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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Teaching the New and Remembering the Old Empty Teaching the New and Remembering the Old

Tue Aug 02, 2022 10:02 pm
Mission Rewards:

A yawn escaped Toran’s throat as he woke up at four o clock for the fifth time in the row this week. His sleep schedule had practically changed on the fly when it came to all of these missions that he was doing. Each one was rather boring, usually him just doing some light errands for the locals here or there, sometimes he’d have to get a cat or dog away from something that could kill them. The usual sort of missions that small genin could do in their freetime. But he felt like so much more than that…. He had a small hint of ambition, one that was only quelled when he made his way towards the sparse mission board, finding two missions in particular that he found to be rather interesting. One’s that he could totally do in the span of a single day instead of struggling to do a D-Rank because someone’s cat was much faster then he initially thought. His dry gaze stared at the page of the mission, briefly thinking back to those flames that had come out of his eyes before during a simple study of jutsu that he had found. He had gotten so mad that he almost burned the scrolls that he was gifted during his stay at the eternal spring hell that he kept on thinking back to. He was very much hopeless during that time, yet he also knew that there was no way he could be that kind of person again. It was simply a non option, impossible that he could revert back.

Yet to find someone to teach a technique to, that was going to be the best…. Or the worst part about this whole entire day. There weren’t many people that he could teach any unique skills towards… Yamato would certainly be a far better teacher in that regard. But there certainly was someone that he could teach, a certain earth style user that he remembers fondly. The plague doctor would be a cool epitaph for that of Typhon. Yet perhaps he could use a bit more hands then Toran even needed to. Yes it was a technique that he had simply no interest in anymore as a result of mostly wanting to learn weaponry, however he could at least impart it’s knowledge onto his good friend and to help him out in the future should the situation call for it. Toran’s eyes shone with that black glow surrounding them. Knowing fully well where Typhon was thankfully due to his own sharingan. The red eyes mixed with those spinning tomoe were some people least preferred look for him, but he certainly loved it when they activated, much better than those unique patterns that he had on his eyes sometimes. He’d have to ask Yamato about that… as he didn’t even want to remember what he told his father…. The look on his old man's face was certainly harrowing… almost as if he thought that he had failed Toran. Yet the young Uchiha simply gave a small sigh, spinning on his heel before running off in search of the plague doctor.

“Hopefully he’s not busy trying to quarantine himself… What kind of affliction does he have anyways…. Shouldn’t he ask a medical professional for it? I mean Isemori….” He immediately cut that thought off… he didn’t know where the hell his friend even was…. Is Isemori even alive at this point? Toran had no idea, he just wished his friend was safe and sound. Above all else he hoped his first true friend was alright… especially after what he saw back inside of that dimension.

Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
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Teaching the New and Remembering the Old Empty Re: Teaching the New and Remembering the Old

Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:08 am
Ty found himself walking through the quiet parts of town. Taking a slow and leisurely stroll through the village on his day off was a rare treat for the young man. These roads were often bustling and filled with people. After the recent invasion attempt however, a lot of people have been choosing to stay home more often. Maneuvering through a crowd was not Typhon's strong suit. With ample space and much less noise now, he could admire the ornate architecture of the buildings and the shop stalls that are often surrounded by customers. Ty had never even seen most of the things on offer in the central market. Him and his clan members already catch sideways glances whenever they enter a shop. Imagining the issues that'd arise if he tried to buy something from a fruit stand was a nightmare. Even with his skin covered and gloves on, people would still fear his condition, and who could blame them?

It was enjoyable enough just being able to see the village like this. Watching it all unfold like a well oiled machine was one of the benefits that came with his shinobi Headband. Though still not wanted around others, Ty garnered a bit more respect from a lot of the village people because of his military status. It was a welcome change of pace for him to have some people smile as he walked by. He knew from a young age that the people's love was not unconditional and if he wanted respect he'd likely have to put his life on the line to earn it. Being a ninja was never in his plans. Following after his parents was not the young man's dream. After all one ended up dead and the other crippled for life. This job was often incredibly dangerous, but it has its perks. Luckily his fellow shinobi were often quite friendly and willing to work with Typhon.

