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Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Raging Inferno
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 79000

Rising from the Ash and Dust Empty Rising from the Ash and Dust

Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:45 pm
It had all happened so fast for the young Genin.

Well, now you could consider him a rather young Chunin now, due to his own recent promotion inside of the Chunin exams…. It was absolutely baffling to be the one who ended up graduating when so many others were there fighting for the position. He hadn't even won the combat portion of the exam. Yet it seemed his bravery and overall ability was adept enough to give him that promotion. God he remembered the feeling coursing through his own body. That announcement shook him, made him feel giddy inside that he had won out over so many others. Yet it seemed that his first order of business… was going to be the most difficult task he’d have to deal with.

“Either Guren-Sama wants to make things awkward… or he just has a sick sense of humor… Don’t know which one is worse.”

He gave a small dry chuckle at the implications of his own teammates. Since he had previously fought against two of them during the chunin exams combat. He even lost to one of his own Genin now. Karo shook his head, beginning to read up on the files of all three of the Genin underneath him now. The sheet of parchment is light and thin inside of his index and thumbs grip. Each word being read while inside of the training grounds… He was trying to get himself ready, mostly due to his own confidence that being chunin might have gotten to his head, he decided to send messages to all three of them due to where their own locations were that was also given to him. It was pretty easy to find Aki… After all he was a part of a known family. However the other two addresses would be far more hard pressed to find. Karo however during the night had been able to find each and every address that was handed to him. As such the Yogan simply was waiting in the training grounds. Testing his own abilities for the moment as everything seemed to be going well for him for right now. He just needed to look much closer at the documents now. First starting with the individual he knew the least about.

“Hinoishi…. Did pretty bad in the tournament section… Almost got his headband fully taken away-” Karo gave a sigh of relief that it didn’t happen to him. Perhaps it would have cost him the promotion if that were to have happened. However, focusing on the boy's look, he remembered him showing up during the written portion of the exam. Although he only recognized him due to how they described him. Wearing mostly all red did make him look more like a target though.

Next up was the one who he had defeated inside of the Chunin exams, Kin Akiyama, who apparently hailed from the Sarutobi clan… although that was only what the document said. Karo read slightly more and more of the document as time progressed. INterested in learning that the boy was really an avid puppet user through and through. That thought did very much surprise the young boy. However it only made him wonder aloud if perhaps he could help make those puppets a lot more threatening… He did have a few ideas on that at least.

Last but not least was the man who beat him… who apparently speaking is an avid dinker… Who would have known that the man who beat him was a drunkard. Although it honestly didn’t matter much to the Yogan, only that it was for the best that everyone let bygones be bygones and they could all be a competent team together. Although Karo had no idea how exactly to run a team. He’d only do his best in following what he knew, and the small amounts of advice his father had given him. The calm red haired Yogan continued to wait, wondering if Guren gave him these three for any particular reason.

Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Jupiter's Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 168000

Rising from the Ash and Dust Empty Re: Rising from the Ash and Dust

Tue Aug 16, 2022 4:38 pm
The journey to Tea country and back was long and arduous. The path by ground would have had Jupiter and his assigned teammate travel through Fire Country, but the path by sea was a direct route. This was enough justification for the two Genin to infiltrate a merchant's convoy in order to fulfil their ambition. After knocking out two tall knights who were assigned to guard the three carriages in one select specimen, two Genin placed themselves on a path to Tea Country. They had set off towards the harbor with high expectations. However, a dust storm had shrouded their vessel in an endless sea of pelting sand pellets, the sound of which sounded no different than waves in the deep blue sea not far from Mikadzuki Beach. The next thing that Jupiter Yamanaka could recall was waking up in a shrine, seated before an idol meant to represent Jashin, the God of Death. His esteemed partner with whom he was to travel was no where in sight.

