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Stat Page : Zain
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Escorting the Architect Empty Escorting the Architect

Fri Sep 08, 2023 1:22 am
Escort Duty

The morning sun was bathing the forest branches in its glowing warmth. The last few remnants of night were being washed away by the early morning light. The young Uchiha anxiously made his way to a clearing just outside the village.  This was supposed to be the rendezvous for his first ever mission as a genin. The small statured boy had a single kunai tucked tightly nto his neatly tied white belt. Matching white banaldages could be seen around his wrists and shins. It was clear what clan he belonged to by the bright red and white Uchiha family crest on the back of his jet black shirt.

He had just been given orders recently to escort a famous architect to his next project. The mans name was Jamil Proctor, and he has a bit of a reputation of being a loud mouth. Zainketsu wasn't quite sure what to expect on this mission. He assumed it wasn't as easy as walking the person straight there though.

When he reached the clearing there was already two men waiting there. One was a medium sized man with a kind of a weasel like appearance to him. The other was a big burly bald man. Both had big travel bags on. Judging from the reports the smaller of the two was Jamil. The young genin was told before hand that he rarely traveled alone so seeing multiple people was not much of a shock.

My name is Zainketsu. I will be one of the ones escorting you today. Who is he?

Zainketsu spoke with as much command as his young ten year old voice could command. The man didn't seemed bothered by it, he responded in his own slimy voice

Don't worry about him kid. Consider him like my personal guard. He don't speak much but he is a good guy, always had my back

Zainketsu did not get the best feeling about the pair of them but pushed it down for the sake of the mission. His job was not to determine who is good or bad, his job was to successfuly escort the arcitect to his next project. He was determined not to let his personal opinions get in the way.

I was told to wait for possible reinceforments  before taking off. Stand by until then and do not leave this spot!

Wc 604

Last edited by Zain on Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
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Escorting the Architect Empty Re: Escorting the Architect

Tue Sep 12, 2023 5:53 am
As Nokino woke up in her home, she stretched and rapidly jumped out of the bed, ready and fast. She immediately jumped in training clothes and started to jog around the neighborhood, runing for a few hours into the cold air of the morning, her ankles and toes in her shinobi sandals feeling the moist dew of the morning on the ground, illuminated by the rising sun. This day was another important day for Nokino. A mission day. As she got back home around the normal hours of the morning for folks to wake up, she was already energized, and doned her iconic outfit, along her flamming sleeves, and flak green vest. Making sure to have her cigs and ninja gear, she left her place in direction of the mission, walking with determination.

The clearing was warming up in the sun's ray, as the morning more and more transformed into noon. At the same moment, on the road, arrived the young and tall woman. She saw in the distance the man she was tasked to protect, along with his bald meat mountain of a body guard, and also a.... kid ? ''huh, strange. Didn't know I had to escort his kid too... Oh well, one more one less, the mission is still to do, no matter if an extra VIP is present.'' said to herself Nokino, slowly walking towards the small group waiting on her, and who seemed to have noticed her presence. 

As she arrived closer, her even iconic cigarette into her mouth, smelling of aromatics herbs she was smoking, she noded towards the group. ''Hello folks. I'll be the one escorting you all towards safety today. This is supposed to be only a walk in the park, 'aight? And i've been informed you are a yapper, so if you dont want to make enemies and start trouble, I advise you to zip it! By the way, i'm Nokino. Now that we are on first name basis, please follow me close, and dont attract looks and say shit, okay?'' told Nokino in a tone both serious and full of autority, but at the same time a tone of pleasantry and casual, mixed perfectly as if she was commanding but also not stuck up.

As she pronounced these words, she saw that the kid too had a shinobi headband.... with the symbol of the hidden leaf no less! As nokino weared it tied around her tigh wrapped to hold her ninja gear pouch, she identified the kid as a fellow ninja of the village... But how could a young'uns this small be a genin too ? Suprised, Nokino refuted, with her knew knowledge, looking into the very kid soul trough his eyes, her gaze piercing and intense. ''Well fuck me sideways, you too are a village ninja? Wouldnt believe it if it wasnt for the headband to be honnest... My bad kiddo, I was positive you were his child... Just how in the hell did you get paired with me?!?'' said in surprise the kunoichi, gasping a bit in suprise as she held her lit cigarette between her fingers.
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Escorting the Architect Empty Re: Escorting the Architect

Wed Sep 13, 2023 1:49 am
It wasn't long before reinforcements arrived. To his surprise it was an older female. She seemed to have a lot of energy and pizazz behind her. Going just off first impressions he felt like they could get along just fine. She was kind of louder then he would have liked but he appreciated the foul mouth attitude that she brought along with her.Zain especially appreciated how she went about talking to the client. The young uchiha loved that she made it clear that he needed to shut the fuck up and just do as he was told. Nobody here had  time for the arcitect to cause any unnecessary bullshit. The only thing he really did not appreciate was the fact she assumed that he was the child of that loud mouthed greasy bastard. Zainketsu was getting used to people underestimating him at this point in his career, because of his age and size this was pretty common. It was still frustrating none the less. His pride couldn't help but fire off a retort of his own.