Speaking of his fellow ninja, he could see a familiar face heading his direction. It was that of Toran; A young Uchiha and member of Team Winter. Ty focused his green eyes on the boy as he approached. It was still taking some time getting used to the fact that the shinobi corps was filled with people of all ages and sizes. Typhon was the odd one out being in his mid 20s and still a genin. The age of the child soldier was now and he got into the game really late. Kids like Toran with several years lead on Ty very well could be more skilled than himself. It was obvious that age meant very little in Hoshi considering the Hogokage was still in his teens.

Once Toran was within earshot the young Canopic would wave his arm and call out to him, "Hey man. Whatcha up to on this quiet day?"

(WC 475)
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Teaching the New and Remembering the Old Empty Re: Teaching the New and Remembering the Old

Thu Aug 04, 2022 1:56 pm
He was actually able to spot the Canopi clansmen walking towards him, thankfully the search for him wasn’t all too long, especially given how little people were around this day and age. That attack on the village seemingly put a lot of people on edge, his father was one of those many people. He could still remember his own parents' face when he had come back from the attack rather unscathed, yet it seemed that they were more concerned about his safety of simply being nearby that place more so than anything else. It simply made him think more, his mother’s tears streaming down her face as her sharingan along with his dad's remaining eyes were locked onto his own. It made him activate his own sharingan in response to their own eyes. Yet the memory faded quickly when he waved back towards Typhon, hoping that he could potentially teach their medic a thing or two.

“Doing well after that whole attack fiasco I hope! It’s a pleasure to see you again, Typhon!” He shouted from across the sidewalk. Taking a few more steps forwards as he wondered if it was alright if he could move in closer with a soft flick of his head forwards. He knew that some people disliked Typhon due to his own affliction. But it honestly couldn’t be anything too bad to be afraid of. So Toran took that chance as he stepped forwards, black eyes staring back at the green irises that blessed the masked individual's own face. Toran was of course slightly smaller than Typhon, only about 5’2 in height compared to the Canopi clansmen. Yet he’d open his mouth for a request from the other shinobi if possible. Glad to at least see him again.

“I was wondering? Typhon, do you know anything about one handed seals?”

He’d give a raised eyebrow towards his friend, wondering if he would be interested in learning the art. As it was one that Toran was waning on the more he seemed interested in other means of combat. Along with that his new eyes give him a much more varied arsenal in terms of his newest jutsu. However he had never shown that jutsu to anyone just yet. He wished to have some sort of excuse, some sort of way of showing that he had advanced so much farther than what anyone thought of him at that point.

“But also how are you doing? Seen anyone else from our team recently? I remember Yamato was a part of that defense squad that went out of the village.”

The Uchiha gave a small sigh, thinking about their sensei… he wondered if he could perhaps ask him more about weaponry in the future. He already was curious about fuinjutsu and weaponry before this. But he also wanted to understand more about the way of the blade more than anything right now. And perhaps him helping Typhon could also lead him to reaching a better understanding of himself. There was simply only the tell of time, as Toran stood there with a small smile plastered on his face, happy as hell to see that one member of team winter was here with him.

Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 145700

Teaching the New and Remembering the Old Empty Re: Teaching the New and Remembering the Old

Fri Aug 05, 2022 10:24 am
Typhon was glad to see a friend out and about in the village. The whole place had a different feel in the air. People were worried about the future and who could blame them? The Hoshi shinobi put up a good defense and managed to save the day, but stopping an attack after its already started is not a particularly great way of showing security. The people would have been much happier had the invasion not been seen or heard about. Had the military dealt with the issue before it even made it to the gates then the people would have been none the wiser.

He knew it wasn't his personal responsibility to keep all threats out, but Ty could help but feel a little guilt. The fear he saw on the civilians' faces as they ran away would probably be burned in his mind for a while. More people in the shinobi forces need to step up to the challenge and work on actively keeping the village safe instead of waiting and reacting to threats. To this end he wanted to improve his skills and become useful, however he could.

Toran looked like he was being driven by motivation as well. A good sign that Ty wasn't the only one frustrated after the invasion. Having to sit on the sidelines and watch as family and friends ran in terror couldn't be fun for anyone.

