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Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
Familiar : Hebitsukaiza
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

A New Fellowship Empty A New Fellowship

Sat Feb 18, 2023 2:42 am
Mission Planner:

Zarina Hyūga's Stats:

The sun rose from behind the mountains with the rays of light finally consuming the darkness that blanketed Konohagakure. The clear blue sky spread widely with no clouds to cover the magnificent view that the morning brought upon her. With the change of scenario, the night guards changed with the morning guards as everyone began their morning routines. A peaceful morning was like no other, calming and tranquil Zarina couldn't ask for a better way to get her start. She walked towards the kitchen as she wore her normal attire. Upon arrival in the kitchen, she turned off the stove letting the teapot calm down from its boiling point. Zarina looked around the cabinets until she found her teacup and a bag of apple tea. She poured the water into the cup ripping the plastic around the tea as she grabbed it by its string and began to dip it in her cup.

"Getting ready to head out?" A question appeared before her from a familiar voice.

"Yes, it about time to go to the meeting spot." Zarina turned around to meet Zunair's eyes with a soft smile.

"Well, I better get going! Don't want to keep Nakama waiting forever." Zunair said as he grabbed a bottle of water and headed towards the door.

"Good luck," Zarina said in a soft tone.

"Yeah, Zakari is going to be joining. I'll see you later tonight." With that, Zunair was out the door.

Zarina took another sip of the warm liquid and felt it light up her abdomen. Turning her gaze towards the clock on the wall, it was time to head out. Quickly finishing her drink, she rinsed out the cup and placed it upside down in the strainer before heading out the door.

It is a sunny day in Konoha, the clouds are laid out perfectly in the sky and the slight gust of wind that would come through every once in a while, felt great from within the walkway at the Hyūga compound. Zarina was somewhat thrilled about the day. Zarina took a common path towards the Yamanaka flower shop. She first passed the training grounds as the radiant sky formed overhead, with the sounds of clashing steel and fists in the background, as the training grounds were especially lively on that particular day for reason Zarina was unaware of. It was a small piece of nature that people in the Leaf Village had grown accustomed to. Hardly could one walk a step in the village without seeing some lush, green plant growth as spring came to fruition. Whether they be trees, flowers, grass, or that strange fungus on someone's grandpa's foot, the Leaf Village certainly had no shortage of flora. Especially, when spring brings everything to life.

The female Hyūga was given a string of assignments to do with two other individuals. This would be the first time for her to work with anyone on a mission; so, this was new-found territory for the weapon user. The recurring gentle breeze kissed her face, which was usual for any space in the Land of Fire. As she entered the business district, the breeze was carried with the scent of cooked food, smells of different types of dishes as the day had begun for most restaurants. The streets started to fill as people started proceeding about their days. She approached the Yamanaka Shop. 

The trio that she was supposed to meet was woman named Xena Uchiha, a guy named Kouga Hinomatsu, and another guy named Onabi Hyūga. Besides Zunair describing what they look like, he gave no indication on what they're like as he wanted Zarina to form her own opinion on them. Except for Onabi, she knew she was related to Onabi as they shared similar DNA. Taking a seat at the bench, she waited for her new team members.

TWC: 621
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

A New Fellowship Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Sat Feb 18, 2023 3:47 pm
Tired, that was something Xena very much was at the time being, she had been training for the past few days straight, some with her father, which were brutal and painful, some on her own, which were self destructive in nature, all for the sake of taking pride in being part of her clan, she wanted to unlock something within herself, but so far nothing had came close, nothing had proved itself to be within her, which continued to lead her mind down a path of self destructiveness rather then self preservation, her training could be seen as barbaric in nature, unguided, without thought put into it, simply to become better then she was, which just simply wasn't possible anymore in her eyes, she felt she hit a wall, and the only way to break through would be to unlock her clans specialty, but how could she do something like that so simply, she hadn't a clue, she had tried for months prior to unlock anything like that, but to no avail, no produce, for now the best she could do was get more Ryo, buy new training equipment, and continue her process of self destruction until she finds her salvation.