In order to get ahead in the world of shinobi, one had to acquire both knowledge and power. One without the other would only ever take an aspiring Genin so far in his journey into shinobihood. Jupiter learned that there were rules that governed his world beyond what his own senses could presently conceive. In his naive attempt to journey into Tea Country, he was not knowledgable about the procedure and thus he had failed. This was the only explanation that was bestowed to him as a divine revelation when he sat and meditated at the Temple of Jashin to seek within himself for the answers he longed for. Upon returning to his flat, he learned that he had received a letter inviting him to join a squad of four comprised of two other Genin and a leader the names of which were not disclosed to him in the letter that he had received. All he was given was a time and a location. After washing up and brewing a cup of black coffee - without sugar - he was sipping on his cup looking at the ticking clock on the wall when he realized that the date mentioned on the letter was in fact the present day. Spitting some of his coffee out, he grabbed his backpack and made a mad dash to the Training Grounds.

Arriving earlier than most of his peers, he spotted the red haired shinobi from across the Training Grounds. As he made his way up to his compatriot dressed in his white yukata he tied up dark brown hair. Stopping a few feet away from one of the two others that he had had to fight during the intensive Chuunin Exams only a short while ago, Jupiter would extend a warm smile and take a formal bow.

"We meet again.. Congratulations on your promotion, Karo Yogan. You were a formidable opponent and deserving of the title of Chuunin. I look forward to serving my time as your loyal subordinate."

WC: 501
Hotaru Koutaishi
Hotaru Koutaishi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : The Shikigami Summoner
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Rising from the Ash and Dust Empty Re: Rising from the Ash and Dust

Sun Aug 21, 2022 4:41 pm
It was a lively day. The Akiyama Estate’s normal hustle and bustle had been somewhat elevated in light of the recent news from the last portion of the Chunin Exam’s. It had become known to the family through a friend of theirs in Claw Country, that the locals were practically about to rage war against their neighboring country, Fang. While it would theoretically be good in the long run if Claw were to actually do this and succeed due to the family’s contact being there, all in all it would still tank their business somewhat. So everyone who could was up in arms about this. Moving to and from in an organized chaos. Preparing small things, planning, scheming, the sorts.

But, this isn’t the main focus as of right now.

Kin Akiyama, the person who found out this intel through the exams, was sitting all by his lonesome within his room. Working away, widdling at some of his puppets. Fixing tiny gears, polishing them, and overall adding to their flawless and pristine exteriors while ensuring that they’re interior capabilities matched in power. A knock on the door would be heard before the knob would turn, and in walks his mother. Standing within the frame, she’d peak her head around the door and say with a smile glistening upon her face ”You have a letter. It would seem as if you have been assigned to a team, and you all are expected to meet soon.” Whether it was through her actually reading the letter, or just hearing what would be on it through the grapevine, the golden noble had the slight inkling that his mother was already aware of what was on it.

And so, he’d get up from his current work and politely grab for the letter, actually reading through it’s contents to get the details in full. Seeing as the gist of it was correct, he’d immediately get ready, and head out. With him were 3 of his puppets and the strongest ones currently within his arsenal. One of them being the essential chariot which would carry him to the training grounds; The Lover. Trudging forward through the tanned, sandy bricked roads, he’d eventually make it to the area designated for their meetup. Within it already, he saw through the puppet’s eyes two familiar faces.

Walking forward, the Lover would enter into the arena like training grounds area, before abruptly coming to a halt 4 meters away. From within came the voice of the Akiyama heir ”Karo…Yogan. And, Jupiter…Yamanka.” There would be a pause before the sound of shuffling was heard, and cresting from over the construct’s shoulder was the face of the shinobi that once remain passive within. ”So fate would have it, we three meet again.”

WC: 459
Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Raging Inferno
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 79000

Rising from the Ash and Dust Empty Re: Rising from the Ash and Dust

Sat Oct 01, 2022 3:03 pm
As it would have it be known, the two who he had faced inside of the three way deadlock of their own chunin exam match had approached him. Finding all three of them within the training grounds was certainly a sight for sore eyes. He could only stare back at the two of them, the one who’s puppetry lost against his flames, yet it was his own stupidity that had him lose against Jupiter. The hulking man before him, the one who had won it all. He was the one that perhaps should have gotten the promotion, not himself. Amber eyes scanning the both of them, his own nonchalant expression rose into a scowl with after a few minutes of waiting, he spoke up with annoyance.

