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Yume Kami
Yume Kami
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Stat Page : The Gallery of Memories
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Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind Empty Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind

Thu Nov 30, 2023 11:37 pm
Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind 4Hcr0DC

''The air was good and filled with freshness, the smell of flowers, melting snow and faraway winds''

As Yume walked the rocky and small pebble covered path up a mountain toward the nearest in, she could see the sun of the afternoon slowly fading away in the horizon, hidden partially by moving clouds. The wind was strong and fresh, filled with the cooling peaks of the mountain and their eversnow, refreshing the violet haired woman. As she neared the top of the edge she was scaling slowly by walking, she stopped to let herself, her hair and her ample clothes, to take in the refreshing gust of herbal scents carried by the wind. With eyes closed and her arms raised on her side to fully take it in, she felt refreshed by it all, as if a cold jug of mint and lavender iced tea was drunk in an instant.

''Ahhhh this feel great! I love the mountains. It is a trully inspiring landscape. Lets press on tho, I don't want to arrive too late at the inn!'' said to herself out loud Yume. As she walked again, her giant scroll on her waist followed suit, bumbling around as her hips carrying it moved up the hill, her footsteps fast and full of assurance, the way of walking of someone who walked a lot in their life.

As she walked even more, she arrived at the inn, a small wooden traditionnal building, made in Edo style, on top of a grassy hill. The green strands of fresh herbs and flowers flowed in the gale like waves on the sea, a rainbow like color palette of petals and herbs. As she arrived sooner than expected at the inn, the woman sat down calmly in the grass, took out her large scroll and slowly, with care and precision, unravelled it, as well as set on the side her inks of different shades and colors. Her brushes were aranged in front of her too, and with a deep breath and closed eyes, she made inner peace, channeling her chakra to calm herself and atune with the landscape. As she oppened her eyes after long minutes of meditation under the sound of the mountain winds, a sudent smile appeared on her face, the smile of finding a good thing to paint. She started to give gentle stroke on the white canvas spread before her in the grass, working all evening on the painting until the sun started to fade away and leave place to the darkness of the night, and get back inside. While she was painting all evening, her feeling was that someone, another lost soul, would wander and meet her, a wanderer just like herself....
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Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind Empty Re: Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind

Fri Dec 01, 2023 5:20 pm
Among the shifting winds of a rough mountainside walks Shisou, the evening air rustling the robes covering her outer layer of clothing. She walks along the ascension tapping her sheathed blade against the floor of the path. A small puddle having formed on the path from some melted snow reflects the blindfolded face of a mature looking woman, her short white hair bobbing as she walks. Reaching the top of the mountain she stumbles as she reaches the highest point of elevation, the destination hopefully close by, she approaches near where she thinks the desk is, smelling some fresh paint she heads towards the direction of the smell.

Approaching the source of the sound she turns to where she thinks the sound is looking, pointed to the left of where Yume actually is more pointed towards a rock and clears her throat, “Hello, you wouldn’t happen to be the innkeeper would you? I’m looking for a room for the night just to stop by before I head out tomorrow.” She takes some loose objects from her pocket that she thinks is change but is actually just some buttons, “Here is the change some nearby folks gave me while I was walking the path up here.” she says dropping the buttons onto the floor where she thinks the person's hand is.
Yume Kami
Yume Kami
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Gallery of Memories
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind Empty Re: Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind

Sat Dec 02, 2023 6:18 pm
As Yume was painting in the calm of the mountain air, with the only sound being her brush and ink drifting across the parchment, and the air ruffling the leaves and petals of the flowers and grass hills around her and passing through the crevices and stones of the mountain, she was in a sort of peace, a inner calm. Slowly but surely tough, some footsteps could be heard approaching her. She noticed the sound, but didnt turn, as she was rather focused on her painting and appreciating the landscape and sightseeing of the tall mountain range, seeing above the clouds the peaks of various mounts of jagged stone covered in snow.