Sitting upon a bench located in the distinct meet up spot, the girl's collared jacket was incredibly noticeable, perhaps she should finally move out of this attire, into something more easier to wear, she had noticed some interesting robes around Konoha, perhaps she should desire obtaining one of those once she got some sleep after these missions, she enjoyed cloaks and robes, even capes, they were fashionable, perhaps not very good for being out and about, but they sent a message, some were much more capable of being used during missions, her's being damn near bright purple wasn't much help though, one of the few ways to fix that issue would be getting a black coat or simply ditching it, but then her skin was bright as well, so who knows what would happen then, her mind wandered, wandering more and more, waiting, her breathes slowing a tad as her eyes flickered open and shut, before with a smack she woke herself up, she couldn't sleep right now, there was work too do, though now she questioned what had taken the other people so long to arrive.

Sitting up she thought for a bit, supposedly two Hyuuga were to be participating, Hyuuga were a clan she couldn't say she was fond of, some of them were alright, though then there were some she had a unsavory view of, one's like Zunair, or Onabi, Onabi wasn't as bad she supposed, he simply rubbed her the wrong way after that incident with Izuna, she did wonder how her fellow clansman was doing, she hadn't seen him since that mission with Zunair, the boy looked like he was going to freeze to death, she snickered a bit before noticing someone arrive, looks like the people who were going to do this mission were beginning to show up. Standing herself with a stretch she had began to walk over, first impressions are important, someone just laying on a bench looking lazy isn't something she wanted to be viewed as.

As she walked over she gave a simple. "Hello." Her voice not exactly strained but instead just without energy, some people had a natural energy to their voice, those people were typically extroverts, Xena was not one of those people, preferring to be quiet and not talk often, so some people likely couldn't tell there was something off with her voice, but she could notice it herself, she just sounded tired, but for now that didn't matter. Now looking down at the person on the bench, they were definitely a Hyuuga alright, one she hasn't met yet, how quant and preferred, perhaps she could have a better relationship with this one then the other 2 she knew.
Kouga Hinomatsu
Kouga Hinomatsu
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 2000

A New Fellowship Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Sun Feb 19, 2023 3:17 am
As usual Kouga was up bright and early, so he can get his morning routine done before leaving the house for his assigned task for the day. The maintenance of his tools were extremely soothing to him, and put his mind at ease like nothing else. Creating new things from raw materials was exciting, and a process he thoroughly enjoyed, feeling calm was something he needed more in his everyday life. As usual he went over his throwing tools, making sure they were sharp and ready, then got onto his sword that each day grew closer and closer to him. It was an obsession at this point. He corrected every little little scratch the previous day of training left on it. That was when he heard it first.

"Yes boy, make sure to keep my vessel in perfect shape. Though making it bloody would please me more." - said a high and almost screeching voice and started laughing. It wasn't a pleasant laugh, not even one that was irritating. It was a laugh that made your blood cold as ice. It was cruel and chilly, like the winter in the Land of Iron.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" - Kouga spun around, the sword now in a defensive stance in front of him.

"You don't get to order me around, boy. And I'm right in front of you. If you can't see me, that only means you're weak. Unfit to hold my vessel. But no matter we will sort you out... Oh yes we will." - and that same laugh again. It was high pitched, but that only made it more otherworldly and alien. His speech felt like a predator cornering its prey.

"What do you mean your vessel?" - asked Kouga still holding his sword up, but now as the initial fear started to pass his gears started to turn, and was able to think again. The voice was either speaking the truth, in which case he wanted to know more, or was lying to make him lower his guard, so he had to be careful. And he wanted to win some time to be able to fully assess the situation, so keeping him talking seemed like a good idea either way.

"The sword, boy. The sword is my vessel." - he stated and gave a laugh again. - "You truly know nothing, boy. I am a spirit anchored to this weapon of yours. But we have to hurry up and make you strong, so you can coat my vessel in blood." - another laugh. It started to get on Kouga's nerves, and what the voice was saying was something he never heard of before.

-Let's say I believe you, which I don't yet. How did this happen? How is a thing like this possible?
-Hmm... How indeed. A weakling like you having a weapon like this. It isn't strong enough, but it has potential. How did you get it?
-I... I made it. - said Kouga, a bit frustrated he didn't get an answer, but with a hint of pride, for the praise his skill got. The answer was only another laugh first.
-Good, good. So you do have some talents. We shall use this in the future. But for now get going and find something to kill. Hmm I smell people not far, go boy, go!
-Look, the "people nearby" are my family, so I'm not going to hurt them. And if you are just a spirit, and can't make me do anything by yourself, then I'm just going to go on with my day.
-Family? What weakness. What useless bonds. Hmph, do as you please, but I'll be watching. And talking. And if you do as I say, you will get stronger. A lot stronger. - the laugh again. Could he just say a sentence without laughing? It was still scaring him shitless, but the more he used it the more it lost from its effect.
-Sure I'll keep that in mind.

