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Mito Chinoike
Stat Page : Stats
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 6500

Tree and helping hand. Empty Tree and helping hand.

Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:42 pm
Mission Detail:

Mito was strolling around town, not knowing what to do. He checks his wallet, seeing that he lives on the last amount of money that he is getting from his clan, and makes a mental note. Mito knows his clan will not send him an allowance anymore; he is genin now and needs to work for himself. After a little thinking, he goes to check if there are any missions he can do today. Looking up and down, he takes 4 requests. One of them was to go around handing out flyers and hanging posters. Boy was ready and steady. He went to the person who requested this help. After a little chat and putting everything in a bag provided by the job giver, he started running around. First, he goes to the center of the village giving flyers with a big smile on his face. Commenting on how good this place is for every new member and anything he could think of. He saw some people tailing him. Thinking about this, he concludes these people are checking if he is doing a good job. A bigger smile appeared on his face and, with full energy, he was running around town. Putting posters on street lamps gives flyers to people that look decent. He wanted to do it as fast as possible. One restaurant owner scolded him for trying to put this in his shop, but this did not affect him. He bow with a smile of an angel, saying sorry to where even the restaurant owner didn’t know who was in the wrong. Mito looks into the bag around his left shoulder and checks how much content remains.

“There is not much time left for me to do it if I want to do another job.”

Smiling at himself, he jumps around the rooftops of buildings. It was easier to move like this. Because on the ground he fills like too, many people were getting in his way. He finds out that because of this, many people are going around central. It looks like there will be a storm in the near future in the village. The experience on everyone’s face wasn’t looking good, probably because of the punishment that Kiri put on them. It wasn’t good for him or another villager, but he was sure that his clan will survive. Mito looks at the mountain full of previous Hokago faces and thinks if this is a good place to put some posters, but take this thought back. He doesn’t want to be caught by some senior shinobi for doing a prank like this. Mito got back to his job giving more flyers and explaining how good this organization was. He was having one problem with this job.
Boy, did not know what this organization does, only think he know they were searching for members. But as shinobi, it wasn’t in his interest to pray into job give mater. He needs to sell this organization and he doing this in the best possible way he knows. Only around one and a half hours take him to make this bag empty. After that, he gets back to drop the bag and goes to do the next job.
Mito Chinoike
Stat Page : Stats
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 6500

Tree and helping hand. Empty Re: Tree and helping hand.

Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:44 pm
Mito was now was going to buffet. Knowing really well where they will provide him with supply. After opening the door with a smile, a gigantic woman looks at him. She was always here when he was helping in the slams even before he graduate from academia. At first glance at her, we can say she is Akimichie. Mito always was having a hard time to understand how they can become so enormous. Looking at her body, you think she can’t move what so ever. But it’s the biggest lie in the world. She was really fast. Mito was caught while trying to steal from the village storage faster than the sound of thunder. He learns after this never to mistake anyone, even if they look like this. Boy was still smiling at the woman that wasn’t saying anything to him. Minute passed in silence.

-I never win against you if you will smile like this little boy. Hire take it I don’t know why Uchiha is doing a job like this where they are a bunch of animal with no heart but it’s your problem but don’t even think about saying to anyone what i just say. I just can’t understand your way of thinking that it’s much different from the rest of your clan.-

Saying this, she put a bunch of box on the table. Inside there was water, some food and snack. Mito didn’t answer at first, just zip his mouth with his hand. He knows that this woman wasn’t bad at first. He was furious with her attitude toward the Uchiha clan. But after many conversations with her, she finds out she respects and fears them.

-Don’t worry, probably at this point everyone knows about what you say about them, auntie. The most important thing is that they never hear this from my mouth. But they have a hard time to find opportunity to kill you when you are stuck in this place. By the way, you don’t even know how happy I’m that this time I can help and get paid for my work.-

When she hears his word, her face appears pall like a wall. But knowing what they can do, she probably takes this to her heart more than anything else. A sweat was dropping from her forehead and creeps move on her arms. It took not a long time for her to laugh so hard that almost the building move under her feet.