As the sounds got closer and closer, Yume turned her head to see the woman. She was smaller and thiner than Yume, but seemed more able body wise, having a long blade at her hip. Her outfit was quite modern and of considerable quality compared to the one of the purple haired woman, dressed in a tern collord garb of traditional clothing. With a soft spoken voice, the white haired lady asked to Yume something. She asked if she was the innkeeper? What? They werent even inside the inn itself! More confused than anything else, Yume didnt have the time to answer back that the woman added another sentence, after pulling a hand out of her pockets and dropping some buttons onto the floor. She said that was the change some folks gave to her? With a face of confusion, Yume stared blankly for a few seconds in silence, trying to understand. OH. She was blind! That why she has a cloth before her eyes! Yume knew of people hidding their eyes, some to get an advantage or to hide their bloodlines and dojutsu, but this wasnt the case this time, she was just proper blind! ''Poor girl'' tought to herself Yume, her face now sad from the situation of the mistaken white haired woman. 

As she got up and let her painting dry up in the wind a few moments, she turned toward the lady, and touched her shoulder gently to let her know she was in front of her.

''No, i'm not the innkeeper my dear, we are just outside of the inn. Im sorry if the noises of me painting misguided you to believe i was the innkeeper. I can help you get inside the inn, it wont be a problem.'' replied Yume, emotive a bit by the sadness of it all. She imagined herself being blind, not seeing the marvelous world around, not being able to paint or write. She felt bad for her, and she didnt want to be too brash either, trying to dodge the subject of the coins, that were in fact worthless junk that the mean travelers she encountered gave her, lying to her telling her it was money. ''What a despicable act to do to someone it need'' tought to herself the one-eyed artist.

''Don't worry, i'll gladly help you. Let me just pack my scroll, inks and brushes, and we can head up inside.'' Added the Purple haired woman with a large smile. 

The inside of the inn was warm, conforting. It was made out of wood, and the fireplace had a large cauldron over it, with a boiling aromatic stew, chankonabe. This was a rich stew, filled with energy and all nutrients needed for those who traveled extensively. As they both sat at a table, Yume ordered some tea for both of them, and served gently the blind companion. In a gesture of good faith too, she took her hand with the most care, light as a feather, and brought it close to touch the handle of the tea cup, as a way to prevent her from burning herself.

''Carefull its hot. Its Jasmin Tea. Figured you'd like some. So what is your name, and whats your story? Im Yume Kami by the way.''
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Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind Empty Re: Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind

Sun Dec 03, 2023 3:41 am
Shisou stood there for a little bit as she heard the sound of someone getting up and felt a gentle touch on her shoulder definitely doesn’t seem like a threat so far. She brought her hand back from dropping the coins and merely returned the gesture by lightly touching where she felt the presence of a hand touching her. The person seemed to mention that she was in fact not the innkeeper though she would help her get into the inn in response Shisou nodded smiling slightly, “It’s no problem, but if you are offering to help me get into the inn… you don’t need to go out of your way.” Before Shisou could finish her sentence she heard the woman continue speaking saying not to worry and she was apparently packing up her brushes. She figured she was probably a painter of some sort, and waited for the girl to pick up her supplies. She listened to the environment around her, the air blowing peacefully a light sound of cicadas ringing from somewhere nearby and adjusted herself.  

Shisou wasn’t used to being led to places, she felt an arm guiding her into the interior of a place it seemed. The heat was higher, as what smelled like a stew was brewing. Certainly this was the inn, she felt herself led and sat down on what seemed like a table. She heard the girl order them some tea, which was certainly a kind gesture and she did appreciate it. She felt her hand guided to the tea cup as it made sure not to burn and she made sure to adjust accordingly. The person helping her seemed to be named Yume Kami for some reason she wanted to know what her story was. Shisou didn’t mind telling some of it as she took a sip of her tea and then pondered. “You seem nice enough Yume so I can answer you but a name huh well I suppose I can give you my project code if that’s what you want, I am designated as S H I S O U." Each letter was enunciated in the name as if it was some sort of acronym or something similar, the woman called Shisou continued her story.