Suddenly he heard steps outside of his room and a knock on his door.
-Son, are you alright? Who are you talking to? - came the question.
-Eeeeh, no one, haha, I'm just talking to myself. - he answered, and added in a hushed tone - Please stay quiet spirit!
-Don't try to order me around, boy! Also, you know others can't hear me, right? And you don't have to talk out loud for me to understand you.
-Weird. Okay, you have to go soon, don't forget!
-I won't!

"So you can read my thoughts? Brilliant." - he said in himself, and sure enough the spirit answered. "Of course. So make sure to keep them tidy, cause I'll latch onto any bloodlust you have." - another laugh. "Just what I needed."


A few minutes later he was on his way to the place where he was supposed to meet his peers he was assigned with. A flower shop. Two Hyuugas and an Uchiha. A few months ago he would have despised his luck, but lately he realized not everyone in the big clans are that bad, so he had some hopes for them. His dusty red hair waved behind him in the gentle breeze as he was rather hurriedly making his way to the meeting place, but not even now had he a quiet moment. "Hmm... you do hate those who were born into better places than you. That's good. Let that hate fester. Let it grow inside you. We can use it as a weapon later." - the voice was constantly talking to him, trying to get him to do things, he wouldn't want to. He finally spotted two of them at a bench, a Hyuuga and an Uchiha, so he approached them with a smile and wave.

"Hey, the name's Kouga, nice to meet you guys!"
"Boooriiiing! Why are you pretending to be nice with them? Just tell them how stuck up, lucky and disgusting they are." - he heard inside him, but through not small amounts of self control, his smile didn't waver.

WC: 996
Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 74750

A New Fellowship Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:01 am
The morning sun finally broke over the lands on the hidden leaf. The beautiful yellows and oranges started to clash with the blues and pinks of the sky, it was a lovely sight to behold except if you were still sleeping and you forgot to draw your curtains like Onabi had done that morning. The morning light pierced the dusty air within his home in plenty of itself right in the eyes of the young boy, Onabi wrinkled his brow and instinctively tried to pull away from the light but in the back of his mind, he knew that he had something to do today. Onabi begrudgingly sat up and stretched out his body with a yawn. Onabi swung his legs to the side of his futon and struggled to get up on his two feet. Onabi cracked his back and folded up his futon and put it in its storage room. Onabi sluggishly moved his way through his compound with bed head and a lazily thrown on robe. Onabi made his way into his washroom and he did his morning ritual. (Brush teeth, Shower, enter his traditional clothing and correcting the folds in his mirror, look for any facial hair hoping that some has started to grow but to no avail, etc.)
Onabi stepped out and grabbed his froggy wallet and his sword and sighed. Zunair had said that Onabi had to make friends so he set up some community work with a couple people who were familiar to him, it’d not like Onabi can say no to something that the heir of the leaf Hyuuga says, that’s just life of a branch family member. Onabi left putting on his Geta clogs and heading out into the village.
Onabi expected the cold harsh sky’s of the season of death, but it seemed winter itself had given its last breath because now life had started to show itself. The sky wasn’t dark and grey but instead was clear and vibrant with the many colors from the morning sun, The trees that had died last fall started to have leaves decorate there baron branches, Onabi saw animals scurry across the fields the ones that went into hiding during the first sign of snow. Winter had finally ended.
The frosted grass was replaced by a sweet smelling morning dew, and the grassy knolls were dotted with sweet flowers and their sugary aroma permeated the air.
The normal silence that stained the air was exchanged with beautiful melodies. And the warm breeze made Onabi forget for small time about any bad memories, thank the gods winter has finally ended. Onabi walked through the wet grass expecting the cold hard ground to clash with his feet but was met with the delightful suprise that the ground had softened and the grass painted his feet with the morning droplets that had gathered on their blades. When Onabi took in a deep breath he wasn’t met with the sharp cold air but was filled with a warm, fresh and clean ozone. Onabi’s cold exterior cracked from the beauty of spring and a grin stained his face. He made his way through the Hyuuga compound where people stared at the boy in a gasp, a branch family member that was not covering his curse mark, smiling. Onabi lightly skipped his way through the village and saw that the playgrounds become occupied again with child's playing,
When you hear the pleasant sound of children's laughter you can’t help but feel somewhat joyful yourself, today was going to be a good day.
Spring has begun.

