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Wandering Clouds

Himari Hyuuga
Arathel Anbura
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Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
Familiar : Hebitsukaiza
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

Wandering Clouds Empty Wandering Clouds

Thu Mar 02, 2023 2:48 pm
'Da Missions:

Zarina's Stats:

It dawned on her that she never truly gave a genuine smile in recent memory. An approving smirk with a gentle look in her eye was her best attempt at a smile. Even that rarity was witnessed by a few colleagues and even Zunair on a few occasions. Zarina also realized that she never tried to practice. During her career, a grin or smirk was a flirtatious tact to charm her targets to their end. Zarina never saw the purpose of doing things without compensation being monetary or otherwise. Everything she did was a product of her conditioning and conditioning failed to list smiling as a priority.

Still, Zarina fully shifted her focus back at the mirror and braced herself. She worked her upper jaw upwards with uncoordinated movement. Instead of a natural beaming expression she had seen on countless advertisements, her attempt was stiff and unsightly. Zarina immediately dropped the failed smiled and sighed at her silliness. She took another look at the reflection and contemplated an opened mouth smile yet felt the same results would occur. Instead, Zarina returned to her default frown and was slightly bothered by her own sadness in her features. Her perfect skin, nose and eyes only served to decorate a pristine doll capable of movement. Granting a future to others is her mission but providing the warmth behind her endeavor is proving quite challenging.

Her eyes shifted towards the small wooden clock upon the wall, it was time for her to go. But before that Gathering her belongings, she soon found herself outside in the Hyūga compound courtyard. A few members were spotted walking around but none of them paid any mind to the female Hyūga. Blue skies hung over head with very few fleeting clouds making up the picture. While springtime has only just begun, the air has already begun to stabilize into the warmer conditions. The cool air that kissed her face was seemingly therapeutic.

Positioning herself on one of the outside benches, she waited for her comrade. Well, 'relative' in sense. She was created from Zunair and shares the same DNA, so in theory she was related to the Hyūgas. Some more distant than others. All she knows is that she is meeting Enigma. She didn't get the chance to ask Zunair who she is, so this will be one of the first time she is going in blindly. Which, kind of excited and thrilled her. On the topic of meeting her, the reason was that of a simpler one. Just them being appointed to a few lower ranked missions. So, for now, she'll just wait and enjoy the soothingly calm weather.

TWC: 442

Last edited by Arutemisu Anbura on Wed Jun 14, 2023 4:53 pm; edited 2 times in total
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Wandering Clouds Empty Re: Wandering Clouds

Wed Mar 29, 2023 8:50 pm
Himari's Stats:

The weather was nice and the day thus far is going swell, or rather, it'd only get better going forward. A young, spry ravenette kunoichi springs through the open window of her bedroom, latching onto a nearby branch from a tree some couple of feet from her house before sticking her landing with an impeccable summersault—or at least, that’s how she anticipated the whole stunt would go. Although the whole series of maneuvers transition seamlessly, she ends up misdirecting her footing during her landing at the ground level, with her foot turning oddly, and ends up stumbling forward momentarily before regaining her balance through a cartwheel, outstretching her arms and clasping her legs together. “Safe!” She cries triumphantly with a smile.

A knob twists and turns, the hinges creaking as the wooden door reveals a woman around her thirties dressed in a navy blue and white accented kimono, leaning against the door frame. On her person, she held two distinguishable satchels in one hand, jostling them. “Oh! Uh, thanks, mom.” She says sheepishly as she paces over to acquire her belongings and fasten them to her person. “Almost forgot, eheh.” Her mother sighs, a faint smile curled on her lips.

“I understand you’ve been anxiously waiting for the moment to go on your first mission since you graduated. Just,” She gently pats her head. “Be safe while you're out there Himari, okay?”

Himari nods fervently, embracing her mother. “I will!”

“Mm, and before I forget.” The woman searches through the breast sleeve of her haneri, handing Himari a small note. “When you're done, please be sure to gather everything I wrote down on this list. I plan to cook something special tonight.”

Himari’s eyes twinkle with a jubilant expression on her countenance. “Don’t have to tell me twice, I’ll be back with everything in a jiffy before you know it!”

