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Not Another...[Village Warfare]

Ayato Hyuuga
Emi Tanaka
Satoru Jugo
Mikina Viperis
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Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Not Another...[Village Warfare] - Page 3 Empty Re: Not Another...[Village Warfare]

Mon Jan 16, 2023 5:48 pm

(( Play the song for maximal reading pleasure. ))

Satoru Jugo… A Rank Missing Ninja, formerly of Kumogakure-No-Sato. On this fine day, he wore a black ski-mask to conceal his hair. His Ember metallic mask was already on his face – he rarely removed it as he found its abilities quite comforting, especially while travelling as a wanted criminal. Arriving in the Rice Country, Satoru was intent on eventually coming to claim this village as his own to establish a legacy akin to his comrades.  

There was something about this country that drew the young Jugo, perhaps it was his love for the Rice-based beverage, Sake. Perhaps it was the proximity to the Land of Lightning – whatever the case, he was ready to take the next step in his life or rather die trying to make a name for himself. Ichigo Sato and Aokidanza were household names and yet by comparison, Satoru Jugo was an unknown entity in the grand scheme of things, hiding behind a mask – an alter ego. Feigning being weak in an attempt to streamline his travel endeavours.  

Hunched over, jet black cane in hand – he made his way through the Rice Country – heading for Tanbogakure. Satoru observed the assortment of Rice paddies that appeared to be somewhat abandoned. The surrounding waters completely froze over, effectively preventing the growth of Rice within these parts of the nation. Navigating through trees, shrubs, and the like – he moved slowly and methodically. Today, he was focused on scouting his destination in anticipation of his eventual takeover attempt. He wanted to understand the strength of the walls, the fortifications, and the presence of dimensional interdiction seals if any.

Satoru had his entire presence suppressed via the Chakra Suppression skill. Since he wasn’t casting any techniques, he would be completely undetectable to all means of sensory. This placed him perfectly for todays plan of spying on Tanbogakure. He was aware that any self-respecting village would post up guards with sensory capabilities in order to differentiate common visitors from those who pose a potential threat to the thriving Rice Country.  Making his way towards the picturesque village, he couldn’t help but be briefly mesmerized by the multi-tiered architecture of the village. It was certainly a sight to behold. Its beauty from the context of architecture was nigh on unrivalled.

One would have thought that a village this immense would have carried immense fortifications and yet the gates were nothing more than a feeble stockade made of wood. He couldn’t quite believe his eyes, for a moment, he raised a palm wiping his mask to validate the accuracy of what he was seeing, after all, it didn’t make sense. A village that had achieved such a remarkable feat of architecture had decided to guard that beauty with a wooden stockade that looked ready to be blown away by a slight gust. By the entrance, Satoru could see a group of 4 individuals, 2 men, a woman and what appeared to be a Tanbogakure representative – he deduced this from the relative position of all involved parties. Squinting, his mask adapting to the facial expression, Satoru could sense an important interaction. Moving closer through the tree line, he managed to close the gap quite a bit while still being hidden in the treeline surrounding the village.

The first male that caught Satorus eye for one reason or another was 6ft 1, his smooth face, robust jawline and strong chin were a sight to behold as they were all the property of Satorus old friend and the current Hokage of the Fire Country. Still hidden, he continued to observe from a distance – Aokidanzas presence and energy felt all too raw and familiar. He knew that his friend didn’t have an aptitude for subtlety and so he decided to patiently wait to see how the exchange would transpire.

By the Hokages side was an incredibly beautiful woman. Slender, youthful – long beautiful hair but much like Aokidanza carrying a fear-inducing aura. The brief look that Satoru got on the womans face reminded him of the warm and kind expression of the women who looked after the Jugo during the experimentation periods of his youth. Satorus eyes lit up, but just as they did the tension at the gates began to build. Horns protruding from the Senjus head were an instant danger signal. The very earth around the Senju shook out of fear of what was to come. From Satorus' perspective, it felt as if the wooden stockade would crumble in Aokidanzas wake.

“So he’s taken up Natural Berserker, has he?...” he thought to himself, observing a technique that was all too familiar to young Satoru – the True Sage Transformation. The technique was the root of all the experimentation that he had suffered during his childhood. Many of men have tried to gain this ability as it’s touted to provide eternal health and overwhelming power but there are only a few that have the will power and strength to control the Sage Transformation successfully namely the Jugo clan.

