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Iscarot Ushitora
Iscarot Ushitora
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 119700

Getting the Gang Together - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:33 am
If one thing could describe the feeling Iscarot had it was definitely disgust. Why would someone think the answer to the fleeting fancy of a child would be to force or even give a drug that would forcibly age them? One would think simply letting the child know that they are not missing out on anything important and that their rest is essential for their growth would have been enough but...this was too much. Holding back the rage he very well felt toward this individual he would decide to turn his back and look over to the mother and now very much grown child as he sighed," You have done more harm than good. Not just in every decision you have made to help people, but especially in this one. You have taken something very precious from this child and his mother, something we can never honestly hope to give back. Hang up your cape. Repent for your actions and never bother anyone again. If I even hear of you doing this or anything in that matter or any manner that you have been doing prior...and I swear upon my own life you will not have a single breath to breathe. Do I make myself clear?," although he spoke these words with his back turned to the male, once he did turn around and those sunset eyes met with the alleged superhero? He would find that those words were very much spoken with a fact. He could see the fear forming in his eyes as he trembled and nodded, their work was finally done. Shin had asked a question that had first shown hope to Iscarot, but as he moved forward and gently took the hand of the child into his, the hope would slowly fade," Unfortunately this is an affliction through a medicinal form. I do not think Space-Time arts would help here. While that may be the case maybe if he is taken to the hospital they can find a medical way to return him to his youth. It is by no means a definite but a small glimmer of hope none the less madam," he would offer his condolences to her before standing up and walking off with the others.

A lab huh? This should be interesting indeed. He had never been to a lab before so it was definitely a learning experience but what perplexed him was why this doctor needed the help of shinobi to test out these pills. Surely he had hired help that could do the job for him. Never the less he would continue on his path with the others until they their supposed location. There had been someone standing outside in a lab coat and while no one knew if this was the person they were supposed to meet or not, but Iscarot would walk up and ask," Are you the doctor who put in a mission request for help testing something? If so we are the three assigned to your request. Where should we go?,." he looked the doctor over for a moment before waiting for a response.

519 WC
TWC: 2,602
WC Needed: 2,666
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Getting the Gang Together - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Mon Jan 09, 2023 3:30 pm
With the caped idiot taken care of, it was time to move onto the next tasks which seemed to be dealing with the science requests. Though it seemed that the person they needed to talk to wasn’t listed on the scroll given to them. Shin and Iscarot lead the way to the science lab with Jecht following in the back, he was reading over what the scrolls were saying as the others took the charge on finding where they needed to go. The scrolls spoke of two different requests from this place, one about dealing with some experimental drugs that helped with stamina and reflexes of those that took it which did sound interesting to the older man, and the other spoke of rounding up some things caused the spillage of chemicals? It wasn’t exactly specific on what it meant here which was weird cause normally there was a destination and point of contact for each place or at least enough to infer who to talk too.

Iscarot had taken to asking pretty much the first person they saw who looked flustered anyways, “Oh yes, Oh thank goodness.” The scientist stuttered, “Perfect timing, most perfect. Yes you must be here for the testing.” He looked glad to have them there though at this time Jecht spoke up, “We are also here to help with the rounding up some things? Caused by a spillage of chemicals of some sorts?” He asked looking over the scroll. The scientist grew quiet and looked around nervously, “Ok, ok. This works out better then expected. Listen we work with chemicals and drugs and the sorts that are combined to help improve physical and mental capabilities of various sorts. Sometimes they work extremely well and sometimes they don’t.” He explained in a hush quick tone. “We had a “bring your child to work” day and one of the children took some of the chemicals and has been giving it to anything that grows in general.” The scientist wiped some sweat of his forehead. “We need you three to round up the things that have been affected by this, We do have them in the facility we just need to get them into cages so we can try and revert them back to their original state.” He finished explaining. “Once that is done find me there in my office and we can do the other request.” The scientist showed the group where he office was and had given them instructions on where to go in the facility to help round up these “things”.

“So in this highly secure facility they allowed a child to somehow handle chemicals and cause this mischief? I thought these people were suppose to be smart.” Jecht said as they made their way to the place they were told about, speaking to the group. “Sometimes I wonder just how much we really should be fooling around with stuff like this.”