Himari wraps her arms around the woman and gives her an affectionate squeeze before parting ways. She traverses down the beaten path, her head held high with a pep to her step, through the small forestry of Konoha’s outskirts before finally arriving several minutes later at one of the gates stationed closer to her home. Offering greetings and hellos to the very few familiar faces she's known, most of whom are familiar with her for the number of errand runs she's done in the past, she decides to take a quick little detour through the village.

As she carries on her way, her featureless gaze notes someone unfamiliar at a familiar place. Although she'd barely had any chance to accustom herself to the many clansmen who reside at the compound, it wouldn't be unusual for her to notice some new faces now and again. Nevertheless, her stride remains unabated partway until an idea came to mind that slows her to a halt.

On second thought, it wouldn't be a bad idea to at least acquaint herself with someone at least, even just one person before she busied herself the whole day. What's the harm? Even if nothing were to come out of it, knowing she got to talk to someone new today would be worthwhile talking about with her mother.

After that brief thought, she pivots around on her heel and retraces her steps back near the compound's courtyard, and waves to them. "Hi!" She beams. "I'm, um, sorry if I disturbed your peace or anything. I don't get a chance to come by here often, less so meet anyone… Oh! I'm Himari by the way, Hyuuga Himari!"

TWC: 588

Last edited by Himari Hyuuga on Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
Familiar : Hebitsukaiza
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

Wandering Clouds Empty Re: Wandering Clouds

Thu Apr 06, 2023 6:02 am
The calming weather and muting colors brought tranquility the female Hyūga as she soaked in the atmosphere. A serenity of calmness is something she quite enjoyed. From what she knew, the world could be a dangerous and hostile place; therefore, times like these are always meant to be appreciated. Well, that is what she believed. Sitting perched on the bench, she could feel her chest slowly heave in and out as she relaxed. The bustling of newly formed leaves that came along with the cool, gentle breeze. A fell sound came over that noise. It was that of shuffling footsteps on the wooden flooring that made up most of the Hyūga compound.

As the steps got closer, a cheerful voice obliterated any silence that was left. Zarina turned his gaze towards the source of this greetings and was met with a smaller Hyūga. She could tell this individual hasn't been a teen for long considering their youthful appearance that was exerted. A genuine smile formed over the lips of the elder Hyūga, "Hello," came off in a gentle, yet kind tone. Standing up, she gave a small bow in the presence of a relative. "My name is Zarina...Zarina Hyuga."

"And do not worry, any peace here was not disturbed," she said as her head tilted to the side the get a better look at this individual. Himari Hyūga. Another Hyūga she hasn't seen yet; however, she does wonder if Zunair knows of her too. Of course, he should. "Shall we get going? We have a day full of missions so might as well get started." She said as she waved for the younger Genin to follow her.

Taking off, she felt her sword sway at her hips as her footing left the supported wooden flooring and met with the rocky road beyond that. "It seems there are a couple animals we need to find, cleaning duty, guard duty, and a tutorial class we have to teach. Doesn't sound too bad, especially thanks to our byakugan, it shouldn't be too hard." She said as she pointed up to her eyes. These types of missions will be a piece of cake thanks to the all-seeing eye they possess. "So, as we walk, tell me a little bit about yourself." Zarina asked, curious of what this little one is like and wanting in the future.

TWC: 832
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

Wandering Clouds Empty Re: Wandering Clouds

Thu Apr 06, 2023 7:10 am
(Stat Page really isn't made for being posted in a topic so all i can do is link it, apologies.)
Xena's Stats

The day was just getting started, Xena having woken to the sound of yelling in her house, it wasn't over anything massive, merely a dispute between her parent's, one believing she should be out doing more missions, the other not minding her being around to help out around the house, considering her father did missions regularly it was somewhat obvious which one was on which side, not that Xena wanted to hear any of it, her mother had enough trouble as is working with the higher ups of the Uchiha clan, some of those old people really cant see the world in a good light any more, it's almost sad to think about, they've been around so long seen wars come and go, fought in some of those wars as well, killed many people, watched many of their comrades die. It was all so, hard to imagine, to put it simply. When she tried too she'd simply get headaches, thinking about the world, why people exist, why the world is constantly in conflict, not that she was destined to change any of that that was for sure. Getting up the girl sighed thinking on whether wear her usual jumpsuit or something easier for once. She decided to pick the ladder, slipping on some simple pants, some sandles and a long sleeve hoodie, tying her hair up in a bow for once to keep it out of her face, walking across the room grabbing a weapon's pouch and her Ninjato's Scabbard the blade inside it. Xena would clip the pouch to her leg placing the blade and the cord that acts as the satchel around her shoulder and under her arm, letting the blade rest against her back. As much as she'd of loved to eat she'd sigh knowing if she went out into that room the yelling would never stop, taking step towards the window she opened it too the sound of wind, taking a second before hopping out into the ally next to her house and walking into the street, too the mission center she supposed, it was the only thing she had to do right now.
Wandering Clouds Sample_bb45134061cd6cd64cc17bf9a28a5e2e178dd2e6