"It really is good to see you again Toran. I have not seen the others, but I'm not worried about those three." Ty would laugh as he leaned against the wall he was stood next to. "I heard Yamato made a good showing in the defense. Another reason to get even stronger. Every time I think I've really improved he comes in and shows me up...or beats me down" He'd chuckle at that last bit. It was true that 'training' with Yamato often just involved Ty getting the snot beat out of him.

In response to Toran's question he'd say while scratching the side of his mask with his finger, "I've seen others using only one hand to form seals but never really gave it much thought. It would be pretty useful to have a hand free though." He would pause and ask, "Why? Do you know how to do them?"

It would be just another humbling moment for the young man if he were to learn something so complicated from someone pretty much half his age, but it Ty was anything it was humble. He knew when he enlisted that he would be surrounded by young people.

(WC 433)
(TWC 908)
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Teaching the New and Remembering the Old Empty Re: Teaching the New and Remembering the Old

Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:59 pm
Toran was always glad to see anyone after the attack that had occured right on the outskirts of the village. It all had happened so fast to him, the brisk morning day had come for him and he was so excited to explore around the village and wonder what he was even going to do. However it was all of those alarms that were going off, the sheer spike in chakra that he could see with his own eyes that had surprised him when the attack was sprung. He wasn’t able to get much information on the topic… Or who specifically had attacked them, only that after the attack had happened their Hoshi ninja came out on top. Perhaps that was why seeing Yamato perform inside of the defense gave him and also Typhon a new spark to start working on themselves, just in case the old generation had ended up dying in another attack. It was up to them to keep up the safety and progress of Hoshigakure. Their own homes, the people that they had met along the way, the people that they would meet later in their own lives. Those lives, everyone’s smiles as they’d all gather around again as a team. All of them have become stronger due to their own time away from each other. That’s what he wished to see, their own summer was beginning to end, soon more missions would begin; Toran was all here for it, yet doing a mission with Typhon certainly could help him as well with learning something new in return for teaching him how to use one handed seals.

“Yeah, I know them mostly, although I’m finding that my own style of combat doesn’t really require the art. I’m more focusing on my own physical prowess. Isemori showed me a good few tricks on how to use the blade the last time I went on a mission with him…. Man that was so long ago… I hope he’s doing alright….”

Toran stood there in silence for a moment, his next thoughts being carried by the winds picking up in speed as he rested along the same wall that Typhon was. His eyes staring down at the ground, he pictured him and Isemori’s own relationship… How everything seemed to kind of just disconnect after so long. However, Toran only took a sharp breath, before facing Typhon and beginning to show him how exactly to use one-handed seals. It was mostly a basic run down for which seal was which for each one handed seal.

“Most of them are pretty easy to understand! Over half of them are just one hand doing one half of the hand seal and just pushing a bit more chakra through it. It’s honestly not that bad when you get down to it. I’m sure you’ll be able to easily get the hang of it Typhon, You’re a very skilled ninja y’know?”

Toran’s lips parted to reveal the white teeth underneath them, his own smile showing towards the masked individual. It was kinda funny that Toran couldn’t really tell what Typhon’s own reaction would be besides small amounts of muscle movements on his face. It was always something that made him feel kinda unsure of what Typhon was thinking whenever he did talk with the older gentlemen. “What exactly is Typhon thinking?” Is something that would rack his brain when he wasn’t as experienced as he was now with people and how a team works. You start noticing those small details, like Typhon’s mask scratch…. Or Toran’s slight staring at the ground. It was always…. There to some degree.

“Now! My other mission revolved around trying to potentially contact spirits around Hoshigakure, and since there aren’t that many people around at this time, we can easily go and look for spirits!” Toran’s voice rang out, the boy's smile returning in full force as he got the bright idea of having Typhon accompany him. Perhaps it would be for the best to have a friend with him just in case something does indeed happen, wouldn’t want people calling him crazy now right?

