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Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Village : Kumogakure
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Hajimari Empty Hajimari

Fri Sep 30, 2022 3:08 pm
Hajimari 5c4377029e4f297e9bdf0aa9fcfa7c1d

Satoru was dressed in his regular attire. Jet black cloak, hunched over like a pensioner, wearing his ember mask, his left hand adorned with the Infinity ring. Slowly but surely, he made his way towards the office of the Mizukage. As a wanderer, a Missing Ninja he figured that considering the turmoil and the sudden transition of power he could perhaps offer his services to the new leadership.

Walking cane in hand, he limped over to the building slowly making his way inside, his eyes darting around the series of rooms and hallways until he eventually arrived at the Mizukages office. Naturally, there was a formal procedure of an escort to the room as was protocol within their village but nothing stood out to the young Jugo.

Feigning being elderly, the Jugo tapped his cane against the door – the escort announcing the Jugo with - ‘The travelling merchant is here to see you Lord Mizukage.’. Once invited in, the Jugo would stumble into the middle of the room, his eyes darting within the confines of his mask to take note of the dimensions of the interior, entrances and exists.

Once stationary he would address the Mizukage with an elderly voice of desperation, “A pleasure to meet you, Lord Mizukage. I am the travelling merchant, Kin. I arrived in the village during the reign of your predecessor but considering recent events, I thought it only appropriate to offer my services.”

Reaching into his cloak, his hands wrapped in gloves to conceal his young skin composition, his body covered head to toe in a skin-tight jumpsuit concealed by the black cloak. His right and left hips were armed with weapon pouches filled with assortments of all his tools. He moved slowly as to not arise suspicion, before long he fished out a scroll which he gently placed on the table. “You see — I am a medical merchant not by trade but more by association. I have here a Jugo organ if you’d be so interested.”

His vision would be fixed on the Mizukages upper body. He was ready to react to anything at a moment’s notice throughout the interaction.  Clearing his throat, coughing in the process, the Jugo would await the Mizukages response before continuing.

Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Hajimari Empty Re: Hajimari

Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:19 pm
Shikami was sitting in his office, once more doing more money management paperwork. It was quiet a sight to see what the village had, and his donation only added to it. Shikami would take a breath as he waited on the paperwork to finalize the market. Shikami continued to go through other paperwork when Chizu would suddenly be at the door. The elderly woman would announce the merchant , and since he was pretending to be elderly himself, she gave him a wink as if she was hitting on him as she went back to the front desk herself. Shikami would Tell her to open the door before she left which she would do. Allowing the merchant to walk in, To this Shikami would stand up and walk around to meet the man in the middle of the floor and offer to shake the hand not holding onto the cane and than offered a seat to the old man.

If the man sat, so would Shikami as he would listen to the man "Yes it was sad to be abandoned by Lady Murata and than Lord Gonk taking his own life, I wish I could have gotten here when he was writing the letter and stop the events, but such is life. " That was when the man offered his own services and Shikami would nod "Certainly, if your wares will sell here in Kiri, you are more than welcomed to peddle around here" That was when the elder man pulled out a scroll from under his cloak, Not before however Shikami's eyes noticed the ninja tool pouches on either side of the mans hips. This would put Shikami on alert, but he would not make any note yet aloud to let the man know he suspects anything.

The Scroll was set on the table and Shikami would listen to the man talking about being a medical merchant, and having a Jugo Organ. Shikami would nod, looking at the scroll and ask the man " A Jugo huh? Mind me asking how you come across such a rare organ indeed, the knowledge that we have of Jugo's allows one to believe they would be difficult to take down, No offense, but you seem past your prime old man" Shikami was slowly losing his couth in the moment, he had suspects the man of being more than he was, so when Shikami made the assumption of him being past his prime, Shikami's head had turned to look back at the man.

Shikami was not one prone to violence, at least not since taking the hat of the kage which was currently on his head. The Kage Robes hid his body, This allowed him to make movements for the most part without worry, but he did not make any at this time. He wanted to see if the man would fess up himself, or if Shikami had reason to try to expose the man. He watched him carefully for any signs that would give him away further.
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Hajimari Empty Re: Hajimari

Sat Oct 01, 2022 2:17 am
The questions came thick and fast. Strategically, the Jugo no longer stood the benefit of concealing his identity. While he would continue to don the ember mask, the requirement for the feeble stature had passed and it was time to finally put all of the chips onto the table. “Past my prime you say?” the Jugo maintained the voice of an elderly man for a moment as he stood from his seated position. His hands falling into hiding as his large robe began exposing his oversize stature.

