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Stat Page : Isido of the Boiling Sea
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2000

Time to meet the others! (OPEN, NK!!!!) Empty Time to meet the others! (OPEN, NK!!!!)

Sun Jun 19, 2022 7:46 am
Isido grunted as he made his way towards the Training Facilities, Usually he would be at the water, Watching as its powerful current overtake many of its obstacles. Like the sea one was to keep a calm demeanor, But also like fire that can be manipulated powerful and strong from within its core. Wild, Yet calm. These were the philosophies Isido went about his life on. After finishing a mission he decided he could go with a good bit of training, But to do what. He suppose he could work on finding out what his second element was. The only problem with this is that well...Isido didn't even know his second element so how was he to even learn.

The young boy sighed as he walked over to the targets and began to throw Kunai and Shuriken at the targets...His mind totally being else where.

"Your pathetic Isido...Get your head in the game! You came here to train SO TRAIN!" Isido spoke aloud to himself, If anyone else was here he didn't know, And he didn't care.

(WC = 177)
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Time to meet the others! (OPEN, NK!!!!) Empty Re: Time to meet the others! (OPEN, NK!!!!)

Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:55 am
Kain was sitting behind and leaning against the training dummy, thinking about what he was doing in the Hidden Mist Village. It had been twenty years since he killed his father after Selene had run away from him in fear after his father made him turn her. He had been in the village for over a year now, only coming and joining up with the Hidden Mist Village because he had heard that she was in the area. Thinking that he could use their resources to help him find her, but he found that climbing the ranks of Kiri was about more than just power. He needed to show loyalty to the village as well, and he wasn’t sure if he could be loyal to anyone again. His head swimming with different ideas and memories from over his long life, he didn’t know what to do. Banging his head into the training dummy, he thought he heard something, but brushed it off. Till he head a voice following another thumb into the wood. 

He raised up off the ground and turned around the training dummies, his black trench coat flowing in the wind behind him. Revealing his red button down shirt and black cargo pants tucked into his boots. Looking, he saw the long red hair of another person that he had seen around his neighborhood a few times. He appeared to be whining over something not allowing him to train. “Hay, watch where you're throwing those things, you dumb ass” Kain yelled at the guy. Ready to fight, walk away or talk depending on what the guy did. However, the idea of fighting the man did appease Kain somewhat he could use an outlet for his anger at the moment, and he was starting to get a little hungry, and he did look like he would taste pretty good. After all, it had been a while since he had human.

Stat Page : Isido of the Boiling Sea
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2000

Time to meet the others! (OPEN, NK!!!!) Empty Re: Time to meet the others! (OPEN, NK!!!!)

Tue Jun 21, 2022 7:38 am
Isido popped up with the quickness as he heard the voice of what seemed to be another person. Who would be crazy enough to sit behind the training dummy's while someone was using them??? ...Oh wait.

"Aye! Who the hell you think you are? You mental or something, Who the hell sits behind the targets while someone is training? You got a deathwish bud!?!?" The red hair boy spoke aloud as he got a nice good look of the lads clothes..Trench Coat and black cargo pants..Why did this person look like a vampire from an old 80's movie. The thoughts that would fly into Isido's mind as he stared and stared. His Jump Jacket would be a Ocean Blue, The pants he had would be regular black pants. Apon closer inspection one could see the holes in his clothes and they did not look new. Isido grunted as his hand crept to his weapons pouch just in case things got a little out of hand. In fact, Isido kind of wanted them too even though he just became a new Genin he wasn't going to let no one bitch him out. He had a family to protect and thats what he's going to do.

A quick twirl of the kunai was all it took as it came flying into his hand. He pointed it at the weirdly dressed individual before he started walking back in fourth in front of him. "Don't hold back...I want this to be a little entertaining."

Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Time to meet the others! (OPEN, NK!!!!) Empty Re: Time to meet the others! (OPEN, NK!!!!)

