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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
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Village : Sakuragakure
Ryo : 670

Academy Days: Genin Exams Empty Academy Days: Genin Exams

Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:46 pm
Mission Details:

This was it. This was the day Gunshin and her had been training for since they made it into the academy. The Genin Exams. It was supposed to be a simple process from what she heard, it was mostly to test if you had the basic of being a shinobi down pat before they'd send you off into the great unknown to do as you pleased. Maybe in actual villages, they'd assign teams but being a newer village, they'd likely be told to fend for themselves and learn through trail and error. Something Kana was more than accustomed to, she would continue to carve her path to being a great kunoichi and unlike the others, Kana excelled in chakra control. It was her one advantage that remained consistent between her and Gunshin, the taller girl was better at the physical aspects of shinobi life, Kana was better at the chakra side of things.

Dressed in her usual blue dress, Kana was one of many excited faces in the crowd as they waited outside of the academy building, each eager to prove their worth and finally earn the headband and title of Genin. Gunshin would likely be arriving later, Kana had woken up early to get here quickly and focused on refining her chakra control, getting some last minute chakra exercises in before the actual exam so she'd be warmed up and ready to perform the necessary jutsu. The clone and transformation jutsu were the challenge and Kana had been doing them on and off since they were taught how to do so, training and perfecting the jutsu, alongside teaching Gunshin how to do the techniques properly. She was certain she'd pass, her only source of worry and anxiousness was rather or not Gunshin would be able to.

Kana didn't let the girl consider anything but success and Kana would continue to do so outwardly, but inside her mind, Kana couldn't help but be worried Gunshin would be left behind. It wouldn't be for long but then it would mess up the plans for afterwards of finally taking on bigger missions than the worthless errands the village were forcing them to do. Kana knew those newer missions probably wouldn't be too hard either and they'd likely give her easier missions if she went at it alone, but she wanted Gunshin by her side. She didn't want to leave behind her friend.

WC: 400
Gunshin Juunan
Gunshin Juunan
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Sakuragakure
Ryo : 91000

Academy Days: Genin Exams Empty Re: Academy Days: Genin Exams

Wed Sep 06, 2023 5:05 pm
Gun had overslept and was now rushing around her room trying to get ready. She had meant to get up early so she could practice the Transformation and Clone jutsus again. On a good day with her mind at ease and body feeling good, Gun could adequately perform both of the jutsu that she was going to be examined on today; however, that wasn't what today was: today was an exam to determine her future with a class full of her peers watching on. The amount of mental pressure that all of these circumstances would put on Gun would ensure that Gun was not performing at maximum capacity, which she was aware of, but she tried to remain positive as Kana seemed confident they would both pass with little trouble.

She knew the handseals for them without a problem, but the ability to masterfully control her chakra eluded her. It was like trying to control a river that was naturally flowing on its own and she still had trouble with it. Luckily, ever since Kana had figured out how to use her chakra, she'd proven to be an expert at controlling it. Gun was once more envious of Kana, but she also understood that they both had their strengths. In truth, it might make them an even better team than if they were both equally good at the same things.

She rushed up to the building, waving to Kana once she saw her. The other students had gotten used to Gun and Kana's friendship over their time at the Academy, especially when both began proving themselves as likely candidates for promotion. Gun still had a tendency to be more muted and less outgoing when around Kana with other people around compared to when it was just the two of them, but little by little, people were beginning to see the real Gun.

"Big day!" Gun said quietly once she got close enough to Kana for her to hear her. She was a little worried about letting Kana down and failing, but her friend's confidence in her made Gun hopeful that she'd be alright.

WC: 353
TWC: 353
MWC: 753
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
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Village : Sakuragakure
Ryo : 670

Academy Days: Genin Exams Empty Re: Academy Days: Genin Exams

Wed Sep 06, 2023 7:46 pm
Kana had been focused on her chakra exercises to the point she didn't even realize that Gunshin had shown up until she spoke, slightly startling Kana and making her lose her focus, the chakra she had been building up slipping free and back to worthless energy yet Kana only smiled as she looked up toward Gunshin. "Damn right it is!" She'd happily declare as she rose to her feet, bringing Gunshin in for a hug. "We're going to crush it! And once we're finally genin, we're going to do so many missions that they'll have no choice but to make us chuunin!" Kana would continue on with her boasts, her desire to climb the shinobi rankings were no secret to the others as she proclaimed it enough times and taken to taunting a few of the kids who didn't like her over the fact that one day they'll have to answer to her as a higher rank shinobi. Although truthfully, she wasn't entirely sure when she would consider her rank high enough or what purpose it would serve, but she knew she wanted to be one of the best kunoichi in Sakura, so obviously reaching a high rank was just another stepping stone on that path.