The 6ft 7 behemoth stood talk, his hood falling back during his ascent to reveal his dark orange locks of overgrown hair. The ember mask morphed as a metallic grin formed across the Jugos mask adorned face. Satorus hands twitched as he towered over the 6ft Mizukage. His ascent showed no signs of aggression, but it didn’t hurt to remain on guard.

As Satoru straightened his posture, his slender but well-built composition firmly established it’s presence within the office. His eyes locked on the Mizukages chest, primed to react to even the most subtle of movements. “If I may do away with the formalities. The reason I have ventured here on this fine day offer the new leadership a proposition…” his voice had evolved from the fake elderly pensioners to a deep bass vocal range that boomed through the entire room.

“In light of the world events, I suspect it will be inevitable before the other powers look to take advantage of this change in leadership. For a suitable monthly stipend or some appropriate wares, I would be prepared to offer my services to the village.”

Satorus rhetoric was delivered in a clear and concise manner. His hands were primed and concealed by his oversized sleeves he was ready to act in the event of an overreaction. In the meantime, he stood motionless, his feet planted firmly on the floor, his mind recalling the distribution of power throughout the building if escape was necessary. Throughout the course of his rhetoric, he collected the Jugo scroll returning it to his cloak rather casually.
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Hajimari Empty Re: Hajimari

Mon Oct 03, 2022 9:48 pm
Shikami was glad that the man came clean with his truth. Shikami took some time to think over the offer from the man, and he would walk pull his leg up into his lap and listened to the man give his proposition. At That time Shikami would look around the man and wave his hand. Just outside the window of the Mizukage's Office, the ANBU, Dreamer, would nod and suddenly disappear from sight once more. Albeit he was still close enough to interfere if he needed to. Shikami would look to the man " Excuse my bodyguard, it is his job after all. " Shikami seemed unfazed by the statuesque man that towered over him even if he was standing. "Well I am more than willing to accept a new shinobi into my ranks. However to place you properly, we would need a measure of power and more importantly, talent. Oh and I would need something to ensure your loyalty to me, I cannot just pay a random Shinobi for work without knowing the wage he deserves, and that he will not flake on the village the moment he deems fit" With that Shikami would stand up and walk over to a silver tray with two glasses that sat upon it and a bottle of scotch. Shikami did not drink often since he took on his role of Jounin seriously , let alone now as a Kage. To which he would pour two drinks and place the stopper back in the container. He would turn around and hand the mountain of a man one glass and he kept the other for himself.

"I have a proposition, or counter offer even for you. We find out where you would fall in the scale of the village, I will agree to pay you your Rank's Worth that anyone else of that rank would get. Given proper dedication to both the village and if I may be selfish, myself. I would be inclined to rank ups, amongst of which you would gain not just pay raise, but also the other benifits, such as , maybe a selection of a technique unique to the village." To which Shikami would sip the scotch a little bit before he speak again. "Oh and other than a temporary stay on the village exclusives that one may get to access on whatever rank you obtain, You would be treated ultimately like a Kiri Shinobi, meaning any discounts or shops, even our R&D would be open to you to use. And Lastly, and this may entrigue you most, the Hunter - Nin association will boy bodies off of you at an increase rate than just the standard . I hear that a entrepenuer is in the village trying to open a stall and are willing to pay more. But I think thats cause they are trying to resell, where as anything I or the Hunter Nin's buy will be available for free to the village. If Money is indeed what you care about." Shikami would sip once more and now waited to hear from the man in front of him.
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Hajimari Empty Re: Hajimari

Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:30 am
Satoru stood motionless; his metallic face expressionless as he absorbed the Mizukages rhetoric. The man talked of loyalty, enrolling as a Shinobi and a lot of other elements that Satoru had no taste for. It was a shame that the man decided against taking the Jugo up on his offer, but he wasn’t about to sacrifice his Kumogakure allegiance for this village.

As the Mizukages speech came to an end, the Jugo nodded once before responding with, “Unfortunate for our negotiations to have broken down so quickly. Please excuse me.” With that, he pivoted, his cloak gently wafting through the air as he made his way towards the door that he had entered through. He pulled it open, making his way out of the room and then downstairs before eventually leaving the building.

