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Running a Fade on Christmas (p) Empty Running a Fade on Christmas (p)

Sun Jan 22, 2023 11:58 pm

Total Rewards for Yukihime that are possible

Ryo 46,000
AP 230
Tickets 10,500
WC Needed to Complete 5,250 WC
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Total Rewards for Aurora that are possible

Ryo 46,000
AP 230
Tickets 24,500
WC Needed to Complete 5,250 WC
  • 2x Full Dice (d10)
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  • 2x Blank Dice (d4)

Total Rewards for - that are possible

Ryo 46,000
AP 230
Tickets 10,500
WC Needed to Complete 5,250 WC
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  • 1x Crescent Dice (d6)
  • 2x Blank Dice (d4)

Total Rewards for - that are possible

Ryo 46,000
AP 230
Tickets 10,500
WC Needed to Complete 5,250 WC
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Last edited by Yukihime on Wed Feb 08, 2023 8:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Running a Fade on Christmas (p) Empty Re: Running a Fade on Christmas (p)

Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:07 am

Family. Sometimes you wanted it where you lacked it. Sometimes you wanted to call it a 'wash' and get rid of them all. Thankfully, Yukihime was working on making a better relationship with her family- in the form of rekindling her relationship with her sister Baliquis because she wanted to. However, she had given her sister a lot of liberties in the pursuit of doing so.

Like how Yukihime told her entire Teahouse household to allow Baliquis to freely move in and out of the property with no restrictions. So Baliquis abused it, like she did this morning, by coming into the Teahouse, making her way to Yukihime's apartments, opening the door, then entering and closing it behind her. "Get up." Baliquis's voice pierced the morning and Yukihime's sleep as the younger sister walked over to her older sister's bed. "Yuki." Yukihime rolled over in her warm bed on a brisk morning to at least face the other woman. "Get the fuck up."

"God, no." Yukihime grumbled sleepily as she began to wake up while Bali stood by her bedside, "Leave."

"You told me yesterday morning to come here and do this," Baliquis said bluntly, and Yuki sighed, "You also told me not to leave until you get up." Yuki sighed deeply. "I set some missions up for you."

"I'm fucking 30 years old; I can do that shinobi stuff myself." Yuki retorted while she slowly began to wake up and proceeded to do 'the stretches.' Those moments of moving about and stretching your legs, back, or arms until you fells loose and limber once more rather than stiff from sleeping in such a disrayed and awkward position as Yuki did. "Leave." Then it happened-

"I can do that shinobi stuff," Baliquis repeated in a snarky, mockingly childish tone that grabbed Yuki's calmed sibling annoyance nerve, pulled it back, and then let go to let the nerve snap back into its taunt position- in the process, Yuki's eyes snapped open. Suddenly, she was awake, and her mood decided for the day. Her course for the day was chosen. Her path?

Violence. What was the sub-category? Sibling violence.

"You must get up, Yuki; you have a hectic, busy day." Bali said as she reached down to grab Yuki's covering sheets, "I signed you up for a whole list of missions-" Yuki- as previously mentioned, had chosen violence. The first act of this was to wait for Bali to grab a handful of her comforter, and when she did, Yuki's left hand snatched Bali's right wrist, then her own right hand grabbed a handful of a nearby pillow; Yuki yanked it from its position and proceeded to hit her sister in the face with the pillow. "AH!" Bali yelped in reaction and backed up but still pulled down the sheets; then Yuki got up,

"Leave!" Yuki snarled, and Bali huffed,

"You need to get up!" Bali said and stepped back as the eldest sister sat upright in bed, "You need to fulfill your part!" She snapped and groaned, "Fuck, it's 9 am. Why would you hit me with a pillow?"

"You didn't let me sleep." Yuki returned, and Bali snapped back angrily,

"YOU asked ME to come here and do this, you crazy bitch!" Baliquis said and groaned, "Whatever, get the fuck up already! You have an hour to get to the mission point." Yuki blinked in surprise, "I brought you something to wear too- just a normal village shinobi outfit, but it's better than nothing." Yuki looked over at the black body suit, and as she was about to thank her sister, it was at that time that Baliquis decided to add in a job, "Hopefully, your fat ass fits; I grabbed the biggest size- anything else needs to be custom made." After a quick run down, Baliquis brought things back to reality- "You need to get to the Land of Snow, so get dressed." Bali hissed,

"Where?" Yuki asked before Bali repeated herself, and Yuki followed it up with, "Why the hell would I go there?"

"Because that's where all the missions I signed you up for are located!" The younger sister retorted sternly, "You need to get used to doing missions!"