-On the way too the Mission Center-
The streets of the Uchiha District were actually rather busy, which was somewhat unusual, typically many of the Uchiha were out on missions, though perhaps due to the new police station and radio center she heard was being built maybe their sticking around to look into it, personally she didn't think being a police officer would be all that exciting, you'd just be running around all day, and very little crime actually happened in Konoha, save for maybe a few thieves, even those she hasn't seen all that recently, perhaps because of said police station, her walk to the mission center would likely take a good 15 minutes, maybe 5 if she rushed but she didn't see much of a reason too, the day was peaceful, with very little actual clouds in the sky, though the air wasn't necessarily hot. The breeze blowing through the district was simply too nice for it too be hot. Taking a moment to looking around, she decided to quickly grab something to eat, due to the fact there was a small restaurant in the district, it wasn't exactly well known but it was there, doing it's own thing, and who wouldn't like to have the option to grab food when not at their home. Stepping in she waited in the small line her hands in her pocket, the place had a few people, maybe 5 or 6, not really packed, though the line was fast to move, just the perks of being able to make food with jutsu's like the cloning technique she supposed, it took maybe 3 minutes for her order in which she simply ordered a drink and some fried chicken, both would be easy to eat on the go since she didn't plan on staying to eat. After maybe 5-6 minutes her order would arrive, seems they were out of the chicken and had to make more, not that she minded, simply paying for the food before leaving taking a sip out of the restaurant cup through the straw. The next stop was the mission center, shouldn't take too long she figured as she continued a steady pace down the district towards the more center section of Konoha, her mind passively wandering to wonder what missions were open today, usually all the senior shinobi get the interesting missions, given those missions are also dangerous as shit. At least that's what she's been told, tracking down missing ninja, looking for criminals, and other stuff like that, personally she didn't fancy that stuff anyway, at least not yet, she'd need to get a bit stronger before she goes out looking for fights.

-At the Mission Center-
The wind had died down a bit, guess the more narrow road of the Uchiha District was what allowed such a nice breeze to funnel through, not that the day was awful without that breeze she just enjoyed it, quite a bit, though the breeze wasn't exactly important anymore, entering the mission building there was a board of which had a dozen or so missions posted and the counter which is where you went to start getting a mission, though with some laziness Xena walked over to the counter immediately. "Pardon asking... anyone here looking for a plus 1 to their mission group?" She tried to force a 'nice person looking to help' tone, frankly she thought she did pretty good. then she got hit with a slap in the form of words. "Well... 2 Hyuuga just left, if you'd like you'd probably be able to catch up with them." 2 Hyuuga didn't exactly sound good, she knew 3 and 2 of them stuck close together, that being Zunair and Onabi, both of which she didn't get particularly along with, not for a lack of trying mind you, she just found it particularly hard to get along with people who think too highly of themselves. Onabi was... less bad she supposed, he seemed to be actually trying too apologize for the incident he caused, damn near traumatizing a young Uchiha, which she couldn't exactly do anything about, frankly she blamed herself partially for not being strong enough to stop him to begin with, who would of thought, Zunair on the other hand, his air of 'I'm better then you.' was certainly stronger, though despite thinking all of this she sighed, she knew she'd join them, they were friendly enough, and she didn't wanna hold stupid grudges over stupid shit. "Alright, write me down on the missions and ill go catch up with them, they can tell me when i get there i'm sure." Saying that the Uchiha went out the door, only too see someone she recognized rather quickly, might as well go say hello before finding Zunair and Onabi. The foot steps of her sandals weren't very loud at all, almost silent, she grew used to walking like that after all, not that it helped when her family could practically see through walls if they really felt like it. All the time's she's managed too sneak out they either let her or were distracted. Walking up behind Zarina, watching them begin to walk Xena also noticed Himari, Xena would put a finger to her lips making a 'shhhhh' motion, before suddenly saying towards Zarina's ear. "HEYA!" It was a pretty simple joke, hell Xena half expected Zarina to already notice her by the time she got within 3 feet of her, but if she hadn't it'd a little surprise, no real harm. And if Zarina did happen to mind Xena would rather quickly apologize for the scare, didn't want 3 Hyuuga hating her.
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Wandering Clouds Empty Re: Wandering Clouds