“As for a story it’s not much of one to tell, I was a…. thing who had to be retired, I found humanity in  taking care of a little girl named Kairi. I tried my best to raise her as much as I could and managed to learn a lot from her. For 5 years we had peace.. but it never really lasts. Someone came to reclaim me” Shisou would kind of have a slight discomfort in her right hand as she reached for it while mentioning this, “I don’t know why, but they took HER! They should have taken me, I did try to stop it. But as the person who was in charge they had certain rights over me and because of that I lost my ability to see. Ever since then I’ve been scouring around the area trying to find her. I won't forgive that MONSTER!” Shisou would grip her blind fold tightly.

Taking a deep breath following this she took a photo out of her jacket pocket and placed it on the table, “If you know anything at all or have seen her at all even a little info helps, 3 years and I’ve found nothing but I won’t give up!"
Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind 31a24210

Shisou would take quite a break after finishing this conversation finishing her tea and taking some time to calm down, "Sorry about that, what about you Yume?"

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Yume Kami
Yume Kami
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Gallery of Memories
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind Empty Re: Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind

Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:41 pm
As the girl spoke, there was something weird about her. She seemed, naive, but at the same time pure, artificial, but honnest to a fault too. She said her name was Shisou, but spelled it all out like it was a weird acronym. She said it was her project name? And that she was a thing? Well, to Yume, she seemed like a person, not a object! As she listened carefully to the story and the things that happened to Shisou, she felt empathy toward her, and was focused on listening. The more she talked, the more clues Yume got on the nature of that white haired lady. Her story was indeed, quite tragic. She was in service of masters and took care of a little girl, but one day, her overlords came back for the girl, and she lost her. In the act of defiance, the antagonist of Shisou story even deprived her of her sight, removing her ability to see, hence the blindness. As Yume listened, she shed a few tears, feeling in her heart every pain Shisou felt. She held her hand all along, trying to help her emotionnaly with her presence.

As she finished her tea, Shisou was clearly very emotive, and upset against the monsters who took the little girl away from her. She calmed herself donw, and Yume looked over the picture, and over to her, even if she couldnt see her eyes looking, full of water and emotions.

''Shisou.... I feel your pain. If I ever see Kairi, I promise I will tell you and bring you two together. As for my story, its is one of tragedy too, as much as yours im afraid. You see,  I forgot who I was and where I lived. I know I was abducted by marauders when young, and that escaped them about 6 months ago, but I lost all my memory, and with it, my past, who I was, where i'm from. After my escape, and the incident leading to my memory loss, I was left for dead, beated up, thrown down a cliff, and unconscious. By luck, or maybe destiny, I survived, and woke up. Confused, I struggled to survive in the wild for a few weeks, until some rice farmers found me and took me back to their hamlet, giving me a bed to rest and medicine to heal my wounds. It took me a while, but after a few months, I was back on my feet. I left soon after, and started to paint once I had hit the road. It felt natural, one of the first few things I remembered that I did before. As I walked all over from The land of Shadows all the way up to here, in the lands of Mountains, I stoped whenever my instinct told me to do so. I stop when it feel right, and then I close my eyes, embrace the place I am in, and when I feel connected to its nature, to its landscape, I start painting. I simply listen to my inner self. With each painting, each view captured, I get back glimpse of my past, of the way I took when captive, piece by piece, and follow them, trying to piece back my life and origin, and to find where i'm from, to find my home, if I still have one.'' 

Yume said that with a voice of confidance, of self belief that could shake even the strongest of earth foundations. She was sure of her purpose, even if unsure of the path she would need to follow. She knew that she would need allies, and traveling companion tho, and Shisou would be a great match. She too, could help her in return, by being her guide, and helping her find and search for Kairi. 

''So, Shisou, with all that, where are you going? Do you know in wich land Kairi was, and you too, before all of that happened? Or do you plan on travelling the whole world, one land at a time to find your little girl? I could help you search you know, help you by also being your eyes. We could help each other.'' Added Yume, as she drank her tea slowly, flicking back behind her ear a strand of her pale pastel purple hair.
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Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind Empty Re: Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind

Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:24 pm
Listening to Yume’s response silently, she heard the tale of Yume’s missing past and tensed up a bit upon mention of marauders.Yume seemed to have escaped gotten involved in an incident in the past that caused her to be close to death, surviving by seeming instinct or some kind of luck? Shisou brought some fingers to her chin, holding it slightly thinking about the pure drive needed to survive in that kind of state and as such was quite impressed. It seemed that the way that Yume got her memories back was by painting in the places she was drawn to. She contemplated everything she was hearing and appeared deep in thought before Yume then spoke up, rousing Shisou out of contemplation a bit.