"You said I only had to worry about the shop. Why am I doing missions anyways? Who fucking cares?" Yuki complained loudly as she made her way to the pile of clothes,

"We talked about this." Baliquis quipped as she turned her back to her sister so that there could be some level of privacy when she barged into the room, "You need to be strong enough in their ways to defend yourself if I'm gone, and you need to learn what types of things you can do without chakra."

"Are you going to be there?" The eldest sister asked as she removed her own sleeping clothes, folded them then set them aside before grabbing the bodysuit from the pile of clothes,

"No, I will not," Baliquis answered, and her sister sucked her teeth in disapproval. The conversation dropped as the atmosphere of the room grew somber, and when Yukihime finished dressing, they both stood there for a long moment before Yukihime turned to her,

"Do you think…I have what it takes?" Yukihime asked, "...Izayumi was both of us without our flaws…and she didn't make it." Baliquis met her sister's eyes and then looked away,

"You're right, but I do not remind myself of her death when I go to sleep at night." Baliquis told her sister, then turned to her and locked eyes with her, "I remember her as I saw her in the exam she did." She took a deep breath and said, "I remember her on a dragon and losing. I don't fucking care what the shinobi and their bullshit records say; I won't accept the fact that she lost." She exhaled, "Izayumi did not lose. She left the order without experience- like we are now- without direction or guidance. She worked her way up to that exam. She found and rode a dragon. She got married and had children. Yes, she's dead, but I see failure nowhere in those actions: I only see achievements from nothing. Fuck the shinobi and their bullshit records."

"Their records are what they go by, Nozomi." Yukihime chided, and Baliquis snapped angrily,

"Their records are bullshit as long as they don't recognize who she was as a person! They acknowledge she was a shinobi; they don't talk about who she was; they just say what she was to them." Bali said, and Yuki nodded, "So we need to do what we can; together. You need to go on those missions. I will continue working on the plan we agreed on." Baliquis moved over and put a hand on her sister's arm, "This situation isn't ideal, but it's the hand we have at the table." Baliquis said quietly, "Go to the Land of Snow. Do the missions. Come back. I should have the capital for the building soon, then we can work on teaching you to read, and you can go for your own missions." Yukihime nodded and took a deep breath before following her sister out of the room, out of the Teahouse, and then out of the Red Light District entirely.

"Now, let me tell you about the missions, one by one," Baliquis said as they walked.

She made her way to the land of snow, and it was fucking cold for sure. She was excited to see snow; it dazzled her how it melted once it touched her. Yukihime didn't mind the cold, and she looked around the merry landscape, and it was cute decorating with strange snow, but most of all? There were the children. She loved children. Yuki had a bad habit of interacting with them as much as she could because she found them such wondrous, marvelous little people- and this was no exception.

She saw a couple of children working in the snow, and she made her way over to see what they were up to and stopped before crouching down, long hair flowing about her, "What are you guys doing?" She asked quietly, and one of the children replied,

"Trying to make a snowman…can you help?" The child asked, and she smiled, nodding, "We need more stuff for it…."

"Well, you need a base too." Yukihime said, "So let's do this; if you guys pack on the snow really tight, I will roll it so we can get a nice, big base, maybe?" She offered, and the children seemed to happily agree to her offer as they began to back more snow on their malformed snowman base.

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Needed Word Count

1,445 / 5,250

Last edited by Yukihime on Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
Aurora Yamaguchi
Aurora Yamaguchi
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Running a Fade on Christmas (p) Empty Re: Running a Fade on Christmas (p)

Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:29 am

Mist covered the field, the dampness in the air struck against Aurora’s skin as she stood there, centerfold in large open space, her eyes scanning the area around her carefully, she had never recalled seeing this place before, nor could she place where she was… Something told her, however… It wasn’t somewhere safe. Aurora could feel the unease in the air as she went to call out for anyone, only to be meant with a mute silence… Sickening against her ears as nothing reached them… Her hands moved to her throat, only now feeling the wet gush of something against it, panicked as she touched the wetness and pulled her hands away, only to be greeted with the sight of crimson red against her ebony skin… Her eyes widening as she stood there, unable to move, unable to scream for help, unsure of what to do in the situation. Was this an omen? Was she being told her fate before it was bound to happen? Aurora had barely just begun to understand her own power, let alone be able to fight against a fate like this…

But yet, as she stood still, she didn’t feel weak, her body felt more invigorated then it had ever felt before… It was almost as if she had transcended between the veil of life and death… breaking past the points that bound the living and dead from being able to communicate… Or perhaps, she found herself cursed… Cursed as her ancestors before her had been… A fate bound by their power, locked in an eternal death that gave her spirit to the next generation. She could feel the power surging inside of her, each muscle ached with it… Something completely unholy inside of her raged across, her mind and body pulsating with some sickening chakra that she had never experienced before.