WC: 487
TWC: 2421
Shin of the Wind
Shin of the Wind
Stat Page : Stats Link

Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Getting the Gang Together - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:22 pm
The two older shinobi would approach the scientist, asking where it is that they should go. Shin would follow along, keeping a close eye on their caped captive to ensure he didn't try to escape when he expected their attention to be divided. Such a ploy might have been too advanced for the strange man, though. Still, Shin would overhear what it was they were here to do and where they were to go. Experimental food pills and gathering up oversized things caused by a mischievous child. Jecht would mention that these people were supposed to be smart, to which Shin couldn't help but shake his head, "If these are the best and brightest, I fear for our future." While they might have been brilliant by some standards, being aware of your surroundings was key. Perhaps such an emphasis was only needed for shinobi? Not realizing or noticing something could mean life or death in their field of work, so being perceptive was key to survival. "And no... some things are best not to be trifled with, Jecht. But people tend to get blinded by their own ambitions."

Gathering specimens was a simple enough task, as they were far too large to realistically hide. Shin would gather up a few of the oversized lab mice and herd them towards the cages. They weren't particularly keen on the idea, but Shin had an objective to complete and had no issues with whatever means he needed to use to complete it. Ninjutsu could be used to bind and paralyze a target, an effective means to capture and neutralize a target. Once completed, he would look to ensure that the other two didn't have any issues with their targets. If they needed it, he would assist in any way that they asked of him. 

The second task here involved the testing of the food pills, but first they had to do a small performance evaluation to get a baseline to ensure the pill actually improved the shinobi. Shin would complete this course in a reasonable time and then get handed the food pill, to which the pale boy would reluctantly take the medicine and place it on his tongue. It was then that the scientist would explain how they, for lack of a better term, 'extracted' the physical traits of various animals in order to better improve the shinobi. Unfortunately, there was a bit of a side effect in the last batch that they had hoped to have fixed in this batch... it caused you to more closely resemble the animal whose 'essence' you ate. This information probably should have been offered before he ate the pill, but it was too late to turn back now. Luckily he still kept his mind, despite his form much more closely resembling a mandrill. The obstacle course would then be completed again, with a very clear increase in performance. Well the pill worked it would seem, but this side effect was a bit too much. They would have to seriously work on refining the pill to eliminate such, otherwise it would only have very specific, limited uses. 

It wasn't long before the side effects of the pill wore off, to which Shin would just offer a disappointed look at the scientist that mislead him. Shaking his head, he would pick up his things and return to the others. "I don't think I will ever take an untested food pill ever again. As a matter of fact, I don't think I'll use anything this lab produces." 

Arriving at the location of the final task, Shin would approach the door with his comrades. The two children would rush through the door, slamming it into the pale youth. Shin would step back, rubbing his head where the door struck him as the two children started to weave seals and begin molding chakra. Just what were they planning to do, fire jutsu off in the middle of a residential area? The boy would then weave seals to capture the two rambunctious children in a paralytic binding jutsu. He was very much displeased with them, but at the end of the day they weren't just children but relatively untrained kids at that. "You should be more careful with where you decide to unleash such techniques. What would you do if your jutsu killed a passerby? Would that be very fitting of your talents?" The question was asked, but he didn't really expect any sort of answer. These kids were only a few years younger than he was... 

"If you want to practice your jutsus, do so at the training grounds and under the supervision of an older, more experienced shinobi." They would roll their eyes, not taking the words of someone they see as a 'peer' seriously. 

twc:3189/2666 (Missions completed)

Will make exit and claims later
Iscarot Ushitora
Iscarot Ushitora
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 119700

Getting the Gang Together - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Mon Jan 09, 2023 7:32 pm
The more he stood and listened to the Doctor speak, the more he questioned how smart these people were and if they had replaced it with a flair for the eccentric. Whatever the case this did not bode well for the three and it seemed as if his companions agreed as well. There was a small raise of his brow as he mentally shook his head and lowered his voice to speak only to both Shin and Ject," I think I agree with Ject. There is being smart. Being crazy. And being more of one than the other. If they think messing with what they are now and deciding to let children of all things compromise their work then it might be time to hang up the lab coat and find a different profession," the other choice was simply to put them out of their misery so that any future chaotic or possible disastrous even did not occur. Shrugging his shoulders he was give the task and once the other two had begun moving so too would he. Inside of the laboratory was something to marvel at. They didn't have labs like this in Avalon as they practiced a different type of science that could be a closer kin to chakra and ninjutsu. Looking around in awe he would catch wind of one of the "escaped" targets that needed to be caught. He could see that Shin was already heading off to find some of the others so Iscarot would break off from the trio to go and complete the assignment. Moving quickly he would begin to chase after the creature who had moved with the swiftness of Lightning itself. It had been a particularly pesky target, but using a bit of cunning and a nearby trashcan he would catch the culprit without much fuss.