Tue Apr 11, 2023 5:36 pm
Himari, with a simper on her countenance, reciprocates the formal gesture with another of her own. The exchange went far smoother than she anticipated and whatever anxiety was on the verge of bursting forth quietly deflated through her lips. "That's a relief," She sighs. "I hope we can get along well!" Standing upright once more, she briefly scans her now-known Hyūga relative in kind. They definitely weren't agemates when one considers the dichotomy of their stature and apparel. And speaking of apparel, the way Zunair dressed wasn't anything she was used to seeing herself. There was an air of… mystique to her character if her melancholic gaze and relaxed posture were anything to go by.

However, she doesn't particularly remember having scheduled to go on any missions with someone else in mind when she first went out. But, she wasn't going to turn down the opportunity to participate in them with a potential friend and partner. It'd certainly help foster her inner circle in the coming years as she advances in her kunoichi career. "O-Oh, sure! I'm right behind ya!" She chirps and strides at Zunair's pace beside her.

As Zunair lists off the missions they'll be fulfilling, Himari hums and nods periodically, being careful not to plaster an uneasiness when she mentions the benefit of their byakugan being of great use. Nevertheless, today sounds like it would definitely be a plethora of adventures and memories to remember. And an assortment of valuable experiences that may come in handy when she later decides to engage in more difficult missions.

When she's asked by her new acquaintance about herself, Himari pensively taps her chin. "Well," She stretches her arms out and begins to gesture with them as she explains further. "I recently graduated from the Academy, there's that, and… I was held back a year before when I should've become a Genin, but I had a bit of trouble with ninjutsu, chakra, and all that. But, my mother helped me to overcome that. I like to think that I'm pretty good at taijutsu because of her, too." She, with her arms akimbo, puffs her chest and cheeks with a queer smug before she deflates.

"She's also a Hyūga, and we live just nearby on the outskirts of the village some 10 or 15 minutes away. And… Oh! When my academy teacher asked what I hoped to become when I got older, I told him I wanted to become a medical-nin and learn more about iryō-ninjutsu so I can the injured get back to full strength. I even started reading books and everything about that in preparation for the day I do. Everyone else in the class laughed, knowing about my struggles and whatnot, but, my mom told me if I really put my mind to it, I'll eventually make it and prove them all wrong when I do become one." And with the same expression, she nodded to herself assuringly.

Himari hadn't noticed up until this point that the duo was being stalked—or rather—less so being followed by an unfamiliar figure. From her peripheral, she caught a glimpse of their silent tailer—who gestured with a finger in front of her pursed lips in a hushed tone—Himari didn't react and went along with it.

"It might be a long shot, but 'you'll never know unless you try', right?" She turns to face Zunair and her lips curl. "Maybe it will help ease the suffering of those around me if I can do something about it, at least."

When the unbeknownst person made their "dynamic entry", she held back a muffled snicker, alas, the initial snort slipped and she quickly covered her mouth.

WC: 612
TWC: 1,200
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
Familiar : Hebitsukaiza
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

Wandering Clouds Empty Re: Wandering Clouds

Thu Apr 20, 2023 2:31 pm
“Well, that’s good to hear,” Zarina responded. Her thoughts wandered to her own capabilities, as she delved into the past. Zarina, herself, was definitely formidable in taijutsu and bukijutsu; however, her ninjutsu and chakra control were definitely not her strong suit. Perhaps, in time, she will take practice on those types of things. For now, she will need to focus on the task at hand.

“Ah? A medical ninja? Perhaps, you should ask Zunair for pointers or for him to take you under his wing, for he is quite the established user of medical ninjutsu.” Zarina said, as the topic of Himari delving into her future wants. It was true, Zunair medical expertise has reached far beyond any common shinobi that currently occupies the Hidden Leaf, especially when he is able to regenerate missing limbs at a single woven seal, or even bring the dead back to life. If Himari could follow in his footsteps and become a proclaimed medical user, the Leaf Village will have a decent core.