Onabi strides his way through the morning crowd to see three people waiting for him, one of his favorite Uchiha and two others that he didn’t recognize, with a smile Onabi quickly and quietly moved through the crowd and pounced on Xena’s shoulders he sat on top of he shoulders and hugged her.

“Good morning Xenaaaa!”

Onabi wasn’t wearing anything that signified his rank in the shinobi world, to everyone who hadn’t seen him compete in the chunin exams he just looked like a normal 9 year old kid that was having fun. The other Hyuuga might recognize the young boy from his curse mark that was being openly displayed or the piano music that fills the halls of the compound every night at very specific time just like clock work. Onabi would try and stay on the shoulders of the Uchiha for as long as possible before descending and introducing himself,

“Good morning you two my name is Onabi Hyuga and I’m happy to make your acquaintance.”

Onabi smiled innocently and waited for there pleasantries and whatever they had planned for to happen next

Wc: 781
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
Familiar : Hebitsukaiza
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Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

A New Fellowship Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:42 pm
As she waited for her team, Zarina grew restless. Standing up, she walked across the dirt path to the park. She figured she could do some scenery gazing before they arrived. She hasn't had much time to that since her creation. The birds calling sounded like cheerful melody. While not completely, it almost covered up the faint sound of the bee's buzzing. She soon found herself staring at a statue towards the center of the park.

"An appreciator of the fine arts, aren't you?"

Zarina shakes out of her slight stupor. Absorbed in her thoughts, she was absentmindedly staring at the statue placed in the middle of the quaint little park. A robust man that looked like he was in his fifties was standing next to her. His full, white beard was not too far removed from that of Santa Claus, which gave him a slightly silly, yet at the same time reassuring appearance.

"Zato. An immeasurably talented young sculptor born in this village, he was destined for greatness. Caught a bad case of a uncurable disease. In remembrance we put his finest work right at the center of our park. This is his legacy!"

"" Zarina was still a bit taken aback by the sudden interruption of her thought process and needed a few more moments to switch into socialization mode.

"You have an eye for art, miss?"

"...not's a nice piece of work."

"Right?! Look at the realistic tenderness of the flesh, and how majestically the cloth drapes over it! Zato truly had an eye for details, and his hand was delightfully skillful. Even outsiders can appreciate his work!"


"Oh! ...sorry. Sorry, I wasn't listening. I've been having a lot on my mind lately."

"I used to say that life always has some tragedy up its sleeve ready to be thrown at you when you least expect it. And he was right! Hah! I would know. Worked hard all my life towards the betterment of this village, and I went through all nine layers of Hell to get some things done. But I digress! Listen here, missy. Pardon my language, but it's true that there's always some bullshit waiting for you, even when you're already hanging on for dear life. But that doesn't mean we are allowed to give up. You have to fight with all you've got and make the best out of your current situation. I don't know what's gotten you so worked up, but I'm sure that you have the strength necessary to pull through, and I know there's people in your life that depend on you, and that care about you. You can't let them down. Got it?"

Zarina just gave the man blank stare. She had no idea what he was talking about. She wasn't feeling a certain way or expressing any kind of emotion for him to assume that she was on edge about something. On a side note, what he said wasn't entirely wrong, but it wasn't right either. She did have to fight for her life but there's only two people that really know her. Zakari, who was an asshole, and then, Zunair, who was always working. Maybe once she gets to starting these missions, maybe she'll have some others that she will start a budding friendship with.

"Well, I have to get going. Thank you for the advice." She said with a slight bow before walking out of that very unpleasant situation. Finding her way back to her bench, she parked herself there and continued to wait.

It wasn't too long before the first of few to arrive. This one must be Xena Uchiha as she was the only other female in the party. She was pretty but a look of tiredness was written in her eyes. Zarina couldn't help but wonder what troubles the female Uchiha faces at night. What keeps her up. What demons she sees when she closes her eyes. Zarina was intrigued to get to know, or just to be acquainted, with someone outside the Hyūga clan.