Yume continued asking Shisou about where she would be going and more information about Kairi, for the first time it seemed someone was actually interested in helping search. For a few minutes Shisou seemed to contemplate what bringing Yume with her would entail, she reached around the table for the picture of Kairi before putting it back in her robe’s pocket. Thinking further she decided to speak up after the proposition had been put forward.  “Are you sure you want to be my eyes? I do have many enemies that may hunt you down as a result of traveling alongside me, it may not be safe. The man who has her, has connections. I don’t have very many resources as to where she might be held but the first step is heading into Haven tomorrow morning, then working my way from place to place searching for information. Again I’m not saying not saying no to the help I’m just making sure you are aware of the danger involved.”Shisou would continue following this, “I will help you get your memories back though regardless, the drive you show for that is remarkable enough at the very least. Aside from that I believe it is getting late, so if your answer is yes we probably need to turn in soon so we can leave for the village bright and early.” following the ending remark Shisou would get up from the table steadying herself on the handle of her katana.

Post WC: 374
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Yume Kami
Yume Kami
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Gallery of Memories
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Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind Empty Re: Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind

Thu Dec 07, 2023 12:57 pm
Shisou seemed concerned and empathetic when Yume told her her story, and how she survived in the wild the white haired woman had a face of concern, and of admiration for her resolve too. As she asked if Yume was sure if she wanted to be her eyes, she told her the truth, saying that it would be a dangerous situation, seeing as they were hunted.

''Well yes, I'll always lend a hand to someone in need. I am too probably tracked by my past captors, so one more or one less, the danger is the same, right? Beside, if we are both in danger, we ougth to stick together even more, to give us a chance to at least survive all of it. So yes, I'm ready to be your eyes Shisou. Altough, I'm eager to go sleep, I dont want to leave the lands of Moutains yet. I think some people still need help here, and also we should take our time traveling, with us being not at our best. We could also get a bit stronger and train along the way, making us less weak targets for criminals and bandits. What do you think?'' asked Yume, her voice soft and calm, but serious.

As she waited on the answer, Yume gestured to the innkeeper, wanting to signal that they will take a room with two beds, and access to the hot baths if possible. After all, the travel was harduous on the body, and the clothes too. Yume would enjoy a warm bath, relaxing her sore muscles, as well as cleaning herself, and cleaning in the warm waters her dirty clothing, making sure to be fresh for their departure the next morning.

But before all of that, Yume listened to what Shisou still had to say, ordering food meanwhile, as tea was good but not very nurishing.

''Heya innkeeper! I'd take two bowl of Chankonabe please. thanks you.'' added the purple haired woman.

As the bowls of hot everything stew arrived on the table, the aroma of a rich chicken stock filled the air, paired with the smell of wonderfull mushrooms, boiled seafood, grilled fish, and vegetables tender and full of warmth. To Yume, this was heaven on earth. She smelled and exhaled a audible 'yummmm' salivating toward the bowl put before each of them. She looked over at Shisou, trying to discern in her face a sort of reaction too, and smile accordingly to her reaction. The food was amazing, and warm too. It brought to Yume confort like nothing ever could, similar to a warm blanket on a couch beside a fireplace in the middle of winter. 

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Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind Empty Re: Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind

Sat Dec 09, 2023 1:35 pm
Standing there Shisou listened to Yume’s response,it seemed like she was the type to help those in need, she smiled a tinge being reminded of Kairi. Yume seemed to be steadfast enough in going through with sticking with Shisou, though Yume criticized leaving early and wanted to train more beforehand and asked for Shisou’s opinion. She nodded and pondered for a second before thinking of a response,“Well then I’m glad to have you joining me, I see your point about taking our time on the road that could definitely be good for us but we do have to try to remain relatively quiet or to the shadows we can help and train but we are going to have to be careful about it till we get stronger. Perhaps it would be wise to get something to hide our faces but we’ll cross that road when we get there.” Shisou scratches the bottom of her chin with her two fingers thinking to herself about the journey.

