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Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

Missing Souls. Empty Missing Souls.

Tue May 30, 2023 8:03 pm
Mission details:

As the sun began its descent beyond the mountain peaks, casting an orange glow upon Kumogakure village, the shadows whispered of an unsettling mystery. Rumors of people vanishing from the slums had spread like wildfire, eventually reaching the ears of the village's higher-ups. After a thorough investigation validated the truth behind these wild tales, a mission request was swiftly issued to locate the missing individuals and ensure their safe return home.

Jun Shibasaki, the skilled genin who was for the fist time doing a A-Rank mission by himself, was entrusted with this delicate and dangerous investigation by his captain. Standing tall with a determined expression etched upon his face, Jun embodied the fierce determination and unwavering resolve of his lineage, the mighty Shibasaki clan. Clad in his distinctive and usual attire, he strapped his newly acquired katana to his back, ready to face whatever awaited him in the slums.

In preparation for his mission, Jun gathered intelligence from the previous shinobi sent to investigate the disappearances. From their reports, he learned that six people of various ages and genders had gone missing, without any discernible connection between them, as it seemed that there was no pattern. This lack of a key lead would undoubtedly complicate his efforts, but Jun remained resolute, fueled by his duty to protect the village and his unwavering desire to bring the missing individuals back to their loved ones… and also the fat pay check that an A-Rank mission provides. Under the cloak of night, Jun ventured into the heart of the slums. Dilapidated buildings loomed overhead, their windows shattered and their walls crumbling. The scent of decay permeated the air, a stark contrast to the fragrant cherry blossoms that adorned the village proper. As he walked through the narrow alleys, Jun could feel the weight of despair, poverty and sadness hanging heavily in the atmosphere.

He approached the first residence on his list—a humble dwelling nestled between two towering structures. Jun knocked gently on the door, his trained senses alert for any signs of danger. A timid voice responded from within, and the door creaked open to reveal a frightened middle-aged woman, her eyes filled with desperation.

"Are you... here to find them?" she whispered, her voice quivering with a mixture of hope and fear.

"Yes, ma'am," Jun replied, his voice firm and reassuring. "I am Jun Shibasaki, a shinobi of Kumogakure no Sato responsible for 
finding the missing citizens from the slums. I will do everything in my power to locate the missing individuals and bring them back safely. Please, tell me everything you know, it will be most helpful"

The woman proceeded to recount the details of her son's, Hiro, disappearance. He had vanished without a single trace after he went to play at a friend’s house, leaving her heartbroken and consumed by worry. Jun listened intently, committing every word to memory, searching for any minute clue that might shed light on the situation…  

After visiting each home and collecting testimonies from the relatives and friends of the missing people, Jun discerned a common thread—a pattern of suspicious activity occurring near an abandoned warehouse at the outskirts of the slums. All the missing people were actually near before disappearing or last seen around the warehouse. Sensing that this might be the key to unraveling the mystery, he made his way towards the desolate structure, his steps careful and deliberate.

The abandoned warehouse stood as a monument to neglect and decay. Its once-sturdy walls were covered in layers of graffiti, and broken windows allowed moonlight to seep into the darkness within. Jun's keen doujutsu, the famed Tengan, scanned the area for any signs of movement and any heat signature he could detect. For the young Shibasaki’s clansman surprise, he could detect lots of heat signatures from inside the building, even if the place looked dead silent.

As he approached the entrance, a group of shadowy figures emerged from inside the warehouse. They looked like bandits, lots of them, surrounding Jun with malicious intent. They’ve got their bodies covered in Skeletons tattoos, which seemed very bizarre.

- You’ve came to the wrong place, blondy. – said one of the men.

They were low-level thugs, likely responsible for the disappearances, but why were they doing this? Jun swiftly started doing handseals, ready to release a jutsu in order to deal with the bandits. The thugs lunged at him, their movements fueled by desperation and greed. Jun, however, moved with a grace and precision as he evaded their attacks with lightning-quick movements, and after completing the handseals (Serpent → Hare → Tiger → Monkey → Ram → Dragon), casted Nikko Shokei. Jun concentrated huge amounts of pure sunlight he generated using the Sun Release element, casting a shining pure sunlight orb of 20 cubic centimeters, surrounded by 4 interlinked rims that are 40 centimeters in diameter. Immediately upon creation, the rims surrounding the glowing orb expanded outwards in all directions in a spherical shape, until reaching its maximum range of 20 meters with the glowing orb staying floating at the center. This sunlight rims emits a huge amount of solar ultraviolet radiation, affecting and contaminating every bandit inside the area of effect, as they would all fall by being incapacitated by this UV Radiation.