Seeing his friend activate the technique assured him that he had gone through his own trials and tribulations to achieve this level of power and he expected nothing less of one of his rivals. Satoru grinned; he couldn’t help but feel excited seeing Aokidanza in action. After all, he was the beast who effortlessly slaughtered dozens of high-ranking guards when the men first met – eternally cementing himself in Satorus mind and new life.

Suddenly, one of the men took off in Aokidanzas direction. The way he moved was as if he had been floating – flying towards Aokidanzas palm with extreme speed and ferocity. Satoru was in awe – the moment the young mans head made contact with the Senjus hand it disintegrated, leaving nothing but a lifeless corpse behind. “Impossible.” He thought to himself. His eyes instantly shifted to the other male, the tint of aura surrounding his body being very familiar to the Jugo as it was regularly used in Kumogakure and heavily documented at the Thunder Peak campus; the notorious Eight Inner Gates.

With the death of the first individual, Satoru was intrigued – with the guard backing up further – Satoru made the decision to move closer. After all, none of the watchtowers was being manned at this time and there was quite a threat to the safety of this village. With everyone distracted and under the covers of his attire he moved between the trees, closing the gap to 20 meters while still behind a series of trees and bushes – comfortably out of sight – moving completely inaudibly.

After a while, Aokidanza powered down – though he couldn’t quite see the other Eight Gate-wielding party clearly at this stage he decided to adjust his position to get a clear as day view of the group that was quickly forming. Two women arrived, one with a round table and umbrella strapped to her. Naturally, the guard ran over to help the woman, setting the table down while the second woman prepared the chairs for the group. As the chairs were being prepared, the umbrella-carrying woman unstrapped it from herself prior to deploying it.

The chair orientation was the most interesting part of this little exchange. Not accounting for the fact that all involved parties spoke so loudly that Satoru couldn’t help but overhear their entire exchange. Forming the dog hand seals, Satorus entire body would be transformed into a small Kapuas Mud Snake – otherwise known as the Chameleon snake whose colors and textures exactly matched the grass around him and leading up to the group. 3 inches, wide, long, and high – he was quite a small creature, but nimble and leveraging nature to adapt its colour to match its surroundings.

With the transformation, he drew closer at around 10 speed so as to not be caught in peripherals – silently moving between the cover of bushes, the color so native to the surrounding area that it would be indistinguishable to the naked eye of an observer. Closing the gap to 10 meters, he sat motionless in a path of overgrown grass on the far side of Aokidanza and co. Likewise, he approached the duo from the same angle, shielding his tiny stature behind Aokidanzas huge frame.

Listening to the tale of Hiko Shimada, Satoru was reminded of the brutal reality of the Shinobi Life. As a Missing Ninja with no loyalties or allegiances, not a soul would miss him, least of all Aokidanza. Satoru was in the perfect position to pick up on the exchange of both parties. The persistent cunning of his old friend entertained him to no-end. While the Kage of Tanbogakure offered 150 thousand for the Hokages services, it opened the floor to more questions than answers. The first that crossed Satorus mind was, “How on earth does this tiny village afford that?” he couldn’t quite believe it but they had given up the ace up their sleeve.

The village was loaded – if they could offer 150 thousand as if it was pocket change then he was sure that there was a lot more locked behind closed doors. As a missing ninja, this village became more enticing. Rob or conquer, there was potential for victory all around. The tension in the air meant that everyone was focused on Aokidanza and Yachiru, taking no account of the camouflaged snake in the grass observing the group. Not once had anyone mentioned observing the surroundings or attempting to take note of anything other than the Hokage  - nor had anyone gone out of their way to notice any animals in the vicinity.

Aokidanza continued to press the Rice Kage and for a moment it looked as if she had given in. Her demeanour, facial expression and telegraphed sigh of exasperation were all very textbook. In an instant, she had teleported. “Unlike the Aokidanza I knew to trust someone to not wander off with his money…” quipped the Jugo as his transformation was canceled 2 meters behind the Konoha delegation. His overbearing figure towering over his old friend by a few inches, the duo positioned themselves partially with their backs to the no-face no-case running Jugo. He tossed his cane to one side, grinning, his mask adapting – “Aren’t you going to take after her?” should the need arise, and if Aokidanza still failed to recognise the Jugo after the cane theatrics then he would manoeuvre to one side, applying 5AP to remove his mask to show his face only to Aokidanza before re-applying the mask with a further 5AP.

