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Yuma Hyūga
Yuma Hyūga
Academy Student
Academy Student
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Breaking Into The Academy Gym Empty Breaking Into The Academy Gym

Thu Nov 16, 2023 10:02 pm

The brilliant sun began to set over the village of Konohagakure no Sato as the ringing of the Ninja Academy bell filled the air. The day was finally coming to an end for most of the students who attended the prestigious school, and it was a given that they would be heading home to eat some dinner and play before tucking themselves into their comfy beds. This was not the same, however, for fourteen-year-old Hyūga, Yuma, who exited the academy proper along with two other students.

"So what're you gonna do, eh, Yoichi?" Asked one of the boys with his hands slung up behind his head of brown hair. Yuma looked to his left to see his other friend, the one addressed as Yoichi, flipping a single coin into the air and catching it over and over again.

"I'm heading to the ramen shop for sure. They got that new flavor, you know." Yoichi nudged Yuma with his free arm. "You wanna join, Yu? I'll cover for ya."

"I'm good, thanks," Yuma replied as he shuffled through the bad slung over his shoulder. "I packed some extra snacks to keep me running while I'm at the gym." Yoichi sighed and shrugged his shoulders at Yuma's statement. The young Hyūga had always dedicated the majority of his time to studying and training. Day in and day out it was the same old thing for Yuma, but as the boys were nearing their academy graduation exams, Yuma wanted to make sure that he was in tip-top physical and mental shape. "Maybe next time, huh?"

"Alright," Yoichi said, catching the coin again before placing it into his pocket. "I won't let you get out of it again though." Yoichi would present his fist to Yuma, and in return, Yuma would connect his own fist to complete a fist bump. "Let's go, Tatsu." The other boy too offered Yuma a fist bump before hurrying off to join Yoichi. Yuma would watch as his two friends set off into the sea of people off in the distance before he himself made a sharp left, hanging close to the wall of the academy before entering back in through one of the side doors. This particular door, like all of the others, was meant to be locked after school hours, but Yuma had discovered that the locking mechanism of this door did not work properly in any capacity. He had used this as an opportunity to sneak back into the school following the end of the regular school days, where he would go to the gymnasium to use their advanced and well-maintained equipment. In comparison to the ones that Yuma's parents had at home, which were all handed down from their parents before them, the equipment back at the school was some of the best he had ever come across. To make matters better for Yuma the walls of the gymnasium were also adorned with hanging scrolls that detailed exactly how to do the majority of techniques that the school taught, all of which the young Hyūga would need if he ever wished to make it to graduation.

With that in mind, Yuma would enter through the unlocked door, making sure to close it silently behind him. This door in particular led directly into one of the school's storage closets, and it was here that Yuma would wait until the coast was clear to head to the gymnasium. From his having observed the way the staff went about their after-school activities, he knew that he had roughly thirty to forty-five minutes before everyone would be gone, and he would typically use this time to quickly get all of his homework done in the quaint little closet of his. When Yuma was sure that the coast was cleared, however, he would discard his school books and notebooks back into his schoolbag before poking his head out of the other closet door, which led into the inner hallway of the school, and would quickly and silently make his way down to the gymnasium.

"Hmph," He said to himself. "This is much too easy."

A sole minute or two passed before the Hyūga was greeted with the double doors, beyond which the gymnasium and all of its amazing equipment resided. Reaching into his pocket, Yuma would remove a slightly rusty and well-used paperclip. He would meticulously and easily pick the lock of the door, and in seconds it would creak open and he would make his way inside and flick on the light switch before setting his bag along the edge of the bleachers. The gymnasium was a large hall, perhaps fifty meters long, 25 meters wide, and easily ten meters in height. In the far left corner was the workout equipment, including barbells, ellipticals, and dumbbells, while along the right wall were practice dummies meant both for taijutsu and bukijutsu practice. The rest of the room was made into a makeshift track, which the students would run around first thing when they arrived at gym class, and in the center of the track was a makeshift sparring arena and also ropes tied to the ceiling for rope climbing exercises.

"Alright!" Yuma said, clapping both of his cheeks between his hands. "Let's get started."

