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Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

Never let a sea turtle down  Empty Never let a sea turtle down

Wed Jan 05, 2022 7:14 pm
A-rank mission:

Hafuma Pendragon

These eyes see more than lies

Feeling the world calling to him Hafuma stirred in his sleep, his eyes casually opening yet still mentally he was more than half asleep as he stared blankly at the wall, consciousness becoming more aware he blinked a few more times as he shot up from his bed, his medium sized bed was facing the window so as soon as he shot up he was facing outside, realizing that he woke up about two in the morning, “Fuck” Hafuma immeaditely said as his eyes narrowed as his annoyance grew, he was wide awake now but still had nearly four or roughly four and a half hours before daylight was upon the world. 

Guess my bodies are all healed up, I suppose I should start training regularly again." Hafuma spoke to himself as he now rose to his feet in his shower to get dressed for the day. A few minutes later Hafuma came back out of the shower fully dressed. His body getting bigger as he got older Hafuma had his shinobi clothes slightly altered, like before his clothes were a lightweight bodysuit that served to cover most if not his entire body. Redefined now, his body weight shoot was now sleeveless and came with a built in hoodie, Hafuma now opting out on wearing his mask gave him an almost stylish feel, he did worry about his arms a little but he supposed he could protect his hand at the very least. In either case, he was not afraid to show off his trained body and he was going to hide his face no longer. 

Hafuma was ready to go, usually he would be carrying more things than a few ninja tools he kept in a pouch at his side but while he might have been indulgent in physical training his mental training resumed while he was in the hospital and he did learn quite a few techniques reading various scrolls, one in particular allowing him to store multiple objects of his in what he understood to be, was some type of pocket unseen to him or to anyone else, but in fact did exist. The Shinobi arts in the world mystified him indeed. 

Night in the sky still Hafuma made his way through the village mostly shrouded in darkness, appearing to be a shadow himself to the untrained eye as he approached the grass fields to start his training for the day. Upon reaching the clearing Hafuma wasted no time beginning with five thousand kicks and punches to loosen up, as he did so he took deep breaths, his eyes closed as he did each punch and kick with intention, as he took a breath with every move he could feel the internal energy he had stored within himself coming out in small waves off his body like steam or vapor. He wasn’t releasing as much as he could but enough so that the energy leaking from him expanded his consciousness and awareness, further enhancing his five senses as he continued to punch and kick, making sure to keep a lid on his energy leakage.

Stopping, Hafuma ran a few miles around the village, well more than a few, he had actually circled the village and came back around to the grassfield, the sun was beginning to rise all the way in the sky, but just as he looked up to see the sun he could also see a bird, not just any bird a messenger bird with a ribbon that he knew meant mission, he had a mission coming his way. 


A Dragon can be obsessive as they are cruel...
Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

Never let a sea turtle down  Empty Re: Never let a sea turtle down

Sun May 08, 2022 10:56 am

Hafuma Pendragon

These eyes see more than lies
Just having finished his training he was going to take a breather, maybe train some more until he could go get a mission, actually did the mission board place ever really close? Hmm, he should figure that out. But these were just thoughts as he gazed upon a messenger bird coming for him from above in the sky, a mission attached to it's leg and one of particular high rank at that, an A-rank mission. With the stench of Gael calling him to be one of his supporters he was a bit hesitant to accept another summons. Outstretching his arm as the bird got near Hafuma allowed it to perch on his arm as he uses his other hand to roll up the letter so he could read it's contents, reading the mission it almost seemed like it was written by a child but in either case he got the gest and he was sure the actual mission would be more complex. The mission, it seemed Kirigakures Sea Turtle population was being targeted by what the letter described as evil poachers and he was being sent out to deal with it. He wondered since he knew the Mizukage was missing who exactly was approving the missions now? But he couldn't utter those words out to anyone. Not now, not ever.

Giving the bird a few more minutes Hafuma then thought it had enough rest and lifted his arm up quickly to give the bird a bit of momentum the bird catching onto the idea as it spread it's wings and at the height of his arm swing it flew off into the sky. Now, the mission itself didn't even describe where to find where the most Sea Turtles were disappearing at, leaving him no information as to where to go first. No matter, Kirigakures was surrounded by water however it still had a sea side, Hafuma figured he go along the coast and keep going down until he found what he needed, some information on where the real action was happening at and then maybe he be a step closer to solving the mystery and stopping this poaching operation. 

It had been early still but Hafuma already dressed began to make his way quickly to the boat fairies, able to catch a ride down some of Kirigakure rivers that lead all the way to the coast, Hafuma himself enjoying feeling water underneath him as the boat gently swayed back and forth as the sun rose into a beautiful morning, it was surreal. "Were almost there passengers!" The captain of the boat yelled, about eighteen other passengers beside himself. Although he would usually think nothing of it two of the passengers that were talking amongst themselves seemed particular suspicious to him, the other passengers looked like they were having fun while these two looked like they were hiding away, trying to keep a low profile, if that was the case then why?