Tue Jun 21, 2022 5:44 pm
I guess you do for not looking before you throw things” Kain almost yelled as claws grew out of his fingertips and the fangs in his mouth started to show as he finished speaking. Eating this guy sounded better and better by the minute and better, yet he didn’t think anyone would even miss him since he was from the same neighborhood it could be chalked up to normal violence and death. After all, that's why Kain chose to live their easy food. “Don’t hold back huh, wouldn’t dream of it” Kain said in response as the guy drew a kunai with a twirl. Kain making a few quick hand seals as the guy twirled his kunai Snake, Tiger, Ram, Rat, Dog, Monkey. Ten tendrils of blood would quickly form at 60 speed. Two out of each arm, two from his stomach, two from his back and finally one out of each of his thighs. Each tendril being six inches thick and fifteen meters long. Wreathing around Kain as he snarled at the man, fangs fully shown and arms out stretched with his claws clearly visible. 

If the man hadn’t made a move at this point, Kain would close distance till there was only five meters between them. Before sending one of his tendrils to try and stab at the man from his right arm, aiming for center mass of his chest. While the second tendril on his right arm would go low, aiming for the man's thigh. Both tendrils moving at 60 speed, while Kain himself moved at his max speed of 32.

WC-264 TWC-576

Stat Page : Isido of the Boiling Sea
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2000

Time to meet the others! (OPEN, NK!!!!) Empty Re: Time to meet the others! (OPEN, NK!!!!)

Wed Jun 22, 2022 11:39 pm
Isido's eyes went wide as the lad's body began to protrude blood tentacles from his body. Was he some sort of bloody octopus? No matter, Isido was going to put this beast down no matter what! Isido proceeded with his own seals as he watched the black haired boy began to move, Before Isido even had time to utulize his handseals he was already down apon. He wasn't expecting someone to be this fast THE HELL WAS HE GOING TO DO? Out of reaction and gut instinct Isido would attempt to block whatever sort of punishment would be done.

"GAH! What...The Hell....Are YOU!"
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Time to meet the others! (OPEN, NK!!!!) Empty Re: Time to meet the others! (OPEN, NK!!!!)

Thu Jun 23, 2022 10:53 am
Kain’s tendril pierced into the arm of the man, as he went to block. The guy would find it shocking that it actually didn’t hurt, but would soon realize that it was only because he was also paralyzed. Blood would slowly flow out of the wound, “You wanted to know what I am” Kain would ask the now paralyzed guy, his fangs disrupting the way he normally sounded. “I’m one of the monsters from all the stories everyone thinks are made up” his tendril lifting the man's arm up as he spoke to his mouth. “Now I shall drink, then you will learn” Kain said in an almost blood crazed voice, as the blood flowing out the wound was getting to him. He was very hungry and it had been so long since he had tasted the fresh warm blood of someone. Bitting down on the man's arm, his fangs digging deep as he drank the man's blood. 

For Kain, it was pure ecstasy. While for the guy it depended Kain had been told in the past that it both felt amazing and painful at the same time. For the few moments that Kain lost himself in the blood, but he quickly let go of the man, letting the tendrils of blood flow back into his body. Both his fangs and claws retracted back, making him look somewhat normal again. “That went a little too far, sometimes the blood takes over, and you just lose yourself. Let me fix your arm, and I guess I’ll teach you something to make up for it.” Kain told to the man, not really apologizing for doing it, but simply explaining what happened. With a few hand seals, Kain placed a hand on the man as regenerative power spread through the guy's body, sealing the wound and making him feel better and better with each passing moment. 

By the time my jutsu has ended, you will be feeling much better, and the paralysis will have worn fully off. If you like I can teach you how to control the water element, and a jutsu based off of it called water dragon whip, but I’m afraid most of my other jutsu would require you to become like me to use, so think about it and let me know when you can move again” Kain told the man as he walked away and sat down near the training dummy to think and wait once more.

WC-409 TWC-985
Healing hands- don't have but will claim at end of topic jutsu i used to heal you up bro
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