Yuma would do five minutes of stretching before running ten laps around the track. Feeling extra enthusiastic and rambunctious today, however, he decided to run ten more before going to focus on dumbbell lifting. After nearly six months of breaking into the school and training at the gymnasium, Yuma had reached a point where even the heaviest of their dumbbells did little to help him grow any stronger. Despite this, he would still make a point of doing ten sets of fifty reps per arm. He wanted to start achieving higher numbers of reps, but he found that adding any more would just mean that he would end up spending far too much time in the school and risk being caught even more. Once he finished with these the Hyūga boy would take a ten minute break, time of which he used to get himself a drink from the water bottle that he kept stored in his bag, and he would study the scrolls that hung on the walls that detailed the techniques that were necessary for any and all academy students to learn.

Just as Yuma was standing back up to prepare himself for the second round of his training, the sound of the gymnasium doors opening to his right would catch him off guard. There was certainly not anywhere he could hide, and even if he had the ability to do so, he was sure that if it was a teacher or facility member entering the room that it wouldn't have mattered anyway whether he was able to hide or not. Yuma knew that he had been caught, and he would just have to accept this and any disciplinary action that would be granted to him.

"Shit..." Was the only word he could muster as the door fully swung open, revealing the identity of the person whom the young Hyūga boy would have to answer to...

WC (POST) = 1,192 WC
WC (TOTAL) = 1,192 WC


Nokino likes this post

Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Breaking Into The Academy Gym Empty Re: Breaking Into The Academy Gym

Fri Nov 17, 2023 1:54 am
The day neared its end, Nokino finished her class as usual by the ringing of the bell, sending back the kids home with homeworks to do on jutsu and the ninja world, sharpening their knowledge on the matter. As it was usual for her, she met right after class with the 2 other teachers of the academy for a bit of small talk outside the entrance of the school, seeing the kids talk after school was ended, as well as walking home, bags in hands and scrolls uppon scrolls of basics of the life of ninja filling their hands and heads. As usual, Nokino took this moment to discuss and have a smoke break, lighting herself a herbal cigarette with a wooden match, before discussing with her collegues. 
Breaking Into The Academy Gym UtcAj51

''So Nokino, how is your class doing, eheh? I've heard you had a few... rough students! That Akimichi kid is driving me crazy in my class... The fat fuck cant stop eating! I've had to stay one hour after class last week to scrub soy sauce on one of the desk!'' Says the red headed teacher with half a smile and an annoyed face, with Nokino and the black haired tall man laughing a bit at him.

''Ahahaha fucking Yate man, you're classes are always full of the most weird kids this village has to offer. Yeah my class is doing good. I'm shaping those rough students like the Lord Hokage wants them, trying to do my thing, with the reform and all that! Pretty hard to do you know! Harder for sure than scrubbing soy sauce hehe.'' Laughed Nokino between a few puffs of cigarette before passing it along to the taller black haired teacher.

''Don't start me on hard cases Noki... I've got this student in my class, Yuma Hyuuga. Never seem to be satisfied with the rate of training we do. If I listened only to this kid, we'd be doing A ranks missions to train for fuck sake ahah! He's a good kid, motivated and all, but he need to pace himself, or he'll be disapointed in the ninja life, or he'll die being too reckless.'' Added the Nara teacher.
''Well maybe if he want extra training I could speak to him. Yuma you said, right? I could show him a trick or two. Quick question tho! Does he spill soy sauce in class? ahahahaha!'' Laughed Nokino with the other two, Yate the red haired Uzumaki teacher only laughing sarcastically to be part of the fun. 

''ahahah well even better, I tought of transfering him to your class if you would. Anyways, I gotta go, think about it Noki alright? Take care both of you, see ya tomorrow.'' Said the Nara teacher, getting away and giving back the cigarette to Nokino after taking a last puff of it.

'' 'aight I'll think about it. See ya!'' replied swiftly Nokino, waving him goodbye and sticking the cigarette back to her plump lips.

''Well I best be going too, otherwise my wife will smack me in the head again thinking I went to the bathouse with some harlot. See ya Noki.'' Said the Uzumaki, fist bumping Nokino before going away, walking slowly too towards his home. 

As she stood there alone, the sun setting upon the village finishing her cigarette, she decided to train this night, to maintain her edges sharp and to sort material in the gym too, as it was in need of some cleaning and sorting out. But before that, she walked toward Yakiniku Q, the famous Konoha grill restaurant, and got a large order of takeout. Spicy fried chicken, garlic ribs, grilled onions and pork skewers, rice patty with extra nori, shrimp bang bang, a whole jug of jasmine tea, and a side of mushroom dumplings. With her bag filled with styrofoam boxes filled with delicious food, Nokino walked back to school, the time now almost past sunset. As she entered and unlocked the door, the school was silent and still, deserted as usual at these hours. As she wanted to train, she walked toward the gymnasium, thinking she would eat there while looking at everything, sorting what she would need to replace and clean up, and then do it after she was done eating. 