"Alright kids! Today's the start of the genin exams! Please head to your assigned classrooms and form an orderly line! Your instructor will be holding the exam and declare rather or not you past. Do not worry if you fail, you'll be able to try again in a few months." One of the instructors declared from the door of the building, bringing a silence to the crowd as they listened to his words, Kana being one of them and only shared a look with Gunshin, a grin on her face as she nodded before leading them toward their classroom, excitement coursing through her veins as she and Gunshin made it toward their classrooms and eagerly awaited with their fellow classmates to be called into the room. "Remember, be calm, focus and don't worry so much. We've been training for this and you've done it more than enough times by now. You got this." She'd quietly encourage Gunshin as the other kids whispered among friends in excitement and nervousness.

Eventually Kana would be called forth to perform her own exam. "Good luck, I'll see you when we're both Genin!" She'd say her goodbye with a eager grin on her face as she entered the classroom, the instructor sitting at his desk with headbands set before him and a seat of paper in front of him, behind him on the board was the outline of exam as she heard it, perform the transformation jutsu and the clone jutsu. "Alright Kana, let's start with the clone jutsu." The instructor said, turning his attention from the paper toward her and waited as Kana took a deep breath and slowly before gathering up her chakra once more and performed the ram hand seal before 3 exact copies of Kana stood by her side. Kana and her clones would grin toward each other before they'd all nod as they looked toward the instructor "Well done! That's quite an impressive number Kana." The instructor would praise as he looked between the four Kanas and writing into his paper.

"Now, onto the transformation jutsu if you would be so kind to do so." He'd continue on as he looked up toward her expectantly, Kana only nodded and dispelled the clones with a poof of smoke before once more gathering her chakra, keeping her eyes closed as she envisioned her target and then performed the dog hand seal. The instructor would find himself staring at a near identical copy of himself, and he'd hum as he looked it up and down, writing into his paper as if he was playing spot the difference. "Everything looks clear to me! Congratulations Kana! You're now officially a Genin!" He'd happily inform her, Kana instantly letting the transformation dispel as she jumped into the air "Yes!" She'd proclaim as she raced up to the table to receive her headband, looking over it carefully and admiring it for just a moment before loosely tying it around her neck. She was now a Genin. This was amazing!

Exiting the room, she simply smiled and nodded at Gunshin. "Good luck." She'd whisper as she walked by before heading outside, ignoring the other kids who were celebrating or being consoled by their families and instead, she'd wait by the tree line, their agreed meeting spot to celebrate before heading to Gunshin's house for further celebrations. She hoped Gunshin's mom would make a nice big lunch, she wanted to gorge herself as a reward.

WC: 782
TWC: 1,182
MWC: 1,535
Gunshin Juunan
Gunshin Juunan
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Sakuragakure
Ryo : 91000

Academy Days: Genin Exams Empty Re: Academy Days: Genin Exams

Wed Sep 06, 2023 10:14 pm
Gun was excited for Kana as she entered the room for the exam. She wasn't worried about failure, Kana had proven herself able to cast these jutsu with success practically every time lately. To fail, they'd have to purposely sabotage her in some way and they hadn't spent all this time training them to go and do that now. Of course, now that she was standing in the hallway without her support person, Gun's nerves began to act up. She could feel her stomach flipping in its place as she worried about her own success. Rather than focus on how failing would ruin the plans she had for herself, Gun focused on the techniques she had to do, the handseals required, and the feeling of chakra within herself. As expected, Kana came out pretty quickly with a ninja head band, a grin spread across her face. She watched as the instructor took another kid inside the room.

