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Kouga Hinomatsu
Kouga Hinomatsu
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 2000

A New Fellowship - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:55 am
"Sports aren't close to my heart, no. Except for training of course. I like to think I'm a fellow artist. Only instead of a piano my tool is a forge, and the art itself is less... fleeting." - Kouga answered, unsheathing his enormous sword from his back and taking a loving look at it. "Stop looking at my vessel like that. I feel harassed." - he heard Kyukazu's voice in his head, followed by his chilly laugh. "But you have to play something for me at some point. You can only really appreciate things when they are no longer there. So briefer works of art feel more precious, no?" - he continued as if he didn't even hear the spirit.

His contemplation was interrupted by Zarina spotting the flower they were looking for. "Alright you guys go ahead, I'll start digging up some soil." - he offered. Kouga always liked monotone labour, as it gave the perfect opportunity to let his thoughts wonder, and occasionally to find something interesting in the mundane. So he picked out a nice spot, and started shoveling soil into the pack basket they brought with themselves. It wasn't the most physically straining thing in the world compared to his training routines either, he found it relaxing almost. Almost. The only problem with the situation was, of course, his new companion's voice, which he couldn't shut out no matter how he tried. "You know, I'd kill people if they tried to use me for lowly tasks like these. I haven't realized how small your balls are. I probably vastly overestimated you. Maybe you won't ever become a competent killer, not even with my help." - he kept on going. Kouga tried to shut him up at first, but gave up rather quickly. He instead tried to use different breathing exercises and meditational techniques to try and keep his focus away from the voice. With varying degrees of success.

Once he finished filling the basket, he put it on his back and quickly caught up to his peers. He went back to the Yamanaka shop with them, then after splitting, he proceeded to give in the soil to the farmers with Onabi in tow. "So what is it you enjoy about music?" - he asked the Hyuuga as they made their way to the power line needing the repairs.

After reaching their destination, he looked over the fallen poles, and torn up electric cables and started talking: "That's a fine mess. I never actually fixed something like this before. Do you have any ideas?" If Onabi had a plan, Kouga would proceed to follow his instructions. If he didn't, Kouga would suggest:
"This looks like high voltage, so it would probably just go through the wood. Maybe we could use something long-range - like throwing weapons - to cut the cables, so we can move the poles safely from the road."
"What, are you an engineer now as well? Or just a kid trying to act like he knows everything? You could have at least make him touch it to confirm. You both are so booooriiiing. Music? Blacksmithing? The only art I accept is killing."
"You must be so fun at parties." - he thought.
"Oh you can bet I am. Hahahaaa." - he laughed as if he said something funny, but even if he did, Kouga didn't understand the joke. And that was probably a good thing, he thought.

