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Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
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Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

Way of the Sharingan Empty Way of the Sharingan

Tue Apr 11, 2023 7:11 am
Tenshi stood patiently as the summer breeze blew across his body. He was waiting in the Konoha training grounds and today would hopefully be a monumental day for the genin. Today's the day, I can feel it... I can't call myself an Uchiha when I don't even have the most basic Sharingan... Tenshi had been training for months to no avail, he had been lacking something important, help from somebody else.

He isn't an Uchiha, and he doesn't possess a Sharingan of his own, but I'm certain Jecht has what I need. Training with him HAS to help me unlock my potential. Looking around, Tenshi was glad to see nobody else was around, Perfect, no pressure I guess...

He took some time to begin stretching and calming himself. He had never trained with someone of Jecht's skills, he wanted to ensure that he got the most out of their time together. Following this, Tenshi made his way towards the target dummies to work on his aim.

Grabbing the training shuriken, he began to methodically hurl them towards the dummies. 1 hit... 2 hit... 3 hi-MISS. Hmm.. that's unusual, looks like I really am nervous today. Oh well, best to get that out of the way early.

Tenshi continued his practice as he awaited his training partner.

WC: 215
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Way of the Sharingan Empty Re: Way of the Sharingan

Tue Apr 11, 2023 1:28 pm
There was something about it being warm and calm outside that really set the atmosphere for Jecht today. Jecht had settled into his role as Jounin and Warden of the Prison pretty well so far since his appointment from Lord Aokidanza. It hadn’t been long and Jecht was still awaiting the return of the Hokage from his trip, so there wasn’t much to do beyond continue his daily routine which was of course Morning training, daily patrols and various amounts of paperwork needing down in the Prison with reports and the like.
Jecht wasn’t particularly fond of having to spend time writing up reports or dealing with paperwork but he had enough capable subordinates within the prison to make that a painless endeavor for the old Ushitora. Now he could focus more on the things he did enjoy and that was helping people train in some way or form. Today he was suppose to be helping a fresh genin in the training grounds by the name of Tenshi Uchiha. Jecht was looking over the information available of the young man on his Communication Gauntlet. For the most part it told Jecht that Tenshi was raised by his mother Tonari who met their end during a mission and that Tenshi had been living pretty much by himself with the care of an elderly neighbor to an extent. Could use the Fire Element and was adept in using Space-time techniques something that Jecht wasn’t particular good at beyond the most basic of things. Though that wouldn’t be an issue going forward, Today was basically an introduction lesson to get a gauge at where Tenshi was mentally and physically and build upon that or if they have to completely rebuild from the ground up.
This was the part that Jecht enjoyed, the chance to see the new generation grow and progress with his own eyes. Entering the Training grounds it was decently empty there were a few people in the distance but mainly it was deserted though Jecht could hear the thudding of something against the training dummies posted around the grounds and according to his gauntlet that was where Tenshi was located.
Silently the old man approached where the young Uchiha was tossing Shurikens at the training dummies tending to hit the area around them instead of the target itself but there wasn’t a look of frustration or annoyance on the boy’s face but one of determination and maybe some anxiety. To Jecht this just seemed like someone nervous about interacting with someone of higher standing and that was natural. Jecht watched not far from the boy but silently paying attention to the boy’s stance and throws learning how he moved and to get a gauge of where he was at in his training. Once he had watched enough he pulled out his own senbons and threw 3 of them into the dummy in front of Tenshi impaling it as each one landed within a tight grouping into the dummy’s head.
“You looked to have been struggling with your opponent so I figured I would help out young Tenshi.” Jecht said with a smile, “Don’t worry with some more training these wooden figures will come to fear your throws more than the ground currently is.” He said as he gestured to the shuriken laying upon the ground by the dummy from Tenshi’s prior misses. “Now then, Tenshi Uchiha, Age 19, Son of Tonari Uchiha and currently a Genin. I am Jecht, Warden of the Prison and a Jounin of this fine village and I’m here to train you into a better version of yourself.” Jecht said as he stood close to the young man towering over him by a few inches.
WC: 619
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

Way of the Sharingan Empty Re: Way of the Sharingan

Wed Apr 12, 2023 6:21 am
Tenshi snapped around when the first senbon flew past him, the speed and accuracy beyond what he had seen before. Jecht was quiet, precise and quick, very quick. He relaxed himself after realising who his mysterious saviour was, "Ahh my hero in shining muscle" Tenshi chuckled. He gave the large man a quick once over, it was very clear the stories were true.