“But your mom is right. Put your mind to it and work towards it, you will exceed,” Zarina said, giving a soft smile and thumbs up. However, in that moment Zarina fell victim to a person's loud voice that shouted right next to her ear. A soft face turned sour as she turned to the culprit of the obnoxious sound only to lighten it up once she saw the female Uchiha.

"Ah, Xena..." her eyes gazed over the sharingan user, "what brings you here?" She questioned. It would be assumed that Xena would relay the message that she was joining them; therefor, they will continue on their journey, first order of business is to find all these missing animals. It is made apparent that the Konohagakurians cannot keep their animals contained. Frankly, she was growing tired of it. 

When they finally turn onto the road that took them past a rocky hokage mountain and revealed the small district, Zarina decided to take her rapid pace to a brisk walk as he took in the scenery. The colored paper lanterns, the alluring scents of foods fried and baked in oil, and the many people in lined kimonos walking past the stalls of vendors meant that, rare as it was in this season - some sort of small event was going on.

Cautiously, Zarina studied the buildings that stood along both sides of the main street. They were what one would expect from this district. Teahouses, bathhouses, and inns, all meant for the tourists that has visited the Leaf Village. But just past that was the large estate that one of the missions was referring too.

"Up ahead, that must be Lady Ariya's estate," Zarina said as the trio approached the noble household. From the mission details it appears that Lady Ariya has lost her cat inside her own compound. Therefore, the assistance of the three shinobi is required. "Himari, why don't you get a good look first with your byakugan and we'll move on from there." This is perfect opportunity for the newly genin to use her ability to pinpoint targets from the distance. This would be almost a training exercise if you will.

TWC: 1,364
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Wandering Clouds Empty Re: Wandering Clouds

Sun Apr 23, 2023 2:04 am
When Zarina mentioned she knew of a renowned medical-nin she could—at the very least—tutor her in the medical arts, she made no effort to contain her excitement at the news. Whoever this Zunair individual was could be the opportunity she sought to put her medical knowledge to good use. That is until she got thorough training in her ability to control her flow of chakral proficiently. Maybe that will come as part of the training regimen under his tutelage.

Nonetheless, much like previous obstacles she's overcome at the academy, this wouldn't stop her from making an attempt and stowing the thought away for later as a conversation point. That aside, Himari briefly introduces herself to their latest addition to the retinue with no less vigor than the first time she met Zarina.

Around the road's bend and into a narrow passage, Himari adjusts her pace similarly as she indulges in the many festive decors on display. It'd somehow gone over her head to know that there were seasonal events occurring this time of year, and an even greater number of festive activities she notes mentally to try. Right now though, she has her first of many missions to fulfill before she delights in one of her favorite seasonal celebrations in Konoha.

Arriving at the mansion in question and upon hearing Zarina's suggestion, Himari felt a rare wave of emotions she believed only her mother could rouse from her on a bad day.

Thinking quickly, she answers with a slight quaver in her voice. "R-Right! I'll do my best!" With both hands, she performs the tiger hand seal while peering toward the landholding.


Uh oh, she thought, among the racing multitudes that are zipping through her mind.

The air around her skin suddenly feels cold and the rhythmic pounds of her heart rang in her ears. In an attempt to act within her whimsical nature to find their quarry to whatever avail, she uses both hands to form the shape of pair of goggles around her eyes and pivots her head around high and low.

"Uh," She murmurs to herself. "Hmm…" The mounting sense of dread began to weigh on her heavily after an awkward pause of silence. Lowering her hands, she forces a smile when turning to face the two and shrugs with open palms facing upward and her elbows at her waist.

"I guess I'm a bit um… nervous? Yeah, yeah, I've just got really bad stage fright so when I'm under pressure, my Byakugan sometimes just uh, doesn't activate when I want it to, you know? Sorry hehe…" She pats the side of her head with one hand.

The jig's up now.

The crippling fear of embarrassing herself had overridden her consciousness that she couldn't bring herself to wholly admit to her comrades—especially in the presence of her Hyūga senior—that she couldn't activate her Byakugan at will yet.

It wasn't unheard of for those born into the clan without the ability to activate the hallmark of their innate bloodlimit. However, the likelihood of encountering one of these types is exceedingly rare and Himari, unfortunately, was bestowed the misfortune of being among those few who were incapable.