"Hi," Zarina spoke while giving Xena her usual deadpan stare. That was the only interaction they would have before Kouga arrived. His personality was complete swap of Xena's: she was quiet, secluded, and reserved. Kouga seemed to be more of an extrovert as he came over with a gleaming smile and a wave before introducing himself.

"I'm Zarina, a pleasure to meet you, Kouga." Zarina said with no emotion in her voice.

Now, they must wait for their final member, Onabi Hyūga. While he was a relative, she wasn't close to him at all. The only thing she was sure about was that he was the one that plays music all through the night and that he has a close relationship to Zunair. Her thoughts were disturbed when the sudden appearance of Onabi, who thought it was a great idea to position himself on Xena's shoulders. While Zarina doesn't know her at all, she had an assumption that these antics weren't going to impress her, and most likely piss her off. He didn't stay perched on her shoulders for too long before he descended to the ground and introduced himself.

"Onabi, do you have no shame? Apologize to Xena for your childish antics. That was very rude." Zarina said with her tone not faltering at any moment.

"Anyway, I'm going to assume you all read the list of missions we received. I say we head out into the forest to gather the soil and find the flower. With Onabi and I's Byakugan, I feel like that will be rather quick. After that, Xena and I will be going to ichiraku while you two will go clean up the roads from last night's storm. After that, we meet up and go teach the students. Any objections?" Zarina ended with a question. While she is usually reserved and quiet, she figured she would take the roll of leadership. While Onabi is the highest-ranking member of this group, she feels that he lacks the mental capability to lead. Therefore, she took over.

Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

A New Fellowship Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:52 pm
In truth as the others had arrived Xena had began to space out, this person before her had only said the word hi so she figured they weren't much for conversation, that's good, she liked the quiet types, she wasn't much for conversation herself, now she just spaced out looking off at the sky, her mind wandering to what she'd do after this session of missions, perhaps she'd take a nice nap, and spend some time with her mom, she hadn't had the chance too lately due to all the work and her dad 'training' her, if it could be called that and not just caving her ribcage in, she just wasn't meant for Taijutsu, it was never her style, she was never physically strong like her father, it showed whenever they sparred, he'd always get close and that would be the end of it, the longest she's ever lasted was dependent on how long she could stay away from him. Alas her train of thought had been interrupted.

Her body had almost fallen straight forward, it's lack of automotive function due to her being so far into thought, someone had jumped on her, her first instinct was to hit them, but she didn't her eyes first gazing now realizing she had someone sitting on her shoulders, her hair mostly blocked her view, and unlike half of the people here she couldn't see behind her, her ears however could more then hear who was there, it was someone she didn't particularly like, for reasons of which could best be described as going to far with just a young Genin, one who just wanted to learn. She sighed straightening her posture now as she looked up to face Onabi who seemed to just be trying to stay on her shoulders, she didn't even care to be honest, she was too tired to care. Now looking at Kouga, he looked familiar, hadn't she done a mission with him before, she couldn't remember, maybe it was someone else.
WC:335 TWC:988
Kouga Hinomatsu
Kouga Hinomatsu
Stat Page : Stat Page
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 2000

A New Fellowship Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:50 am
One of the two black haired kunoichi seemed to be in her own little world, and Kouga knew he didn't like when people nagged him in that mood, so he tried to make some small talk with the other one. The whole time the voice in his head was very disappointed with his plans. "They are weak. We could kill them. Just let me guide you!" Kouga tried his hardest to ignore him, but the voice wasn't giving up, and felt like it came from inside his head. If things stay this way, it might be hard to distinguish his thoughts from it. "Yes, that would be horrible wouldn't it? Hahahaha!"

The talk was cut short though, as the last member of their new group appeared, in a very unexpected manner, on top of the silent girl's shoulders. Kouga couldn't help but laugh a bit, as he looked over his new companion. He seemed to like Xena, as he now got to know the kunoichi's name, but it definitely was a one sided emotion.
"What is this a kindergarten?" - he heard the voice say.
"Shut up, spirit." - he thought in reply.
"Stop calling me spirit, boy. My name is Kyukazu, use it. Give me the respect I deserve."
"Talking about respect, but calling me boy. Pretty hypocritical, Kyu."
"I will kill you too, once."

