broken, the will of the stone would live indefinitely. He hadn’t though about getting inside knowledge, maybe there were those in Konoha who could help him research what happened, maybe he would find peace in the clarity. ”We’re nearly at the slums. Keep an eye out.” Cho looked again at high vantage points, anything that could be used as an ambush point against them.

”By all counts your my only family left in this world. We share a bloodline that goes back generations, and I thank you for that opportunity.”

WC: 262
TWC: 968
Shion Kamizuru
Shion Kamizuru
Academy Student
Academy Student
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Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : N/A
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Clan Focus : WIP
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3750

For the Hive Empty Re: For the Hive

Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:54 am
He smiled at the last part. "Yes, I thank you as well. It's good to know I am not alone anymore. I moved here recently after traveling with a caravan of refugees going from place to place but we finally settled here once our resources depleted.."

He would perk up a little remembering that he forgot to mention an important detail. he was too caught up in what was going on between him and his newfound sibling. "Oh, I forgot to mention that this mission is twofold. We are to bring resources to the slums while also practicing patrol training. I believe they just want us to practice vigilance and formation work but I was not entirely sure of the details."

He hands the second scroll to the younger Kamizuru to see if they can interpret it better. he returns to his position on the opposite side of the caravan and looks at Cho from time to time. He was still surprised another member of the clan survived he did not know many of the clan in his youth but he was glad someone still lived.

"I remember Iwa pretty well. It was a beautiful land of rock but the sculptures were amazing and the shop my parents ran..." He would pause for a moment. "They had the best honey cakes in the village..." He would stop talking as he got a little somber again. "My wish is to pilgrimage back there one day..." His voice trails off and he goes back to the mission. "So what do you think we should do for the patrol mission? I am not entirely sure what they expect of us outside of what we are doing already."

WC- 286
Total word count- 851
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20750

For the Hive Empty Re: For the Hive

Thu Jan 18, 2024 4:30 am
A scroll was handed to him to review, ofcourse - a patrol. It made the most sense now that he thought back to it, he was surprised he didn’t notice the patrol mission too - all this was great experience for the real world. He had done one or two patrols before, both of them were pretty mundane but that was a good thing, nothing happened that was a problem.

”Keep an ear to the ground, there’s usually petty thieves who pray on this kind of stuff. I would suggest you look in the most obvious places - alleyways, rooftops but also hidden in plain sight. A civilian who looks out of place. Watch for variances in the route too incase it’s an inside job. He turned back to look at the merchant who stared at him, about to ask why Cho was question his integrity. ”No offense sir, just teaching here. he turned back to his companion, ”It will come naturally in time. This is all stuff that’s not instinct to most, learn from our mistakes and always look forward.

As the Kamizuru was discussing the village they had arrived into the slums, people had already started gathering up around it. Cho directed Shion to watch over the people and the supplies whilst he used the body flicker technique to appear on the roof of a nearby building, keeping a watchful eye out for anything going on. In the distance a small group of thugs looked like they were gathering. ”Great…”

WC: 252
TWC: 1220
Shion Kamizuru
Shion Kamizuru
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : N/A
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Clan Focus : WIP
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3750

For the Hive Empty Re: For the Hive

Thu Jan 18, 2024 4:36 am
Looking impressed by his partner's explanations he did just as the Kamizuru asked and began looking for anything that might be out of the ordinary. I looked normal except for...

"Wait a minute. That kid over there keeps eying the merchant." He would glance occasionally at the kid and noticed that the fidgeting the kid was doing looked more like signals than random fidgeting. Trying to act casual he would call out to his partner. "Hey Cho, I need to talk to you about something!"

He would wait and keep glancing at the kid and around his area to see if anyone was sneaking up on them. It did not seem like the kid was signalling to anyone in particular or at least not someone he saw right away.

WC- 129
Total Word count- 980
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