He took a moment to look back, shaking his head in disbelief. He couldn’t quite believe that someone so inept in the art of negations was not the Kage of one of the strongest villages in the world. He lacked the silver tongue and foresight of his predecessor, but Satoru held no ill intentions. He had but a few more days left within the village before his planned departure for the next destination. Armed with the knowledge of the new Mizukage, it was time for Satoru to set his sights on the next adventure. While neutral, he knew of this village’s reputation as the Bloody Mist, he hoped that this Mizukage didn’t act in any way as to try on the Jugo’s life in light of the recent exchange.


WC - 266
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Hajimari Empty Re: Hajimari

Tue Oct 04, 2022 1:09 pm
Shikami would twirl the scotch in his glass and sigh softly as the man spoke " I am sorry that you feel that way, I was still up to negotiations, but if that is how you feel, I cannot change your mind. In which case I will offer you One hundred thousand ryo from the village coffers for that Jugo Dna you brought forward, forgive me if I insist before the transaction that you show the organ. I figure an amount like the deems worthy seeing the goods before purchase. If you are for it before you leave, Anything extra will add only a little bit, an additional fifty thousand for a second organ if you have it, and twenty five thousand for every organ after that. Depending on the dna you bring to the village if you ever visit again, I am willing to pay similarly . But now the ball is in your court, as you seemed to over look the offer for an opportunity to get a healthy amount of Ryo monthly and with a small portion of dedication, earning the right to a village exclusive." Shikami reiterated about the village exclusive things. At this time Shikami would take one more swig, this time finishing the scotch.

This ninja was sure of his skills, that had to speak somewhat to the extent of the mans skill. It was not normal for a shinobi to be freely roaming the world so carefree unless they could handle themselves. High Chuunin, Maybe Jounin level easily. That was the feel at this point , the question now was how powerful was the jugo he got those organs from. One idea fleeted through his mind but he shook it off. He waited to see if the man would continue his actions he intended or if he would give pause and take up Shikami on his deal.
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Village : Kumogakure
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Hajimari Empty Re: Hajimari

Tue Oct 04, 2022 1:51 pm
Satoru stopped in his tracks; his hand extended out to the doorknob. A hundred thousand was an attractive offer but for someone to offer such an outlandish figure reinforced the notion of the mist village’s financial security. “One hundred and fifty thousand for the organ. Another one hundred as a show of good faith of the leadership of Kirigakure. For the secondary fee, I’m prepared to offer your village the first discounted pick of my future stock.” His voice boomed as his hand took hold of the doorknob. The Jugo was aware that his offer was insane but considering how the so-called negotiations had progressed up to now, it wouldn’t be anything that he’d lose too much sleep over.
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Hajimari Empty Re: Hajimari

Tue Oct 04, 2022 2:26 pm
Shikami would shake his head "Sorry, My offer was relatively generous, asking for more is almost an insult to the fact that if you were to sell it to most markets, you would likely get a fourth of the price I offered, if that. This is the moment I stand firm on my offer. Any additional funds requires more services on your part, either body parts or a swear of allegiance, either is up to you if your in dire need for the money" After that Shikami would say nothing more on the subject and returned to his desk to finish more paper work.
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Hajimari Empty Re: Hajimari

Tue Oct 04, 2022 2:32 pm
Satoru sensed the shift in the atmosphere of the room the moment he concluded his sentence. As the words, ‘Sorry’ parted the Mizukages lips, he twisted the knob, making his way out of the room before closing the door behind him. If anything, Satorus hand was forced. A good business negotiation immediately entered a request for allegiance. Perhaps the duo wasn’t compatible with one another.

Nonetheless, nothing gained, nothing list. Satoru made his way back into the shadows.

Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Hajimari Empty Re: Hajimari

Tue Oct 04, 2022 3:02 pm
It was sad to see the possible transaction fall through. But now Shikami was aware of the man's presence in the village, for the time being at least. He wondered if the man would come back to his door for more negotiations at any point. Shikami would delve fully back into his work he needed to attend, he had hoped to gain a possible ally since the man was obviously capable, but it seemed to had backfired in a way, oh well. Shikami had set aside several applications for shinobi he was prepared to offer different positions to.

Some of them seemed powerful in their own ways and even though they were of lower ranks, rivaled some of the higher rank applications. It was time to start forming the ninja army back up to what it used to be.

TWC- 1571 /3750 towards Binding of Yuumei (Spec Slotless)

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