As the boat got close to it's destination Hafuma resigned himself to using the bathroom and waited there until every other passenger left, the two man leaving last making Hafuma want to investigate them more as there behavior was surprisingly alarming  him, Watching the two men leave to get past the small area of forest near the coastline Hafuma had leapt over the tree top, his body lightening as he landed on a branch  with a soft touch as he then leapt forward to another one as he followed the two characters through the forest. Although his body was lightened he couldn't quite eliminate his weight so as he leapt to one particular branch it seemed the leaves couldn't handle it and began falling down, weaving through the air past the mans sights stopping them in there tracks. 

AP:995 - 20(Lightness Skill) = 975AP
A Dragon can be obsessive as they are cruel...

Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

Never let a sea turtle down  Empty Re: Never let a sea turtle down

Sun May 08, 2022 8:18 pm

Hafuma Pendragon

These eyes see more than lies
Mere seconds after the two men stopped in there tracks they dashed in opposite directions towards the trees so it blocked there sight, a basic strategy when they didn't know the exact location of there stalker however Hafuma was more than well equipped to find enemy's even without direct line of sight, his light green eyes deepening in color as they turned a dark emerald, his pupils shrinking and elongating upwards as they turned into dragon silted eyes. Instantly without physically seeing them Hafuma could make out the two mans chakra, one having a fire nature the other having wind, a rather strong duo set up if Hafuma academy knowledge was right as they could augment each others abilities in a pinch. 

Thinking too much the man began to make there moves one beginning to dash to the left crossing about several meters, the other one weaving hand signs while behind the tree as Hafuma could see there chakra swirling within them this one was the one with wind nature and Hafuma recognized the particular jutsu as one of his own jutsu, seemingly building up his chakra the man created a giant bubble of pressurized wind that he blew towards Hafuma direction, a bit off but he would still get caught in the explosion range regardless if he didn't make his move fast. 

About three or four meters away the poacher seemed to have caught wind of Hafuma general location without actually seeing him yet, the build up of air pressure he was gathering was aimed upward and although it was off, Hafuma knew that the explosion range would still hit him if he didn't try to avoid it somehow. In the tree tops still Hafuma left hand stretched out to grab a handful of leaves plucking them off the branch they were hanging off of, Immediately Hafuma threw the leaves up into the air above him, leaping upward as well to land on the very same leaves as he leapt to each one crossing the few meters of space between him and the presumed poachers, his final leap Hafuma twisted his body mid-air to allow himself to plant his feet on the side of a tree as he kicked off of it, giving himself enough propulsion as he summoned one of his black steel tanto's from his space storage as he swung it across the poachers neck side cutting there neck open, a large spurt of blood covering the ground and tree's as he landed on his feet one down the man holding his neck in vein before dropping to the ground, now the other one he needed for information. 


AP:995 - 10(Lightness Skill Upkeep) = 965AP
AP:965 - 10(Storage Displacement) = 955AP
A Dragon can be obsessive as they are cruel...

Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

Never let a sea turtle down  Empty Re: Never let a sea turtle down

Mon May 09, 2022 7:07 pm

Hafuma Pendragon

These eyes see more than lies
Hafuma turned his head to look for the other man but Hafuma couldn't see him, however what he could make out was the partially heavy breathing and the rustling of the same leaves he threw into the air earlier, spinning around to the sound of the noise to see the other poacher mid-movement as they lifted there machete like weapon into the air and was about to swing down on Hafuma, noticing just in time Hafuma took a step back as the man swung down, the weapon almost cutting the cloth of his clothing, stepping back in Hafuma swung down his black tanto so the poacher couldn't lift it back up, "Who do you work for?" Hafuma asked with a moment to talk in the moment of battle, however the guy didn't answer and instead grunted, attempting to lift up there weapon to attack him again.

Giving way a bit Hafuma turned his tanto bladed side towards the poacher and slide it across the back of the mans weapon in a upward curved angle causing a screeching sound as Hafuma then bent his knees down, moving forward Hafuma spun around cutting the man around the shoulder as he was finally able to lift up his arms just for Hafuma to take advantage of the fact. Using his left leg Hafuma kicked the man in the back of his knee area hard causing him to topple to his knees, Hafuma moving in swiftly to hold his blank tanto to the man's throat, "Tell me what I want to know and I may let you live." Hafuma spoke clearly as he also pressed the blade to the mans throat a bit harder enough to draw surface level blood.

Hafuma could feel the man gulp, his eyes turned to the weapon they held still but then the man dropped it seemingly giving up the struggle, "Okay..okay..just name it.." Hafuma smiled from behind the men, "Tell me are you part of a poacher crew that has been stealing sea turtle's along the coast." The man body twitched, it seemed he was on to something, "How d-" Hafuma cut him off pressing the blade tight again for a moment, "Answer the question." He didn't really need him to answer at this point but he did need more information she was going to drain this poacher dry of it, "Y-yes, I belong to a poacher group that sell sea turtle parts for high price around the nations. We make tons of cash and all we gotta do is kill some slow ass turtles, we could let you in on it! Just let me tak-" Hafuma pressed his blade to the mans neck once more to silence him, he had no interest in leaving Kirigakure for profit, he was already making more than enough money and what was on the other side of being a non-villager was hell. "How many of you are there in total, and where.." 

