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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Just a couple E ranks Empty Just a couple E ranks

Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:16 am
Mission Link

The sun slowly came over the horizon and within the workshop known as The Dragon's Hour one had begun to stir. Coming into the dim lights of the smithing forge had been the owner of the shops charge, Rilo. He had never slept as soundly as the Dragon himself, but he made due with what he could get. He had been up this early because instead of waiting around for the shop to open up he would go out and perform some lower ranked missions on his own before Morio could even wake up. Throwing own his daily attire of his Black jacket then his black overcoat followed by his black pants, socks and boots the young male would ruffle his own hair a couple of times before nodding to himself. With his clothing being the way he liked and nothing else stopping him, Rilo unlocked the front door and headed out but not before locking it back. The last thing he needed was either Morio or his black scaled lizard cussing up a stomr because someone wandered in before opening time. As he tucked the key into the depths of his trenchcoat, he remembered that the administration building had all of the missions he would be interested in doing at the given moment. The least amount of human interaction he had to do when it came to group assignments would be lower if he just chose solo assignments. There would be time in the future to see if he would be receptive to doing things with a group of people, but for now he was on his own. Slowly he would make his way over to the administration building it should have been open by now and once he had made his way in, he would move toward the section with the E- Ranked missions. Taking his look of them he would begin to pick out two or three that would suit his needs for the day and head out. The first one only entailed pointing people to the correct department while sorting through paperwork. How mundane the assignments were was...interesting but it was easy pay so he did not care. He would be shown a seat in which he could get adjusted and comfortable before shifting through some of the paper work.

As he worked a group of people would come in asking for various departments and as he sat down the pen he had been using and without looking up he would point to three hallways," The hallway on your right will take you to agriculture administration, the one in the middle shall guide you to registration and the one on the left will direct you to public archives," though as he finished those hollow red eyes would look up to them and try to offer what he thought was a smile but would come out as a half- grin instead. Each of them thanked him for the directions and quickly made their way to their destinations. Shortly after he would finish with his initial task before standing up and turning in what he had did so far.

521 WC
5 Stats
521 words towards unlocking Kenseigan [521/2000]
Mission Rewards
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Just a couple E ranks Empty Re: Just a couple E ranks

Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:32 am
Mission Link

Just shortly after his administrative duties had been done, Rilo left the building to go to his next mission which had been an odd one for sure. He was to help assist in a... yearly brunch? His brow raised in confusion mostly as he made it a note to actually ask Morio about what he had to do for missions during his time as a ninja. None the less he would begin to head to the area where he would meet up with those that would be throwing the large brunch and tea dumping before the festivities had begun. So far he did not believe that doing some of these missions would not be too hard, of course they should not have been for entry level missions but some could have just been...what was the word...mundane. Either way he moved with some haste through the streets of Hoshi until he had arrived at his next location. For a moment he would stand there and scan the area to find who it was he needed to look for to commence the mission. After a moment or two he would find someone who looked to be the function head or at least the one giving out the orders to the others. Walking over to them he would begin to pull out the scroll containing the mission details and cleared his throat to get their attention," I am here to help assist with your brunch and to assure that things go smoothly for you. Where are you wanting me to go?," the words came out not dry but straight to the point. The two would exchange a silent look for a moment before the other male looked around for a moment before snapping his fingers.

Two people would come over to him before he made a hand gesture to Rilo," Take him over to the stacking area where he can help get this years tea dumping ready. ," which was perfect for Rilo. He would not have to serve people and deal with their potentially snobbish behavior and he could do something that was generally within his day to day anyway. With a small nod he would follow the other two that would begin to show him what to do. Essentially all he had to do was stack the correct types of tea in their proper location, making sure that each flavor and type matched the staging area. After he had finished with that he was good to go on and enjoy some of the refreshments before he had departed and they commenced the dumping of the tea. With a simple nod he would begin to get to work stacking the boxes one by one according to where they went. It honestly just felt like another day in the forge where he had to stack certain crates with materials in different areas so he was quick to get things where they needed to go and remember where they needed to go without asking questions.

