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Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Stuck in Traffic [Open] Empty Stuck in Traffic [Open]

Thu Aug 03, 2023 3:12 pm
The Okinaga District was heavy in foot traffic today, plenty of commerce and gossip to go around it seems. A noticable bit of tea that seemed to be going around was that talks of the Chuunin exams were in the works. Okisho wasn’t in to drama, and preferred to stay as far away from ot as possible, but he’d be lying if he wasn’t interested in the exams. It was part of the the village’s tradition, whichbqas something Okisho was very big on; a rite of passage for those wanting to further their careers with all eyes on them. He could see it now, him signing up with the rest of team 212. It actually brought a smile on his face. To be a part of something bigger than one’s self, what more could someone ask for?

“Excuse me, sorry”, he said whole avoiding the massive oncoming traffic. It was quite litterally bumper to bumper, shoulder to shoulder. Him carrying a lone tall bag brown paper bag of dry goods, he just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. But it seemed damn near impossible due to the foot traffic. He stands still just for a moment, and took in the many stone staircases that led out of the plaza. They, including himself, were like ants. Everyone on top of each other, trying to get out. “No way im making it out”, he said while noticing the still mobs of traffic. Bumper to bumper…

As he surveyed the field, he noticed a grab n go stand near by, with empty stools that surrounded the hut. It was in the shade too, which was very useful since it was mid day. He slides through the pockets within the still crowd and manages to grab a stool. He had to take a moment, breathing in somewhat clean air that wasnt brushed against him from the crowd. Disgusting…

No matter, now that he was here, he decided to grab the server’s attention to get something wuick to eat. When he was free taking the orders of the ones ahead of him first. Fourth in line, not to bad. Not like he was in a hurry, where was he gonna go?

As for attire, Okisho is a minimalist, nothing too flashy and void of any logos. He is seen wearing a simple all light grey shirt, and a pair of dark navy-blue slacks which stop at the top of his ankles. A single ninja pouch concealed underneath his black shirt. The pouch his attached to his black leather belt, fastened on the back right side of his waist. His shoes are standard issued shinobi editions, revealing his toes and back ankles. His shinobi headband is tied tight against his forehead, but not so much to cause any discomfort.
TWC/ 467
Rekka Meijin
Rekka Meijin
Stat Page : Rising Sun
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 69000

Stuck in Traffic [Open] Empty Re: Stuck in Traffic [Open]

Sun Aug 06, 2023 8:24 am

Off in the short Distance the sound was heard. Jonetsu raced across traffic the moment he had seen a moment, the sound was behind him a distance, the always on the move blonde did not stop to look back behind him. He had likely caused it inadvertently with his Parkour antics across the road to get to one of his favorite spots, He was running behind in life. The Chuunin exams were up and coming, and he was behind on his training, how could he represent the Meijin clan in such a manner. He dipped quickly into the stand, luckily it had a curtain that covered the upper half of the customers from peering eyes.

Jonetsu stood behind a simplistically dressed man, Jonestu looking like a hood rat out of the back alley, his hair just as wild and crazy as he was. He stood and was waiting for his turn to order. After the man before him gave his order, Jonetsu would give his own. after having to wait a good three to five minutes per customer ahead of him, so about fifteen minutes, he knew it was always well worth the wait. Jonetsu would order himself a black coffee with espresso shots, and a singular old fashioned donut. The caffeine dose inside of that cup of coffee would only carry him for the next hour or so, but he would be heavy at training by that point he had hoped.

Jonetsu was already planning inside of his own head what he needed to improve upon and learn to carry himself a win in the upcoming exams. However he knew he was just one lucky break away from getting himself more privileges but he was not worried about it at this time. He may decide to go on a series of missions later to help him fuel his pockets for later endeavors of coffee infused training. The others left, but the other person who stayed as if they too were waiting for traffic to die down was the man before him. Jonetsu would look him over for a moment, wondering if this man was a threat to his win he was looking to hunt down in the exams, after all he had noticed the tool pouch on the hip, a clear sign of a shinobi, but just who was this Shinobi and what was his pertinence to the village.
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Stuck in Traffic [Open] Empty Re: Stuck in Traffic [Open]

Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:17 pm
After putting in his order, after the server freed up, he casually waits for his foreign delight to be served. He always felt guilty eating it, especially out in public. There was nothing like it in the Uchiha district, which was his place of residence, and the Okinaga district wasn’t close. In fact, there wasn’t anything really sweet in his house due to his overbearing mitary parents. Another reason why he needed to save up what he could to move out. But, it all seemed worth it after picking up the scent of dough being fried. It truly was his comfort food, allowing him to dissociate in sweet bliss.

