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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
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Restaurant Rumble Empty Restaurant Rumble

Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:18 pm
Restaurant Rumble:

The mission report read out loud by Toran’s father made the younger boy groan in disdain at the news of what he and Isemori were going to do. Luckily for him Isemori was actually at Toran’s house for a moment in order to rendezvous with him after all of the D-Rank missions had been complete for the day. Toran’s father introduced himself to the young up and coming shinobi. The older man wanted to make a comment about how Isemori looked a lot like his father, but a simple glare from Toran’s mother made him stop mid sentence before giving a small nod of respect towards the younger boy. Toran’s mother introduced herself as well with a cheery grin plastered on her face as she had made a small amount of Dango as a welcoming gift for Isemori. Toran had informed her of his arrival probably hours or even the day prior.[/size]

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you Isemori! I hope Toran has been doing well on his missions lately, he doesn’t seem to really talk about them much so I was wondering if you could tell?” She gave a small smile towards Isemori. Wanting to know more from the person that had been with Toran on almost all of his missions from the beginning. To which Isemori would see that embarrassed side of Toran as he’d whine towards his own mother.

“Mom! The missions are going fine! That’s what I said!” He cried out in protest over her seemingly wanting to know more about them. His face flushed with red as he didn’t really know what to do besides grab Isemori and drag him out of the house before he spilled any beans.

“Love you both! I’ll be back soon!” He shouted at his two parents who only blinked in confusion at their sudden departure. To which Toran’s father could only shrug as he took a sip of his coffee. Toran on the other hand would still be as red as a cherry when it came to his mother pestering Isemori with questions about the missions. However the restaurant rumble even happening in the first place was frankly absurd even for the young Uchiha. Besides why would they want kids to decide who has the better food when they could just ask any kind of critic. But even if so they are technically the common factor. As such they are considered to be the most valuable in terms of a customer.

Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
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Fri Apr 08, 2022 8:25 pm
Ise had rendezvous with Toran at his place after all of their missions had been complete, but as they were relaxing, another missive had come in the mail, for both him as well as Toran about a restaurant rumble happening, and how they were assigned to participate. Ise was excited, due to the fact that the food was free, as well as liking the food in general. Toran’s father had been the first to introduce himself. He was also about to mention how he looked exactly like his late father, Jushiro but stopped mid-sentence. Ise had simply smiled, telling him that it was alright. Isemori knew that he meant no harm in what he was going to tell him … however, a piece of him wished that his father was still around.

Then shortly after, Toran’s mother had begun to speak. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you Isemori! I hope Toran has been doing well on his missions lately, he doesn’t seem to really talk about them much so I was wondering if you could tell?” She said, also asking Isemori about how Toran was doing as far as his missions go. “It’s a pleasure as well to meet you too, ma’am! Toran’s been doing well with the missions that we’ve been doing together in my-” Ise was about to finish until Toran broke out in protest, finally paying attention to his ‘little brother’s' embarrassment, which made Ise silently chuckle. Then, before he knew it, Isemori and Toran were out the door, and on their way to the restaurant. As Toran had walked beside him, Isemori saw that his face was beat-red like a tomato, Isemori had said, “Are you alright!? Your face looks like a tomato,” The slightly older Uchiha asked, poking Toran’s cheeks gently, despite already knowing what Toran would probably say.

“Anyways, we’re here!” Ise had said happily, with a hint of eagerness. After being instantly spotted by a waiter due to their shinobi headbands, they had been directed towards a private table exclusively for the occasion. “I can’t wait to dig into some tasty food! What about you!?” Ise had asked his little brother, grinning practically from ear to ear.

WC: 367
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
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Restaurant Rumble Empty Re: Restaurant Rumble

Sat Apr 09, 2022 11:44 pm
“So what if my face looks like a Tomato Ise!?” He said with a small whine at what his older brother had done to embarrass him along with his own mother. He only could give a small pout at the situation that had just unfolded before his very eyes. Isemori had poked his bright red cheeks like they were something to be gazed upon with reverence. At least that’s how Toran saw it anyways while walking with his older brother towards the mission location. Toran walked with a slight pep in this step to get things done for the mission entirely. As he wanted to complete it as fast as possible. However what he found instead was going to be a nightmare to judge with Isemori around.