(Teaching Typhon One-Handed Seals for Half WC)

TWC: 1827
Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
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Teaching the New and Remembering the Old Empty Re: Teaching the New and Remembering the Old

Wed Aug 17, 2022 11:37 pm
Toran also seemed troubled by the recent invasion attempt and the repercussions. The enemy didn't make it through the gates and yet there was always a sense that we may have lost some people. It was going to take some time for people to calm down and for everything to return to normal. Ty couldn't help but wonder about all the friends he hadn't heard from since the attack. He knew his friend Sebastian had participated in the defense and he had yet to hear from the man since then. He made a note to check out the hospital later, just in case.

Hearing that Toran's mission was to impart knowledge to another shinobi was a little surprising. It wasn't necessarily a 'job' so much as a way to get the village defenses even more prepared by sharing ideas. It was a smart plan on behalf of village leadership. Ty was impressed by Torans aptitude with one handed seals as well as the foresight the young ninja showed in realizing it doesn't do much to help him in combat. Acknowledging ones own shortcomings is essential to real growth.

"So I just have to perform half the seal while pressing more chakra through?" He would say sounding surprised at how simple the concept was. In practice his first try did not simply go to plan. He felt like he was doing it right but it wasn't working.

Crouching down and scratching his mask a little frantically Ty would think for a moment before remembering the trick that usually helped him, imagery. If he could imagine himself performing the seal with both hands while only actually using one hand he could probably do it. Closing his eyes he could see his hands performing the sign for Horse, followed by dog, and then more and more signs until he had performed the right ones. Focusing his chakra he would start to feel little beads of sweat forming on his palm. The hand seals worked!

"Hey! Hey I think I'm getting it!" Ty would loudly laugh as he canceled his Touch of Decay and turned to Toran. His excitement would likely be hardly visible but a smile was plastered on his masked face. "You were right, it really does drain more chakra though." He'd say as he let his arms go limp at his sides. The young Uchiha was correct it was a deceptively simple skill to pick up. It would really come down to how he chose to use it in practice.

"I really appreciate you taking the time to show me how it's done. But hey I guess that's what squadmates are for right?" Ty would say earnestly. In response to Toran suggesting they hunt some ghosts Typhon would wince a bit and remember his past experience searching for spirits. "I've yet to see any ghosts though not for lack of trying. Sebastian and I heard a rumor of a haunted cemetery a couple months back. It turned out to be nothing but a kid prankster."

In truth the kid ended up stabbing Typhon in the gut over his deep hatred of ninjas. It was probably a good idea not to go back to that area. No point throwing himself back into a neighborhood full of zealots. But that mentality was the reason why there was discrimination between the religious followers in Hoshi and the shinobi forces in the first place. Maybe they could do some cleaning of the cemetery while at the same time checking out the ghost rumors. It could be a good time and maybe helping out the local area would help better relations in the village.

"Ya know that area still gets rumors of ghosts. Maybe we were too hasty when we checked it out last time. I could lead the way there if you'd like?" Should Toran agree, Ty would head towards the part of town that the old cemetery is in.

(WC 655)
(TWC 1563)
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Teaching the New and Remembering the Old Empty Re: Teaching the New and Remembering the Old

Mon Aug 22, 2022 3:53 pm
Toran felt a surge of pride rush through as Typhon had been able to quickly pick up the use of one handed seals as a result of Toran's own advice when it came to the use of the one handed seals. He felt warmth, his squadmate actually thought he was useful, the kid who couldn’t even stand up to their Jonin and was instantly knocked out by a rubber ball, now teaching one of his own teammates the art of using one hand in order to cast a plethora of unique and wacky jutsu without the need for another hand. It was mainly useful if one of your own hands was either taken out or simply removed from the equation entirely. At least you could have access to another jutsu all together without the need of constantly having two hands. Toran’s smile continued to broaden out as the masked Typhon was able to begin pumping chakra directly through his hand and slowly weaving his way through the art of seals as a result. Toran helped him along the way by showing him a few of the simple combinations that he remembered learning as a result of wanting to catch up to the rest of them. Yet with the advent of his new eyes being put to work soon the next time he was in a full on battle. He didn’t want to show off his different eyes to his teammates, for fear of mainly getting a similar reaction to his own fathers look into the eyes that Toran now possessed. Yet what was important right now was the mission now at hand, Toran having a small red look when Typhon mentioned that helping each other was what squadmates were for.