As he continued to move through, with each target that he found he would chase after them and lob them into the trashcan, closing it after each successful catch. He did not know how much time he had spent trying to catch the escapees but once he had collected a few he would have headed back to the area to re-enclose them and then head over to where they would be taste testing these new rations. He was brought a tray with a few different pills on them, being told that each one enhanced a certain attribute but was not told what had been in them. A curious note to leave out, but as he picked up one he would quickly swallow it and wait. He could hear the clicking of a pen behind him and behind a closed door the tapping of someone's foot. Unknown to him, Iscarot had grown a large set of ears that allowed him to hear at incredibly long distances. After being asked to test out a few things he would go with them to finish up the experimentation, but not before seeing himself. A large sigh would escape his lips. First horns. Now gigantic ears. At least one was temporary. Meeting up with the others he would have to greatly agree with Shin, Anything made here would not be used by Iscarot. Ever.

As the trio arrived to their final destination, a duo of kids would barrel out almost knocking Shin on his ass with the door while weaving hand seals. Shin was quick to response though when he had looked over to the kids who had shrugged off his question, Iscarot stepped forward towering over the kids. As his shadow loomed over them, he would lean forward a bit until he had been able to make eye contact with them," It is rude to disregard your senior's words. If you had hurt someone with your reckless display of ninjutsu the punishment dealt would be severe. Do you want to be imprisoned or have your life extinguished? I don't think you do. So be. Careful," each word stressed to show the seriousness of his words to them.

WC: 668
TWC: 3,270

Mission Rewards:
16,000 Ryo +2000 (Genin bonus 500 x 4 Missions) = 18,000
80 AP

Individual Claims:
32 Stats
2000 Words toward Augmentation
1,270 Words toward Blacksmith
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Getting the Gang Together - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:33 pm
With the hard work put into the rounding up the test subjects that the child had fed or just straight up poured these chemicals on finally that one task was taken care of. Now it was time to try out these pills that was suppose to boost stamina and reflexes, Jecht swallowed the pills given to him and for a bit there was no change or feeling. Then he noticed that the others were literally changing, various features and looks appeared and before he knew it everyone looked like weird chimera looking individuals that should have come from a horror book. “Oh come on.” Jecht said with an annoyance though it seemed that the scientist knew about this side effect as an announcement came over about how they would change back in due time and it isn’t a permenant effect. So Jecht did whatever tasks they needed to and within time the effects wore off. He was back to his normal scar covered body and it was time to be security for the talent show.
Though there wasn’t much things to do there beyond taking care of the some more enthused parents, Iscarot and Shin handled their areas with ease and Jecht’s was pretty uneventful. He did enjoy seeing what the next generation of children were able to do. But it was time to turn in the slips and claim their rewards.


WC: 232
TWC: 2653

Claiming 16000 Ryo, 80 AP for Missions Completion

Claiming 25% discount on the following
Eight Inner Gates (Jutsu) 0/1875 > 1875/1875
Gate of Healing 0/750 > 750/750
Discarding the rest of the WC
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Getting the Gang Together - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Fri Jan 13, 2023 4:52 am
Approved for both iscarot and jecht
Shin of the Wind
Shin of the Wind
Stat Page : Stats Link

Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Getting the Gang Together - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:22 pm

twc:3189/2666 (Missions completed)

24 stats (all into speed; causing Shin to hit max stats)
14 AP (Using remaining wc to train AP)
500/500 for Temp. Paralysis (D rank)
2689/2750 for Seal of Absorption
Claiming 16000 Ryo, 80 AP for Missions Completion
Completion of:
4x C rank missions
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Getting the Gang Together - Page 2 Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:06 pm
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