Tenshi gave a short bow, "It is a pleasure to meet you Jecht of the Ushitora clan, master of the Eight Inner Gates. I apologise for the rather pathetic display, not the greatest first impression I'm sure." Jecht was not the only shinobi who did their homework here. Tenshi had heard about the warden and his incredible skill, he was clearly a man who had earned his reputation and the respect of his peers. Well I do aim to learn from the best...

He quickly returned the training shuriken to their original spot and collected Jecht's senbons, walking to him with his hand outstretched to return them. "I would like to thank you for agreeing to meet with me and assist in my training. I have been pushing myself for years to hone my craft, however, I am ashamed to admit that my progress has been rather... uninspired."

There was a clear frustration in the Genin's voice, he frowned "I am an Uchiha who has not yet awoken his Sharingan, nor have I managed to muster up even the most basic of fire jutsu. It is quite... embarrassing to say the least."

Tenshi smiled once more, "But I understand now what I must do, I need to push myself to the absolute limit and force my potential out." He chuckled as he pointed to his bicep muscles, "I am no twig, but I believe it is quite clear that I am no Taijutsu adept. So it may have come as a surprise when I contacted you for your help."

His grin was replaced with a more serious and confident look, "I respect Taijutsu and those who endeavour to master it, because I understand the inner strength and perseverance needed to do so. I want to emulate that strength into mastering my Ninjutsu and Space-Time abilities."

The Genin was filled with confidence as he spoke, his fists clenched and his voice was unwavering, "Master Jecht, I ask that you help train me so that I can become a true Shinobi of Konoha. So that I may protect the village and one day become Hokage!"  Tenshi knew he sounded corny, but he would not falter and let his dream fizzle out. This was where his true story began, and it would take his literal death to put it to an end...

WC: 452
TWC: 667
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Way of the Sharingan Empty Re: Way of the Sharingan

Sat Apr 15, 2023 1:18 am
Jecht listened to the young genin speak his desires so openly, it should a level of trust and conviction that was great to have especially in the upcoming generation. It really showed that the village could eventually be left to those up and coming, now it was simply the part of the journey where the prior generation helps cultivate and grow these children into hopefully the best versions of themselves. It seemed that Tenshi was having a hard time with his self-training and even seemed to have some internal struggles with the fact he hadn’t awoken the Sharingan his family’s renown dojutsu.

While Jecht himself had no clue about the process that went into the awakening of one’s dojutsu, he was confident that with the research that he has done into the clan’s and their varies bloodlines he would be able to at least assist the young man in going the right direction. Tenshi seemed to understand the general idea of how to go about awakening his dojutsu he just needed that extra help to get him there and with that desire he had asked for Jecht to help with his training. Jecht was excited to see what he could do with his own ability and the part of the training that Jecht was more interested in and was sure he would be able to help with more was the fact that like many individuals in konohagakure, Tenshi was a user of the Fire Element one of two elements that the Ushitora were known to excel with.

Chuckling at Tenshi’s joke about being their “hero in shining muscle” Jecht was already thinking about what kind of training to put the young man through. He was a firm believer that if you didn’t have a goal behind the training then there simply was no point, he was also a firm believer in a hard and harsh regiment for said training really prepared people for the strain of actual life. “No twig? Come now little one, I think you are being harsh on twigs.” Jecht jested as he looked over the young man, Tenshi certainly some skinny kid they were much more the toned and skinny type kind of like his brother Iscarot who favored hiding his muscles and staying “compact” as people would say while Jecht simply favored letting his muscles grow as big as they wanted within reasonable functionality.