With the previously established location of the interdiction monolith, it meant that the group were well within the village's interdiction barrier and thus would be able to teleport effortlessly to give chase to the young Komekage. She was about to learn today and once everyone was ready to go he would say “Hold onto me. Lets go.” he would look at the Aokidanza, his metallic eyes and face darting to Yachiru as well as his aura exploaded outwards, enhancing his body via the means of Soul Expulsion. It’s demonic form flaring up as his hands came together forming the necessary hand seals. There was no time to waste. The teleportation chakra would commence at Satorus solar plexus, overtaking the trio before teleporting them 5 meters in front of Emi Tanaka, directionally facing her with both of the Konohagakure delegation by his side – all still inside the infamous Tanbogakure vault, her hands full clutching a large tarp of ryo and scrolls - still in the vault due to her teleport failing. The tarp was 8 meters in height and width with the eternity of the contents being at the base of the tarp and so her teleportation would have to overcome her body then spread from the point of contact in its entirety in order for her to leave with the contents that had been so tidily tarped up. Inside, the arriving group had space - 15 meters to the northern wall, 10 meters to the southern, 15 to the east and western walls. The roof was 35 meters in the air. There wasn't a single obstacle or item in the vault with the exception of ones in Emis grubby tarp.

(( Play the song for maximal reading pleasure. ))

The instant the trio arrived, Satorus right hand and left began forming six hand seals each. 3 meters behind the woman formed the start of a transparent aura that began expanding into the 25-meter radius. That was quickly followed by a second, transparent corruption aura that would also expand at the exact same speed and power of 100. The first would debuff the Kages Chakra and Speed by 50, while the second would debuff any teleportation techs used by the young lady – reducing the speed of the technique in question by 50.

The instant the six hand seals were completed by either hand, Satorus right hand formed 5 hand seals while his left formed 8 hand seals. Now opening his mouth, he fired a 273-centimetre long, 93-centimetre-wide spear that would carry a staggering 200 power, covering the 5-meter gap with 250 speed. Forming the seal of confrontation as the lightning spear completed its exit, it would split into three once it left Satorus mouth.

At that moment, Satoru chose his target, Emi Tanaka – with that she would be marked for inevitable and rather painful death as the now split spears would avoid all obstacles intent on impaling the Komekage in her heart, head, and abdomen. A love tap in each major part of the body.

2000 –
+10AP Jugo
-5AP Mask
-5AP Mask

WC: 2, 264
TWC: 2, 264

Claiming Emi Tanaka Signature with 2k WC.

Nature Stacks – 1/7
Infinity Stacks – 2/10
Vigor: 200 (Inc. +25 Jugo Clan Bonus) (Inc. +25 Uchiha Bonus)
Chakra: 150
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

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Not Another...[Village Warfare] - Page 3 Empty Re: Not Another...[Village Warfare]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 1:29 pm
A voice, familiar to the further reaches of his recollect would speak his name, familiarity tinged its voice. The Terrible one wouldn’t sense a trace of chakra, but within a mere instant he would turned his head, facing the one responsible. Yachiru would closed the distance between her lord and herself, nearly out of instinct as she kept her eyes bouncing from left to right, between the mute and the newcomer. She smiled lazily as her beautiful blue eyes gloomily assess the situation. She was on go, all she needed was a reason. This stranger could be working with Tanbo, but his knowing of Aokidanza was something that gave her room to wait.

The crimson eyes of the Hokage would read the body of the man, the mysterious man. A cane displayed would hasten the recollect of the Demon, yet he would still remain quiet. Observing the body to determine the truth of his physical nature, inspecting the chakra flow around him. He could see that he was actively suppressing his chakra - just how long was he within range of them? How much did he see, hear? A smile formed on the face of the terrible one, as the face was revealed for an instant, he could sense his chakra and immediately took note of it, just as he did with the woman, Emi. “Oh? It’s you. Are you here to stop me? If so, this village will not stand to see the end of that exchange.” A compliment to his acknowledgment of Satoru’s capabilities. A man he also sees as a rival, a brother.

It was sad, Aokidanza did not wish to think the worse of the Komekage, and because of such he did not pursue her, trusting her. But, it would seem he was growing too lenient with nature of other that he allows for a hiccup. “I suppose I should, now that you’ve mentioned it.” He would admit. His chakra began to bubble, twisting the psyche of any sensor shinobi or actively sensing ninja within the area, but before he could unleash his desired technique Satoru requested that he hold on to him. The Demon did not second guess it, he just did it. One thing he knew about Satoru was that he was resourceful in finding things, and he would not dare belittle such a talent. His closets hand to Satoru would reach out and grab hold to him, while his other did the same to Yachiru.

