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Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20750

For the Hive - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Hive

Thu Jan 18, 2024 10:39 am
Whilst they were continueing with the patrol, denizens of this hive descended upon the group like Bee’s to a flower, water began to be handed out and supplies also, usually a collection of toiletries, food goods and seeds to inspire them to grow there own food. It happened little and many crops would be stolen before they could be properly cultivated- but those rare areas of the slums with security were able to feed some of the population there. Though they overcharged for the service, essentially holding a monopoly on the services. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary from those who were already here.

He turned his head back to the outskirts - With a watchful eye he noticed that the small gathering, all wielding weapons of poverty and covered in fabric coverings over there faces like scarfs all broke out into small groups, 5 groups of 2 people each. Unable to track them all, he turned back and looked at Shion, who was calling for him to come down. Cho turned his head again, the groups had disappeared out of sight, mingling with the other civilians and the busy streets of the sprawling slums. ”Shit”

He dropped down from his vantage point to land next to Shion, his hands went back to drawing the Tanto which he kept in a loose grip. A quick swing let loose the singing steel. ”We’ve got company, at least 10 combatants. Likely unskilled civilians, but we have the numerical disadvantage.” Cho remembered that Shion also had something to say, ”Anything to report yourself, something is off.”

WC: 263
TWC: 1483
Shion Kamizuru
Shion Kamizuru
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : N/A
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Clan Focus : WIP
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3750

For the Hive - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Hive

Thu Jan 18, 2024 1:47 pm
As Cho descended next to Shion he used basic ninja signalling to show the direction of the kid doing his signalling. "That must be what the kid was signaling. I think they know about us too so we are not in a good position. If we need to fight are we authorized? I am an academy student still. But if it means protecting the merchant then I will do what is required."

He did not like the idea of fighting off the slum people. He knew they were probably disgruntled at the costs of the merchant's goods. He was in their position not too long ago before he was taken in by a family so he felt the old frustration building up in him. He was wondering if there was any way to end this peacefully. He was still learning negotiation and tactics so he was not comfortable dealing with these people socially. He had no weapons and had only just recently learned some basic jutsu. If need be he did finish a few lessons on taijutsu so he was hoping he could defend himself against some non-trained combatants.

"I am not the most useful in a fight but I have had a few combative taijutsu classes so I know some basic self-defense." He hoped he did not let down his partner with that but he wanted to make sure he knew his capabilities.

WC- 234
Total WC- 1214
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20750

For the Hive - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Hive

Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:07 pm
”The kids the informant, he’s stronger than of us combined and half our age.” he recognised the Student. They were in the same class together, the kid was in another league. Before the two of them had a chance to look back the kid was gone with the wind, he was signalling to them not to the others. How did the kid even know? It didn’t matter, the cover wasn’t blown and they had precious moments to get ready for an encounter.

Cho was ready for combat, he had a string of combat Jutsu that he could use to turn the tides - especially against untrained civilians, but despite Cho’s strength he didn’t see the optics of what would happen if he just fought them right there - it could start something bigger than they could handle, or it could escalate up to the higher ranks.

None of this went through his mind, instead he waited until the first bunch groups arrived, then the others momentarily afterwards. His hands shifted to make a hand seal, Chakra flooded to his hands as he prepared to bring up earthen spikes to skewer them right there. He gritted his teeth, holding the seal before letting it go.

The group smirked, slapping bats against their palms. One rubbed a sickle against a wall and swung it, another had a hammer which he rotated in their hands. Two women held butchers blades. ”Give us ya food and we’ll let ya pup’s head on back to the Academy, ain’t ya got some crayon drawing to do?” the man laughed, pointing to the two of them. The rest of the group joined in. But despite appearances, they were all poor, dirty ragged clothes, knotted hair, shaking in their tiny frames. These street rats were the lowest of the low - stealing from their fellow slum residents.

Cho snapped slightly, his one hand coming up to perform a seal. However before he could, a knife rested against his cheek from behind.

”Goodjob lads - all as planned.” Came the voice of someone familiar, the merchant.

”Tsch… You bastard…” Cho stood still, anger seething.

WC: 355
TWC: 1838
Shion Kamizuru
Shion Kamizuru
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : N/A
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Clan Focus : WIP
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3750

For the Hive - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Hive

Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:50 pm
Looking confused as to the turn of events he was not looking forward to what came after this. He saw the merchant quickly draw his dagger and surprise his partner. He wanted to react but his reflexes were not all that great compared to the surprisingly nimble stout merchant. He looked to see the other 10 thugs now surrounding the two . It was not only a matter of numbers but a matter of surprise which they now have as well against them.

"We don't have to do this, what is the point of stealing from each other? It's not going to fix anyone's situation. It will only prologue the pain and suffering of the people you live with. We all came from the same area yet you are all still wallowing in defeat while we try and make something of ourselves."

While he was trying to convince them he also in his hand motions weaved a few quick hand signs to prepare a substitution with a cart object in case they decided to attack.

"Why don't you work with us instead of shamefully allowing your defeat to change you into criminals?" He was doing all he could to convince the people of the slums. He was not the best at this but he was hoping he could reach them with some harsh but honest words. He remembered a teaching of his past village. Hope for Peace but prepare for War. If they meant to attack these two he would use everything he has learned at the academy to defend himself and his only blood relative.

WC 265
Total WC- 1479
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20750

For the Hive - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Hive

Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:37 am
With the weapon pressed against his skin, the students hand came up in a surrender or atleast to show he wasn’t going to do anything he shouldn’t. The group of them had surrounded them both, under the direction of the Merchant apparently. What did they stand to gain? Upsetting the village and risking future supplies all for this one? No it had to be deeper.