WC: 563
TWC: 1979
Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 74750

A New Fellowship - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:37 pm
"The art of the Forge huh?" Onabi laughed to himself, he never considered what he does for fun as an 'art'. The piano does hold a very special spot in the young eight gates user's heart but was what he does an artistic expression or a copy of real artists. Onabi's thoughts on the subject definitely made him really think about it. Onabi shook his head and looked at the blade that Kouga displayed in front of him, It's size was excessive for a sword, but definitely a work of art. The sword from tip to hilt was larger then Onabi. The weapon was a classic gun metal color and the hilt's material came from the wood of the Senju clan, the hilt almost looked like a tail from a wood land creature. Onabi kept his grip on Kouga's sleeve "Yeah music has been a dying practice as of late but i think that music is just as important as forging weapons and armor. I'd love to play you a song sometime! If you ask any Hyuuga they know im very found of the pianos keys, I just cant stay away from its notes." Onabi smiled as he noticed Zarina was starting to hone in on the flowers signature.
Onabi looked in the direction that Zarina seemed to be focused on and saw that there was a patch of flowers that matched the information we had received, Onabi let Zarina and Xena wonder off to pick the flowers while he sat with Kouga while he dug of some fresh soil from the forest floor. "do you ever think that we should be doing something more with are lives?" Onabi walked around kicking a stone across the hole Kouga was digging. Onabi sat down next to the hole and started to softly sing a song that his parents would sing to bring the mood of any situation up. "I'll walk and run through dangerous lands, With never a fear of death's cold touch, And gladly swing through the trees of life, If you would marry me, No scorching sun nor freezing cold, Will stop me on my journey, If you will promise me your heart, And love me for eternity, My dearest one, my darling dear, Your mighty words astound me, But I've no need for mighty deeds When I feel your arms around me. But I would bring you rings of gold I'd even sing you poetry, And I would keep you from all harm If you would stay beside me. I have no use for rings of gold I care not for your poetry I only want your hand to hold I only want you near me. To love and kiss to sweetly hold For the dancing and the dreaming Through all life's sorrows And delights I'll keep your laugh inside me I'll walk and run through dangerous lands, With never a fear of death's cold touch, And gladly swing through the trees of life, And you will marry me!" Onabi laughed and picked himself of of the ground.
Onabi watched Kouga place the last shovel of dirt in his basket and place it on his back. Onabi smiled and whistled the song over and over while they both moved to quickly catch up with the two girls. Onabi held the sleeve of Kouga all the way too the Yamanaka shop and all the way to the farmers to give the person who asked for the soil the fertel dirt that the two unearthed from the forest floor. Responding to the question Kouga poised on the young boy about the satisfaction of muisc Onabi would say. "I love being able to just get completely lost in the instrument at 2:30 in the morning, playing song after song, completely loosing track of time. I love the connection between the player & instrument, the tonality, the control. I love how when sitting down at the bench and all thoughts going away, giving way to the music…" Onabi closed his eyes hearing the music he loved to play when it was quickly interrupted by that loud pop of electricity.
Onabi scratched his head looking at the mess the storm has left, he really didnt know how to remove these safely. Electricity was no laughing matter dangling power lines were deadly if to be within 9 meters of one. Luckily Kouga was smart enough to have the idea to sever the power cables from their respective posts to move them.
"sounds good, stand about 10 meters back so no expelling arc catches you, after the visible electricity is expelled ill have you move the posts to the side of the roads." 
Onabi took out kunai and threw them out cutting the lines from each side of every fallen post waiting as visible white arcs of lightings spurred from their copper lines.
"alright they should be clear too move now." Motioning for Kouga to move the posts to the side as Onabi picked up the severed wires. 
"I'm gonna meet up with the other two, I bet serving food was terrible!" Onabi laughed happy about the job being well done.

Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
Familiar : Hebitsukaiza
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

A New Fellowship - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:51 pm
"You're right, who knew so many dignified shinobi could act so rumbustious."

Zarina and her comrade soon found themselves waiting on the two boys to finally show up after their storm cleanup. She would've thought that they would be done before them, but it seems that it that was unlikely. They probably spent their time chattering amongst themselves. Typical thing for boys their ages. "I figured they be done by now. Probably off having more fun than we just had," Zarina said with a small chuckle coming from her. It wasn't long after that the swordsman and eight gates user finally met up with them. With all four of them together, they headed to the academy to teach some students a few techniques from each of their arsenal. After that, it was time to party with Akimichi's.
A New Fellowship - Page 2 1bda311374781a58065c089544b22bd1

Zarina was gowned in a purple, thin-clothed dress that had ornaments of flowers positioned on it. A set or flowers were pinned into her hair, giving Zarina that feminine look. Rows of food and drinks lined the tables. Party-going music filled the air as villagers danced around. It was like it was festival. Occasionally, they would have the typical slow songs playing to ballroom dances. Zarina kept to herself as for she felt out of place there, until she took in, or maybe drank up, enough courage to ask them to dance. "Onabi, let's show them how to do the Second Waltz."

"Dance with me," Zarina said as she took hold of Kouga's hand and dragged him to the floor where several other attendees were dancing.