“Really? Thank you so much Typhon!” Toran gave a shout as he wished he could hug the older gentlemen, yet he understood that Typhon would not be privy to something like that. However at the mention of this Sebastian fellow, along with the cemetery that Typhon had investigated beforehand. Toran’s own Impertinent eyes stared back at Typhon with curiosity that there could potentially be some kind of spirit. Yet his interest immediately tanked at the mention that there were indeed kid pranksters. That made his thoughts on this next mission a lot less impressed and more so disinterested that this was practically going to be a wild goose chase if anything of sitting in a temple for over an hour in order to try and hear the sounds of the afterlife while tending to the grounds themselves. However at least he had Typhon around to at least help out when it came to cleaning up. Toran would honestly have used Shadow clones to do the job for him. Typhon’s presence didn’t want Toran to come off as lazy and use Shadow clones instead of doing all of the hard work himself. The Uchiha thought about visiting the cemetery, yet he knew about them having to tend to the shrines.

“Why don’t we go to the shrines, I gotta clean them anyways for my last mission, if you could come? Perhaps we both can hear the voices of others that have come and gone as a result right?”

Toran turned his head back towards Typhon, wondering if he wanted to help with the cleaning of a few shrines and potentially being “Blessed” with listening to those of the afterlife.

Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
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Ryo : 145700

Teaching the New and Remembering the Old Empty Re: Teaching the New and Remembering the Old

Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:32 pm
Learning a new way to perform seals was not how Typhon had planned to spend his morning, but he was glad he had. This was another door opened that could lead to something more. He knew he was still a ways off from besting Yamato in a fight, but that simple goal kept him moving forward. He was glad he didn't look like an idiot in front of Toran as he worked out the details of the skill. He would gladly help his squadmate with his next mission. Small jobs like maintaining the grounds in religious areas made up a surprising amount of shinobi work. Ty had spent days picking up trash, assisting the churches, and all other manner of odd jobs for the citizenry. It wasn't at all what he had imagined life would be like in the military. His parents must have left out all the mundane stuff when they told him stories. He wished they hadn't. Knowing that being a ninja didn't just involve killing probably would have changed his perception on shinobi.

As the pair walked towards the shrines. Ty would idly chat about how the two had grown, "Ya know we've both come a long way since that day with the training dummies. I used to be really intimidated by people like Yamato and Morio. Didn't think I could ever pull off some of the stuff I've seen, but now... now I feel close. Almost there you know?" He paused to think about his words a little more, "I don't know if I'll ever be able to fight as good as the others, I can at least be confident in what I'm good at."

He honestly hadn't meant for the conversation to go all sentimental. He just sort of felt an odd kinship with Toran. When Team Winter first met up it was obvious that the two of them were far less prepared than Morio and Hotaru. A bit of shared embarrassment that he wanted to overcome together, so it was great to see Toran working on his skills. He wondered what kinds of things the young lad was capable of nowadays.

Arriving at the shrines Ty would quickly get to work  picking up trash that was scattered around the grounds. His newfound control over the virus allowed him to put it to everyday use. In this moment he had removed his right glove and was rapidly decaying the trash and letting the mulch fertilize the yard. He had to admit it was nice to find something useful in an affliction he always saw as purely negative. 

"You seen any spirits yet Toran? Heard their great wisdom?" He would jest while he worked. To Ty the important part was making the area look nicer. He knew people would be happy with something they can see rather than some ceremonial gesture. It wasn't that he didn't believe in ghosts but really he couldn't see why they would hang out in a cemetery. Who would want to spend eternity haunting themself? Needless to say he expected the whole thing to be a bust. But hey it's easy money either way.