-Little guy, after all you are Uchiha even you joke are creepy. I will watch you if you were the one who tells them about what I’m telling only to you I will break your spine and congratulation for giving you all when you were in academy. Few can start academy later and still pass earlier. Do a good job and maybe I will give you chocolate later.-

Mito didn’t respond, just smile and start moving to the slums with the box that was provided to him. It was a little hard to see behind them, but it wasn’t bad. Because of his understanding of his own body movement, he was able to get there with no problem. First, he gets to meat old shinobi. Everyone was calling him an old clown. Because of injury, he gets on one mission. He can’t do any work. He was genin in the time dreaming of becoming famous around the ninja world. But this was in the past now. He created a story about how amazing he was. Any of this story is true but he live in his dreams all the time. Mito always has fun listening to this story. It’s like hiring some novel read in real time. He never tries to bully this grandpa like the other kid that was coming here to help. In the meant time when he listens to this old man he give snack to some child to provide water to other. It was hard work because they wanted more than he could give. He had to focus constantly on not making mistakes, and these poor people bombarded him. Some even were trying to still some food after they get the basic of what he could give them. This was going in a loop. But it was always like this. Now was even worse than in the past. Kiri really was not giving them a choice. The poor became more poor and some upper class lost everything they had and were sent here. But this young boy didn’t know this. Mito focused on trying to help everyone around him was blind to the problem of his own village. He was playing with the kid for a little while because he gave everything. After everything was done, he get back auntie to tell about his work.

[WC 800] [TWC 1338]
Mito Chinoike
Stat Page : Stats
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 6500

Tree and helping hand. Empty Re: Tree and helping hand.

Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:55 pm
Mito's next destination was a little farther away. Boy, take this one for many reasons. Most importantly, it was good training for his kenjutsu/koryu-bujutsu. It was always fun for him to move his body with a sword. The Uchiha clan used to be known for their amazing sword art, but they don't cultivate it as much now. Looking at how much important they are but at there Firejutsu and Genjutsu some can think that the only thing in their brain is destruction, control. But in reality they were needed to develop more tool to fight in the past with the Senju clan. Mito walks with some sweet on his forehead for the work in the slams. After he was close to the area with an enormous tree that look like some kind of monster from a nightmare. Close building has a tape in place of the window. What he saw took Mito aback.

“How I can take care of this tree? It’s a monster, not a tree. It’s look like a tail beast from a book I read recently.”

Of course, this was not true, but in the eyes of this small boy, it was more than true. He could see some genin working with some axe and swords. Catting tree brunch, trying to reduce the potential damage. It was good that he come this late. If he come faster, he was sure that he wasn’t able to take care of the rest mission today. He comes to some shinobi who was taking care of moving the genin to say hi.

-Senpai I’m sorry I fell like I’m a little late for fun but I can see that they are still a lot of work to be done. Hmmm do you have some axe and other tool for me to?-

This ninja just glanced at this boy. He could see the Uchiha symbol on Mito hoodie. He talks about safe measures where the tree needs to land he point at tools that were in the box. Boy was ready for this hard work. He didn’t take axe in, first just take out his tanto that was in shelter on his back. Using his agility, he was cutting the branch of this tree. Jumping from the building to the tree. Making some corkscrew in the air to get more momentum it was pretty simple for a small branch. Other people working on this tree were looking at him like he was an idiot. He uses his wrist to flick because it was too much resin on his blade. He still wasn’t able to get everything from his blade. That is why he used some clothes that he has specially for this. He was seeing some of his pear able to flick their sword, leaving no trace of any blood. But now was the perfect time to learn this stupid skill that look so cool in Mito's eyes. This tree is so alive that every time he cut branch, it left his blade covered with resin. After repeating this for a little while, the tree was now only with left with a big branch. Looking at this he take two-handed axe. He uses tiger hand seal to move chakra to his feet and hand. For some unknown reason, he finds it makes him easier to use any hand seal if he wants to have a better grip on the surface of water or tree. And at the same time it giving him a better grip of the two-handed axe. After all, he is young and doesn’t have enough strength. He jumps to the building and stands on his wall, propping him self to cat brunch with one motion. He made a signal to people below to move from the way and jump with a corkscrew in the air. With as much force as he could gather in his small body, he hit brunch with an axe. Of course, he wasn’t able to cut it properly. It wasn’t a sword; it was a stupid axe after all. In the last moment, he could not lose grip on his weapon. He put his leg on a tree and take out the axe from half cut brunch. It was a little sham that he wasn’t able to cut this in one go, but whatever. Mito hit two more time to cut this brunch and flick his axe. For some reason, it was still possible to drop some resin for it.