Jun spotted with his Tengan the leader of the thugs, a burly man with a scarred face, who was barking orders to his now defeated underlings. Jun's eyes narrowed with determination as he locked onto his target. Bird → Dragon → Monkey → Boar →  Ram  / →  Tiger, using his Lightning Creation: Thunderhawk jutsu, Jun unleashed an enormous Hawk made of lightning chakra from his body, aiming for the leader who was now charging at the shinobi. As he came into contact with the hawk, he was absolutely electrified and immediately felt to the ground, screaming in agony before passing away. With the leader incapacitated, the few remaining thugs grew fearful, their resolve shaken. Jun seized the opportunity, launching himself into a dazzling display of combat prowess. His newly bought refined katana struck with great precision, incapacitating his foes without causing fatal harm. He moved like a blur, a whirlwind of blade, his enemies no match for his skills. Yeah, he was no weaponry specialists, but those thugs were just too freaking weak.

As the last thug fell to the ground, Jun stood amidst the defeated bandist, but he felt absolutely nothing as this battle gave him no rush at all. The battle had been easy, but a victory is a victory nonetheless. The missing individuals were still out there though, waiting to be found and brought back to their homes and loved ones.

WC: 1112
Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

Missing Souls. Empty Re: Missing Souls.

Wed May 31, 2023 8:56 am
Entering the warehouse, Jun treaded carefully through the dimly lit corridors. The air was thick with tension, every step echoing with a sense of urgency. The scent of mildew and decay grew stronger as he ventured deeper into the labyrinthine complex, his senses alert for any sign of life. Finally, he reached a large chamber, its walls adorned with weird symbols and stuff written in a weird language. A sense of foreboding washed over him, but he pushed forward, fueled by the determination to find the missing individuals and put an end to their suffering.

As Jun stepped into the chamber, he was met with a chilling sight. Six individuals, worn and frail, were shackled to the walls, their eyes hollow and their spirits broken. They must had endured unimaginable hardships, their hopes of rescue fading with each passing day, as they faces were skinny and their bodies were all bloodied and beaten. On the ground, what appeared to be a ritualistic circle was drawn in blood. Jun knew from their heat signature, that although was pretty weak, that they were still alive

"Hang in there guys, I’m getting you out of this shithole…" - he said.

But before he could move toward the kidnapped people, they all suddenly opened their eyes wide open and started to sing in unison and a haunting melody floated from their lips. Their voices, fragile yet resolute, intertwined in a somber chorus, speaking of a prophecy forged in the depths of their torment.

“In blood-stained halls where shadows loom, A wicked pact seals our doom. Sacrificed souls, our spirits weep, Summoning evil from slumber deep.
Darkened hearts, consumed by greed, Invoke a power, forbidden creed. They spill our blood, they steal our breath, To summon horrors from realms of death.
In twisted dance, they chant the verse, A conjuration, a curse so perverse. From realms unseen, a darkness wakes, A force of malice, the world it shakes.
The skies turn black, the earth trembles, The wickedness, no soul resembles. A tide of chaos, it soon descends, As darkness claims and evil ascends.
But hope remains within the light, A shining sun in the blackest night. A hero rises, a warrior strong, To vanquish evil, right the wrong.
By blade and fire, by heart and soul, The hero fights to reclaim control. With courage forged in the fires of pain, They break the chains, shatter the bane.
So heed our words, O Sunbender, The battle awaits, the line is drawn. Unleash your power, let justice reign, And banish darkness with might untamed.”

The captive voices faded as they’ve seemed to faint all in synchrony, their prophecy resonating in the chamber's stillness. Jun Shibasaki absorbed their words, the weight of their meaning settling upon him. It was clear that their captors had summoned a malevolent force, using their blood and souls as sacrificial offerings.