It was a massive crowd of people that had gathered there in order to see the fantastic cook off that was about to be presented to them. IN which Toran motioned for Isemori towards the two signs that established the restaurants. One of them being that very same restaurant that had been stained with Graffiti from that one little kid that they had caught a few days prior. Toran could only hope that they didn’t insight any sort of violence towards them for whatever kind of judgment that they’d give towards the food itself.

“Isemori, we’re supposed to meet the two sides at the back of this massive thing, better to just sneak in right?” He said before taking a small huff and simply dashing ahead of his own Cousin. Dashing around to behind where the two restaurant owners were in the back along with a few other judges there. Toran had been spotted by a few of them. Immediately going to shake the boy's hand as apparently they had heard about Toran’s father of being a respectful and insightful man. So at least he had that going for him for this whole situation.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you young Uchiha, tell us who is the other who is also going to help judge the food?”

Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
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Restaurant Rumble Empty Re: Restaurant Rumble

Sun Apr 10, 2022 6:52 pm
Ise blinked at Toran's reaction, not really sure why he acted the way he was. "Was he embarrassed or something?" Ise had thought, asking himself as they had gone inside. Just as Ise was getting way ahead of himself, Toran, who still was in his little ‘mood’ had told the older Uchiha that they had needed to meet the judges who were sitting in the very back. “Ahh, so that’s where we need to go,” Ise had said, eyeing the judges just before his younger cousin had stormed off ahead. “Hey, wait for me!” Ise had called out to Toran, who probably either was ignoring him or was just simply too far ahead of him to even hear him. It was also packed with a bunch of people too, which made catching up to Toran a bit difficult as he had to politely pass through a hoard of people.

Just as Isemori was passing through the last bit of people he heard someone - possibly one of the judges, who was more than likely talking to his younger brother. “That would be me! Yes, hello! My name’s Isemori Uchiha! Pleased to meet ya!” Ise had said, coming from behind Toran, smiling at the man, holding out a hand for a handshake, greeting the gentleman.

WC: 213
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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
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Restaurant Rumble Empty Re: Restaurant Rumble

Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:08 pm
The owner of the restaurant would continue to shake Toran’s hand for a slightly awkward amount of time before Isemori arrived. The other owner of the challenge moved past the bald man to also shake Isemori’s hand with elated delight at seeing the other Uchiha from around the area. As the two chefs were seemingly trying to gain the other Uchiha’s trust or potentially see which one would be on their side first and foremost. Toran could only give a small little chuckle as the two owners began their greetings towards the two boys with pleasant smiles plastered on their faces.

One of them was a slightly older woman with smooth skin and purple hair. Her bust seemingly being very much constrained by her own outfit. While the man was a rather rotund individual with a massive black beard and red beads dangling around his neck. The two of them gave each other a death glare or two before suddenly an announcer began to speak to the crowd. Telling them that the owners were ready to have the two judges step up on stage in order to determine which restaurant had the stronger foods and tastes. As such Toran felt this sinking feeling deep in the pit of his own stomach while standing next to Isemori. Something in his gut telling him that whichever side they chose this was not going to end well for either of them.

“God why couldn’t they have chosen two actual chefs for this! It’s like that one guy who travels near Konoha and takes people to his kitchen torture chamber!” He said with fear emanating from his voice as he didn’t want to potentially ruin one business over the other. Toran thought that C-Ranks were supposed to be easy. As such he was quickly proven wrong that day as both Isemori and Toran would most likely make their way through the curtains to show themselves towards the crowd. The massive amount of lights and people only made Toran gulp as he took a shaky seat next to Isemori. Hopeful that this wouldn’t take long, “So what’s the plan if we both like all of their dishes?”

Toran tried to speak in a whisper, as he didn’t want to end up making the crowd believe they were going to throw the competition entirely.

Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
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Restaurant Rumble Empty Re: Restaurant Rumble

Wed Apr 13, 2022 7:27 pm
It was apparent that Isemori, unlike Toran, was more eager to be here, despite the owners not paying attention to it, which was probably a good thing in Ise’s opinion. What’s more was that Toran at least had the decency to keep that from them at the very least, which was respectful in its own way. It was also apparent to the silver-haired Uchiha that the two owners before them had seemed to gain the two Uchiha’s trust, which Toran had more than likely caught on to that as well. However, Ise being who he was, showed no interest in favoring one judge over the other. In fact, all he wanted was to dig into some really tasty-looking food, although he kept that to himself as well.