Gun was so happy for Kana, though it wasn't a surprise. As soon as Kana had begun to grasp the use of chakra, Gun realized that Kana would definitely become the kunoichi she'd always wanted to be. It was at that point in time when Gun knew that her assessment about Kana's destiny as a kunoichi laying outside of her physical skills was accurate. Even as a student, Kana's chakra control and ability to learn jutsu seemed far and above the other students. Knowing that Kana had passed just made Gun so happy for her, but it also gave her a bit more motivation to succeed.

"Gunshin, your turn." Gun entered the room, her face one of determination. She stood where she'd been told and awaited further instructions. "First, go ahead and do the clone jutsu." Gun took a moment, taking a deep breath before beginning the handseals. Then a clone of Gunshin appeared next to her. "Alright, that's acceptable. Now, the transformation technique."

Gun couldn't help but let the pleasure of succeeding show on her face as the clone disappeared. Gun took another deep breath, letting her chakra bubble up to the surface, then she began doing the necessary handseal. For a second, her visage didn't change, but eventually she transformed into Kana, the most important person in Gun's shinobi life. Gun was super pleased that her technique had worked. She was ecstatic, but she held it all in, until the instructor announced her promotion.

"Your clone was acceptable, but the number is the very lowest you could have done." He took a moment, writing on his paper before looking back at her. "Your transformation was a bit delayed, but otherwise was fine. Congratulations, Gunshin, you are now a genin."

“Thank you!" Gun cried, letting her transformation dispel as she moved up front to get her headband. She then rushed outside to meet up with Kana and let her know the good news!

WC: 481
TWC: 834
MWC: 2016
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Sakuragakure
Ryo : 670

Academy Days: Genin Exams Empty Re: Academy Days: Genin Exams

Thu Sep 07, 2023 12:38 am
Kana waited patiently by the tree line, leaning against the tree as she fiddled with the headband, running her hand along the engravings and readjusting it numerous times to make sure it fit just right, trying to kill time as she waited for Gunshin. She didn't even entertain the thought that Gunshin failed, instead Kana was wondering what the two's first missions would be like and how exactly they should be preparing to reach Chuunin eventually, the process of ranking up into the higher ranks were beyond her at the moment but she figured she should put in some work as a genin before trying to ask about ranking up.

Eventually she finally seen Gunshin running out of the building and toward her, she could see the wide smile on Gunshin's face that caused Kana to smile in return "Hell yeah! I knew you could do it!" Kana would cry out as she rushed up to hug the girl, sharing in the excitement as the two finally made it, they passed the tests and were now fully confirmed Genin! "Let's go tell your mom, I bet she'll be so excited!" She'd speak with excitement and eagerness, she was more proud of Gunshin passing than her own rank up, maybe it was arrogant of her to think it but she truly had no doubts she would pass, finding out that Gunshin passed was the real reward and more exciting part of the day.

"We'll celebrate today and see about getting a mission going for the two of us tomorrow, there has to be something cool we can do now that we're Genin! I'm tired of doing stupid chores around the village and calling that a mission." She'd continue to gush about her excitement over the prospect of finally being a real kunoichi and doing missions with Gunshin, it would be far faster and easier if she could bring Gunshin along to deal with most problems. The duo would probably make a hell of a team, chakra stuff for Kana and physical stuff for Gunshin, not to mention the two were pretty smart as well. Sakuragakure better watch out, the best damn power duo were just getting started!


WC: 366
TWC: 1,548
MWC: 2,382


Mission Rewards: 1,000 ryo and 5 AP. Ninja Headband, Genin Rank Up
Rank Up Rewards: 100 AP,  +20 Stats, Picking Iryōjutsu [Medical] as main specialty  
Earned free jutsu; Substitution Technique [v7.2] and Tree Climbing/Surface Walking [v7.2] due to rank up

Milestone Rewards:
[Novice Ninja] 1 D-Rank Jutsu Scroll,
[Honor Student] 1 C-Rank Jutsu Scroll, 1 Honor Student Pin

1,548 TWC from thread

Using 1,548/2,000 toward learning slotted skill; Ninshū
Previously was 405/2,00 but now 1,953/2,000.

