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Akagi Yoshiro
Akagi Yoshiro
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 16000

A chance meeting [IO] Empty A chance meeting [IO]

Wed Apr 06, 2022 6:04 pm
Akagi woke up to the sun shinning through a crack in his blinds. It was still quite early in the morning with the sun only showing about half of itself above the horizon. Akagi slowly dragged his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, so he could do something productive with his day. He made his way over to the door and slid it open making his way through the remainder of his house until he was able to exit through the front door. Akagi stepped outside. The birds chirped along the road in preparation for the coming summer months while the cherry blossom trees started to bud. Akagi loved this time of year right after winter had passed, but right before the intense heat of summer was going to hit him. He started down the road towards the library, as he open did, in hopes of finding something new to learn. Maybe he would read more about local fauna and flora, maybe about higher rank jutsu which he could aspire to learn, maybe about what it was like leading a village, or maybe he would just go out to a field somewhere and try to practice what he already knows.

Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 74750

A chance meeting [IO] Empty Re: A chance meeting [IO]

Wed Apr 06, 2022 8:11 pm
Onabi's eyes fluttered open his pupils that blended in well with the rest of his eyes shrunk rapidly from the invading rays of orange and red and violet sunlight Onabi sat up and stretched it had been hard for him to sleep past couple nights and the rays coming through his windows from the peaking sun was a sign for him to get ready for the day. Onabi made his way through his home brushing his teeth and washing his body finally dawning his robes and headband and he made his way through the hyuuga complex the long connecting corridors were as bland as ever the paper sliding doors lining the walls next to him he sluggishly made his way across the bamboo floors and exiting into the morning courtyard he took a deep breath through his nose smelling the morning dew and the light wind blowing through the area, Onabi was carrying a small empty basket made from weaved woods, Onabi made his way into town to go get food stuff and basic cleaning and training supplies for his home maybe making a quick stop at the training fields to see if he could train to break open a couple more of the eight inner gates maybe even meet someone new
Akagi Yoshiro
Akagi Yoshiro
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 16000

A chance meeting [IO] Empty Re: A chance meeting [IO]

Wed Apr 06, 2022 9:25 pm
Akagi slowly made his way through the roads of the city devising that he would train in the training ground for that day. He wanted to try and learn some kind of new jutsu which would actually be able to aid him in his future fights against other. Perhaps he would be able to find someone at the training grounds who was more well versified in the arts of Taijutsu and would be able to give him some pointers on how to be a better hand to hand fighter. Akagi knew that his strength was probably too low to use any brute force techniques, but he had read of things which told him about using his weight to fight or his speed instead of just his strength. Akagi was intrigued as to what he could learn from anyone he would be able to find at the training grounds, so he continues his plans to go there. Akagi made his way through the streets of the city which seemed to be less crowded than usual; most people must have been working. As he arrived at the training grounds he remembered how barren it always seemed with small groups of people sparring off to the sides with their academy student buddies pretending to wear actual headbands as they prepared for their academy tests.

Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 74750

A chance meeting [IO] Empty Re: A chance meeting [IO]

Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:42 pm
Walking through the village Onabi glanced over to the main training field and saw a group of kids his age playing ninja pretending to go on missions protected by the walls of the village. Onabi then noticed a taller man watching the kids, Onabi walked up to the older man and said "watch this..." Onabi jogged over to the younger kids waving his arms at them "Hey! can I play?" with some snickering and whispers between the academy students they agreed to have the young hyuuga into their game of ninja Onabi sauntered over to a log that was in the ground to practice punching and Onabi sunk his fist about two feet deep inside the log smiling at the group od kids his age. their faces went stark white and slowly walked backwards before they turned and sprinted away. Laughing his head off he turned back to the older gentlemen watching them. "Hey, did you see their faces." Onabi wiped the laughing tears that accumulated at the corners of his eyes. Onabi finally got a good look at the man in front of him. he held the appearance of a new shinobi with clean clothes without any sort of scaring or anger. this was someone that Onabi considered his peer.
Akagi Yoshiro
Akagi Yoshiro
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 16000

A chance meeting [IO] Empty Re: A chance meeting [IO]

Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:04 am
Akagi watched a small kid walk over to him. The child couldn't have been very old, probably an academy student who was gonna pretend play ninja similar to the rest. Onabi had finally reached Akagi and spoke to him. Akagi found through his experiences in life that nothing ever good came after the phrasing "Watch this" Akagi saw Onabi walk over to the rest of the pretend ninjas and they allowed him to join their little game after a little laughing. At this point Onabi had already made his crater into the chunk of wood. Akagi didn't expect such a large hole to be created by such a small person, but Onabi must have been an exemption to the fact that mass increases force. Once Onabi had come back to Akagi, Akagi finally noticed the headband which Onabi was wearing signifying that he was at least of genin rank. He had never met someone who had become a genin at such a small age especially with such strength. Perhaps Akagi would be able to learn at least some thing from Onabi. Akagi had decided that he would introduce himself to the small bundle of energy which stood in front of him, "Hi, I'm Akagi Yoshiro." He also extended his hand out for a introductory handshake, reaching down far enough so that Onabi would still be able to reach.

Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 74750

A chance meeting [IO] Empty Re: A chance meeting [IO]

Sat Apr 09, 2022 12:08 am
The young man (couldn't been out of his teenager years) wore a kind smile that felt welcoming and comforting. Onabi settled down from his laughing fit and took in a deep breath. The teenager introduced him self using his fulll name Akagi Yoshiro. Yoshiro... the name didn't ring a bell to the young hyuuga meaning that he didn't belong to a family of a KKG or even a renowned clan. Onabi's smile matched the mood Akagi was exuding and Onabi reached up and shook the teens hand "Hello Mr.Yosiro i'm Onabi Hyuuga. I see that your at least genin rank tell me how long have you been a shinobi?" Onabi wanted to know basic history of the man Infront of him the young boy was genuinly curios about the tall man standing in front of him. to be honest the teen looked dull the color pallet of clothes down to his hair were mixtures of black, white and the shades in between the only thing that really stuck out was his beaming blue eyes, Onabi was always interested in the color of eyes because the family and environment Onabi has always known has the same old empty eyes of no pupils and a light grey iris. But Akagis were deep like the ocean and sparkled like sapphire gem stones.
Akagi Yoshiro
Akagi Yoshiro
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 16000

A chance meeting [IO] Empty Re: A chance meeting [IO]

Sat Apr 09, 2022 12:25 am
The Hyuuga showed himself to have a very demonstrative and firm grasp as the outreaching hand of Akagi was accepted into a semi formal introductory handshake. Onabi had introduced himself to the clan-less ninja which stood before him. Akagi answered in a calmed tone not attempting to raise his voice in any way as it was clear that a respected clan had stood before his very eyes. Eyes, a funny word in this situation as it was the same thing which definitively made them different since each was age one. "I've only been a ninja for about two years now. I've spent most of my time in studies attempting to grow my knowledge rather than my arts in the ways of jutsu and my body to be strong." Akagi attempted to give off a slight laugh which was almost more of just a loud breath in a way to lighten the mood, "I unfortunately was not able to participate in the most recent Chunin exams or even attend them, so I am still stuck as a genin. Did you get to see them?" Akagi attempted to make light conversation that he would eventually be able to lead into deeper conversations, but, as with most conversations, it started at a surface level before it could dive under the water.

Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 74750

A chance meeting [IO] Empty Re: A chance meeting [IO]

Sat Apr 09, 2022 12:43 am
Onabi was stunned by the mans answer "devoting your time to your studies is a very smart thing to do, I hope you are now looking into things like chakra control and ninjutsu." Onabi laughed with the teen Onabi wanted the mood to seem as light and friendly as absolutely possible it wasn't every day that he go to talk to someone that wasn't in his family. Onabi snickered when he heard that the man hadn't been able to participate or attend the latest Chunin exams not a lot of people did, during sign ups he only saw the three names and during the first phase, the written exam only two of us even attended and of course the second phase was only fought with the two of us. "I was actually able to attend and participate in the latest exams, it was a fun year and the trails were fairly interesting. there was a written portion and by the looks of that test it seemed like there were no tricks or red herrings and during the second phase I actually won my round of combat." Onabi again snickered, he knew that he looked like a young academy student but during the last year he had climbed the ranks the the shinobi faster then most of the shinobi inside Konoha.
Akagi Yoshiro
Akagi Yoshiro
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 16000

A chance meeting [IO] Empty Re: A chance meeting [IO]

Sun Apr 10, 2022 12:25 am
Akagi was pleased that Onabi had seen the benefits which could be gained from studying for the first few years of being a ninja rather than focusing mostly on training for the actual field instead of theocraticals. He also saw the worth in learning ninjutsu, but fuinjutsu had always been of interest to him. He began to explain in between Onabi's speeches, "Actually, instead of pursuing ninjutsu, I've decided to dive into fuinjutsu, the art of seals." He allowed Onabi to finish his response to the previous statements. Akagi attempted to jog his own memory in who had actually competed in the chunin exams, but before he could remember on his own, Onabi had flat out reminded him that Onabi himself had competed in the event. Akagi was able to decipher the fact that Onabi must have been a chunin by this point and really started to realize Onabi's strength at this point. He had been able to defeat another ninja who was of equal rank in a severe competition and climbed to chunin by such a young age. Akagi had to know more, "So what kind of ninja art do you deploy in combat?" He inquired while gently waiting for a response.

Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 74750

A chance meeting [IO] Empty Re: A chance meeting [IO]

Sun Apr 10, 2022 5:16 pm
Onabi was surprised that the young man was interested in the art of sealing Justus, and someone that could seal X inside of Y would be extremely useful for Onabi's goals as an shinobi. Being able to apply seals to a person that wasn't necessarily gifted in chakra control like his self, could give an person protection agenst ninjutsu or enhance the physical attributes of said person. Fuinjutsu is the peanut butter to his jam and Onabi had to befriend this man with his friendship he could advance through the ranks. Akagi continued to speak asking Onabi what style of techniques he used. "Oh, as part of the esteemed Hyuuga clan I use the basic art of hand to hand combat." Onabi picked up his empty basket still sticking around the young man. "So have you advanced in Fuinjutsu at all? or have you learned any jutsu? You know doing both studying and learning your art is the best way to progress as a shinobi. Actually if you spent so long studying what have you been learning? im personally interested in the chakra network and the the chakra restrictors inside of you. breaking your natural limiters is useful to someone like me."
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