Before he knew it they were all within the vault of the village. Taking a few steps back, putting him 3 meters behind Satoru and Yachiru. From there he saw the face of the woman, she held a tarp, she looked to be in a rush, a panic and it was clear to him. She had no intentions of returning…

5 meters before the woman, the coward! His first nature took him so nastily as his Sharingan shifted to his Rinnegan, purple with several rings. His actions moved in accordance to that of Satoru’s as he did not make a move that would interfere or hinder that of his old friend. He whistled at a pitch that could not be heard by human ears, raising his right hand to the woman he would release a total of six 2 meter longs and 1 inch diameter black rods at the power of 125 and speed to match it. Each rod would travel at such a rate that it would not interfere with the path of said Satoru’s spears, piercing the both the eyes of the Komekage, the shoulders and the abdomen in a grueling way. Used in a way to avoid damaging what was within the tarp of used to shield.

Simultaneously to the producing of the whistle, single handled seals from his left hand would be weaved. His being was surrounded by a menacing chakra, corrupted to a further degree, crimson red, nearly that of blood - 2.5 meters in radius, 3 meters high with the Demon at its core. An ethereal rib cage surrounded the demon, as an one meter thick skeletal arm that could reach up to 10 meters elevated overhead, occupying 5 meters of space above them, making sure not to come into contact with the ceiling or the walls in its forming at a speed, power and holding a heals of 175/175/150. The construct was beaming with sage chakra, enhancing its already mighty, although gruesome, visage. In the midst of his rods launching to find their mark, using the mild prediction capabilities of the Rinnegan that it inherited from the Sharingan to track the possible movements of the victim to cut her off if need be, the arm of the skeletal ribcage darts for the upper body of the woman, a fist to smash into her from an higher angle, not impeding the coarse of the already launched/launching attacks. Should this connect with the woman her doom would become a reality. Her upper body sent to crash into the fortitude behind her.

Yachiru, appeared on the side of Aokidanza that Satoru was not, taking a few steps to the away from them both, to the side, to put her 3 meters away. She formed seals as she whistled to prepare just in case this Komekage was a crafty escape artist. She would capitalize on any window given to her to kill this woman.

What Satoru would refer to narratively as “Love Taps” Aokidanza would see it as “Vigorous Redemption”.

WC: 915
TWC: 6,147

AP: 950/1710

Rinnegan: -10 AP
Jugo DNA: +10 AP
NE Stack: 5/6 - 4/6 (for amplifier)

Ninjutsu Amplifier: 50 AP | +25 Speed +25 Power of following Jutsu
Black Receiver Rod v7: 30 AP | 125 Power | 125 Speed
Sage Art Amplifier: 50 AP | +25 Speed +25 Power of following Jutsu
Susanoo (Base): 75 AP | 175 Power | 175 Speed | 150 Health
Whistle Trigger: 25 AP (5 seals)
One-Handed Seals: 10 AP (A-Rank tech)

AP: 2041/2044
NE Stack: 2/6
Emi Tanaka
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Not Another...[Village Warfare] - Page 3 Empty Re: Not Another...[Village Warfare]

Wed Jan 18, 2023 6:48 pm
Voiding the entirety of Satoru's posts as per the rules on Village Warfare

A character posting on a war topic can’t be a part of other topics until they exit.

Note that the post here was not before his attempted exit from

Also note that I am not posting for myself on the topic. ONLY NPCs.

Therefore voiding the entirety of Aokidanza's post, Emi's death, the memorization of Emi's chakra signature by Satoru, etc.

I do have OTHER reasons the post is void, but this one is pretty solid.

If you are allowing the TP despite the AP error, then Emi has successfully exited the topic. If allowed I will make claims afterwards. If this is NOT allowed, the post follows below.

Seeing as nothing had happened as Emi had already finished gathering the things, the teleport apparently failing for some reason that made no sense to her, and would likely also baffle Rin if she ever got to tell the girl her story, she quickly made her way out of the vault. Luckily, it was incredibly fast and simple to leave. While carefully controlled and access was difficult, involving many time consuming actions, it was BASICALLY a one way system. Not entirely. Technically she was supposed to go through the whole rigamarole but...

Well, it was empty. And the protections did not stop someone LEAVING easily, just made a big commotion (in the 'the chakra traps are triggered' manner, NOT the 'tons of noise' manner). So it was easy to step out through the door, carrying the materials from inside the vault, and join the mass of people in the tunnel. There was no resistance from the door or its safeguards as she slid it open (it slides open into the wall). The door opened completely and she was able to swiftly exit, joining the flow of persons. The way out of the village previously mentioned that goes through the castle? Actually goes right through here. Not through the vault, but right outside the door. It was a tunnel that led outside the village.