Hafuma waited a moment for the man to answer, then he felt the man gulp, "Fuc" He was uncooperative and Hafuma didn't need him going back to his pals and telling them he was on to them so Hafuma quickly slit the man's throat watching there body drop dead to the floor along with there fellow poacher. 


A Dragon can be obsessive as they are cruel...

Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

Never let a sea turtle down  Empty Re: Never let a sea turtle down

Mon May 09, 2022 9:11 pm

Hafuma Pendragon

These eyes see more than lies
It was a shame he couldn't get any more information but he threatened the man more than enough times and he still chose to give him trouble, it would be a bit harder for him to find out about the other poachers however the one thing he did have was a sense of direction, swiveling his body he turned to the only actual path leading to the coastline, the other to a small town that sustained itself by selling sea wares. Wondering what he should do Hafuma thought he should at least attempt to check out what his competition was, continuing down the path Hafuma stopped at the end of the tree lines, bending down into a hoard of shrubs to conceal him from view as he looked out some open spots using his Draco Sight to see outward into the distance.

Looking out about  eighteen meters out into the sea Hafuma spotted a huge boat sitting a few miles off the shore, he could see..about twelve or thirteen different chakra signatures of various natures but then his mind stopped, it had been easy to find the poachers, they were literally in plain sight and that brought about the question why they could sit in plain sight, the village caught wind but did the small town nearby not? Were they secretly getting supplies from a small town using the money they got from selling sea turtles? If that was so the whole village would vouch for them unless they knew so in that case Hafuma had to expose them in order to prove they weren't innocent. 

So at the very least he was going to have to go under cover for a day, maybe a few more, in that case killing two of the poachers was probably not the best idea but luckily nobody saw him follow them nor seen them fighting. Using his seals Hafuma placed back his bloody black tanto blade into his sub-space and deactivated his dojutsu as he then made a half hand seal for dog, a poof of smoke signaling his transformation as the smoke cleared to reveal a white hair kid with a ponytail with crimson red eyes, dressed in water wear, as an extra step he conjured a fishing pole so he look like some small time fisher to allow him to blend in with the town.

2 Days Later

And so Hafuma in his transformed state walked about the small town, he claimed his fishing rod was broken and he needed a new one so he began a small shopping spree to buy different fishing gear, although he never really went fishing he could actually use the gear in a practical way to gather fish for him to eat but more than that people liked to gossip especially among people they thought were like minded and for the town next to sea, that had to be fishing or just about any water sport so Hafuma began talking to people about that, but keeping to the subject of fishing mostly, as someone who was buying actively and was talking up so many people word spread about him and people began talking about even the secrets of the town, the shop he had been buying worms at gave the most definitive information, he saw a group of man carrying what looked like a turtle into a carriage and running off, the two man hadn't returned yet and there boss was looking all over for them.

"So those must have been the two man I killed coming back, so they capture them here and sell them somewhere else.." Hafuma though to himself, it seemed he needed to cut off this poacher activity from the source. 

AP:965 - 5(Transformation Technique)  = 960 AP

A Dragon can be obsessive as they are cruel...
Hafuma Pendragon
Hafuma Pendragon
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Clan Specialty : Bukijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58400

Never let a sea turtle down  Empty Re: Never let a sea turtle down

Thu May 12, 2022 7:42 am

Hafuma Pendragon

These eyes see more than lies
Hearing the old bait shop owner out Hafuma finally got what he needed, the people of the town saw the poachers not as poachers but just a group of men banded together, he imagined they had been going around town doing good, that humored him, the act of doing good to maintain doing bad, yet he was pretending to be  just a small fisher boy but was really a shinobi for kirigakure. He guessed in a way they could all be seen as bad to the villagers but in either case one of them saw some of the group taking away a sea turtle and never coming back, the boss was angry supposedly, good. They would come to understand soon enough stealing Kirigakure's sea turtles was not an act Kirikigakure would permit. 

"Oh geez the boss is angry and is running around looking for his two people, sounds like they took some money.." The bait shop owner looked left and right while standing straight up and then bent down to Hafuma transformed state level, "Well you didn't here it from me... but it seems they were runnin some type of...transaction for him so I think ye be right about that one son." Great, so the rumors of what they do were already spread, they just needed someone to push there suspicion. "Mind telling me where they are gramps so I can stay away. They sound like bad folk.." Hafuma said as he faked being a little freaked out over the behavior of the man to enforce into the old man mentally that those people were not to be welcomed but to be feared and avoided, for there own safely. They wouldn't be there for long.

"Most of the time they are at sea on there boat, but when there not their they are in a old abandoned house they occupied a mile northeast of here right next to a hill." Hafuma transformed face smiled as he gave the old man the money for the stuff he was buying, "Thanks for the news gramps, but I think those bandits won't be in the town long, on the way to here I saw a Kirigakures ninja hunting some folks down, I think those people might be criminals.  


AP:960 - 5(Transformation Technique Upkeep)  = 955 AP

A Dragon can be obsessive as they are cruel...
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