Aurora Yamaguchi, age 18, a member of the village of Konohagakure, would have been found lifeless and unresponsive in the cemetery of the great village shortly after the mysterious events during October of last year, where she was brought to the hospital, and put back together, on the brink of death. Aurora Yamaguchi, now 19 years old, continued to lay lifeless in the hospital of Konohagakure, the village hidden in the leaf for many more months, fighting infection off from a single wound, where her throat had been slit as she cleaned the graves, and paid her respect to the fallen members of the village.

Aurora Yamaguchi, would have been found, clinging to the grave of an unnamed persons, which had never truly been unnamed, nor forgotten… But rather a bastard child that was let to rest in peace from the prying eyes of judgmental elders and whispers from higher ups. Aurora would be found, clinging to her mother’s grave. But she wouldn’t ever find out that… Her grandfather wouldn’t ever allow that information to go public. Aurora would remain in a steadfast battle of life and death for months, her blood seeping deeper into the ground where her delicate skin had been cut and she had been left for dead. Where she would have died had it not been for the fact that she had been caught by gentlemen… No a demon, a demon of his own design, though she never had truly seen him to be that way – his gentleness towards the young girl was enough for Aurora to see him as a human, regardless of the rumors or his actions in any other way.

Had she not been caught that day, cleaning the graves, she probably would have died in the graveyard… But because of her actions that day, because of her concern about the increase of vandalism against the graves, the patrols had been increased, and someone had found her, however lifeless she had been, the small and very infrequent beat of her heart, was enough for the young genin to rush her to the hospital… It had been enough for them to place her under a strict regimen of healing from some of the best medical shinobi within the village. And yet, they couldn’t seem to bring her back.

Aurora continued to find herself, every day, in a repeating hell, a nightmare that never finished and only ever restarted, in the same position, in the center of that field, throat cut, and blood gushing down her body – unable to scream for help, unable to see anyone in the distance besides the mist that surrounded her body. Day turned into week, week into month… Nothing seemed to change about the woman in the hospital bed, her outer wounds healed, her body seemingly healthy again – yet she remained unresponsive.

Aurora couldn’t hear what the voices around her said, but she could hear the jarring sound of mumbles… Day in and day out. However frustrating they became, however much she wanted to scream for them to stop… However tired she became of her situation, she couldn’t get things to move forward… Remaining ever steadfast within the center of the field... The nightmarish pit that never ended, always relenting on never giving Aurora a moment of peace, knowing very well the silence was the worst for her… Even if Aurora had spent most of her life alone, most of it in what people believed was silence… Aurora always had someone or someone’s to talk to, though they couldn’t always be seen… Nor could they always be heard… It had sometimes been a feeling inside of her, a small nudge of spiritual atmosphere that allowed her to feel it… But as she stood, tears running down her face mixing with her own blood, she couldn’t feel anything… She couldn’t feel the spirits that ounce surrounded her… She couldn’t feel even the living that surrounded her.

Why couldn’t she feel? Questions in search of answers, answers that she may never get as she remained stuck inside of limbo.

Had it been years? She wasn’t sure… She use to be able to keep track, by counting a tree each day… But had she counted all the trees? Where had they gone? The mist had become so thick it was suffocating… How was it suffocating? She couldn’t breathe… She hadn’t at least since she got there… Her throat was slit right open… She was scared to move her head in fear of it tumbling off… yet, she was suffocating. The mist had drawn in and was taking over her body, the sickly pale blue mist… Since when was mist blue? Aurora could feel her heart stutter, the beats inside of her chest picking back up, the air slowly returning to her lungs as she took her first step forward in ages, the grass grown around her feet attempting to force her back as she finally broke free, the damp dewy grass… She could feel it. She wasn’t numb anymore… Something changed. Something was different for certain, though she couldn’t explain it… but the air continuing to fill her lungs, stung as she continued to push herself forward, “HELLO” her voice echoed, hoarse and rough at first… She needed water… It had been so long since she had drank… Her hydration felt more than lacking as she continued to step forward.

Her surroundings becoming more clear, she wasn’t just in a field, she was in the graveyard… She could see her body limp on the ground, throat cut open… “How…How is this possible?” She whispered, her voice choppy and quite… That’s when the weight returned, the weight that she had always felt when she walked around, as if she was carrying something on her shoulders… And invisible force that wanted to drag her down… ‘You’ve finally moved…’ A small voice creaked out, right into her right ear, a whisper that would cause the woman to jump ever so slightly, “W…Whos there!” Aurora found herself scatter brained, unsure what her next moves were.

Keep moving… Re-enter your body. It’s time for you to rejoin the world of the living… You’ve not finished your story yet, young Aurora… The ancestors have plans for you, girl.