Also claiming the 15 stat points from WC and 20 stat points from rank up and spending them.
Stat Changes:

Last edited by Kana on Fri Sep 08, 2023 3:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
Gunshin Juunan
Gunshin Juunan
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Sakuragakure
Ryo : 91000

Academy Days: Genin Exams Empty Re: Academy Days: Genin Exams

Thu Sep 07, 2023 4:35 pm
Gun was so excited as she saw Kana once she got outside. She couldn't hold back her own smile, so she went ahead and waved the headband as she came up to her. "Hell yeah! I knew you could do it!" Kana spoke as she moved in to hug Gun who was happy and glad to return the hug. "Let's go tell your mom, I bet she'll be so excited!"

"Yeah let's go!"

"We'll celebrate today and see about getting a mission going for the two of us tomorrow, there has to be something cool we can do now that we're Genin! I'm tired of doing stupid chores around the village and calling that a mission."

"Right?! Taking care of babies and delivering tea can be done by anybody! Now that we're kunoichi of Sakura, there's gotta be stuff better suited for us." As the two girls made their way to Gun's house, she couldn't help but hear the tone in the instructor's voice when he'd critiqued her techniques. It was like Gun had done the minimum and the instructor's tone said she could do better, but his words said she'd passed. At the time, she'd focused on the words and her excitement had pushed the tone and its meaning to the back of her mind. Now that the excitement was wearing off, his tone was coming back to her mind. It was almost like the instructor had said that he'd expected more from Gun. Either way, she was glad to have passed and she decided that she wasn't going to stop practicing just because she could.

WC: 267
TWC: 1101
MWC: 2649


Mission Rewards: 1,000 ryo, 5 AP, and Ninja Headband/Genin Rank Up
1101 WC: putting 466 WC to Eyes of Medusa stage 1 which I already banked 1534 putting me at 2000/2000
635 WC to learning Lightness Skill so 635/1000
11 stats from WC, 4 to strength, 5 to speed, and 2 to vigor
Rank Up Rewards: 100 AP,  +20 Stats all to vigor
Choosing Bukijutsu as my primary specialty
Claiming free jutsu; Substitution Technique [v7.2] and Tree Climbing/Surface Walking [v7.2] due to rank up

Milestone Rewards:
[Hit the Ground Running] - 500 ryo
[Novice Ninja] - 1 D-Rank Jutsu Scroll,
[Honor Student] - 1 C-Rank Jutsu Scroll and 1 Honor Student Pin
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Academy Days: Genin Exams Empty Re: Academy Days: Genin Exams

Fri Sep 08, 2023 2:51 pm
Gunshin Juunan wrote:
WC: 267
TWC: 1101

Mission Rewards: 1,000 ryo, 5 AP, and Ninja Headband/Genin Rank Up
1101 WC: putting 466 WC to Eyes of Medusa stage 1 which I already banked 1534 putting me at 2000/2000
635 WC to learning Lightness Skill so 635/1000
11 stats from WC, 4 to strength, 5 to speed, and 2 to vigor
Rank Up Rewards: 100 AP,  +20 Stats all to vigor
Choosing Bukijutsu as my primary specialty
Claiming free jutsu; Substitution Technique [v7.2] and Tree Climbing/Surface Walking [v7.2] due to rank up

Milestone Rewards:
[Hit the Ground Running] - 500 ryo
[Novice Ninja] - 1 D-Rank Jutsu Scroll,
[Honor Student] - 1 C-Rank Jutsu Scroll and 1 Honor Student Pin

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Academy Days: Genin Exams Empty Re: Academy Days: Genin Exams

Fri Sep 08, 2023 3:38 pm
Kana wrote:[Exit]

WC: 366
TWC: 1,548


Mission Rewards: 1,000 ryo and 5 AP. Ninja Headband, Genin Rank Up
Rank Up Rewards: 100 AP,  +20 Stats, Picking Iryōjutsu [Medical] as main specialty  
Earned free jutsu; Substitution Technique [v7.2] and Tree Climbing/Surface Walking [v7.2] due to rank up

Milestone Rewards:
[Novice Ninja] 1 D-Rank Jutsu Scroll,
[Honor Student] 1 C-Rank Jutsu Scroll, 1 Honor Student Pin

1,548 TWC from thread

Using 1,548/2,000 toward learning slotted skill; Ninshū
Previously was 405/2,00 but now 1,953/2,000.

Also claiming the 15 stat points from WC and 20 stat points from rank up and spending them.
Stat Changes:

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