He works hard on learning this useless skill that some call jutsu. He was cutting brunch other genin was going around doing the same thing too. Mito get in an argument with some of them that were trying to use firejutsu to just smoke the tree. The senior that provide them with tools wasn’t doing much just watching over them. It was probably his job to check if they can work with other genin on more serious task. That’s why he says nothing, but Mito knows that using fire or other jutsu can make the close building catch it. It got him almost in a fight with other brats that were a little older than him. But there was no way that they can fight in the middle of the village. Looking at everything, Mito was doing a good job with a smile on a face that make anyone not know what to say. Of course, for this firer maniac genin it was probably like mocking, but after all, they don’t have all day to cut one enormous tree. Mito, after every brunch, land on a grand flick his wrist, filing pain in his hand. He was having a two-handed axe, after all. Making him harder to use one hand to do this motion, but he was better and better at this. Now the only thing left was the gigantic tree all brunch was clean cut. It was possible to leave this alone, but looking at the ground, roots of this tree were destroying everything around. He gets on the tree and starts cutting from top to bottom, getting a little abrasion here and there. It takes him a while. Other genin that take this job was not helping him after the argument they still will get money if he does this way. Did they need to help this asshole? Of course not. Easier is to stay and wait. When the tree was small enough to not cast too much damage after a fall, he cut the base. The job wasn't over yet. He had to take the root from the ground, which was an annoying process. But it was much simpler than cutting the tree.

When he was done, he say goodbye to everyone and go to the next destination.
[WC 1126] [TWC 2464]
Mito Chinoike
Stat Page : Stats
Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 6500

Tree and helping hand. Empty Re: Tree and helping hand.

Tue Jan 24, 2023 10:44 pm
Mito was able to get to the point of interest pretty fast. In the middle of his journey, he was making sure that his tanto was clear. The last mission boy was so excited that it’s only one left. He didn’t know that this will be more difficult than the rest mission he had done today. But challenge is always welcome with a smile on face for him. He finds trees from ancient time. Looking at them, gooseflesh move from his foot to the neck. It was always something to look at trees that remember the history of the village more than books or anything known to mankind. He looks at the piece of paper and checks with one. The tree needs to be maintained. Mito look at the tree that was going up to the sky and was thinking. 

“How you want to me do this alone, and this time I can see no one else take this job. Wait, there is not even any tool for this job this means. For six path sage i know that is to simple for being D rank. I need to control my force don’t use any jutsu and eh ok no more let’s just start this. I need to learn some clone technic. “

Mito channels his chakra into his eye nerve system. He sees much better now almost all the time where he is alone he try this technique to open his blood line. The only thing for sure is that he has some dojutsu but he is not sure it is byakugan sharingan or something else. His clan tells him he has probably sharingan, but he is not sure about this. Looking at the past, every time he tries to open this ability, he can sense something crowing in his brain and, most important, he fill he needs blood. He still remembers the name Chinoike. Name that he wasn't able to find in any book, but it was his father's clan name. Looking at the tree, he make a plan to cut small brunch and make them change the direction of growth. He jumps and cuts some of them at an angel. Knowing that it was the best way in last mission, he make a mistake of trying to cut brunch perpendicularly to the ground. He remembers he’s lesson of using katana just now. He was seeing the senior cutting the tatami omote. Mito himself could cut it too, but there was always the technique of cutting it in angle. Knowing that boy slows his breath to calm himself with light moves that. He was aware that no chakra related jutsu could be used to prevent tree damage and walking on the tree was not permitted. Focusing he’s sense and chakra in the eyes, he was doing everything as safe as possible with a big smile on face. It was like a little dance for him, sweet dropping from his body on the ground making his nose itches. 