Approaching the place and walking up the corridor leading to the gym, Nokino noticed something odd: the light was open in the gym? And the door leading to its corridor was unlocked too... This could only mean one thing. Someone was inside the school... illegaly. As she carefully dropped her takeout food slowly on the floor to not be heard, Nokino drew out her Katana, walking slowly and sneakily toward the door. Not being able to tell what was happening inside, she took a deep breath, and in an instant, rushed trough the doors, knocking both of them open, slaming against the walls as she entered in a rush. 

In the middle of the gym, with all lights opened and a few training gears spread around was a single kid, a student caught red handed. As she rushed toward him with great speed and reflex, all he could say was ''shit'' to wich Nokino breaked before hitting him, stopping 5m in front of him.

''WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!? EXPLAIN YOURSELF. NOW. *sheats her sword* Are you stupid, student? I took you for a thief, boy! Almost sliced you in two! This will need disciplinary action for sure. What's your name and who's your teacher?'' Said in an agressive way Nokino, mad and angry at the young one for breaking into the school, even if it was to train.

As she waited for him to answer and give his most sincere apologies, Nokino calmed down, exhaled a big sigh, and got back to get her food, and then returned to the gym where the kid was waiting.

''What in the hell were you thinking breaking into the academy? .... You want training?'' Added the irrate teacher, pissed at the lack of communication from this one. If he wanted to train, he should have said so earlier to a teacher! Nokino loves to train kid even outside school hours so she would have love it to train him! Well maybe it still wasnt too late. This kid would need disciplinary actions for sure, but maybe she could give him what he want in exchange of something.

''Heya kid I have a deal for you. I can train you, right then and there, but you gotta promise me that you wont EVER AGAIN break into school to train. If you want to train, you come to me, 'aight? I give trainings outside of school, and I have a private Dojo at my house to train folks that are particularly exceptionnal, the ones I deem worthy.''
said Nokino with her authoritarian look, serious and intense. Her stature of 6'2 for a woman was impressive, and she was bulky too, quite muscular in shape and athletic. 

''Now kiddo, before we train, wanna have a bite? I have a lot of food from Yakiniku Q, good barbeque takeout. Lets eat together and then train, 'aight?'' added the tall Iburi sensei. Both enjoyed the food greatly, discussing and getting to know one another while eating the warm and spicy meats and sides she brought into the gym.
Yuma Hyūga
Yuma Hyūga
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : N/A
Living Clones : N/A
Familiar : N/A
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Breaking Into The Academy Gym Empty Re: Breaking Into The Academy Gym

Sat Nov 25, 2023 9:33 pm

Yuma's heart began to beat faster and faster once he realized who had caught him red-handed. Of course it would have been none other than Nokino-Sensei, who had been known as one of the more strict teachers at the village's academy. That was the rumor that Yuma had heard, at least, as the woman had been the one to teach the remedial classes that housed the most rambunctious and outlandish students. The woman's reputation would precede her as she moved swiftly through the open hall, coming to a halt five meters right in front of Yuma. The boy thought of running, but it would surely be useless. The woman would be able to catch him without much effort, and she had already seen his face clearly so she would be able to point him out in a crowd the next day anyway.

The young Hyūga lowered his head as the teacher chewed him out, knowing that it was well deserved.

"My apologies, Nokino-Sensei." He said. "I just wanted to get in some extra training is all. My name is Hyūga, Yuma, and I'm a student in Kataru-Sensei's class."

Yuma's answer seemed to resonate with Nokino in some capacity as the woman sighed before taking her exit to the hallway for a moment before returning with a plastic bag filled with food. When asked if it was training that he wanted to do, Yuma would remain silent as he continued to stand in place almost defiantly. The boy always had a bit of a complex mentality. He had come from one of the strictest clans in the entire village; one that demanded perfection and conformity. Yuma wanted to defy this and build himself into his own person; an individual separate from his Hyūga lineage. Sometimes this would lead to him going against the grain as it were, and by breaking into the academy after hours, he was going against what had been shoved at him all his life. Being caught by Nokino was a small inconvenience, but Yuma felt that he was once again being dealt the same conformity bullshit that his parents spouted.