"Hey Onabi, I'm Kouga, nice to meet you." - after the quick introductions, Zarina took the lead, which was fine by Kouga. "Who is this bitch, that she thinks she can order you around?" - apparently Kyukazu wasn't fine with it though. "Sounds like a fine plan. I think I'll handle the digging mostly, as that is closer to my skillset, lacking a Byakugan and all." - said Kouga smiling, but with a touch of jealousy in his voice. "I did bring a shovel, but we'll need something to transport the soil."

Once the issues were solved, and they were on their way to the forest, Kouga shuffled next to Onabi, to get to know him a bit more, if they were going to work together on fixing the electricity after that nasty storm. Probably everyone is asking him about his age and the Hyuugas first, so he decided not to do that. "So how do you like to spend your free time, Onabi?" - he asked in the end. "Oh my god how boring can you be. Will I really be forced to listen to these disgustingly mealy-mouthed small talks about each other's hobbies? Just fucking kill someone already!"

WC: 420
TWC: 1416
Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 74750

A New Fellowship Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Wed Feb 22, 2023 1:24 pm
Onabi was met with three different reactions when he had joined up with the group. a snicker, a scorning speech and like nothing really happened. Onabi looked at Xena and looked genuinely concerned. "Did I bother you? If I did I apologize." Onabi would bow his head and move over to stand next to the only other boy in the group. The young man would introduce himself as Kouga. after the small introductions everyone gave to each other, the Older Hyuuga decided that she would take the wheel, Onabi was well raised so he didn't care if someone older then him took the position of a leader. Something was throwing the young Chunin off about this Hyuuga, she wasn't burdened with the caged bird seal so she must be part of the main branch family. All of a sudden her scorning words hurt Onabi so much more. Zarina's plan was efficient enough, Onabi looked up at Zarina and bowed his head
"That's a wonderful plan my Lady."
Onabi would turn to Kouga and smile brightly.
"looks like you're stuck with me for clean up duty."
The group would head off into the forest, Onabi would smile, letting the light and shadow dance across his skin. Bees hummed in and out of the dense woods. Onabi inhaled its morning minty smell and continued on, delighting in the sound of his feet sliding through the wet grass. Onabi's father loved the forest and would always say Here lies a place of tall trees and fallen leaves, a place where ones thoughts roam freely and without interruption. Here lies a place, where tall tree branches reach towards the stars as though to welcome the coming of night. Here lies a place where the russle of leaves quietly awaken its inhabitants who scurry about in search of food. Here lies a place where two lovers walk hand in hand in quiet solitude where only the sound of their beating hearts are heard…… Here lies a place, with its tall trees and running Brooks, a place God meant for man to rest, to reflect, to know that beauty can be found everywhere especially in man's heart. Onabi was glad that his father died when he did, he never saw the fall of Konoha, he never saw how the fire that blazed in the hearts of everyone slowly got snuffed out. But now. NOW. Hokage Akoi has sparked the fire once more, the forest isn't a sad place to wonder anymore. Onabi's orbital veins would bulge and his vision would be enhanced. While scanning for the flower Kouga planted himself next to Onabi and started small talk. "My free time?" Onabi would look at Kouga he seemed kind enough but the multi chakra signatures he read from the teen was kinda throwing him off. Onabi would grab onto Kouga sleeve like a kid being lead through a crowd so he doesn't get lost. " I like to play the piano, maybe a little too much." Onabi would chuckle. "Is there anything that you like to indulge in? Sports maybe?" Onabi was curious but also just felt like he was required to keep the small talk up.

WC: 530
TWC: 1,311
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
Familiar : Hebitsukaiza
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

A New Fellowship Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Thu Feb 23, 2023 2:59 am
After short introduction, the group was off.

As they journeyed to the forest, it seemed both the extroverted personalities of Kouga and Onabi seemed to be joined at the hip. which left the reclusive duo to their lonesome. Whether near or apart, she would take note of their similarities as she led the group through the forest. With her byakugan, she scanned the area for the exotic, rare flower that is needed by the Yamanaka's. The geranium. She knew of them, even in her short time here. Spending time with Zunair in his gardening habits have made her well verse and knowledgeable when it comes to those types of things.