“Hmm, Becoming Hokage is your goal is it?” Jecht asked as he pondered just how far of a dream that might be, as Lord Aokidanza was one of, if not the strongest Hokage the village had seen. “If that is your goal than we will have to truly up the ante on your training routine.” Jecht offered as while it was a goal that was so far out of reach that it seemed like it would never be something to come to fruition that didn’t deter the young man and it certainly wouldn’t deter Jecht. If anything if Lord Aokidanza heard this he would probably forcibly teach Tenshi himself just to make sure that he had someone to fight worth his time. “Lord Aokidanza is one of the strongest people I have ever met and He does not shy from competition, hell he would probably praise you for such convictions though he would hold you to that goal to an extreme amount.” Jecht offered some words on the matter to Tenshi, He didn’t want to scare the young genin from chasing his dreams he only wished to make sure that Tenshi understood what kind of task he was trying to undertake.

“Regardless, we will do what we can to get you to that point so you can achieve your dream with your own ability.” Jecht finished as he looked over the dummies nearby, they had been peppered with shuriken with various degrees of success. “We will have to push you beyond what you are use to, I will give yourself to the count of 5 to prepare yourself mentally before I aim to harm you to the point of possible death.” Jecht said with a calmness that he could have been mistaken for talking about the state of the weather for the day, but there was an underlying seriousness that spoke of truth of real pain and harm in his words. “I will make you a few promises today, Tenshi Uchiha.” Jecht said as he stood in front of Tenshi about 3 meters from him, a serious gaze as Jecht looked the young man in the eyes. “I promise that I will make you strong, I promise that I will train you with the full effort and intent to make you Hokage, and I promise you that I will not hold back in this training from one comrade in arms to another.” With the last of his words said, Jecht held up his right hand out spread with his palm facing Tenshi, and slowly his five fingers began to curl inward as he started to count down the 5 seconds he had told Tenshi he would give him to prepare.

Jecht was fully intent on testing, training and if it so come to be harming the young genin to the fullest of his capabilities and Jecht was not one for half-measures.

WC: 880
TWC: 1499
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

Way of the Sharingan Empty Re: Way of the Sharingan

Tue Apr 18, 2023 1:18 pm
Tenshi smiled, ”Well now I have to honour all twigs around the world don’t I?” Tenshi knew he wasn’t the most muscle bound shinobi in the village, but he still pushed himself daily to keep his fitness up. Jecht, on the other hand, was a physical monster that could most likely crush an enemy’s skull. This was training, but it was clear that Jecht had no intention of going easy on him, Good, I need to be pushed to the absolute limit, something a Taijutsu master will do it without question… Tenshi could feel his excitement building.

Jecht’s words on the Hokage were not a surprise to Tenshi, he had heard about the incredible skills of their leader. To reach the pinnacle of a village like Konoha was already impressive in of itself, but Lord Aokidanza was an absolute monster of a shinobi. ”I knew you would understand, normal training just will not cut it for me anymore, I need to be pushed to the absolute limit.” The thought of attempting to surpass Lord Hokage did not deter Tenshi, instead, it encouraged him. Lord Hokage was the bar and Tenshi planned on leaping over him, Although, it will have to be quite the leap…

Tenshi chuckled at Jecht’s comment about Lord Hokage training him, ”Well it sounds to me that I cannot be allowed to disappoint him, I plan on being far more than a Genin with twigs for arms when I come before him!” Tenshi laughed, he had been concerned about meeting Jecht at first, but Jounin had been comforting presence. His experience and kindness were encouraging for the young Genin and helped fuel the fire within him. ”At least one day you will be able to brag about how you trained the greatest Hokage of all time!” He winked.

His look of humour was replaced with a sterner expression, it was time to put the jokes aside and take this seriously. Jecht was taking time out of his schedule to help Tenshi, and the Genin would make every moment count. Jecht was not here to play around, and Tenshi did not plan on making himself a liar by taking things at half speed. He was going to throw everything he had at this, even if he had to be dragged away to the medical centre after. His eyes narrowed at the looming five count, this was definitely going to be painful.