Shion’s speech carried truths with it, questioning the intent of those that were there and what they stood to gain - the ambush didn’t make much sense. ”C’mon - let us work something out, no blood needs to be spilt today” Chokoku-Ji began to bargain, jumping on the back of Shion’s words. Some of the ruffians shuffled in there place, looking left and right at there companions to see what they were thinking.

”Look I can heal some of your wounds, you can take what you need and go. This won’t go in the report.” Cho lied, he was many things, but a report would be truthful regardless what happened in it.

”Enough - we’re not here for the supplies. We need inside men, you two are going to be it. You’re going to make sure these supplies come to us and we will distribute ourselves. You’re mission will be complete and you’ll come again. You keep getting paid.” the merchant smirked, Cho looked angry. They were going to monopolise the supplies, their friends and gang members would get rich at the extent of everyone else that was clear, and the two Kamizuru were expected to do the dirty work - disgusting, but there was a knife to his throat.

He turned his head slightly at Shion - trying to gauge what he was thinking. Shit, he couldn’t tell. He had to make a decision regardless, living as a pion to these people was impossible, but he had to do it correctly. He closed his eyes and imagined the terrain, every move he was about to make and then - he did it. With one hand he performed the hand seals for Earth Flow Spears. From the ground 5 metres away from him spikes burst through the floor, aiming for each limb of the merchant, the blade was knocked out of his hand and Cho dropped down to knee to let the last spike impale the merchant to the wagon by the left shoulder. ”Disarm - no kill.” he called out to Shion. A group of 4 ran at him from the front. He waited until they were just in range and slammed both hands down to the ground - a large Earth Wall flew from the ground both blocking them and forcing them back, he could hear them run away. As he thought, untrained.

The moans of the merchant went unnoticed, Cho instead went to see how Shion was doing and to offer support if needed.

WC: 482
TWC: 2320
Shion Kamizuru
Shion Kamizuru
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : N/A
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Clan Focus : WIP
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3750

For the Hive - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Hive

Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:50 am
Shion saw the implication of helping these people but he was nobodies lackey for nefarious purposes. He knew he was going to have to defend himself from them because they were not going to like his response to their proposition. "You guys are scum, the very idea of what you guys are doing is despicable. I will not stand for the destruction of your own people for the gain of the few. Spikes hurt the merchant and the wall of stone came up to stop some of the other men. With that, a few charged after Shion. He saw they were clumsy just like the test dummy that he was used to sparring with. He saw their movements very easily as they were almost announcing their attacks.

Using what he learned in the advanced training halls he would dodge punches, block kicks, and return aim blows to tender parts of his enemy. He was not the most capable with Taijutus but hitting skin and meat was less painful and more effective than hitting padding on a wooden dummy. he would fight off three of them before the rest coming at him saw the futile effort and ran away. The merchant was incapacitated and his men were running away with their tails behind their backs. It was time to end this.

"I am going to be borrowing this," Shion said as he grabbed some rope from the merchant's belongings and began tying up the merchant using the knot methods learned in class. He looked over to his partner and smiled. "Well, then it looks like that patrol mission came in handy. They must have known something was up to have us take both missions.

WC- 283
Total WC- 1762
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20750

For the Hive - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Hive

Fri Jan 19, 2024 4:08 am
As quick as the fight had begun it was already over, the merchant had clearly underestimated the difference between a simple Academy student over the untrained civilian. They fought like a pack of rats,  but the Kamizuru duo were a shield wall against them. They didn’t stand a chance - they should have made a statement and killed one of the two off the bat instead of dragging it on. Cho sighed, this was now likely a D rank mission but - they wouldn’t be paid as such. A shame, but still worth it.

”You handled yourself well Shion. Thanks for having my back there.” he put his hand out for a fist bump. ”Come on, let's get these supplies handed out and we’ll go back, hand this asshole in. Lunch is on me - we’ll be writing this report until the early hours I’m sure” he hated writing reports, but understood there necessity.

With that Cho would spend the next half hour ensuring the supplies were handed out correctly, out of the corner of his eyes he was sure he could see that kid again - was he going to support them if things went ugly? Cho wasn’t sure, but atleast they got the job done. Finally, with a heavy debate with himself, he decided to use Healing Hands to heal the Merchant to ensure he didn’t get any serious injuries between being handed in. It felt like a waste of chakra and effort, but it made the most sense.

The mission was over, but the story had just begun.


WC: 261
TWC: 2581


+25 Chakra
2 x E-Rank Missions: 2000 Ryo, 10 AP
Horde Summoner 2581/5000
Shion Kamizuru
Shion Kamizuru
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : N/A
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Clan Focus : WIP
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3750

For the Hive - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Hive

Fri Jan 19, 2024 4:14 am
[End] of the 2 missions

2 E rank Missions 2000 Ryo, 10 AP
Total WC- 1762
+ 10 Chakra
+ 7 Vigor
+1762 towards PureBlooded (3779/4000)
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

For the Hive - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Hive

Fri Jan 19, 2024 6:37 am
Chokoku-Ji Kamizuru wrote:[exit]
WC: 261
TWC: 2581
+25 Chakra
2 x E-Rank Missions: 2000 Ryo, 10 AP
Horde Summoner 2581/5000

Please remember to indicate your total stat points following a claim!

Shion Kamizuru wrote:[End] of the 2 missions
2 E rank Missions 2000 Ryo, 10 AP
Total WC- 1762
+ 10 Chakra
+ 7 Vigor
+1762 towards PureBlooded (3779/4000)

Same as above re stats
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