“It seems… That Hinoishi will not be joining us for our first meeting as a team. Honestly it’s kinda sad, I thought I had sent the letter a few hours ago… Anyways it shouldn’t really matter, it’s a pleasure to see both of you again, especially after our first match within the exams.”

He gave rise to a massive smile appearing right on his pale lips, his own eyes staring at the two of them while they stood there. It was indeed nice to at least get people he was familiar with on a combat level. Interested to see if they had improved at all since the time of the chunin exams and the mission after the fact. He knew that he had improved, although probably not as much as his two teammates before him. Fate had a funny way of working within the shinobi world at large, especially given that Karo didn’t know if he could teach the two anything of importance or of some kind of note.

“Well it’s gonna be a bit difficult to teach you guys anything! I’m no user of Taijutsu, nor do I have vast knowledge in puppetry, but maybe we three can work on something together. Something that we can help each other on in one aspect or another? I may have been awarded with the rank of chunin, yet that doesn’t mean I’m suddenly smarter than you two.”

He wanted to make them feel as though they could talk to him as an equal, as he only saw himself as that, a chance grace of fate, with his reward being the rank of chunin. It had surprised him so much, yet to also get the two that he had previously fought along with that of Hinoishi. Perhaps fate wanted him to try and push himself to do better, to be a better teacher and leader for his own two subordinates as well.

“Now then, would you two mind telling me what you have improved upon after the chunin exams?”

Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Jupiter's Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 168000

Rising from the Ash and Dust Empty Re: Rising from the Ash and Dust

Tue Oct 04, 2022 1:03 pm
Does this guy go everywhere in that thing? Jupiter Yamanaka wondered as he raised his left brow when Kin Akiyama's head reared from out the Lover, his puppet. Jupiter chuckled and smiled at the puppeteer as if to say hello. After a brief pause, he appeared surprised by how quickly Karo Yogan's face morphed from a disgruntled scowl into a massive smile that was rather pleasant to look at. Hinoishi, huh.. He thought, inferring the name of his absconding teammate who had deserted the trio on that fateful day. Perhaps the fate of the three shinobi in attendance were entangled in manners that were beyond the scope of what he could sense with his perception, Jupiter thought, as he attempted to calculate the statistical probability that the three of them - and only the three of them - would reunite once again in the exact manner that they did. Not only did they have to be drafted into the same squad, but their one remaining teammate had to bail on the meeting. He keenly listened to his new sensei as he spoke, and then stepped forward before cleared his throat.
Jupiter scratched his tanned, smooth clean shaven face where his stubbled beard would usually be on most days, and he ended up taking a lot of time to do his thinking. "You may be underestimating yourself, sensei. I'm not very smart..." He claimed as he stared at the ground. He pondered carefully on the question that was raised to him and Kin. The three shinobi appeared to have distinct specialties that were significantly different from one another in seemingly every way. The thought hadn't occurred to Jupiter until Karo had pointed it out. The shinobi in the white yukata was only practiced in the ways of Taijutsu. Of the other two before him, he had observed that Kin relied heavily on his puppetry whereas Karo seemed to favor ninjutsu fully. He wasn't so sure if any of the three were in the right position to guide another among them in any direction so far as their specialties were concerned.
"I had some takeaways from our fight," He spoke with his hand on his heart as he looked back and forth between the other two shinobi, "I only managed to learn that what I was, was not sufficient. So now I've grown quite a bit stronger. I trained, and I prayed. Still, I believe there's a lot more room for improvement, in every aspect, least as far as I'm concerned... How about you?"