(WC 523)
(TWC 2086)
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Teaching the New and Remembering the Old Empty Re: Teaching the New and Remembering the Old

Thu Aug 25, 2022 6:29 pm
Toran was always happy to help another one of his teammates in need. Especially when it comes to learning new and different techniques from each other, The black haired boy simply was happy to see that he was helping others after the attack. Yet his biggest goal was to potentially beat their Sensei inside of a fight, he shuddered at the mere thought that a rubber ball would take him out now. There was always the possibility that it did happen again, Yamato’s own skills with his chakra and swordsmanship must have been amazing.  Toran couldn’t even believe that his team had been so effortlessly defeated. Now that most definitely wouldn’t be the case today. His eyes would make sure that Yamato at least got spooked for a single moment. Yet when it came to the sudden thoughts about how mundane some missions were, simple clean ups inside of special places were considered a B-Rank level of a mission assignment. His parents had left out most of their own shinobi adventures, as they had retired the moment that his father had lost his own eyeball.

“Intimidated by Morio huh? Eh I can get it, Morio’s certainly strong, yet I think with enough work we can easily reach his level of strength. Yamato however is where I’d agree with ya, getting taken out by a simple rubber ball kinda does that y’know?” Toran spoke with a small snark in his tone that he had been beaten by a simple rubber ball of all things. Yet he spoke with knowledge of his power seemingly growing much more in such a short amount of time. It wouldn’t be long before team winter would be able to show themselves to the wide world. When it happened, no one would be ready for the ensuing carnage from them.

“You got the drop on Yamato though! If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have been able to use that little genjutsu to make him stop attacking us…. He’s a crazy one I’ll tell ya, but it was nice to see that he cared about us enough at least to teach us something. Yet I hope we can meet them all again, have a 4 on 1 again and see if Yamato can keep up with all of us at once.”

Arriving at the shrine with Typhon right next to him, Toran simply began to gather some of the trash through the use of his own shadow clones for the moment. He wondered just what Typhon had been using in order to dispose of the trash. Yet Toran was impressed to see that Typhon had been practically decaying the trash and garbage lying around the small little shrine-like area. Toran’s mind begins to wonder about when he heard Typhon’s voice, giving him a small little sound of annoyance before responding.

“Have you found any yet? All of this is trash and oh look! More trash! How the hell did this place get so dirty?” Toran shouted while continuing to clean up after whoever had dumped the entire dumpster into the shrine area. Yet Toran heard a soft amount of humming…. It reminded him of his own mother somewhat… Yet the melody was almost unnerving in how calm and beautiful it felt. Perhaps it's when he finally shook his mind of the sound that the trash had all been picked up as a result of Typhon and his own efforts.

“Typhon? Did you hear a woman humming?”


Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
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Teaching the New and Remembering the Old Empty Re: Teaching the New and Remembering the Old

Fri Aug 26, 2022 6:01 pm
Ty would laugh thinking about the 4 genin of Team Winter taking on Yamato all at once again. Surely it wouldn't go the same way it had before. Given the same position Ty now could have blocked the tail swing that bruised his ribs and been right in range to either immobilize or infect Yamato. But surely he was playing with them at that point. To this day Typhon hadn't ever seen their squad leader go all out.

"Well judging purely off the Nova fight results it'd be safe to assume Morio is at least close to Yamato's level if not past it at this point. But I don't think Yamato really got to show off his full abilities. That Tsunayoshi is a monster so I can't blame our squad leader for going down when he did. Given a different bracket I think he was a shoe in for the finals." It felt weird giving Yamato so much open praise, but it was impossible to deny the man's abilities.

As the pair wrapped up the cleaning Toran would ask a strange question. Ty hadn't heard anything of the sort. He figured the young Uchiha must be hearing things, but still the rumors of ghosts in the area made it a little weird.

"No I haven't heard a thing. Maybe the spirits here like you." Ty suggested sort of kidding but also kinda not. If there were ghosts in this religious area they probably wouldn't appreciate Ty using chakra to clean up the area. Perhaps they like that young Toran seemed so upset by the state of the shrines. People had been piling up trash here which even to the non religious Typhon seemed rude.

As they wrapped up with the missions Ty would offer to take in the paperwork and let Toran go do whatever he liked with the rest of his day. He enjoyed spending the day with his teammate and hoped next time he was the one who could teach Toran something new. 

(WC 335)
(TWC 2421)

Mission Rewards: +10,000 ryo & 50 mission AP

81,700 ryo + 10,000 = 91,700 ryo total

1000 words to learn One handed seals (50% off due to Toran teaching it)

1000 words to up Jotun Grip from B to A
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