Any trace of fear or nerves were immediately squashed when Jecht made his promises, the Jounin’s words did nothing but inspire Tenshi when they fell upon his ears. This was his moment to truly begin his journey, and the Sharingan would be the tip of his iceberg. When he unlocked his potential, Tenshi knew the floodgates would open for him. He smiled slightly, but maintained his serious expression, he could barely contain his excitement for what was about to come. ”You truly honour me, Master Jecht. I have no intention of taking this opportunity for granted! Thank you.”

Moments of Tenshi’s past flashed before his eyes as each of Jecht’s fingers was lowered.

One. Tenshi remembered his early childhood, playing around with other Uchiha children. They ran through the gardens with little sticks, pretending they were elite Shinobi. He remembered the little bruises and cuts that had brought a tear to his little eyes.

Two. Tenshi thought back to the first time he had truly gotten violent. When a group of bullies had been terrorising a mere puppy for their own amusement, he had run to its rescue with his fists flailing. The beating he had taken was one for the ages.

Three. He remembered his time in the academy when they were taught how to spar. He was up against a little girl, she barely reached his shoulders at the time. He remembered laughing at her small stature. He remembered joking about taking it easy on her. He remembered looking up at her after she had dropped him for the fourth time in as many attempts.

Four. Tenshi looked back to when he was running back home, a smile on his face after getting perfect grades on a school test. He could not wait to tell his mother the good news. He remembered seeing the two Shinobi standing at his front door when he arrived. He remembered their sad expressions and his confusion. He remembered their lips moving as they told him how his mother had been killed. He remembered the pity in their eyes.

Five. Tenshi remembered one thing above all else. Regardless of the pain he had endured in his life. Regardless of the blood, sweat and tears he had shed. Regardless of the regrets and “what if’s” he often thought about. Tenshi remembered that he had never once backed down. Tenshi had never given up. He had no intention of doing so now.

The young Genin hurled four kunai, two from each hand, directly at Jecht and lept backwards in an attempt to make some distance between the two. The fight was one.

WC: 840
TWC: 1510
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Way of the Sharingan Empty Re: Way of the Sharingan

Sun May 21, 2023 7:54 pm
There is a measure of a person you can get off first impressions and interactions. Jecht’s first impression of Tenshi is one of a young shinobi wishing to be the best he could be whether he knew how to do that or otherwise. A following impression he got from the young man is that he was one that stuck to his word whether it was good or bad. As he counted down to give the young man an visual understanding of what is about to happen he could see the boy’s resolve as he kept his eyes on Jecht and his body seemed to tense the closer it came to the beginning of the fight.

A smile would show upon the old man’s face slipping past the stern expression he had been presenting, after all a fight was something to be enjoyed and this was something he was ready to do. With the final closing of his fist signifying that the training spar had begun the young man in front of him no more then 3 meters away started to pull out kunai at a speed of 20, Jecht closed that distance swiftly at a speed of 70 till he was less than a meter away allowing the kunai to hit his body and fall to the ground barely phased. “I think a twig throwing those would have done more damage.” He said as he watched Tenshi.

The young man did have the bright idea of creating distance between the two of them but he chose the worst way to do it, but leaping into the air. Jecht already being within a meter of Tenshi simply kept close to the young man and upon leaving the ground Jecht would grabbed ahold of his shirt and slammed him into the ground at a speed of 70 and with a strength of 125. Should nothing stop him from grabbing Tenshi he would end up taking 62 damage. During all this Jecht would be keeping alert for anything Tenshi could do in reaction to the closeness of the two of them during all this.
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

Way of the Sharingan Empty Re: Way of the Sharingan

Sun May 21, 2023 8:18 pm
Tenshi could barely believe his eyes as the kunai harmlessly bounced off the larger man’s body. Just what was Jecht made out of, was this the power of a taijutsu master? Tenshi realised his next mistake far too late, by jumping into the air, he had given Jecht exactly what a he needed, an opening to pummel the young Uchiha. With a gasp, Tenshi felt himself being flipped in the air and could barely breath for a moment when he felt himself landing with his back on the ground. Although visibly shaken, Tenshi would not allow his resolve to fail him just yet. Clearly outmatched, it was on pure adrenaline that pushed Tenshi to get back up and once again move backwards.