"Do you know the dance? If not, follow my lead." She figured he wouldn't know this type of dance. While it was extremely practiced in the Hyūga clan, she wasn't for sure if those of clanless families knew it. Onabi should know it, even if he was part of the side branch. He can teach Xena the dance. Whether or not, Kouga knew the dance, they would glid around fluidly through the crowd, showing off elegance and sophistication. When the final note of the song ended, she concluded their performance with a curtsy. After that, hours of the party went by until it ended. Then she would help clean up and say her goodbyes to her newfound friends that day.

TWC: 2,938
Claiming all to Zarina:
+29 stats to Vigor
2750/2750 to Gentle Blade: Spiral Cloud Passage
31 to 461/500 to complete Gentle Step: Front Kick from here.
157 to 154/1,850 to add on for Gentle Blade: Shadow Rush from here.
+17,000 Ryo
+85 AP
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

A New Fellowship - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:16 pm
Xena wasn't one for these large pageants, owning one dress to her name for events her mother often begs her to come too, she never really understood the enviorment and would often stick to a corner or just simply hug around her family, but her family wasn't here this time, which made this like a birds first time out of the nest, it was a surreal feeling, having donned that black dress and brushed her hair to remove it's usual spikiness she sighed entering the event doing her best to avoid eye contact.

A New Fellowship - Page 2 68f8299a2a8238f217859f01b04275efd4800dc7

In truth it felt odd to wear a dress after all this time, she was so used to feeling the weight of her sword against her waist, her jacket's usual rough patches among other small details, but with her dress it was all so much more breathable, maybe she really should look into a outfit change, though what would that be she pondered walking around, watching Zarina enjoying herself among other things, she didn't really have any current objective besides making sure no one caused any trouble, she maybe had a drink or two but she didn't really want to dance with anyone, she wasn't a great dancer to begin with, not in any regard at all.

She'd simply be content to wander around until the festivities ended, then aid in the clean up should that be needed, it wasn't like she didn't already help clean up a store already so this was of little difference to her, though she did take some care to make sure her dress didn't get dirty or ruined.

WC:267 TWC:2375

WC Claims
Clan Pureblood 3000/3000 (It is done.)
^ 1140 from (Kids & Smithing)

515 into Perfected Illlusion 515/2500

Stat Claims
23 into Vigor

Mission Claims
+17,000 Ryo
+85 AP

Upon completion of approval requesting C-Rank.
(In case any confusion is made that x1 and x2 after the mission links means that either 1 or 2 of the missions attached in the thread were of that rank.)

Last edited by Xena Uchiha on Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:17 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added mission rewards)
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

A New Fellowship - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Fri Feb 24, 2023 3:02 am
Zunair Hyuuga wrote:[color=#9900ff]
TWC: 2,938
Claiming all to Zarina:
+29 stats to Vigor
2750/2750 to Gentle Blade: Spiral Cloud Passage
31 to 461/500 to complete Gentle Step: Front Kick from here.
157 to 154/1,850 to add on for Gentle Blade: Shadow Rush from here.
+17,000 Ryo
+85 AP

Xena Uchiha wrote:[center]
WC:267 TWC:2375

WC Claims
Clan Pureblood 3000/3000 (It is done.)
^ 1140 from (Kids & Smithing)

515 into Perfected Illlusion 515/2500

Stat Claims
23 into Vigor

Mission Claims
+17,000 Ryo
+85 AP

Loving that Konoha activity, keep it up guys!


Xena wrote:Upon completion of approval requesting C-Rank.
(In case any confusion is made that x1 and x2 after the mission links means that either 1 or 2 of the missions attached in the thread were of that rank.)

Please request the above on your characters stat page @Xena Uchiha
Kouga Hinomatsu
Kouga Hinomatsu
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 2000

A New Fellowship - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Fri Feb 24, 2023 3:30 am
"Ah, yes, all thoughts going away and only focusing on the thing in front of you. It's a beautiful feeling." - Kouga answered Onabi. "tHe ToNaLiTy, ThE cOnTrOl. I can barely believe such a shallow and useless conversation can exist, boy. I think you're trying to bore me to death." Kouga visibly rolled his eyes to the comment, which then he realized he shouldn't have - much to the amusement of Kyukazu -, but was happy to see that the Hyuuga didn't notice. He then proceeded to stand back while his peer cut the power lines with a few quick throws. He was better at this than he would have assumed. Following his new friend's instructions he quickly moved the poles out of the way. Their weight was way less than what he would have guessed, but his putting each pole on his shoulders and moving them one at a time to the side of the road did pull a few surprised look from the passers-by.