The sunlight barely trickled through the blooming leaves, giving them almost full coverage from the bright star's heat. The cool feeling, with the added wind effects, had Zarina relaxed. Every so often, she would hear the enchanting melody from the arial forest inhabitants. It was almost as if they were beckoning her to get lost in the forest. It was therapeutic for her. Zarina was almost hypnotized by the sounds until she realized why she was out in the forest in the first place. With that, she noticed what they were looking for.

The five-petaled flower was in her sight and small smirk appeared upon her face. While there was a limited source, there was enough individual geranium to complete the mission.

"I have located the flowers," Zarina said in her monotoned voice.

Quickening her steps, she led the team to where the flowers were positioned. 

"The geranium. A beautiful flower that symbolizes good wishes and friendship. Honestly, surprised they are in still bloom even with spring is upon us as for they only blossom in the cold conditions. Let's grab what we can and head back." Zarina informed and motioned them to assist. Collecting as much as she could, she would then head back to turn the flowers to the Yamanaka shop before heading to Ichiraku Ramen.

The owner was very thankful for the flowers and paid them accordingly. With that, Zarina went on to her next mission. This would be the time for them to split up, with Xena and herself heading to ichiraku ramen and the extroverted duo to the storm scene.

Zarina, entered the highly acclaimed ichiraku shop, looking for the shop owner as he requested someone help him in assisting his shop during his busy hour. The mission indicated that it would be cleaning, but the two would find themselves in newfound territory as a waitresses. Shinobi customers were gaping openly when they found them there, clutching a small piece of paper and pen in hand, ready to take their orders. They did not expect an esteemed Hyūga and Uchiha such as Zarina and Xena to work in a ramen shop. Zarina ignored their stupefied looks and gaping jaws as if they never existed and waited for their order patiently, quietly.

Obviously, they weren't wearing their normal clothes as it was unbefitting for the job at hand. So, the owner, lended the two of them traditional server outfits. Zarina fixed her hair up in messy bun, she was ready for work.

"Hai, dozo...miso ramen and black tea for you!" Zarina exclaimed at the customer, taking his order and giving it to the owner. 
While, it was nice having Zarina. She was competent and nice, having men and women swoon over her. However, Zarina was too ruthless sometimes. In business, you could never evade circumstances like customers ditching their bills, playful Genins trying to get away with a free bowl while your back's turned. Those sorts of things. Zarina was sharp as he chased a Jounin who so dared to skip his bill.

"Hey, you! Hey! Pay up!"

"Bug off, kid! I'm not paying for rubbish!"

Zarina's eyes flashed into the Byakugan and threw the round tray she was holding. The tray spun around in midair before slamming with a satisfactory crunch at the back of the insolent Jounin's head, knocking him out instantly. Zarina knew that was probably not the way to go about it, but she was not letting this man cheapskate the owner, so she then bent over the fallen Shinobi and took the payment from his wallet before going back to the stand.

“So, he ended up paying?” The owner asked and all Zarina could muster was a smile. 

“It seemed to be a misunderstanding, he paid,” Zarina said and then went back to work. 

Zarina was trying very hard to be cheerful. But there were times when her perpetual rudeness got the better of her.

"What? Is there a bug on my face?"

"If you're not going to buy anything, take your stupid fat ass off that chair for other customers."

"We're a ramen stand. Not a takoyaki stand. You dumb or what?"

"Get lost, jerk. If you don't have any money to pay for your meal, I suggest leaving.” Those are all things Zarina has ended up saying to the rude customers. However, Zarina knew very well how to keep her temper under wraps.

Before too long, the rush was over, and so was the shift for the two opposing clansmen. Switching out of their outfits, taking their money, it was time to head back and meet up with the other two so they could finish their final mission.

"Well, that wasn't as awful as I thought it would be. You agree?" Zarina said to the Uchiha girl on their walk.