The name is Uchiha Zainketsu! Im guessing since your old as shit and have a flak jacket that means you have to at least be a chuunin right? Are you supposed to be leading this mission or are you just here for the comedic relief?

The young genin probably sounded a lot more hostile then he felt. He really did not care who he was working with or who was in charge of this shindig. All he cared about was finishing the mission safely and getting this old crusty piece of shit to where he needed to go. Zainketsu made a couple quick hand seals and a shadow clone formed in his place. The real Zainketsu jumped out of sight into the nearby trees. He hid himself far away but close enough to still see what was going on. The cloned version of himself looked at Nokino and the two being escorted with disinterest.

Alright let's get this shit show on the road! I'll trail behind just to help keep an eye out. I was told there may be some bandits around so keep your guard up!

Not bothering to wait for a response the Clone began trucking forward down the designated path. His short little legs moved much faster then they should to keep a good pace. He removed the kunai from his belt and began spinning it around his finger while whistling a random and offbeat tune

Combat Notes:


Wc 414

Last edited by Zain on Wed Sep 13, 2023 10:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Escorting the Architect Empty Re: Escorting the Architect

Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:46 am
An Uchiha... hmmm Nokino could have smelled it a mile away. They were all perked up on their high end bloodline and clan history, feeling themselves like they were the only shinobi of the known world that mattered. As she was mistaken on the origin and the role of this young kid, she waited politely for him to answer to the comment she made, not wanting to add more insult to injury. Well little did she know, the kid answered, but with a lot of arrogance for a kid ! Nokino was shook. He called her 'old as shit' and a 'comedic relief'. She was boiling inside, ready to react and smack this little insolent fool for not taking her seriously. As he made those comments, she slowly approached by walking calmly towards him, stoping right beside him, overlooking him from her tall stature, her stare dead serious, hands still in her pocket.

As she suddently stopped, and for a few seconds seemed not to move or react, she got her hand out of her vest in a movement so fast it seemed to flicker and phase out of there, swiftly smacking the boy with a hard back handed slap behind the head, sending his hair upwards and knocking his cool kid posture and attitute as she suprised him with the disciplinary gesture.

''HOW DARE YOU SPEAK OF ME LIKE THAT YOU LITTLE SCRUB?!?!? Hmph... I'm not a chuunin yet, no. I earned this flak vest by being patrol personnel for the village, not by talking trash to my supperiors! *furious look* So you better watch that mouth kiddo, or YOU are gonna be the laughing stock of the village once I hang you from the hokage cliff by your underpants!'' Said Nokino in a furious tone, scolding the kid for his disprespect.

After this was done, Nokino looked at the members of the escort mission, and appologized. ''Sorry folks for the misunderstanding! This here apparently is my partner, and for the better or for the worst, me and him are gonna be your safety today... I know I know.. just keep in mind what I said, and i'tll be fine.'' said with assurance Nokino, getting her cigarette back to her mouth and puffing a large cloud. As she started to walk to escort the man, she could see that the kid created a shadow clone of himself to do the mission in his place. The kid taught that if he did it in plain sight, and jumped in the bush to hide, Nokino or even the escortee for that matter wouldnt see him. What a ridiculous attempt this was! Rolling her eyes and doing a slow head shake of disaproval, Nokino facepalmed, and while she did so, the clone kept on going, as if Zain didnt knew Nokino noticed the situation. ''Oy! Can you please take the mission seriously and get your Uchiha ass out of the wood ? One more dumb thing and I'm reporting ya to the mission offices, 'aight?  Now, since you seem to lack seriousness, even if you do have a lot of natural talent, hmm hmm *cough* that clone was pretty good *cough*, you still need to work on your work ethic, and therefore after this mission, I give you a mandatory assignement to come train with me and another kid at the facility. We'll all train together, and i'll try and get an experimented teacher too, since im only an intern for now, happy? Now no more stupid shit, boy!'' said in an autoritary tone the kunoichi, wanting to do the mission as efficiently as possible. Her face showed discouragement, as she wanted to maintain a reputation for being efficient, ruthless and serious, and this kid was tarnishing her reputation. 
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Escorting the Architect Empty Re: Escorting the Architect

