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Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

My Songs know what you did in the dark (Akki) Empty My Songs know what you did in the dark (Akki)

Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:24 pm
Megami leaned against the wall of her cell as the light above her flickered. She had heard the commotion going on before the girl in the cell next to her was placed there. It was obvious Akki had tried to save her like a normal sister would do. Megami sighed heavily, poor naive Akki! She knew at this point her sister was probably leaning against the wall, maybe she should try to make conversation and explain the situation to her. She did love her sister and she did what she did for her sister…for her team. Their was a reason for what she did. Many may think she was just trying to bring down Sephora, no, quite the opposite. Megami was actually trying to save and protect her team! After Volcano was destroyed, they all became missing ninja again, but she knew they would be looking for Sephora due to her crimes and it would cause a lot of heat for any of Fuku trying to get into villages, because they were all connected to Sephora in one way or another. So if she turns herself in, the focus would turn on her. She would just claim to have been a part of the entire fiasco, truth be told she wasn't, she was as innocent as Tori and Akki, but at least the heat was taken off of the others! That's the truth. She had learned that sometimes, when you care about people, you have to protect them anyway you can. So, that's what she did! Protected her team!
"Akki…" she said as she leaned against the wall. "Are you okay? It's Megami…"she said, holding back tears. She was hoping at least her sister would be free, she never wanted her to end up here. More than likely they would see her record and set her free eventually.

WC: 309
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
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Clan Focus : Wood Release
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 600

My Songs know what you did in the dark (Akki) Empty Re: My Songs know what you did in the dark (Akki)

Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:54 pm
Akki leaned against the wall feeling completely helpless. She hadn't done anything! Yet here she was! Why wouldn't anyone listen to her? Had she been a missing nin? Yeah but not by choice! She slid down the wall into a sitting position, softly crying. Then she heard a familiar voice! It was Megami she was in the cell next to hers.
"Megami…what happened? Why are you in here? what's going on?" Akki said still in tears. "None of this makes sense! I don't understand why I am here! I have never done anything against Konoha and never would! Did you say you were a missing nin?" Akki asked completely confused and still not understanding what was happening.
The storm outside added to her already emotional state! Her emotions raging due to not sure what to feel or how to process the situation. She pulled her knees up to her chest and leaned her head onto her knees. She wrapped her arms around her legs trying to stop the tears from flowing!
Akki had always been to naive wanting to see the good in everyone, maybe she needs to change this way of thinking. Especially since it has now landed her in jail!

Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

My Songs know what you did in the dark (Akki) Empty Re: My Songs know what you did in the dark (Akki)

Tue Oct 31, 2023 3:24 pm
" Akki I did something…"Megami said as she started to tell Akki what she did. Poor Akki was so confused, she had so many questions and Megami knew she could either answer each question individually or just tell the entire truth at once.
"I told them I was involved in plotting the kidnapping with Sephora. That I had something to do with everything Sephora did. And I had a reason for this Akki, hear me out please …" Megami said, sighing as she hung her head down. She now has tears in her eyes.
" You…all of You on Team Fuku always made me feel like I was family. I felt close to you all, bonded to you. Every single one of you can make something of yourselves, even Sephy and Dante. You all come from these famous clans with amazing bloodlines…I …I was a failure to my clan. I had a love for science…not fighting or being a warrior…I let my clan down…but none of you ever made me feel like a failure…you made me feel important! So, I took the wrap, to take the heat off of Sephora, so they won't focus on any of you, they will focus on me…I did this so you guys can continue on and make something of yourselves! Don't worry about me Akki, just know I love you…" Megami said. Her eyes were filled with tears. "I learned long ago that when you love someone or care about them you will do anything for them, so I did…it's not like I have much left in my life. All I can really do is heal someone to death…" Megami tried to add some humor at the end, even if it wasn't funny. However she meant everything she said. She planned on saying she planned the whole kidnapping if it meant protecting Team Fuku and if it meant her death.

Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Stat Page : Akki's Stats
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Clan Focus : Wood Release
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 600

My Songs know what you did in the dark (Akki) Empty Re: My Songs know what you did in the dark (Akki)

Tue Oct 31, 2023 3:38 pm
"What? No-No Megami you don't have to do this! You are amazing yourself! So what if you love science? You're an amazing medic! You have helped us so much and we all care about you! Whether you're a Kuoga or a …uh….Senju….what you're good at is what your good at! I was the weakest link on team Fuku…the naive one, and I was always looked at as someone who couldn't really do anything.Not you! Who got help for Tori when she was pregnant and almost lost her and Zaleds child? You did, who volunteered at the hospital and saved Sephora? You did…well you helped it was mainly that Tau guy…Stein I think was his name. But you have been a major part of time…even if you are better at swinging a scalpel than a wire, you are a major part of our team, we love you!" Akki said in Megamis defense. She knew her sister was worth a lot more than she thought she was. It was noble of her to take the fall but not necessary! Sephora had always managed to take care of herself. And to own up to such crimes, was practically suicidal! Akki didn't want to lose her sister.

Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Clan Focus : Venomous Heritage
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

My Songs know what you did in the dark (Akki) Empty Re: My Songs know what you did in the dark (Akki)

Sat Nov 04, 2023 5:51 pm
Megami sighed and closed her eyes as small tears flowed from her eyes. They loved and valued her so much, but if Akki only understood she did this for them! Megami grew up with her teammates Akki, Tori and Sephora. They were more family to her than team members. She loved her family and the people closest to her and if it meant sacrificing herself for them to make their lives easier, she would!
"I love you little sis, you know that…I'm so tbis for all of you. You say I'm important, and I understand that, but I don't see myself as useful as the rest of you. By me doing this, it gives all of you the chance to move on and become a stronger team. If my sacrifice helps you all, then so be it." Megami said as she sighed heavily. She hoped her sister would understand that she was doing this for all of them. She recalled helping Tori and helping Sephora. She also recalled the memories of working in Sephora's Volcano lab before returning to Konoha the first time. The time she transferred to Volcano was the second time she worked in that lab. So many memories of trying to work with DNA for the betterment of society and her team! Now it had come to this being the only thing she could do for her team!
"I'm useless…" she muttered to herself. "An absolute failure. I went from being an orphan to being adopted then becoming a failure to them." Tears filled her eyes as she tried to hide her crying from Akki!
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