The guilt upon her conscience is only mildly shirked by the fact that she knew it was the result of a rare medical condition, the same condition which held her back a year from graduating with her peers. Perhaps that would've been a far more sensible excuse to use than something as lame as "stage fright" in hindsight, but she's already dug herself far too deep to rectify the situation.

WC: 602
TWC: 1,802
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

Wandering Clouds Empty Re: Wandering Clouds

Fri Apr 28, 2023 7:49 am
Indeed as the Uchiha suspected, Xena's childish prank seemed only to annoy the Hyuuga, somewhat upsetting to herself but she paid it no mind at the moment, looking now at the Hyuuga in the eyes less then a foot away Xena backed off now as she was asked what she came here for, she actually wasn't aware this was the duo she was meant to be joining, though after looking at the two for second she figured it very well could of been, she simply would comment. "I was told 2 Hyuuga were doing some missions and figured i could maybe help if that's fine with you of course." now following the two as they walked off towards a estate, her hands wandered into her pockets resting there as she walked, she wasn't entirely sure what the mission plans required, it might be simple ones it might not, she was more then confident the two Hyuuga could handle anything that came up however. Hyuuga were simply always competent, perhaps simply due to being trained from birth, or other means, though she now realized she was mentally praising a clan that her own clan had less then good opinions of, she honestly never stopped to wonder why the two clans were never often friends, though maybe it's simply due to them being the two clans of the dojutsu in Konoha, and simply wish to prove their dojutsu the better. Frankly from the information Xena knew, they both had their perks, Sharingan obviously having quite a few more while Byakugan's perk is far more specifically strong. It was two sides of a coin really, she pondered why her clan never realized or accepted such, perhaps pride can be the largest sin of all, but that's for the victors too decide she supposed.

Removing a hand from her pocket she had scratched the top of her head as they finally arrived at the Estate in question, Zarina seemingly to be trying to flesh out the younger ones powers, which did put a smile on Xena's face watching it. And then after hearing the word be exclaimed, nothing. How odd, there wasn't even the signature veins bulging around the eyes, it was somewhat puzzling that the Hyuuga could just... fail to activate a Byakugan, she wasn't even aware if that kind of things been recorded. Her hand moved from the top of her head back into her pocket, inside said pockets, which happened to be linked together so the hands could touch Xena would form a simple seal, the Tiger seal, before speaking. "You alright kid? Not usual for Hyuuga to experience stage fright, well, then again that's coming from someone who's only known 3." And with that, the Genjutsu had been cast, a simple one really, it wasn't even noticeable to the afflicted, the Fear Pull Genjutsu allowed the user to peer into one's mind, and see what they feared so greatly, given how the Hyuuga was acting, it was a rather quick guess that they were hiding something that they were truly frightened of saying. Not that Xena had room to talk if it's what she had suspected, as her hands unmerged from each other in her jackets pockets she pulled them out one hand now resting on her hip, the other laid flat downwards towards the ground. The Fear Pull Genjutsu couldn't even be noticed by Byakugan funnily enough due to how it worked, then again, maybe it was a tad bit rude to invade a person's mind to find out what their so afraid of talking about, Xena did feel a small bit of guilt at that sentiment.


AP -5 "Fear Pull"
Starting AP : 1295
Current AP : 1290
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
Familiar : Hebitsukaiza
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Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

Wandering Clouds Empty Re: Wandering Clouds

Tue May 02, 2023 12:21 am
Sometimes when it’s unsettlingly quiet in a space that is usually characterized by disorderly noise and movement, Zarina’s hands itch. It’s a feeling not unlike the tightness in her chest before her body’s ready to go to battle with an uncertain demon that could go anyway. That feeling is one she’s well acquainted with, but it’s no less nagging despite its persistence. Today is no different.

She’s always found silence uneasy, discomforted by the uncertainty of no voices to echo thoughts other than her own. Sound, regardless of whether it is rough or near deafening, is a sign of life, a sign of movement at the very least. If she had been lucky enough in life to choose between dying in eerie silence while restricted to a sickbed or dying to the pained cries of battle, she’d have chosen the latter without a second thought. However, she has been particularly lucky, though,but thinking too hard on it just makes her restlessness worsen.

“Oh, that’s okay. No need to worry,” Zarina smiled as the younger Hyūga detailed her ‘stage fright’.

“I’ll search.” 