Wed Sep 13, 2023 9:22 pm
They were not off to the best start as a unit. This was bad. When the young Uchiha insulted her back she went dead silent for a moment. She was as still as a blade of grass on a windless day.  Her hands were resting in her pockets very non chalantly just before the boy noticed some movement. The boys eyes were sharp, he saw the hand come up towards his head but did nothing to stop it. He stood in disbelief as she back handed him upside his head. The blow didnt really heart but it reminded him of something his mothet would do. For a split second he got really sad but he quickly regained his composure. His demeanor totally changed. He took a moment to center himself while she was talking to the arcitect and his bodyguard. He knew it could be a failed mission if they could not find a way to get along. Teamwork was essential for any mission. Failing this was something he downright refused to let happen. They needed to fix this dynamic fast.

He came down from the tree at the same time his shadow clone "poofed" out of exsistance. He tried to ignore the smoke coming from her cigarette. The smoke stung his eyes a little and he coukdnt help but rub them while he composed what he composed what he was going to say. His words still had a little salt in them but they were a lot calmer now. He bowed slightly to further show a modicum respect.

I am taking this seriously. It's called a DECOY! It's so I can keep an eye out on all of you while staying hidden at the same time.  Its to better help out if something happens! It's called STRATEGY! I dont have a problem with my work ethic ok, I didnt do it to be lazy and I don't want to do the mission. Just to be clear we are the same rank so go ahead and report me to whoever you want, ill just report you right back for having a head full of ROCKS! Also the jokes on you.....I'm not wearing any underpants! They are to constricting in the nether regions. It's harder to fight like that!.

Now if we could please stop arguing and be a TEAM that would be great! I'll start by saying I am sorry for not showing you the proper amount of respect. since you are my elder i should be better. In all fairness though you started it but that is neither here nor there. I would love to do extra training with you. It would be an honor. Lets just get through this mission successfully first ok!

How about you tell me something about yourself while we are walking. Like what's your story? Skills? Dreams even? You know stuff like that! We got a long journey ahead of us, mine as well get to know each other while we are at it!

He began walking again and ushered the escortees to follow. He started silently spinning his kunai around his left index finger just like the Clone did before him. He ignored the grumblings from the arcitect about the length of how far they had to walk and the rugged forest terrain. The trees sped by as the group began to cover some ground. His focus was always on the forest and the dangers lurking within. He knew each step away from the village put them in more danger then the last. If these bandits were really out there, then they would attack soon. He must not let his guard down. He needed to be ready for anything!

Wc 616

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Escorting the Architect Empty Re: Escorting the Architect

Fri Sep 15, 2023 3:09 am
Nokino was shocked at the reaction of the young boy. After being scolded at by the older girl, he still didnt hesitate to get back at her again, criticizing her way of reacting, and her teaching methods. ''Hey hey hey, now calm down kiddo, don't need to go all crazy on me, 'aight ? Sorry to have disrepected ya with the whole clone thing... But yeah, your right you gotta respect your seniors more. We may indeed be the same rank of genin, but i've been a genin longer than you, and before that I was a personnal trainer for a ninjutsu gym in the market district. I'm not a little shit, and my head aint full of rock, you hear me? Also- what in the god damn?!? Please next time put on some underwear, I dont want to see your naked ass by mistake if anything happens. So here whats gonna happen: we gonna do this mission as a team, 'aight, and then im going to train you t'ill you sweat blood and make you work on that natural talent you have. But you gotta listen to my advice regarding professionalism! I may not be a Uchiha or someone from a great clan of gifted abilities and genius, but I sure as hell worked a lot to get where I am.... By the way, the name's Nokino Iburi. My story well, you got a glimpse, so maybe you'll learn more if you stick with me!'' said with understanding, and a smile the tall and bulky girl from the hidden leaf, still keeping her cool and calm demeanor, her low pitched and sultry voice backing up the autority she has. ''As for my skills and the whole shebang about me, well I'm pretty good with ninjutsu, and weapons too, as well as using my chakra to my advantage in combat, including using my special way of moving and being. I'll leave it at that for now, you'll get to see it in action soon enough. Ughh... my dreams... Yeah, no- my dreams are kinda simple really. I wanna become a renowned ninja, whose name is known across the whole world for my training and how I make the best out of people, turning them into their best version of themselves and badass ninja too. I want to be known as of the new legendary sannin, to have folks know of the Flaming Fist of Konoha! What about you kiddo?'' said with confidence and enthusiasm the kunoichi, for once getting out of her monotone mood, getting herself hyped up with her goals.