This time he made sure to stay on the ground, having learnt the painful lesson from his last attempt. He moved back with a speed of 20, at the same time he brought his hands together in the seal of the Ram, Clone Jutsu! If he succeeded in casting this technique, Tenshi would summon four clones of himself. Two in a line in front of him and two directly behind, also in a straight line. He would attempt to use this as a short respite to gain more space. The front-most clone would attempt to dash back-left. The second would go back-right. Tenshi himself would aim to go directly left. The third clone would dash directly to the right. The final clone attempting to move backwards.

62 damage taken (38 HP left)
20 AP used on Clone Technique.

WC: 239
TWC: 1749
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Way of the Sharingan Empty Re: Way of the Sharingan

Sun May 21, 2023 8:41 pm
Knocking the air out of someone was a unique sound and feeling and it was one that Jecht was experiencing as Tenshi slammed into that ground. The young man visibly hurt but up they got and up they tried to go. Jecht keeping close within arm reach but only watching. Jecht watched as Tenshi formed the Ram seal and the appearance of multiple versions of Tenshi appeared all doing the same motions.

Since Jecht had simply stayed next to him he knew which was the real one. “Clone technique that’s impressive young one, though these work more with a distraction so that your opponents can’t figure out which is the real one.” He pointed out, just as all the clones decided to break into different directions Jecht watched as the real when ran off to the left. Jecht decided to not give chase but instead knowing which one was the real Tenshi, the one who had run off to the left Jecht in the span it takes Tenshi to have gone 1 meter from Jecht, Jecht had reached out his hand and quickly pulled it back creating a vacuum of wind that would spawn a wall of wind 20m width and height, 3m in front of tenshi moving towards jecht at 80 speed and 80 power, attempting to push back tenshi into Jecht’s outreached hand.

Tenshi will need to beat the techs power with a strength check to resist being pulled back and unable to use his limbs to move should he get hit by the wall of wind moving at 80 speed with 80 power, 3 meters in front of him 20 meters wide and tall.

AP usage:
ERF: World in Sleeves (B-rank version): 35
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

Way of the Sharingan Empty Re: Way of the Sharingan

Sun May 21, 2023 9:06 pm
Tenshi thought he had at least gained a moment of respite with his plan, he knew it would not last long. What he did not expect, however, was that Jecht would see it all unfold while never losing track of the brash upstart. Tenshi went to grab his last practice kunai, but he was not quick enough as Jecht’s ability hit him from behind. If he felt winded before, it was nothing like this. “How in the world are you so quick, I don’t even have time to reac - UGH!” The sudden rush of air collided into the back of Tenshi quickly forcing him forwards towards the Jounin. He was not even able to reach for the kunai anymore, his hands almost glued to his side.

As he flew forwards, his mind was racing to think of a way out of this scenario, but nothing seemed to be right. He could not even move his limbs, so how was he going to make it out of this situation? All thoughts left his mind as he quickly fell into Jecht’s outstretched hand once more. Ok this is going to be more painful than I thought…

TWC: 1944
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Way of the Sharingan Empty Re: Way of the Sharingan

Sun May 21, 2023 9:14 pm
Caught once more in Jecht’s hand the boy looked stressed but still willing to fight, that was a good sign and while he would have loved to do so, he had a good feeling that if he wasn’t careful he would have to bury the young man here. “You have lost this time Tenshi.” Jecht said as he held the boy off the ground, once Tenshi agreed to the surrender he would lower him to the ground and they would be able to talk from there. If for some reason Tenshi refused then Jecht would just as easily slam him into the ground again just like before but he was sure this time the boy wouldn’t be able to get up.

If Tenshi did surrender then Jecht would wear a big smile on his face, “You don’t have the abilities just yet and you will need many many more fighting bouts to get anywhere near Lord Aokidanza but you have the will to fight and the resolve to do so even in poor match ups and that is the most important.” The old man would say, glad to see the next generation was more then raring to go, Jecht had been worried that they wouldn’t want to fight for the things they have.

“Shall we go over the moments of the battle first?” He would offer to the young Uchiha. “Tell me what you learned from this exchange.”
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