No time passed between Emi having had the things mentioned in the tarp previously, and her walking out into the hallway, besides what it took to simply slide the door out of the way, which is basically nothing, and finally joining the mass of persons fleeing the village, carrying all the previously mentioned things. Among them she noticed none of the other ninja of her village, but many of its people. In fact, if she had taken the time to observe it, she would have seen them nowhere to be found. They were simply not close by, likely either escaped or at the various entrances ushering people in. Emi would have been amazed by her sheer luck had she looked. Except for the one spot she had taken, and filled, there were no other spots that were free of people that could even possibly fit another person. But that was neither here nor there. There was a mass of people, and Emi was thankfully in exactly the right timing to squeeze in and join them. And, with the vault cleared, it was opened from the other side to allow another line of egress. The vault itself would quickly fill with people. Within eyesight, easily over a hundred meters, there were people filling the small space It was tight enough that Emi was somewhat afraid of Crowd Crush, but she knew that the exit was not that far down from where she already was, and the line of people was already reaching there. All the pressure came from behind, not in front, as people fled the village. But the threat of collapse did not scare Emi. This path would only fall if all of the region were to be decimated, and while Aokidanza had threatened that, she had good reason to think he would need time before being able to do such. So she left, surrounded by a crowd of people, fleeing the village, far away from the direction Aokidanza had sat. She only hoped that Zenyatta and Kuruoshiki would somehow be ok but...

She feared that would not be an option.

She would curse until her final days the choice to not bring them with.

Even as she fled her home.

Through a tunnel barely over the six foot tall that she stood, well truthfully two meters tall, so she had a bit of space. Surrounded by people, having some against her back, some against her front, the tarp and such taking up the space to her side. The tunnel was only two meters wide, and Emi was leaned against one wall, moving along it.

Within this hallway, there was no risk of death by lack of oxygen, as airflow was paramount. The fire would be contained to a different area, and would pose no threat to the people in the tunnels, not even the smoke or other airborne things that might originate from a fire. The tunnel was well reinforced and, at minimum, would require decimation of most of the land to cause it to collapse, which would require one to destroy much of Tanbogakure quickly and fully. Emi would leave, with her people, and venture off into tomorrow. Safe, from all sources, unless someone who was well and truly beyond two kilometers away, outside the interdiction seals of the village, tried to somehow teleport into this confined space filled with people.

Despite the crowd, most all were in a rush. Not running, but at the least walking. Not leaving space for others, but not crushing. Emi had gotten lucky to so perfectly time her movements entirely by accident to find a space that fit her and the supplies she carried. It was still tight, but all had fit, and nothing had fallen out of the tarp holding. Those around Emi were too worried about escaping to worry about what might be in her tarp. As such, Emi left. Hoping that tomorrow would prove a brighter day. And the vault was quickly left in her wake, the growing meters between her and it signifying her final decision.

Emi exiting by walking. If THIS goes through, I will make claims later.

NPCs next:

Zenyatta was the first to notice the strange amount of time that was passing. He tapped thrice on the table, and Kuruoshiki would quickly translate for the mute.

"He wishes to use a simple technique, and requests you be not afraid. Though feel free to be cautious."

Zenyatta would for the Seal of Confrontation. What he was using may be recognized as "Minds Eye of the Kagura". He focused on in, and would look to Kuruoshiki, losing his smile.

He could not detect anything back at the village, but that was standard. They were at the outer gates, after all, which were a whole two kilometers away from the entrance*.

If they were actually simply at the main gates at village's entrance, which is HIGHLY unlikely and wildly inconsistent with the rest of the topic, but IF: Zenyatta would notice that none were left around him. None in the nearby buildings. That was strange, but Zenyatta would make no reactions, neither conscious nor unconscious.

But he also could not detect anything besides the persons present: Himself, Kuruoshiki, Aokidanza, and his Aid. He also knew the corpse of Hiko was still nearby. Beyond that, there was no one within earshot for the conversation the group had been having. Not that he could sense with his technique, that is.

He looked to Kuruoshiki, and dropped the technique. Shaking his head, Kuruoshiki tried to guess what he meant. It took three tries, and increasing annoyance by Zenyatta, for Kuruoshiki to figure out that Zen was trying to express that 'there are none others around us'.

*This is canonical to various other posts with the NPCs.