501 WC
5 Stats
501 WC to Kenseigan, new total is [1,022/2000]
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Just a couple E ranks Empty Re: Just a couple E ranks

Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:55 am
Mission Link
Mission Link

At long last the tea had finally been stacked the way it should have and festivities were about to be underway. Before he had left the locale he would take the time to sample a particularly fragrant tea that he had just so happened to stack and wondered if it had been out. After asking some of the workers around they would point him to a fine jasmine jade tea that had a calming green color and smelled as if it had been too good to be true. Sitting down in one of the nearby chairs he would hike his right leg up onto his left and enjoy the tea for a moment before going to his last mission for the day at least. As the warm, jade liquid hit his lips and made its way down into his mouth and finally his throat he was taken aback by the sweet yet bold flavors the tea had exhibited. It had actually made him sit the cup back onto its saucer for a moment and take in the full taste of the tea before finishing it and standing up. Before he had left the overseer of the event had gifted him a bag of the Jasmine Jade tea in hopes he would come back to work at next years event as well. Knowing full well it was not demanded but given freely, Rilo gave a small nod before safely and quickly sticking the bag of tea into his inner pockets and heading toward the gates. For his last mission he would be playing the role of a helper for any lost tourists that may be looking for a local spot to go to.

Why he chose this mission was a bit weird to him considering he had not been in the village for long, but had learned of most of its locale and topography from Morio so it would not be as big of a detriment as he thought it would...only time would tell however. It took him a minute to get to the gates where he would be pointed to the booth in which he would be standing for a couple of hours or sitting if he so chose. Looking at the chair for a moment he would slide it to the side and stand there for a moment, seeing as no one had yet to walk up to the booth. After what felt like thirty to forty minutes of standing there he would pull the chair up and sit down, placing his feet up upon the booth and waiting patiently. After a few moments of him sitting down a family of four would walk up to the desk asking for the best sites to see some of the local wildlife native to the land. Blinking for a moment, Rilo would pull out a map that was nearest to him on the desk and point to the trail leading to the Tachibana Reservation.

"Follow the trail here and it will lead you The Tachibana Reservation. It was supposedly made by one ninja and houses some of Hoshi's more indigenous species. Just be careful when you go there and don't try to pet the animals. Please." he wouldn't stress the last part but seeing as they had a younger child he would make a note for them to watch them just in case. The family would nod and thank him for the information before heading toward the route. For the rest of the time he had been there he would continue to show or explain to people where they needed to go. The last request had been to see the palace and the water gardens. Seeing as his last mission just required him to patrol the area around the water gardens, he would decide to show them the way. Standing up from the chair he would motion for them to follow him, but before he left he would notify the guard at the gate that he was finished with his tourist duty and was now about to escort the family to the palace. The guard would nod and let them be on their way and soon after the group would be off. Being tourists they would begin to ask Rilo about the structures and how they came to be. Taking in a deep breathe he would point to one of the buildings which had just so happen to be a church," Before becoming a village that embraced Shinobi, the land of stars was largely a religious based land. So a lot of the structures resemble that type of style. Though over the years and the change of opinions you may see some of them taking on a more shiniobi like approach," he did not know too much else about it but that was the gist of what he knew.

Motioning for them to continue to follow him, he would be on the active look out for anything that would be deemed an "issue" in terms of patrolling or something that he would assume the guards would be looking for. So far it had just been the villagers and civilians going about their business, but the family would inquire more and whatever he could answer to his ability he would. Their journey would soon find them taking some small detour to get the family something to eat since their youngest had been complaining of being hungry. As they decided on some of the local foods to eat, Rilo detached from them and walked around the area notifying them that he would be back before they finished eating. Reluctant at first, the family would assume he had some shinobi duty to do and went to eat. Letting out a small sigh he would begin to patrol around the area allowing the small family some time. After a while of walking the area he would come back to see the family finally ready to finish their travels. Nodding he would begin to lead them to the water gardens. Since he had been taking his time to allow them to see more the village, they would arrive just a bit after high noon allowing them to see both the Palace and Water Gardens in its full beauty. Motioning for them to go ahead he would be thanked by the family and shortly after he would take his leave to finish up his day.

1,068 WC
10 Stats
978 words to finish unlocking Kenseigan [2,000/2,000]
90 words toward Adjustment [90/500]
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
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Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 181150

Just a couple E ranks Empty Re: Just a couple E ranks

Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:16 am
Ryouma Ametsuchi wrote:
1,068 WC
10 Stats
978 words to finish unlocking Kenseigan [2,000/2,000]
90 words toward Adjustment [90/500]

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