Arriving at a crossroads not far from the construction site they were escorting Jamil to, Nokino saw a man waiting for them, sitting up in a tree, on a large branch. The man was thin and small, but carried at his side two katanas, and his outfit didnt augure anything good for the two genin and their escort. Gesturing to Zain to stay a little back, as she wanted to talk and apprehend the weird man, she still kept the kid close in case fighting was needed, not wanting him to fall short of practicing and fighting alongside the muscular and tall kunoichi. ''Yo, what do you want with us? I suggest you back off, and state your intentions!'' said Nokino with a serious tone, looking straight at the man, without blinking, her eyes sheer concentration. As he didnt respond and approached, his hand still on his katana handle, Nokino acted out of precaution, and took one of her hand out of her pocket so quickly that once again, it seemed like it just phased its way there. In the same swift movement, a senbon flew out of her hand, stabbing the man into his hand that was about to use his weapon. With a piercing scream of pain, and a little jet of blood falling on the dirt road, the man ran away, disabled and hurt by the fast reaction attack of the ruthless girl.

As they talked and walked to escort the man, nothing eventfull came towards the group this time, who after walking for a few hours and talking all along the way, getting to know each others, finnaly arrived to a bridge in construction simplifying the travel in the borders of fire country over a ravine. ''Well i'm guessing you're fine from here since there is a lot of your people here, right Jamil ? You can send the confirmation of the accomplishment of the mission to Konoha mission registery directly. And sorry again sir for the disturbance. Common Zainketsu, lets get back to the hidden leaf before its too dark... and before your parents blame me for it!'' said Nokino with a giggle, happy to be done with this weird mission and this even weirder guy Jamil.

As they walked back home, both genin continued to talk. Maybe this was after all, the start of a great relationship of camaraderie and learning, of a young one learning from a more old trainer, and the old trainer too, learning from this young one filled with new found talent and energy. Maybe this was even the start of a team?


+2000 RYO

TWC: 2004 

+20 stats point, going towards strength (new strength=25)

2000 WC going towards Wind Element learning (2000/4000)

Last edited by Nokino on Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:03 am; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Zain
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Escorting the Architect Empty Re: Escorting the Architect

Sat Sep 16, 2023 5:30 pm
Nokino was definitely an interesting character. She was like no one hebhad ever metZainketsu thoroughly enjoyed listening to her along their journey. She spoke of being a personal trainer at a gym, and her dream of becoming a new legendary sanin known as the flaming fist of Konoha. Itnwas a respectable dream. Just hearing him motivated him to want reach a similar status. She seemed genuine in wanting to help people get stronger. He could tell she was a very hard worker and put in vast amounts of work and time into her craft. She probably really did train everyday until her eyes bled. Zainketsu deeply respected that about her. They could bond over that

Most of the time the small statured boy just followed along and listened. He wasn't the biggest talker but occasionally he would pitch in when he had something relevant to say. Their journey went by pretty fast in this manner. He was thoroughly enjoying himself all the way up until the bandit appeared. When the man reached for his katana Zain mirrored his movements and went for his own blade. The young boy had every intention of taking him down but just before he went to move he saw a twitch out of the corner of his eye. It was the same rapid movement Nokino used right before she slapped the young genin upside his head. With lightning speed she pierced the man's hand with a senbon, in a flash it  was over with just the one move. The bandit ran screaming with his tail between his legs never to be seen again.

Nicely done! What a loser he was! No fight in him at all

He wished there was a little more excitement the rest of the way but that was just who Zain was, he always yearned for more of a challenge. Still all things considering it was a very peaceful walk. He got to know quite a lot about his new friend. He really felt like her energy ,bravado, and hard work could push him to be a better ninja. He was excited and nervous to begin training with her

Peace out Jamil, good luck with that whole architect thing. Stay out of trouble. Let's go Nokino, we have some work to do now!


Wc 382
Total Wc 2016
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
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Escorting the Architect Empty Re: Escorting the Architect

Sat Sep 16, 2023 10:08 pm
Zain wrote:

Wc 382
Total Wc 2016


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Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Ryo : 2500

Escorting the Architect Empty Re: Escorting the Architect

Fri Oct 27, 2023 4:35 am
Nokino wrote:

+2000 RYO

TWC: 2004 

+20 stats point, going towards strength (new strength=25)

2000 WC going towards Wind Element learning (2000/4000)


Note: Don't forget your bonus AP from the mission reward!
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