A couple minutes later while she had been talking Yume spoke up and called for some food, Shisou had completely forgotten about eating her stomach rumbling. She heard the approaching steps as some food had been set on the table. It seemed like Yume had also ordered some food for her, she nodded and sat back down eating some of the Chankonabe hearing an audible sound of exuberance from in front of her from Yume. Shisou ate it, enjoying it for what it was, calories at the bare minimum.“Very good, very good, thank you for the food.” She would nod, finishing her food and rising from the table and throwing away food where she thinks the trash is located.

Eventually Shisou is informed by the innkeeper that room and bath have been paid for and she is led to each in turn. Having finished memorizing the steps between the baths and the bedroom and walking between them, Shisou took a break in the bath cleaning underneath her blindfold, careful about the seal over her eyes.  Finishing the bath she heads to bed and waits for Yume to enter and sleep,“Sleep well” she says shortly and rather flatly as she gets up supporting her weight and heads outside while Yume is presumably fully asleep.

She takes time outside the moonlight shining over a reflection in the way the blade moves, she focuses on training how she normally does for the night. Focusing all of her senses on feeling the world around her, a vague picture starts to form off of combining all the sensory data she has in her mind, the feelings of the world around her before she begins to lose focus again, almost there she is always just one step away it feels from being able to see in a way again. Taking the rest of the time before midnight to further refine her bladework striking here and there on a nearby tree. Finishing up the training work she finishes with a short run before heading back in and washing herself off.  The night would come and go as Shisou was the first to wake up in the morning having a nightmare the night before.

Morning comes as the sound of rain hitting the metallic roof of the building is heard, seems it is going to be a rainy morning Shisou would approach Yume’s side of the room and attempt to wake her,]“Wake up, it’s time to get going, we got a long day ahead of us seems to be raining so probably put away your painting supplies but if we strike early we might be able to get some good springwater from this area.” she said rather matter of factly before getting dressed and ready for the day before heading out of the building the rain pattering down the path.

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Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind Empty Re: Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind

Sun Dec 10, 2023 1:29 am
Yume Kami
Yume Kami
Vagabond (D-Rank)
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Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind Empty Re: Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind

Sun Dec 10, 2023 5:54 pm
as both girl ate the soup relentlessly, it was concluded in the speech between the two of them that they would stick together as a team, and help one another in the vast adventures beyonds the roads and paths in faraway lands. Shisou suggested to Yume an idea since she agreed to take more their time and to try and get stronger together, to train together. 

''Yeah, I think cowls or hoods would do the trick! Altough i wouldnt want to scare off anyone we meet, or to cause a form of hostility since we are masked... I think we should wear bandana with hoods, and when we meet someone who our instict tell us is okay, we reveal ourselves. If people dont ask questions then i guess stealth is fine.'' answered Yume, unsure about this thing. But in the end, it would be something to try at least! 

As they finished eating, they wend and placed their travelling belongings into their room, all the bags, clothings and the likes to unburden themselves. Yume splited from Shishou, heading for the warm onsen, a towel wrapped around her pale figure, with only wooden Geta sandals in her feet, clacking on the stone floor tiles as she walked toward the steaming hot bath. As she relaxed in the waters, soaking herself and relaxing, her eyes closed, her breathing slow and deep, she felt quite happy for once to be able to drop her guard and to be allowed a moment of peace, of respite. 

Fatefull meeting between the Lost and the Blind 3lRMqAH

As the seconds became minutes, Yume basked in the moist air and hot surroundings, and after an hour, came back to the chamber, her posture and face utterly calm and peacefull, tranquil to a fault. Shisou was waiting for her, and wished her a good night. 

''That bath was incredible! Thanks Shisou, you too sleep tight. We have a long way tomorrow, so rest well.'' said soflty the purple haired woman as she layed down in bed, falling quietly asleep.

As the morning soon rised, both girl prepared to go into the wilderness and to follow the long and serpentine mountainous road, braving the thunderstorm that was raging in the morning, together.


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