WC: 420
Hotaru Koutaishi
Hotaru Koutaishi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : The Shikigami Summoner
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Rising from the Ash and Dust Empty Re: Rising from the Ash and Dust

Sun Oct 16, 2022 11:20 am
With the announcement that the fourth member of this team wouldn’t be arriving, there was room for the obvious slight pause at this notion. Such was the way of things. The name mentioned rang somewhat of a bell. If memory had served Kin correctly, he was one of the genin which had gathered at the barbeque spot just before the exams went underway. This fact came with some disadvantages, but also some advantages. While they’d be fewer in size therefore decreasing the potential scale of power, it would also make things slightly more manageable. At least in the eye’s of the nobleborn. He didn’t necessarily envy Karo in this position in all honesty. Having to watch over 1 student would be pretty tough as is, let alone 2 or 3.

But, regardless, similarly to Jupiter, the Akiyama puppeteer would echo a statement of slight appraisal at the first comment mentioned by their new teacher; ”Power is gained in more than just that of what we can wield for ourselves. You may see it this way, but I see us filling in the gaps for each other, actually. One of us is a close distance fighter that can easily take more than a few hits; a mid ranged fighter with high offensive capabilities; and then me, a long ranged combatant who can control the battlefield.” He spoke with a sincere and lighthearted intonation for once, which was quite shocking. But even Kin knew that for this team to operate smoothly, they’d need to be somewhat cooperative so he wouldn’t go picking any fights…

Quite yet at least.

However, there would be a shift as the smile turned more to a smirk. While it still was done in a jovial manner, he’d get a bit more serious in this next bit. ”As for me, I have crafted some better puppets and picked up a few more techniques. Besides that, well. I have some other things currently in the works that I don’t wish to reveal quite yet.”

WC: 335
TWC: 794
Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Raging Inferno
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 79000

Rising from the Ash and Dust Empty Re: Rising from the Ash and Dust

Thu Oct 20, 2022 2:25 pm
Unsurprisingly the three of them barely knew of the boy named Hinoishi, the red haired Yogan taking his place amongst the three of them. Knowing full well that this team was very much something that covered most bases. Something that kin would make clear with his own words towards the chunin as a result. He felt happy knowing that his two teammates would have his back for the most part. Without him doing too much in the way of helping them, he wondered if perhaps there was a way for all of them to bond together as a team. Karo’s head turned when Jupiter commented that he was not very smart, Karo’s eyebrow curled upwards in slight surprise before commenting on it.

“I mean, you were able to outsmart me with just a few clones, something that in hindsight shouldn’t have been so effective, yet I gotta give it to ya, you can be a real pain to fight against I’ll tell you that. Also if you guys would, refer to me like you normally would, as I said beforehand, we are all around the same age, you two being older than I. To call me Sensei doesn’t really make sense to me?” A slight gaze towards the both of them, he knew that this was going to be a journey of finding out how each of them could help each other in some kind of way. Denoting that the three of them were very much different in how they were to fight. Karo’s slight pause at Kin’s refusal to speak on some of the more advanced puppetry he was beginning to work on. Which was indeed a curious retort to the question being proposed, but one that Karo could tell was something that the prince wouldn’t budge on one bit.

“I see, well the most I was able to do was find out specifically a few jutsu to counter my weaknesses in regards to mobility, mainly revolving around the earth itself…. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than me being a sitting duck while others go around and try to take me out. However perhaps we as a team should do something together in the meantime? Perhaps some amount of missions could be useful? We all happened to complete one B-Rank mission? Why not do something more with ourselves, we have a chance to get strong, we need to get stronger if we hope to keep our village safe right?”

Taking a stance , his posture rising to be much more broad, his shoulders no longer laxed before continuing on with what he was saying. Those Amber eyes staring down at his two genin.

“I will make sure that all three of us improve, it is either that, or we die trying. Now, we should probably come up with a name for our team ya?” He returned back to his carefree attitude as beforehand. Hands sliding down into his pockets to feel the warmth against his skin. It was time for them to make a name for themselves, for the honor and glory of Sunagakure.

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