As Jun Shibasaki absorbed the weight of the captives' prophecy and was about to untie them, a chilling presence slithered into the chamber. The air grew thick with malevolence, and Jun's senses tingled with a foreboding energy. Slowly, a figure emerged from the shadows— a sinister being shrouded in darkness and draped in tattered robes. A wicked grin curled upon the man's lips, his eyes gleaming with unholy delight. He was very old and he looked like half man, half undead, and with a voice dripping with malice, he spoke, his words laced with an grim, ethereal tone that sent shivers down Jun's spine.

"So, the mighty Kumogakure shinobi have sent a mere errand boy to thwart my plans? He he he he" the Necromancer hissed, his voice carrying the weight of ancient secrets. "How fortunate for me to witness your arrival firsthand. Allow me to enlighten you, for I am the architect of this grand design. I’m the Necromancer, servant of the Harbinger of Chaos and Death…"
The air crackled with an unnatural energy as the Necromancer stepped closer to Jun, his every movement sending tendrils of darkness rippling through the chamber. His eyes bore into Jun's, holding him captive with their haunting gaze.

"You see, dear shinobi, I have long yearned for power beyond mortal comprehension," the Necromancer whispered, his voice carrying a touch of madness. "I sought forbidden knowledge, delving into ancient texts and forbidden jutsu scrolls… until I stumbled upon the ritual that could summon the embodiment of pure evil."
The Necromancer extended a skeletal hand, its bony fingers curled as if clutching at unseen secrets. Shadows swirled around him, dancing to an unearthly rhythm.
"I gathered those lost souls, the dispensable people that lives in the slams, as offerings… I’ve finally made them… useful" he continued, his voice dripping with malevolent triumph. "Their blood and souls became the fuel to awaken the ancient evil, a creature of unending darkness known as Kurogami."
"But why? What drives you to unleash such devastation upon the sjinobi world?" Jun asked the grim gigure, his voice unwavering despite the rising tide of darkness.

The Necromancer chuckled, a sound devoid of any semblance of humanity. "Power, dear Jun Shibasaki. Power beyond imagination. Unlimited…power! With Kurogami at my side, I will reshape this world according to my whims. I shall become a god among men, ruling over a realm of eternal darkness and suffering… the age of the living have ended… now comes the age of the DEAD".

A surge of anger ignited within Jun, fueling his resolve once again. He drew upon the essence of the Sun and his inner solar chakra, its fiery energy radiating from his Tengans which glowed even brighter now. His eyes blazed with determination as he faced the Necromancer, ready for some real combat. The Necromancer's laughter echoed through the chamber, mocking and deranged. "Oh, how amusing… how cute, a pair of shining eyes he he he. Know this, Jun Shibasaki—the forces I have set in motion are beyond your comprehension. Kurogami will rise, and you shall witness the annihilation of all you hold dear HA HA HA HA HA"

As the Necromancer's chilling laughter once again echoed through the chamber, Jun Shibasaki braced himself for the battle ahead. The air crackled with dark energy as the sinister figure’s malevolent aura permeated the space around them. The Necromancer's eyes glinted with wicked anticipation as he extended his hand, summoning forth a legion of skeletal warriors. Bones rattled, and the undead horde lunged towards Jun, their bony fingers reaching out with ravenous hunger. With lightning reflexes, Jun leaped into action. He unleashed a barrage of lightning-fast strikes with his newly acquired Katana, his hands and feet moving with precision and strength. But for every skeletal warrior he felled and bisected, two more took their place. Their relentless assault pushed Jun to the brink, testing his resolve and resilience. The Necromancer watched with sadistic glee as he kept maniacally laughing as Jun fought valiantly against the overwhelming odds. Shadows danced around him, lending strength to his undead minions while sapping the energy from Jun's very being.

As the battle wore on, Jun's movements grew sluggish, his breath labored… he was actually getting tired. His body ached from the ceaseless onslaught, and doubt began to creep into his mind. But deep within his core, a flicker of determination burned bright. He had no room to use any handseals as the undead onslaught was just insane… but he had an idea on how to deal with such an horde. Summoning his inner strength, Jun mustered the power of his Sun Release techniques. He closed his eyes, focusing his chakra, and when he opened them, they blazed with an even more intense, radiant orange light. The Laser Eyes technique— also known as Rezaaizu, the pinnacle of his abilities—was ready to be fired.