Aurora couldn’t help but listen to the command, something told her the voice that spoke to her was far more powerful than she could ever imagine to be… “Tell me where I am…What has happened… First.” Aurora would plead as she inched closer to her body, feeling the weight push off of her shoulder, Aurora would turn to look, a figure stood before her, the mist around had completely dissipated, and somehow formed the creature in front of her… A creature with no true face… But yet with thousands of faces.

You’ve entered the realm of your ancestors, child. This is where we go when we die.’ The creature would respond, this time, its voice was far more distorted, sending chills down Aurora’s spine as she listened, the different verbal ques of several different voices all together and all at once flew through her ears, the agony of listening it almost took Aurora to her knees. ‘You don’t belong here, but we’ve kept you here… Protected your spirit here… Waited until your body was ready to rehouse you. Go now. We will meet again when your power dictates us to meet again.’ The voices shouted, the force behind the shout was enough to send Aurora backwards, backwards back into her body, the falling motion jolting her body in the hospital bed, panic setting in as she felt as if she was falling forwards as she nearly jumped out of her bones, her body flinging upwards in the darkened room… The silence of the hospital was eerily enough, as Aurora looked at her arms, covered in tubes that fed and kept her body alive…

Her hand reaching up to her throat, her fingers dancing across the thin line of the scar left behind by whatever had cut her… ‘It wasn’t a dream…’ She sighed, moving her legs off the bed as moved towards the bathroom, the dimly lit room was enough for her to make the shocking note of how her appearance had changed… Her once brown locs… Were white right down to the root... Her eyes, no longer what she remembered, the white pupils that stared back at her reminded her of something entirely different… It wasn’t the violet eyes of the Hyuuga clan, nor was it a grey of someone who had lost their eyesight… But rather a strange abnormity that looked back at her… The shock of it all was far more than what she could bare to look at anymore, slamming her fist into the mirror that mocked her, the glass shatter around her fist, small shards cutting into her hand as she turned heel, walking out of the room after fitting her hand with a bandage, and putting on the clothes that they had found her in.

She needed to go, get away… As far as possible from mirrors, from hospitals… From the sound of silence… She couldn’t get lost in her own head either… She couldn’t explain it, but deep inside, she wanted away from Konohagakure for now.

Those were her thoughts, and thoughts have power if given enough hope behind them… And as she walked out of the doors of the hospital, she was greeted with a strange sight of snow covered scenery, a village surrounding her that she wasn’t familiar with at all…

The Land of Snow, she would come to find out, was where this strange snowy escape could be found, according to some of its villagers, as she obtained a proper winter jacket, pure white in color, accompanied with a new long sleeved shirt and thicker blue jeans that hugged against her body. She would take her pace slowly as she walked the streets, only to find herself staring at a rather large woman inquiring with a group of children to create a snowman, Aurora smirked as she looked back, noting the shops nearby selling scarfs, hats, mittens… Aurora would make a quick side step into one, acquiring a large black top hat, with a bright red scarf, black mittens and six large black and gold buttons.

The Yamaguchi would make her way back towards the ground, her weakened state would make her useless in attempting to build anything of size, but she certainly could help them and herself, with the purchases she had made, “Perhaps I could interest you lot in… These items for it once you’ve completed the structure of the snowman?” She questioned, her voice was still hoarse and quiet, but she was sure to make herself clear enough that she could be heard by the ground at least.

Aurora needed this distraction… She needed the break away from her own thoughts… And she was certain that she didn’t want to be stuck in a hostel or room with mirrors… Not for a long time… She didn’t even know if she would ever want to sleep again… This, keeping herself distracted and in the motion of constantly doing something, that would be what would help her… She would cling to this, this feeling of hope… That would be what pushed the woman to move forward… At least for the time being.

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Running a Fade on Christmas (p) Empty Re: Running a Fade on Christmas (p)

Mon Feb 13, 2023 7:01 am
Mid Thread Claim for Aurora

Ryo 46,000 X 2 (Beloved) = 92,000
AP 230 X 2 (Beloved) = 460
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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Running a Fade on Christmas (p) Empty Re: Running a Fade on Christmas (p)

Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:24 am
Remika wrote:Mid Thread Claim for Aurora

Ryo 46,000 X 2 (Beloved) = 92,000
AP 230 X 2 (Beloved) = 460
Tickets 24,500
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Running a Fade on Christmas (p) Empty Re: Running a Fade on Christmas (p)

Sat Apr 01, 2023 6:50 pm
[Mid-Thread Claims + Exit Claims]

  • + 92,000 Ryo ( 46,000 Ryo x2 for Beloved Presence)
  • + 460 AP ( 230 x 2 for Beloved Presence )

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Running a Fade on Christmas (p) Empty Re: Running a Fade on Christmas (p)

Sat Apr 01, 2023 7:26 pm
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