Then before they knew it, the owners were more than ready to begin, prompting Ise and Toran both to make their way to the center of the stage. As they both stood next to one another, Toran had said loud enough for only Ise to hear, which made him answer back to his little brother. “Well, there’s actually a good reason as to why we shinobi do this, believe it or not. It’s simply to gain the civilian's trust towards us, albeit be small compared to other missions,” Ise had whispered back to Toran while in a matter-of-fact tone, pausing before he continued, knowing that Toran would probably want him to elaborate. “The owners seem nice enough, however, they still gain a profit from it - especially when it comes to these sorts of things. Not only that, but the owners know full well that most, if not possibly all of their customers aren’t necessarily fond of us shinobi. The people around here are very religious people, and due to the nature of shinobi and what they do, most of the community is against shinobi rule. That’s why we offer our services to these sorts of events as missions. It’s so that way we can build a trust between shinobi and Hoshigakure’s villagers who have more than likely been here before shinobi rule here was established.”

Just as Ise had finished his thorough explanation as to why something small like this was considered to be very important, Toran had then asked him yet another important question. Ise paused, thinking quickly before they brought their food to taste test and said optimistically, “Then, we just simply tell them that and go on from there,” Isemori had said slightly shrugging. More than likely, Ise’s answer to his younger brother’s question wasn’t probably the answer he had wanted to hear, however, it was an answer nonetheless.

WC: 439
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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
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Ryo : 62500

Restaurant Rumble Empty Re: Restaurant Rumble

Sun Apr 17, 2022 4:55 pm
Toran also noticed that Isemori seemed almost excited to be here. Just from the body language alone Toran could guess that his older brother wanted to eat and judge about this whole competition. Toran simply couldn't understand why exactly Isemori would like this so much. Was it the food that was so enticing, the free advertising? Or was it just the fact that it was simply a mission that was rather easy to accomplish. Whatever it was Toran could only hope good could come out of it. The competition was something that had made Toran curious, scared, annoyed and now just confused as to why people would be this way towards their own citizens. Sure they were religious but so was practically everyone. Toran didn't understand why everyone was so religious in the first place. There didn't seem to be some great being that he knew of, so why did everyone believe there was?

However the main event of them trying out the food was about to begin. Isemori giving Toran some much needed advice on what to do in the competition. Especially with how the two chefs seemed to be giving each other death glares throughout the whole entire time. Toran didn't even know them that well, but he could tell they were some pretty serious people when you got to know them. So as the entrees finally came underway, Toran could only hope that Isemori would also enjoy the dishes at least, as he dug in to try them one by one.

Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
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Restaurant Rumble Empty Re: Restaurant Rumble

Sun Apr 17, 2022 7:11 pm
Ise’s emerald green eyes practically glinted with eagerness as the first entree had been served to them, The first entree was from the male owner - a gigantic sirloin steak served with potatoes. It wasn’t an entree that had a lot of flair to it, however, it smelled absolutely great, in Isemori’s own opinion. Ise took his knife and fork, quickly cutting into the steak, noticing that it was nice and tender, which was a good sign that the steak itself had been properly cooked. Ise slipped the cut piece from his fork into his mouth, finally getting a taste of the meat, tasting a few seasonings that blended very well with the steak. “This tastes amazing! Did you use garlic?” Isemori had asked the man, noticing the familiar taste as well as smell that came from it. It was pungent, yet good if that made sense. “Why, yes I did actually! This steak is actually one of my restaurant’s best-served entrees. It has actually become popular for my customers to have,” The robust man had said, laughing heartily, while the female owner sitting next to the man had huffed slightly, looking away with a dissatisfied look on her face. It was clear that the man was trying to ruffle the female’s feathers just a bit by bragging about his dish, which had seemed to have worked. However, what the man had failed to realize was that the woman’s dish had yet to be served to Isemori as well as Toran, and since this was a competition, for all everyone knew, her dish could possibly end up being the winner.