Zenyatta spends 100 AP activating Minds Eye of the Kagura
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Not Another...[Village Warfare] - Page 3 Empty Re: Not Another...[Village Warfare]

Thu Jan 19, 2023 4:50 am
OOC - Since both this and the subjugation are intertwined I figured it's bet to get a BM decision here too.

Since we're deep diving into rules, I'd light to highlight the following rule(s) -

"Finally, it should go without saying that a village gate topic should be at the village gates." - Zee's character isn't leaving via the village gates they're leaving via some underground back door that isn't documented anywhere. This would be like me entering Konoha through a nonexistent back door that I simply established with my own logic and direction over the course of a handful of posts.

"Generally speaking, if a character is given entry into a village, that should be the coming end of the topic - as in, there shouldn't be any significant rping in the village itself. If characters wish to do so, they must create a new topic in the village sub-forum." - Entering the vault, ordering everyone to flee, emptying the vault is surely considered 'significant rping'.

"There are exceptional circumstances to this, such as combat occurring at the village gates, spilling over into the village, or even destroying topics. However, if not necessary, gate topics should follow this usual procedure. " - No combat is actively occurring at the gates yet so this proviso does not apply to the aforementioned argument.

"Failure to do and circumvent the rules by partaking in a crime or other issues in the confinement of the village, then using the fact the topic is at the gates to exit into the country borders will be punished - typically resulting in a void of the entire topic, though certainly not limited to." - As you can see from the previous post, Zee after her failed teleport attempt is using the fact that this is a gate thread in order to leave the village.

Emi Tanaka
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Not Another...[Village Warfare] - Page 3 Empty Re: Not Another...[Village Warfare]

Fri Jan 20, 2023 12:06 am
Y'all can talk about the minutiae all you want but, I do feel the need to point something out.

Emi exiting by walking. If THIS goes through, I will make claims later.

"Exit" isn't the same as "Exiting the village"

Edit: to make it clear, "Emi leaves" and "the topic is void" have the same essential outcome, as far as I'm concerned. Emi taking the money was directly because of Aoki. No thread? No Aoki. No reason to take the money.

This is REGARDLESS of what happens in the subjugation topic. Emi might still leave the village in the case of this topic being voided and the subjugation happening, but she'd have no reason to try and protect the village contents from Aoki. Yeah, there's an argument to be made about similar for Satoru. I very much did engage in that topic assuming that this topic was going to actually conclude. But I'm willing to accept that compromise, if it is determined that my actions in the thread are reason to void the entire thread, as pointed out by the rules Vlad shared. I personally do not believe that to be the correct action, as I believe the specific rules do not apply due to the extenuating circumstances of the topic, and that this is simply a topic exit, but in the end, it goes how it goes.

Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Not Another...[Village Warfare] - Page 3 Empty Re: Not Another...[Village Warfare]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:15 am
Since we're still waiting I'd like to insert the following rule for consideration with respect to the Village Exclusive theft.

"Village Exclusives can be taken by other villages, the most common way being the subjugation or destruction of the village in question by another. However, that is not the only way. Village Exclusives are considered a village's pride, and as such, they can be offered in exchange for favors and as a way of forming diplomatic ties with another village. Village Exclusives may also be stolen, although to do so, the person stealing them must post within the Kage Office of the village they're trying to steal from and successfully take the scrolls they wish to steal. "
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Not Another...[Village Warfare] - Page 3 Empty Re: Not Another...[Village Warfare]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 5:32 pm
Hello people. All of your arguments have been received and heard out.

1. The Gate topic(s) and their tags. Per the rules, a village can only be in one warfare topic at a time. And for everything that has occurred, this is a Village Warfare topic. Now understandably, it might have given the impression that it started as a village entry. Still, even then, character development topics can turn into combat at the drop of a hat. Thus the "Rice Rice Baby" topic will be voided in its entirety as "Not Another" predates it, and this one should have the appropriate warfare tag added to the title. Aoki is not the one who started this title, but Nj or another staff member can add it for him.

2. Vlad's entrance into this topic. The above verdict might allude to him being good to go, but that is not quite the case. The biggest problem is that he reacted to events in previous posting turns, acting as if he was there the entire time. Per the rules, this is not allowed. "You can only act upon the most recent post, and if you have a thread going on for multiple posts and try to jump in and respond to something on the first post, you will be voided. " As a result, his post and subsequent post of Aokidanza claiming Emi's death is voided.

3. Zee's attempt to loot the vault of Tanbogakure and the exclusives. That is a crime, even if the villager does it, per the rules and established site precedent. That action cannot occur in a village gate topic and thus is void. Vlad has linked the rule enough times already, so I'll add them both in a spoiler below. The situation is more of a toss-up for the exclusives. Still, if they were into Okada Castle and then taken the exclusives, that might have been more feasible, but that action cannot go through.