The boy was about to collect his things and tell Nokino to punish him in anyway that she saw fit when she proposed something that caught his ear. Intrigued, he would cross his arms over his chest as Nokino informed him that she would be happy to train him and that she had a private dojo at her home in which she offered private training to the students who were worthy of her praise. Yuma would simply nod as he contemplated it all, and he felt that by getting into Nokino's good graces that he would surely be able to make a name for himself throughout the academy. Next, and without warning, the blonde woman would offer Yuma some of her barbeque from Yakiniku-Q. He had always passed by the place on his way home from school, but when he would ask his parents if they could go there they would always deny him the chance.

"Th-thank you, Nokino-Sensei." Yuma said as he took a seat next to her in the bleacher and took one of the to go boxes and two chopsticks in his hands. The box was warm, and the scent of sauce-covered meat met his nostrils provocatively. Yuma would waste no time in opening the box and taking a bite of the meat, which would fall off of the bone without much enticing. It was absolutely delicious, and while the young boy wanted to scarf it all down, he wanted to keep his composure more and present himself as someone worthy of training under Nokino. He would clear his throat after a few bites. "This is really good, Nokino-Sensei. Thank you for the meal." A few more moments would pass as the two of them continued eating, and Yuma decided to try and break the silence again. "So, Nokino-Sensei, why did you decide to become a teacher? You look really young, I mean, so wouldn't you rather take on missions and explore the world beyond the village?"

WC (POST) = 683 WC
WC (TOTAL) = 1,875 WC


Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Breaking Into The Academy Gym Empty Re: Breaking Into The Academy Gym

Wed Dec 06, 2023 3:06 pm
as they both enjoyed the meal together, Yume broke the silence with a question toward the Iburi sensei.

''So, Nokino-Sensei, why did you decide to become a teacher? You look really young, I mean, so wouldn't you rather take on missions and explore the world beyond the village?''

Nokino was supprised by the question. Normaly, few people asked her questions, and normaly no one was interested by her motives and her past. She looked at Yume and decided to answer promptively.

''Well to be honnest, being a teacher doesnt prevent me from doing missions or to go and explore the world too! Of course its exhausting to do all of this at once, but i am full of energy, and nothing like that can stop me! Also regarding me being a young teacher, well i've always wanted to be a teacher, and before I was a ninja, i use to train people in the arts of weapons and jutsu as my own business, outside of the village system, like a private gym you see? But something convinced me to put my talent and all to the profit of the village of Konohagakure, and to serve our lord Hokage.'' Answered Nokino to Yume explaining her story in short, not wanting to delve too deep into the details with a kid she barely knew after all.

'' 'aight what do you say to a training and then we go? Its getting quite late!'' added the Iburi sensei as she finished her last bite of takeout.

As they both settled into the gym, Nokino decided to leave her sword on the side, as it was only meant for serious fights, not training. They both trained extensivelly for a few hours, the gym getting darker and darker with the light outside fading as the day ended. They trained basics, like clone jutsu and transformation, but also trained in fighting hand to hand, with headbutts and kicks too to add to the training of Taijutsu. Nokino also showed him most of the handseals that existed, making Yume understand the basics of forming one's own chakra into his hands to cast techniques and jutsu channeling elements into the outer world, like a fire ball, or a water wave, or a gust of violent winds. 

They trained until Yume was too exhausted to continue. Nokino was a bit active herself, but nothing too tiring, as it was after all training with a student only! 

''So thats it for this time kiddo. I expect you soon in class, 'aight? As disciplinary action, i'll transfer you into my class as my student. You'll make friends with others in my class im sure. Now, i'll escort you out of the academy, 'aight? No shennanigans again.'' added the teacher as she closed the light and escorted him outside. 


TWC: 1691

749wc toward Rupture to acquire it (from this post), 942 going toward Grandmaster Focus Skill (942/1500)
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Breaking Into The Academy Gym Empty Re: Breaking Into The Academy Gym

Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:30 pm
Nokino wrote:

TWC: 1691

749wc toward Rupture to acquire it (from this post), 942 going toward Grandmaster Focus Skill (942/1500) [pending approval to see if the skill is or not restricted]


Notes: Nokino is using 25% max stat reduction to learn tech from previous thread and 25% reduction to learn GM Focus, OOC approval to learn restricted (on Kono Village page at time of review) skill.
Yuma Hyūga
Yuma Hyūga
Academy Student
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Breaking Into The Academy Gym Empty Re: Breaking Into The Academy Gym

Fri Dec 08, 2023 12:11 am

Yuma listened intently to Iburi, Nokino's answer to his question, all the while eating away at his portion of the takeout from Yakiniku-Q that the young woman had given to him. He couldn't help but be a bit confused when Nokino said that she had always wanted to be a teacher, but in this world it was almost always the ones' who had wanted such things from a young age to purse them later in their careers as ninja. Yuma looked down at the food before him in his hands, swirling the rice around with his chopsticks.

