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Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

Aokidanza’s Mission Sheet Empty Aokidanza’s Mission Sheet

Wed Jan 05, 2022 2:26 pm
Mission Rewards and Rank Up Tracking

Aokidanza’s Mission Sheet B2347310
Name: Aokidanza Senju

In Character Rank / Power Rank: B-rank Missing-Nin/B Power

Village Affiliation: Missing-Nin

Link to Stat Page: Aokidanza’s Redefined Stat Sheet

Power Rank Advancement
(Refer to The Dual Rank System)

Any mission that is used to advance a ninja's Power Rank should be linked and filled in to its corresponding slot. Each rank is outlined using the standard track for advancement; should a ninja be using the "High Stakes" (HS) track to the advance, the requirements will be different than what is listed, and their player should edit the requirements accordingly. All Rank ups must be approved by a member of NRPG Staff.

C Rank: 4 E Ranks, 2 D Ranks (1 Hunter), 2 C Ranks, 1 B Rank

  • E Rank: A Small Fish in a Smaller Pond

  • E Rank: A Trustworthy(?) Guard

  • E Rank: Starting Off Wrong

  • E Rank: (Don't) Shoot the Messenger

  • D Rank: A Lesson

  • D Rank (Hunter): Chance Meetings

  • C Rank: Purest Beauty: Holiday Mission

  • C Rank: Not so Safe

  • B Rank: Daughter Delivery

B Rank: 1 D Rank (Hunter), 3 C Rank (1 Hunter), 2 B Ranks, 1 A Rank ; HS: 1 D Rank, 3 C Ranks, 2 B Ranks (1 Hunter), 1 A Rank

  • D Rank (Hunter): (Using C hunter skip ticket)

  • C Rank: An unlikely unison (Not So Safe)

  • C Rank: Terrible Festivities (IO, Jaye) (Stop the Poison!)

  • C Rank (Hunter):(Using B hunter skip ticket)

  • B Rank: The Highest Peak: Holiday Mission (A-rank Mission)(Using this for B-rank mission for B power)

  • B Rank: Acquired Taste

  • A Rank: Disgruntled Few (S-rank Mission)(Using this for A-rank mission to get B power)

A Rank: 1 C Rank (Hunter), 3 B Ranks (2 Hunter), 2 A Ranks, 1 S Rank ; HS: 1 C Rank, 3 Ranks, 2 A Ranks (1 Hunter), 1 S Rank

  • C Rank (Hunter):

  • B Rank:

  • B Rank (Hunter):

  • B Rank (Hunter):

  • A Rank:

  • A Rank:

  • S Rank:

S Rank: 1 B Rank, 3 A Ranks (Hunters), 3 S Ranks; HS: 1 B Rank, 3 A Ranks, 3 S Ranks (1 Hunter)

  • B Rank:

  • A Rank (Hunter):

  • A Rank (Hunter):

  • A Rank (Hunter):

  • S Rank:

  • S Rank:

  • S Rank:

Extra Missions

Any mission the ninja has completed that is NOT used for a rank-up should be filled in here based on its rank. If the mission was failed for any reason write (failed) next to the mission.

E Rank:

D Rank: A Rowdy Group

C Rank:

B Rank:

A Rank:

S Rank:

List any milestones the ninja have completed and the bonus attached to it. All milestones must be approved by a member of NRPG Staff before their rewards can be used. 

Hit the Ground Running: Complete one mission.
Bonus500 Ryo

Teamwork makes the Dream Work: Complete a mission in a mission group of 3 or more.
Bonus500 WC

A Cog in the Wheel: Complete a Village Exclusive mission (or Missing Ninja Contract if Missing Ninja) of at least A Rank
Bonus2,000 Ryo & 2,000 WC

Novice Ninja: Complete one D-Rank mission.
Bonus: D Rank Jutsu Scroll

Journeyman Ninja: Complete one B-Rank mission.
Bonus: B Rank Jutsu Scroll

Professional Ninja: Complete one S-Rank mission.
Bonus: S Rank Jutsu Scroll

Learning the AlphabetComplete one mission of each rank
Bonus4,000 Ryo & 4,000 WC



Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Aokidanza’s Mission Sheet Empty Re: Aokidanza’s Mission Sheet

Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:47 pm
Moved to Konohagakure Logs as part of August 2023 Activity Check.
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