Final verdict: The topic returns to Emmi's teleportation attempt. Aoki is next capable of reacting to it, and then it's Vlad's turn -provided he intends still to be part of this topic after the verdicts and fixes the reaction issue. To avoid confusion, I request all combatants make their new posts after the BM ruling. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me and I'll answer soon. 

Good luck everyone!
Emi Tanaka
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Ryo : 0

Not Another...[Village Warfare] - Page 3 Empty Re: Not Another...[Village Warfare]

Tue Jan 31, 2023 6:21 pm
Emi in Tanbogakure

Simpler days. Emi had to think of simpler days. That would help her get through this. She kept telling herself that.

Even as Aoki exclaimed his superiority. Emi had to think of a simpler time. When she checked out that beach place. She had had a great time, performing for people. She had dragged her equipment all the way there. And it was a blast. Some people paid her for it. Or donated, maybe? She was unsure if there were weird technicalities around those words or not. Either way, it did not particularly matter. She had gone to had fun. She had had fun, playing music for a crowd. That money was involved was simply a bonus.

She had been able to enjoy so much. The sun had beamed down. She had actually been able to get a tan! On purpose! That wasn't the result of backbreaking labor in the rice fields!

She had played some fucking epic jams. Turned heads, too. Sure, she had only played some 'safe' stuff. No swears, none of those things. This was a public place, there were kids. But her tastes in music were... decidedly different. It was new, for many people. There had been hecklers. Performing in public was a magnet for hecklers. But the people cheering her on, or at least being nice, far outweighed the hecklers. Even when they were physically louder, whether the small crowd around her was quiet and listening, or the heckler was shouting at the top of their lungs, there was always something that stirred within the crowd: resentment towards the person fucking up the music. They themselves would often find themselves heckled by far more people.

At one point an individual had even been chased off. So Emi had been able to play in peace.

When Emi had encountered weird, spooky things? Honestly that had not been that bad either. Things were strange, certainly, but the world seemed to overall be enjoying it. She had heard some glorious tales of those times. Of people doing this and that, finding things that were, sometimes, beyond simple comprehension.

Emi thought it, at least in no small part, to be hogwash. She had heard too many individuals say, more or less, the same thing. Could there truly be seven nearly identical cosmic entities bent upon destroying the planet, all foiled in simple ways?

The answer was not 'no', necessarily, but the answer most certainly was 'that seems unlikely'.

Even with the tall tales, the frivolous outcomes, it was still fun. Emi had truly enjoyed listening to those various people tell their various tales. Those that stalk the night facing those that stalk the unknowable. There had been a particularly well spoken individual, one that she expected most of all had made it up. For her stories had not perfectly matched, not in the ways such stories normally were, yet were so eloquently spoken. It was beautiful, truly. She had been the one to use that prose. 'Those that stalk the night facing those that stalk the unknowable." It had sent a shiver down Emi's spine at the time.

Now it paled in comparison to the one in front of her.

It was these sorts of happy thoughts that gave her the conviction. She knew what she had to do. It hurt. She disliked it. But she had a role to fill. These memories gave her energy. Energy to not fight. To just get it done.

She could remember mere moments ago, as Kuruoshiki had taken the table from her, she had already been affronted (not on purpose, of course, probably), by the Hokage's chakra. Perhaps 'assaulted' was the wrong turn. It was not as if he were constantly hostile. Or perhaps he was. Perhaps this was less "Emi was rather new to the sense and overestimating it". Maybe he was just actively, or passively, hostile about such. It would not surprise her, based on the discussion so far. But it set a tone about him. Whether it was her inexperience convincing her of something not true, or something else, she had a gut feeling: he was not lying.

"Understood," she would say. "I will need to go to the village vault. One moment."

Emi raised her hand to her forehead, and in a moment she was back within Tanbogakure, within the Komekage's office. Teleporting was far faster than if she had taken the time to walk back. The Hokage seemed like the sort who was willing to wait, but would prefer not being made to wait unnecessarily.

From the office, it was a short trip to the vault, but...

The whole time, she questioned, how did people get to this point?

Why was THIS a Kage? How was someone so conceited... was that even the right word? Emi was not certain.

Emi did not, and could not, know for sure. But there were a lot of little tidbits she could put together. From what she was told, from what memories were shared by Zenyatta, from everything.