Once he was done, he joined his team for the day at teaching younglings in the academy. As he already had some practice in teaching chakra infusion he decided to try and imprint that on some of the students, maybe they will pick up the blade themselves as time passes. Maybe they will be his students again, someday.

The last objective of the day was cleaning up after the Akamichi party, but they were invited for the feast itself, so he put on his only suit and tied his hair higher, so it would look more... official.

A New Fellowship - Page 2 RkQZeEW

Once at the feast, he had a few drinks and was talking to Onabi, until Zarina asked her clanmate for a dance. He smiled and clapped for them to the rhythm. Once they were done, Zarina decided it was his turn, and he didn't want to disappoint her. He never danced anything like this before, but watching Onabi closely before, and with Zarina's lead he made a decent effort. After their performance was at an end, he bowed with Zarina curtsying at his side.

As the party died down, he and his peers helped cleaning up the mess the masses left behind. Collecting and washing the dirty dishes, cleaning up spilled out drinks and broken glass from the ground. That sort of thing. Now that they were cleaning and Kyukazu was once again talking in his ear about how lowly of a life form he is, he realized his was awfully silent during the party. Maybe he liked the music? Or maybe he wanted to dance too.

WC: 427
TWC: 2406

-22 to Strength (making it 150)
-2 to Vigor (making it 52)

-1500 towards Shadow Clone (1500/1500)
-493 towards Clanless Pureblood (2000/2000), had 1507 from here
-413 towards B-rank Immaterial Wall (413/1500)

-17000 Ryo
-85 AP
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

A New Fellowship - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Fri Feb 24, 2023 3:39 am
Kouga Hinomatsu wrote:[color=#ff6600]
WC: 427
TWC: 2406

22 to Strength (making it 150)
2 to Vigor (making it 52)

-1500 towards Shadow Clone (1500/1500)
-493 towards Clanless Pureblood (2000/2000), had 1507 from here
-413 towards B-rank Immaterial Wall (413/1500)

17000 Ryo
85 AP

Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 74750

A New Fellowship - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:32 am
Onabi knew the waltz well, but he could tell Xena didn't care for the crowd and to be honest neither did he. Onabi watched as the two made their way to the dance floor, the waltz his family was so proud of was meant to be showy, but Onabi was never a showy person and i don't think he will ever be. Looking down at himself he wasn't in his traditional robes but had adorned a suit and a bowtie for the event, the bowtie choked him and the clothes were rather restricting. Onabi didn't see the practical use for this outfit but he did feel nice wearing it. 

A New Fellowship - Page 2 Screen10

Onabi looked up to try and find Xena but to his surprise she was gone, using his clans eyes he peered through the walls for the building to find her wandering the area alone. He smiled and followed after her, he would sneak up behind her and lightly grab her sleeve. If she ignored him again he would just follow her while she roamed. Eventually  they would stumble on a room that was empty and no light except the setting sun to fill it. Onabi would lead Xena to this room and would take her by her hands. "Dance with me, Okay?" Onabi would lead her through his families waltz, and when they messed up they would laugh it off and try again. Onabi would whistle to the song he sung earlier in the day as the two opposing clansmen would dance until the ruckus from the party died and it was time for them to do the job they were assigned.
TWC: 2,438
Mission Claims
+17,000 Ryo x2 Beloved presence
+85 AP
Stat Claims
+24 AP
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

A New Fellowship - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Fri Feb 24, 2023 12:28 pm
Onabi Hyuuga wrote:
TWC: 2,438
Mission Claims
+17,000 Ryo x2 Beloved presence
+85 AP
Stat Claims
+24 AP

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