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Shogo Freya
Shogo Freya
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Mind, Body & Soul [Open] Empty Mind, Body & Soul [Open]

Thu Sep 14, 2023 5:43 pm
Training Grounds 3, a facility far away from any and all buildings to avoid any collateral damage. It was also the place where one would be able to find Shogo, the young Vagabond and bounty hunter who had been staying in Sunagakure for the last couple of days. The village had been as quiet as the day he first entered, the silence vaguely reminding him of something akin to a ghost town, or at least that's how he would describe the current atmosphere. "Quite surprising, with everything they have to offer" the Freya thought to himself as he referred to the many accommodations.

The peace and quiet made for the perfect companion, Shogo more than happy to take the opportunity to collect his thoughts as he simply stood in the middle of the training grounds. There was a soft and pleasant breeze, the wind gently caressing his skin as he took a deep breath of fresh air. His green hair, one of the Freya's most remarkable features, slowly moved from left to right almost as if it had a mind of its own. "Strange, so much potential yet so few people" the young swordsman questioned the situation once more. Even if he wasn't used to life inside a village, he still couldn't help but find everything about the situation quite odd. 

His inner thoughts aside, Shogo decided to make the best of it and continue his training, not allowing himself to use his travels as an excuse to stop practicing. He wanted to see the world, no matter how dark or sad it might be. He grabbed the katana on his right side before unsheathing the blade, effortlessly moving around and swinging the weapon the way he intended it to. From a young age he learned the art of weaponry, not simply to defend himself but because he appreciated the beauty of it. The steps and motions of the body reminded him of a dance, those participating showcasing skills that were capable of taking people's breath away. 

(WC: 337)
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Mind, Body & Soul [Open] Empty Re: Mind, Body & Soul [Open]

Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:40 pm
"a bowl of dried rasins and a mix of almonds to go, also that lovely peppermint tea would go fine,"

The small cafe was a usual part of the village zaled found homself visiting before a day of training near this time of the year. Old habits died hard as he was born amid the commonees in the land of hoshi and the first chill was this time of year. As a bpy aspiring to be one of the knights and his father a squire of one got him into the tea and small nibbleables To supplimemt the stomach as they would need to before dawn set ups. The quiet alone time to let loose and become more less a livable person, before duty took over. Wearing a thin casual cloak and wearing his flak jacket while headband was wrapped on upper right arm. his katana although sheathed with his more refined former sheath from volcano, Dark ashen wood and the hint of gold traces along the edgea which comfortably kept the blades at rest. It was along his right hip.

ah that was years ago old man, you were struck down by a hail of arrows as your retainer. Died bleeding out amid the other.... perhaps that was the trigger of my sharingan. Acceptance that crulity and peace were an option. Yet here i am nigh 41, that was 37 years ago, so i too passer you in age and to a term occupation

the clerk handed him a small warm bag and a covered paper cup full of the delicious darkend liquid of the tea, A seasonal favorite of his,and now a reminder that it was over 30 years of this habit living with him and even though he bowed respectfully, and smiled, age existed. Where as he could feel time flow through him more clearly, what was when he was more hot headed the now humble bow and direct to the point to spare time and energy. He was more efficent then in his youth, It spared him more time and energy as of that where perhaps if he was younger and a developing shinobi his energy would be absolved into trying to become "the greatest" in something, or forcing a childish rivalry in a world designed by adults, for adults. As a father he desired no kid to just grow up a killer, yet he found himself now not wanting his youngest children to not follow the roads he followed.

perhaps i would've made a fine farm hand and had a percentage of my wealth, But borrowed land at that. Its my life however, and at that it is not my place to determine, for the world and my experience built my faith, The most i can do is simply kneel and pray a choice of others can be just as equal in value.

zaled mused as he now wandered amid the training grounds hummimg as he chewed through the snack and sipped the tea. As one who simply taught he merely went to observe is any were early birds like im his day, A hard working ethnic that began by exersion of keeping to the rules, But since the several kage he met and watched quietly disperse the efforts were somehow lost in translation somewhere down the line. Perhaos it was the lax nature of the village.

Empty training grounds was still a shocker to zaled as he noted many folling many diffrent routes and senarios. Well untill he happened upon the 3rd trainig ground a bit further from overarching damage and zaled approached the entrance, his tea running low and the raisins were gone and the paper bag long since discarded by now.

hm a green haired person. At least someone is doing something to grow.

He thought as zaled made his approach sipping the tea and noting the young man as he got closer was admiring the katana.

"thats pretty decent blade you posess there, but i would say i have a tiny eye for such things. Played with them more in my youth, But that is long since passed. So stranger where are you from?"

zaled asked as his forgein voice was rather distinct it was nothing alike as it picked up dialects from volcano, and his home of hoshi, But then agaim an odd mixture the people here spoke much more as he would say closer im in terms of comradship. A bit rougher, so perhaps a shocker to the person.

Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Mind, Body & Soul [Open] Empty Re: Mind, Body & Soul [Open]

Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:06 pm
it seemed as if the man although honed was well not as focused, engrossed in bladework which zaled would of course respect.

"another time my freind."

he would state as zaled now headee off.

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