“Thank you, here you go! Keep the change”

Finally, his order was up. He was given a paper tray full of freshly made churros. It was cut up into five thick warm yet perfectly crisp pieces. He waft the sweet scent, only to meet the eyes of another curious fellow aside him. His heart sank with shame, as if he was in the presence of his parents. But yet, he was met with a rather sharp stare. Was he looking at Okisho or his food?

The window to enjoy his fresh churros was closing, and the traffic showed signs of it thinning out too. “May I help you? You seem rather fixated…”, his hand were placed around his paper tray. His thumbs tapping his index fingers giving a clear indication that he was in a hurry to eat his food. His attention also noting the coffee in his hands. How wired was he?
TWC/ 729
Rekka Meijin
Rekka Meijin
Stat Page : Rising Sun
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 69000

Stuck in Traffic [Open] Empty Re: Stuck in Traffic [Open]

Mon Aug 14, 2023 2:00 pm
The man's voice broke through to Jonetsu and he would smile at the man " Fine fine, My Name is Jon by the way, to be perfectly honest, I was mostly sizing you up and wondering if maybe you were a genin out to become a chuunin some time soon" Jonetsu would let out a laugh after he was done asking the question. It was not one out of meanness over the idea of his man becoming a shinobi of any rank. It was closer to a laugh of nervousness for being called out on the scenario, he would pay the man and take his drink and donut and would bite into the donut and before swallow, would drink some of the coffee to mix the flavors together in his mouth. He would gulp down the mixture and give a satisfied sigh.

"You see I ask simply cause, I myself am a Genin looking to become a Chuunin soon, but I need to train hard, and maybe do some missions later and bring in a nice flow of money and get a tutor for expanding my jutsu knowledge" Another bite of the donut as he would take a seat next to the man he was randomly talking with. He would now be silent as he enjoyed his morning snack and listened for if the man had anything to say in return to his explanation.
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Stuck in Traffic [Open] Empty Re: Stuck in Traffic [Open]

Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:50 pm
It was comforting knowing that his current company was without hostile intent. Still weird, but who was he to judge in this ever changing village. He was in the most diverse setting, the market area around here brought the attention of many foreigners trying to make a mint. But not, Jon, the one beside him. He happened to be a shinobi of the leaf, like Okisho himself. His goals mirrored his, he too wished to rise through the ranks. Due to how he was raised, he nods his head at the statement, and returns the courtesy.

“ I see…, well my name is Okisho. And yes, I am very much indeed a Genin, team 212”, he said it proudly because he actually liked his team. A hyuga by the name of Himari, and an Uchiha by the name of Tenshi. Their sensei went AWOL, so his whereabouts were unknown. However, the three were doing just fine. So fine, that Okisho himself was actually the odd man out conpared to the two. Regardless, nothing changed how he felt. It was rare to be in such a situation like so with the shortage of free high ranking shinobi. He ponders this subject, while watching Jon bite into his rather delicious donut, and take a seat right beside him. Okisho kept as he were, while also consuming another churro.

Listening to Jon go on about training, he figured maybe that was why he was drinking coffee during this time of day. Perhaps he was on a quick coffee break? He could sympathize with Jon on that, shinobi training wss no joke. Especially when one was trying to rise through the ranks.

From the outside, one would think shinobi training was physical, jutsu mastery, handsign speed, conditioning. Yes, all were important. But the greatest weapon a shinobi had was their mind, for it was a warriors greatest weapon.

After finishing his churro, he takes a napkin and wipes the crumbs off his face. He then clears his throat before speaking.“Yeah, our days of running through obstacle courses made of straw, tape, and 2x4s are gone. It was…, much simpler back then. Who was your instructor?”
TWC/ 1090
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Stuck in Traffic [Open] Empty Re: Stuck in Traffic [Open]

Thu Sep 28, 2023 4:31 pm
In the moment of the awkward silence, Okisho, still thinking back to his not too long distance days in the academy, remembered he used to sneak here after class before coming home. At first, it was a simple yet shameful act. Gorging himself with sweet delights that he would never have access to at home. But then, it became a ritual. After every training session, after every mission he would complete, successfully, he would find himself sitting here on this very stool. Of course, subjectively, there were plenty of other vices that could be deemed much worse. But, who was not without flaw? In fact, it humanized the young Uchiha, taking away the stereotype of Uchiha being nothing more than dead eyed drones.

Chiming back into reality, Okisho takes his company's silence as a brush off and causally gathers his things. It was nice to take a break, but with the traffic dying down, he picks up where he left off and ventures off out of the market place and towards the Uchiha district.
Exit TWC/1264 using all of it to bring sharingan training up to 2300/4000 Link, and claiming 24 AP
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Stuck in Traffic [Open] Empty Re: Stuck in Traffic [Open]

Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:50 pm
Okisho Uchiha wrote:
Exit TWC/1264 using all of it to bring sharingan training up to 2300/4000 Link, and claiming 24 AP

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