TWC: 2,545
Xena Uchiha
Xena Uchiha
Stat Page : Xena's Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Forest Of Dreams Ravens
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 102750

A New Fellowship Empty Re: A New Fellowship

Thu Feb 23, 2023 4:24 am
The group had more or less gotten together, Xena once again staring off into space not even really hearing Onabi's apology, there was a look of death in her eyes, grim as it might be, her thoughts simply followed that gaze, she had developed a train of thought she wasn't proud of, perhaps because of what it was in the base concept, or what it meant for her farther going future, if she were to go through with that plan, it would remove a important part of her life from her, would that really make her happy she questioned, as the group began to move, she hadn't even really noticed until her body started walking on instinct. She couldn't accept her thoughts, they were intrusive in the very fundamental aspects of them, they were making attempts to lead her down a road not unlike many of her predecessors from millennia ago, as she walked her gaze being held to the ground, they had moved towards a forest, a dark space from the solar rays the sun was emitting, perhaps that was best, she hadn't noticed it now, but her coat was making her body immensely heated, perhaps too much so, not that she cared as it stood currently. Her mind wandering through the many ways she could accomplish that intrusive goal, before with a smack from herself she had slipped from that train of thought, looking clearly in front of her now, still with that tired look, what had they even been contracted to do again, it was to obtain some flower was it not, the Hyuuga could certainly handle it, their Byakugans allowing view through objects and viewing for miles, so she wouldn't bother to help to much, it wasn't her business to try and undercut the Hyuuga's natural gift, though as minutes passed her gaze followed the tree's, now rather then barren branches they were filled with nice green leaf's, occasionally they might pass a pine tree, or some other form of tree, though most were what you'd consider a normal tree. Nothing was wrong with being a normal tree, though why was she even thinking about trees now, should she not have been helping find the flower, there was no way it was so rare that even the hyuuga's combined couldn't find it, perhaps it simply wasn't in this area.

Though now as the time had passed her mind and slipped back into that daydreaming session, looking over idea's thoughts plans, some of which could change her life forever, other's were just another day, her mind had simply kept moving back to her father, the man who has while loved her, abused her just as much, during what's called training, left her in the hospital on occasion even, sometimes those trips lasted weeks, why did she keep thinking about this she questioned, she just wanted to get these missions done but her mind kept trying to make her question her family and more importantly her father. Eventually she was capable of snapping out of it again after the flower requested was found, she wasn't sure how long that took but it definitely wasn't a world record, they then had to turn around and walk all the way back to Konoha, well they could also just tree jump, that would take barely any time as well, but for now she just walked back to town with the others eventually reaching the house of the person who had requested the flower, she let Zarina handle this as she was the one who found the flower, plus Xena herself wasn't very great at conversation. Though now after that they had to split up, her and Zarina now heading for Ichiraku Ramen, a place she's never really went, she liked ramen don't get her wrong but she just never went to that place. So this would certainly be a first. As they arrived she was split from Zarina who had apparently become a waitress while Xena was left to do the cleaning on her own, well they were here to help they were never told what they were required to do, still though Xena hadn't expected one of them to be a waitress.

With a towel and a bucket of water Xena had simply began to wipe off the table's that weren't currently being used, the water only working so well, there was actually portions she needed to scrape off with a blade cause they had gotten so incredibly stuck to the table, Xena simply would use a Kunai to do so, before continuing to wipe the tables down, now she moved to the counter placing the wet towel onto it to wipe it down as well, most of the dirt could just be wiped off but there was of course areas needing to be slashed off with a dagger, which she was more then capable of doing, though while staying out of peoples way got annoying, she'd now grab a broom to start cleaning off the floor, collecting up what had fallen on the floor into piles before scooping it into a trash can, in all honesty she finished rather quickly only to realize Zarina seemed to be having far more trouble then she had, perhaps her getting the job that just let her do her own thing and not be bothered by people was a blessing, though now as she walked over to the owner, she ended up getting asked to help, well shit maybe she should of just hidden away for the rest of this time, she sighed walking out to start taking orders a note pad now in her hands that was given to her, she wasn't a people person, she mostly just walked over to people who sit down, ask what they wanted and write it down bringing the order to the chefs, she really hoped not to get any annoying customers though, it seemed Zarina was getting some annoying ones, namely ones who wouldn't pay, but Xena knew they could handle it themselves, they were a competent girl. Though as a hour passed this had gotten far more annoying, she had no idea just how many assholes existed in this world, people being annoying, trying to steal shit, trying to hit each other, she had half the mind to just leave, but they needed to do this mission so. She just let it all go and time would eventually pass to where they were done with this shit.

Eventually as they were leaving Zarina spoke to Xena, saying that wasn't as bad as she thought. "Right, doesn't mean it wasn't annoying as all hell though." Xena would simply comment staring up at the sky now.
WC:1120 TWC:2108
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