A beam of scorching energy shot forth from Jun's eyes, cutting through the ranks of the undead horde with unrivaled precision. The skeletal warriors crumbled to dust, their bones reduced to ash as they were hit by the gigantic beam of Solar Chakras. The chamber shook with the force of Jun's jutsu power.
The Necromancer's eyes widened in shock, his sadistic grin fading. He attempted to counter Jun's devastating attack, but the Laser Eyes pierced through the darkness that shrouded him, searing his malevolent form. In a final act of desperation, the Necromancer unleashed his most potent jutsu—a beam of what appeared to be necrotic energy that clashed with his Solar Chakra beam and that seemed to match it in power. But the Kumon shinobi, fueled by his unwavering resolve, stood strong and kept firing his technique. With an last burst of energy, Jun unleashed a devastating final assault. The Laser Eyes intensified, its beams converging into a single, concentrated and huge blast. The searing light pierced through the Necromancer's beam of death, engulfing him in a torrent of pure radiance. The chamber trembled as the Necromancer let out a blood-curdling scream, his form disintegrating into nothingness. The dark aura that had clung to the room dissipated, leaving only silence in its wake.

Breathing heavily, Jun surveyed the aftermath of the battle. The skeletal warriors lay scattered around him, lifeless and defeated. He had emerged victorious, utilizing his Laser Eyes technique to vanquish the Necromancer and his undead army. The only thing that remained from Jun’s foe was a dark covered book, that laid in the ground aside from the pile of ash he had become.

WC: 1566
TWC: 2678

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Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

Missing Souls. Empty Re: Missing Souls.

Wed May 31, 2023 5:17 pm
After rescuing the kidnapped individuals and ensuring their safe return to the hospital, Jun Shibasaki took a moment to catch his breath. The reunion between the captives and their families was a heartwarming sight, filling the air with tears of joy and relief. Jun couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had played a part in reuniting them.
Once he had ensured that the victims were receiving the necessary medical attention and support, Jun turned his attention to the dark ritual book he had discovered in the Necromancer's lair. Realizing the potential danger it posed in the wrong hands, he decided to study its contents in order to find a way to prevent the summoning of the malevolent creature known as Kurogami. In a secluded corner of the hospital, Jun meticulously pored over the ancient tome, his eyes scanning each page, his mind absorbing the forbidden knowledge inscribed within. As he delved deeper into the book, Jun discovered a section detailing a counter-ritual that could disrupt the summoning of Kurogami. It required specific ingredients, precise timing, and to be held at the very same spot that the creature would enter this world. Analyzing the creature’s summoning enchantment, it said that the beast would arrive at the next light of full moon, at a hidden grove at the village’s outskirts.   

Determined to put an end to the Necromancer's plan once and for all, Jun gathered the necessary materials, a goat’s horn, some herbs, a weird mushroom and some black roses, and prepared himself for the ritual. Under the light of a full moon a few days after, Jun sought out a hidden grove in the outskirts of Kumogakure, one that he knew well has he had ventured there himself with his fellow genin, Saturn. The grove emanated an ancient energy, a place where the boundary between the mortal realm and the spiritual realm was thin. It was definitely the right location to perform the counter-ritual. With a circle of stones laid out before him, Jun carefully followed the instructions from the book, placing the ingredients in a precise order and position around the circle. Incantations passed his lips, each word infused with determination and a desperate desire to protect his village and its people from the impending darkness.

As carried  the ritual, a surge of energy pulsed through the grove. The very fabric of reality seemed to ripple and tremble just as the counter-ritual reached its critical moment. A deafening roar reverberated through the grove, and a rift tore open in the very fabric of space. From the abyss beyond, a monstrous form emerged—a grotesque amalgamation of shadow and malevolence, with a crimson red skin and multiple long horns. It was Kurogami, the dark creature on the brink of entering the realm of the living, bellowed with fury, its eyes burning with an insatiable hunger for destruction. But just as the beast was about to enter the realm of the living, Jun did the ritual’s finale: a blood sacrifice, cutting the palm of his hand with his refined katana and letting his blood spill through the blade down to the floor, at the exact center of the stone circle, as he repeated the very same prophecy he heard the captive villagers sing him back at the warehouse.