Next, came the woman’s entree - soup that smelled really good. It looked different though compared to any soup that Ise had tried before. The broth was white, and rather than how broth for soup normally looked, it was thicker than normal. However, despite the actual look of the soup in the bowl itself, It smelled just as good as the steak. Ise had taken a spoon full of the soup, blowing on it a bit before placing it in his mouth. There were potatoes as well as some kind of meat that Ise had never tried before. Despite that though, he actually enjoyed the taste as well as the flavor. “Is the meat in the soup some kind of seafood ma’am?” Ise had asked politely, obviously showing that this was his first time ever having any kind of seafood before. Isemori had wondered if this had been imported from another village, possibly from the land of Waves? “Yes! It is actually clam! Most people think that is your typical kind of meat, such as Chicken, however, rather than settle on your typical kinds of meat, I have been able to legally acquire meats not found in the Country of Haven - primarily Seafood.” The woman stated, smiling vibrantly while taking her fan and wafting it elegantly in front of her face, hiding her smirk from the male owner, who had done the same as she did when he went on about his dish.

After both Ise and Toran got to taste the second entree, they were given the time to privately discuss which one should be deemed ‘the best.’ “I don’t know about you, but for me, I would say it's a tie. What do you think?” Ise had asked his little brother, asking him what he thought about both of the dishes.

WC: 571
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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
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Restaurant Rumble Empty Re: Restaurant Rumble

Tue Apr 19, 2022 11:06 pm
Toran’s own charcoal black eyes focused in on the first entree that was served to them with a swift movement from the chefs themselves. Toran found the steak to have a bit too much flair to it presentation wise, with all of the different spices being noticeable with someone with trained eyes like Toran. However he couldn’t deny that the food smelled absolutely marvelous. The Garlic smell was something that Toran noticed in an instant as he too took his knife with slight grace as a Shinobi should, hastily slicing into the steak as he realized the color of it was perfect. It had all the right redness in the middle without it looking like ths steak hadn’t been cooked at all. Finally Toran stabbed the steak with his fork, quickly slipping it into his mouth in order to get a taste of the meat. What Toran found was just how easy it was to bite into and then swallow. The tenderness of the meat was absolutely marvelous. He’d have to say that his mother’s own cooking couldn’t compare to what the steak brought him in terms of pure taste. The garlic, like Ise had pointed out, was indeed quite garlicy. But Toran felt that it meshed way too well in the steak for him to really care. However what Toran did notice was the salt and pepper being almost at a perfect mix. He certainly didn’t need to add salt or pepper to this kind of steak.

“It certainly is very good, but the way you grilled it is quite remarkable!” He said in regards to the cross shapes that were formed from grilling the steak in two different directions. Usually as to keep the grill heated up and speed up the process of cooking the steaks themselves. The robust man gave a small laugh before explaining with a heavy voice. “Why of course! It’s essential that each and everyone of our steaks is cooked that way! It helps keep the flavor you know!”

Toran noticed the female owner huffing while the other head chef told them all about how good his steaks were. Yet when their dishes were collected from the, Toran only hoped that the next dish would be able to compare to the steak. What was put in front of them made Toran’s eyebrow raise a bit. It did indeed smell good, almost having that saltwater kind of smell that made you feel alive. Toran took a spoonful of the broth along with the meat that he hadn’t seen beforehand, also blowing on it similarly to Isemori. Guiding the spoon to his own mouth Toran was able to get a taste of the broth first, followed by what he now knew as clams as well. The taste was spectacular to him, comparing easily to the steak in question, however there was something slightly off about the taste that he couldn’t get quite right, maybe it was preference but he had made his decision while the women was able to go on about how she was able to get a dish from around the world.

Once the two dishes had been served to them, Toran could only give a small sigh as he turned his head towards his brother. “Alright, if we get lambasted for this I swear…”

Toran honestly was hoping for Isemori to make the announcement, but he ended up breaking the silence as he gave a small word about both of the dishes. “Me and Isemori here have come to a conclusion. That the dishes themselves are a tie! Both of them were amazing in their own right, so we couldn’t really choose which one to enjoy more!”

Toran honestly wished he hadn’t said that, as the collective glares from both of the owners made him give a slight gulp as the crowd was left speechless. Except for one person, their raven hair was a crazy mess that looked as though it was in tangles. It reminded him almost of a messed up ravens. Yet she only gave a thumbs up towards the two boys while inside of the crowd, her scarred face showing a pristine smile while the rest of the crowd joined in on the scared girls' approval of their decision.



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Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:57 am
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