'I guess I shouldn't've have judged the book by its cover...'

Yuma's mind drifted to all of the rumors that he had heard about Nokino throughout his last three years at the ninja academy. Whispers amongst the student body painted her as the strictest of all of the teachers there, and that she was not afraid to personally have a student expelled for just having looked at her the wrong way or spoke ever so slightly out of tone. Sure it was true that Nokino was strict, but when Yuma looked at her he did not see all of that. Instead, he saw a young woman his senior who had found their calling in this unforgiving world, and someone who loved what they do. The later had to be true, otherwise she would not have offered to help in the delinquent Hyūga's training despite the fact that he had broken into the school after hours.

After a few more minutes of eating, it was Nokino who would first remove herself from her seat. She cleaned up her portion of the takeout before placing her sword down where she once sat and offered the young Hyūga boy to begin their impromptu training session. Yuma would oblige, not wanting to keep the woman waiting much longer than she already had. He quickly and excitedly threw away his trash before doing a few more stretches to make up for the time that he had lost before throwing some open palmed strikes at one of the training dummies for a little while. The open palmed strikes were a symbol of the Hyūga, and were known worldwide as the 'Gentle Fist'. It was a rather artistic fighting style, and one that was built upon precision and fluidness. This was something that Yuma had wanted to perfect for the longest time, but for now he knew that he would have to focus on the basics of all shinobi training.

'I promise to be just like you someday, Nokino Sensei...' Yuma thought to himself as the two of them trained together in hand to hand combat. 'I swear to work hard so that someday I will be able to find my purpose in this world, just as you have!'

An hour went by. Then another, and another. Before Yuma knew it the sun had drawn itself out of the sky above Konohgakure no Sato and gave way to a bright crescent moon. The room was almost completely dark, and was sure to have been pitch black by this point if it had not been for the brilliant moonlight and the candles that Nokino had lit earlier in the afternoon. Yuma knew not if Nokino herself was exhausted, but the young boy had found himself barely able to stand upon his own two feet by the time that they had decided to call it quits. Sweat dripped down his face profusely, and from within his school bag Yuma would remove a rag with which he cleaned off his face. It was at this time that Nokino advised him that, starting the next semester, he would be sorted into her classroom until his inevitable graduation. Yuma was a bit disheartened by this revelation, seeing as it had been known as the remedial class, but this was the punishment that his new sensei had decided upon, and it was one that would allow him to continue to roam free instead of being shipped off to the village prison for breaking and entering.

"Yes, Nokino Sensei," Yuma replied as he replaced the rag into his bag before slinging the bag itself over his shoulders. "And thank you for all of your help today. It really was and is appreciated." To accent just how thankful he was, Yuma would bow to Nokino and smile at her once he had straightened himself back out. "I promise to never break into the academy ever again, and that I will be a great shinobi like yourself someday." With that Nokino would lead Yuma back outside of the school, making sure to lock the doors behind her, and Yuma would head on home with a new and fresh perspecive about his future career as a shinobi of Konohagakure no Sato...


WC (POST) = 801 WC
WC (TOTAL) = 2,676 WC


Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 198214

Breaking Into The Academy Gym Empty Re: Breaking Into The Academy Gym

Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:05 am
Yuma Hyūga wrote:- Training 26 Stat Points (putting 20 in Strength and 6 into Speed). [New Stats = 25 Vigor / 10 Chakra / 36 Speed / 25 Strength]

- Training 'Body Flicker Technique' to D-Rank (500 WC / 500 WC).

- Training 'Leaf Gale' to D-Rank (500 WC / 500 WC).

- Training 'Leaf Whirlwind' to D-Rank (500 WC / 500 WC).

- Training 'Throat Chop' to D-Rank (500 WC / 500 WC).

- Training 'All-Father's Voice' to D-Rank (500 WC / 500 WC).

- Training 'Clan Pureblood' skill (176 WC / 3,000 WC).

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