The small brunch was good and clean cut from the tree. But it was still a long way to go. He doesn’t want to destroy any fragment of history. Making him sweating even more. Every second was like day and every minute like eternity. His heart jump from his chest every time brunch land on the ground. He collected them together and move away, probably village will use them to kindling some of the village houses. Mito carefully calculated his move, like a small bear that wants to eat honey but doesn’t want to bait the bee. Of course, he still trains his technique of dropping everything from the blade. More and more intensive pain was fill in his eye he almost drop to the ground many times but he need to do this. He fill like even if his sword art is better than most kid. He can’t move forward without he’s dojutsu. Why he chose this mission for many reasons, he could see a tree that can tell many stories. He can train his eyes and sword technique with no one seeing this and, most importantly, no one comment on his smile. He was able to laugh when he drop to the ground with muscle pain and take a brief break between cut and jumps. Taking mental note of any progress. Mito was sure that he want to see blood. Kid cut his finger, making him at ease. He fell like his father is close to him every time he sees blood or something even more important than his own father. Some being that want to take him in his arm. This was not something to be understood by anyone, even boy don’t know why he has this stupid idea. Looking at the tree, it was almost time to get back to get his pay for a full day of hard work. Mito glance last time at it and was ready to move out when he see that one of the brunch start be moving by the wind. 

“Oh, no, did I make a mistake? No wait, everything was an ok second ago. Maybe this brunch is too old and has, but can I cut it? I needed to only take care of the small branch. Ahhh, I don’t know. Let’s cut this if this drop like, this it will look like someone broke this them self.”

Mito takes his tanto and grip it hard. He jump and stand on the tree and give a look at the brunch, focusing his chakra in eyes. After a little of analyze he cut it with seven strikes. The brunch still brake and he work on the rest of the brunch that was left on the tree. Mito makes it look like it was cut in one go. Now he takes everything clean the ground from leaf and brunch but them in a place that was for secure this and move to get his pay. It took him a full day to do everything. He was happy that this was over. He writes a report and gives it to stuff. After a while he gets his money and goes back home. Looking at sun that was going to sleep he slowly think about how good job he done.

[WC 1036] [TWC 3510]
Claiming 6000 Ryo 30AP
Total stats claimed 25 speed/10 strenght
Swish and Flick 0/250 - 250/250
Ketsuryugan 0/2000 - 2000/2000
Adjustment 0/500 - 500/500
Cutting Board Style 0/250 - 250/250
Shadow Shuriken Technique 0/500 - 500/500

Last edited by Mito Chinoike on Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:15 pm; edited 2 times in total
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Tree and helping hand. Empty Re: Tree and helping hand.

Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:42 am
Hey, so two things;

Starting with the good, you still have 12 stat points you can claim unless you've already reached the 250 Stat limit for clanned chars

And then the other, we unfortunately don't let player's bank their WC from threads. If you see anyone with a WC bank, it's either from staff payments, event rewards, or they recently used BZC. So edit in either using or dropping those 43 words pls and ty.
Mito Chinoike
Stat Page : Stats
Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 6500

Tree and helping hand. Empty Re: Tree and helping hand.

Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:12 pm
One more line to get 3500 word.
stats 25 speed
stats gain 10 strenght
Ketsuryugan 0/2000 - 2000/2000
Adjustment 0/500 - 500/500
Cutting Board Style 0/250 - 250/250
Shadow Shuriken Technique 0/500 - 500/500

I didn't see before you can learn stats and jutsu in the same time from the WC. I give more jutsu to be more in character with skill that my character learn in uchiha clan. I learn Ketsuryugan but my character IC will still not use it. Because i did not know the rule that's why i write in a way too look like my character still learning Ketsuryugan. After two or more full topic/post my character will start to use it a little.
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Tree and helping hand. Empty Re: Tree and helping hand.

Thu Jan 26, 2023 12:25 pm
Mito Chinoike wrote:Edit
One more line to get 3500 word.
stats 25 speed
stats gain 10 strenght
Ketsuryugan 0/2000 - 2000/2000
Adjustment 0/500 - 500/500
Cutting Board Style 0/250 - 250/250
Shadow Shuriken Technique 0/500 - 500/500

I didn't see before you can learn stats and jutsu in the same time from the WC. I give more jutsu to be more in character with skill that my character learn in uchiha clan. I learn Ketsuryugan but my character IC will still not use it. Because i did not know the rule that's why i write in a way too look like my character still learning Ketsuryugan. After two or more full topic/post my character will start to use it a little.

the whole "changing" xx/xx would have been fine rather than xx/xx - xx/xx
Made it hard to read as I did not need to see the changes but rather that it was just done in general. Either way, approved exit and claims for Mito.
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