With that being, Zarina activated her byakugan. Bulging veins and heightened vision took place. As she passed through the outer walls of the compound, her oculars gazed at all there is to take in here, it is the distinct smell that fills her senses first. Oh, but there's more than one. Two? No…more than a half dozen, surely. She peers about the open space here to realize that among the clumps of surrounding foliage and verdure all about, it is hardly haphazard. No, there is a marker for each scent she picks up here. And…ah, yes. Yes—the scent of a lady’s perfume is quite unmistakable. Must be the owner of this compound.

At the center of the courtyard, there is a taller mass of twisting branches and brush that towers over the rest. She steps over to it, reaches her fingers for the nearest tufts that appear brighter against the near-hueless, free hanging spears of greenery. The petals feel dense in her hand as her nails close over the clumps of blooms. She brings it to his nose and drinks the scent of pollen and nectar from their cores. “Ah—tsubaki.” She said out loud. How lovely this tree becomes beneath that burning light of day. All the warm colors of spring dappled among a cradle of boughs mottled in deep emerald.

But there is an adjacent aroma there, too, that draws her away and toward its neighbor. A different, sharper fragrance. Everything about it contrasts with the other. It is more compact—its scent thicker, its branches and foliage denser in their growths. Yes, it is unmistakable to her what the citrine floret clusters between the greenery are. Even the smallest splashes of kinmokusei are enough to evoke the image of spring that their colors herald.

“Such beauty.”

There has been so much to absorb all around this day, but there is one last note lingering in the air that ushers her steps to move along. The cat that she almost forgot about. Zooming her vision around, it didn’t take her no time to locate the cat that had burrowed its way into one of the garden sheds off of the side of the main house.

“There you are.”

Walking with great haste, she found herself outside the shed. Slowly opening the door, she took in her surroundings. Dust and unused tools filled the majority of the clustered room besides the small sack of rags that the cat used as a makeshift bedding in the corner.

“Come on now, it is time for your checkup.” Zarina said in a soft voice. She could only let out a small chuckle as the cat gave a meow in annoyance before finally raising to its feet to give a good stretch.

Walking out of the building, she walked the cat to the owner of the compound - who responded with dramatic enthusiasm. Kissing, hugging, turning in circles. Seems all is well…first mission completed. Turning to her comrades, she asked, “shall we head to the forest now?” She began to walk.

TWC: 2,051
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Wandering Clouds Empty Re: Wandering Clouds

Sat May 13, 2023 8:51 pm
"Yep, yep, totally fine! It's just uh… it's a long story. But! I can assure you next time it'll come to me, easy!" She nods to Xena with her arms akimbo. The unease Himari had felt not too long ago was mitigated by Zarina's intervening and volunteering to locate the missing feline with her own enhanced vision. She'd hardly been around her for a while and she already felt a gnawing sense of envy. Not the kind that would sow saplings of resentment, but in want of a fleeting feeling she has long since desired to grasp.

The same desire that Xena now has full insight into due to the effect of her genjutsu's technique. Just from the echo of her voice, much like an acoustic mirror, the rebound pooled in a wave of newly acquired information in her mind. While peering into Himari's mind — akin to an open book left laying about in the middle of a library table — she uncovers the greatest fear that haunts Himari:

Himari's Core Fear:

Naturally, Himari was completely oblivious to the effects, even less so the fact that any had occurred other than her careful viewing of Zarina at work locating her quarry. Nevertheless, the thought, and perhaps even the fear itself, both linger insistently. Unbeknown to Himari throughout that time, her expression steadily softens, then finally appears a little downtrodden.

For as much as she refused to let the idea conquer her motivation to prove otherwise, somewhere within the recesses of her psyche, she couldn't help but acknowledge the reality of the possibility, also. It wouldn't exactly be the end of the world if she very well couldn't utilize her Byakugan at any point in her life, sure, but when the expectation would demand of her to in a combat scenario, would it manifest during a time she'd need it most? Would she be to blame if that expectation was met with insufficiency on her part, knowing her heritage? How long could she keep running with these excuses before it becomes a detriment?

Perhaps these are things she can ponder at another time. Right now, upon Zarina's return with an update about their next mission location, she rouses from her stupor, and her countenance lightens up into a grin.

"Sure! Right behind ya!" And she strides alongside her in tow.

And although a question burns at the tip of her tongue, she chooses to suspend the urge and follows Zarina's lead until they're at their next destination.

Maybe next time, then.

WC: 466
TWC: 2,268
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