She would only learn more damnable things about the Hokage as the day went on, if it went on somewhat normally. But right now, there were two options available to her.

Complete and total hell. Multiple people hating her. Because she refused to bow to the whims of a narcissistic asshole.

Or give up. She took pride in being Kage. It had started as a joke, and then an active source of anxiety when her joke actually WORKED. But was it worth it? What if Aokidanza was not an exception, but a rule? What if all the Kage were as... Emi still did not know the exact word, but what if all Kage were THAT?

And she was going to go to a SUMMIT with these potential freaks? Nope.

Perhaps if things had gone a bit differently. If the paper had been closer, she would have impulsively tried to save as many as she could while standing up defiantly to a madman.

But it was not. The paper was not that close. The pen was not that close. Perhaps a twist of fate, the wings of a butterfly. Whatever it was, the case was that Emi had decided: she was done with this.

The vault was easy to enter, and withdraw exactly 300k ryo. And solemnly, she would walk, back to the gates, back to the meeting point with Aokidanza, trying to brighten up, at least pretend to be accepting, when she was within eye shot.

The ryo, all 300k, was all in a bag. She would drop it on the table, while still standing on the "village" side of the table, across from Aokidanza. While there was an obvious amount of disdain in her actions, she was truthful in doing them. The ryo was deposited on the exact center of the table, not in danger of tipping off, or spilling. Neither Zenyatta nor Kuruoshiki would make any moves to stop her.

"There. The payment is complete. Let's go, you two. Grab on."

She would hold her elbows out to either side, clearly intending for Zenyatta and Kuruoshiki to grab on and return to the village.

Emi -100AP using IT
Zenyatta +10 AP
Kuruoshiki +10 AP
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Not Another...[Village Warfare] - Page 3 Empty Re: Not Another...[Village Warfare]

Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:19 pm
Conceited. An asshole. A narcissist. A madman. Call it what you will, Aokidanza was that and much more terrible. It matter little to him, if at all what others thought of him, or his decisions and actions. He grew up in a cold world ravaged by conflict, war and greed. Did this make him into a product of his environment? No. He stood above that, The Demon dominated his environment and any and everyone within it. He was a walking plague, a freak of nature, an abomination to the very existence of life. The very earth trembles in his wake, the dead restless and the living filled with dread. So the disdain in the face of this child Kage meant nothing to him.

With the bag tossed to the center of the table, his eyes slowly trailed towards it, returning to the Komokage. Yachiru would smile gently as she walked over and collected the bag, she opened and glanced within, taking a count of what she could see. It would seem to be all there. Motioning towards her lord she would hand him the bag and he would place it within his garb securely.

The Demon would take note of her and her shinobi taking their leave. He would maintain a grin, malicious as it was and glance over to Yachiru.

Come, Yachiru. Our time here has concluded.

He stated, the two would then take their leave in the opposite direction. Once back at the location of their initial arrival The Demon would pause. Looking back at the village, the gates from where he stood.

What is is, Aokidanza?

The Anbu asked, also looking at the village, only after inspecting the expression on his face. The Demon did not respond right away. He said nothing as silence submerged them. He felt an urge to unleash hell, to show them the power of a God. Yet…

The Komokage…she will not make it as a village leader. Something tells me she’s more unfit for the position than I am. The only question is will she die, or will she vacate the seat? At any rate, I know a criminal when I see one, and she has the eyes of a criminal.

His words seem to resonate with Yachiru, she understood what he meant. She saw it too? It was it more so of a hunch that was somewhat confirmed?

Yes, that one does come off as untrustworthy, I wonder why that is.

The woman would place her hand on the right shoulder of the Hokage. He formed a single seat with his right hand. In a instant a dark purple flash of lightning removed them from that point and returning them home to Konoha.

WC: 452
TWC: 6,599

Exit - Via FTG to Konoha

AP: 1100/1710

Sharingan 3 Tomoe: -10 AP
Jugo DNA: +10 AP
NE Stack: 4/6

Flying Thunder God: 75 AP | 85 Power | 100 Speed
One-Handed Seals: 15 AP

AP: 2041/2044
+10 AP (idle)
NE Stack: 2/6

300,000 ryo from Tanbo Vault handed over by Emi the Komokage.
Memorizing Chakra Signatures: Emi, Zenyatta and Kuruoshiki
Max stat bonus for AP 130

As far as what I will claim with this word count I will decide later
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Not Another...[Village Warfare] - Page 3 Empty Re: Not Another...[Village Warfare]

Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:22 pm
Approved of Exit and claims
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