“In blood-stained halls where shadows loom, A wicked pact seals our doom. Sacrificed souls, our spirits weep, Summoning evil from slumber deep.
Darkened hearts, consumed by greed, Invoke a power, forbidden creed. They spill our blood, they steal our breath, To summon horrors from realms of death.
In twisted dance, they chant the verse, A conjuration, a curse so perverse. From realms unseen, a darkness wakes, A force of malice, the world it shakes.
The skies turn black, the earth trembles, The wickedness, no soul resembles. A tide of chaos, it soon descends, As darkness claims and evil ascends.
But hope remains within the light, A shining sun in the blackest night. A hero rises, a warrior strong, To vanquish evil, right the wrong.
By blade and fire, by heart and soul, The hero fights to reclaim control. With courage forged in the fires of pain, They break the chains, shatter the bane.
So heed our words, O Sunbender, The battle awaits, the line is drawn. Unleash your power, let justice reign, And banish darkness with might untamed.”
Jun kept repeating the words as demonic creature roared loudly once again, but this time in pain and despair, as it was being pulled back into the void it was coming from, trying to resist the incantation recited by the Shibasaki clansman. He repeated the prophecy again and again, and little by little the demon was getting far from the rift. A last, echoing roar Kurogami released, before finally disappearing from Jun’s sight as the rift closed. It was finally over; the beast was banished and The Necromancer’s plan failed. As soon as the rift closed, the ritual book started turning to black ashes in Jun’s hand, as its energy was fully depleted by so many rituals and counter-rituals. Jun still needs to report back to his superiors about what happened, but he was just absolutely exhausted and drained from such intense night, so he simply went home for some well-deserved rest. His captain could hear that crazy story in the morning.

The morning sun cast a warm glow over Kumogakure as Jun Shibasaki made his way to report to his captain, Terumi Agamoto. Determined to share the truth of the previous night's events, Jun entered the captain's office, finding Terumi engrossed in paperwork.

"Captain Agamoto, may I speak with you?" Jun's voice carried a mix of urgency and weariness.
Terumi glanced up from the documents, his gaze meeting Jun's. "Ah, Shibasaki. What can I do for you?"
Taking a deep breath, Jun began recounting the harrowing events that had unfolded during his mission, from the rumors of missing people to the dark ritual and the summoning of the malevolent creature. He spoke of his investigation, the rescue of the kidnapped victims, and the subsequent battle against the Necromancer and Kurogami.
Terumi listened intently, his expression gradually shifting from mild interest to incredulity. As Jun concluded his account, he could see the skepticism in his captain's eyes.

"You expect me to believe all of this?" Terumi's voice held a mix of frustration and disbelief. "A dark ritual, a creature from another realm, prophecies? Shibasaki, this sounds like the plot of a fictional tale, not a report from one of my shinobi."
Jun's jaw tightened; his determination unwavering. "Captain, I understand how it sounds. But I assure you, what I've told you is the truth. The lives of our villagers were at stake, and I fought to protect them."
Terumi sighed heavily, rubbing his temples. "Look, Shibasaki, I don't doubt your dedication or your skills as a shinobi. But the events you describe... they're beyond the realm of reason. I can't simply accept such fantastical claims without solid evidence."

Frustration welled within Jun, but he knew that his captain's skepticism was not unfounded. The events he had witnessed were indeed extraordinary, and without tangible proof, it was challenging to expect belief.
Jun was absolutely incredulous with the captain’s reaction, as he very well already witnessed some supernatural event during last Halloween, something that Jun pointed out buy he seemed to ignore. The captain leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on Jun. "For now, I cannot assign you another A-rank mission. Your experiences may have affected your judgment. I believe some time to recover and reflect on these events would be beneficial. For now… I guess some D-Rank will be good for your… recovery"

Disappointment washed over Jun, as he replied: "I understand, Captain. I'll take on the D-rank missions as you've assigned…”
With a respectful bow, Jun turned to leave the office, very disappointed of how the conversation went. Not only he once again almost died in some crazy supernatural shit while on a mission, but he was also now considered crazy by his captain.

WC: 1344
TWC: 4022

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Missing Souls. Empty Re: Missing Souls.

Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:53 pm
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