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Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

Enjoy the holidays  Empty Enjoy the holidays

Fri Dec 10, 2021 9:57 pm
It was a quiet afternoon , most shinobi had gone home to have dinner with their family’s and get ready to enjoy the rest of their day relaxing but not Ciel. He didn’t have anyone at home waiting for him to return to and nothing was more depressing than just sitting in the house by yourself all afternoon , so he thought it be a good idea to go out for a stroll around town to see if he could find something to get himself into. He hadn’t taken an afternoon off to just relax and do something spontaneous in a while especially since he had graduated from the academy, everyday for him it was training and nothing more. It became to the point where it was like he was obsessed with getting stronger.

As he strolled around the village he had started to realize that it was the first time he had remembered the promise he made to himself to try out some of the new food stands that had got put up around the village. He normally wasn’t one to try new food but he couldn’t help but give them a try , it wasent everyday that a new food would come into the village and once they were gone who knew when the next time they might come back. He knew the fastest way to try everything would be by using the shadow clone Justu and have them all grab things from all the stands and bring them back to him, so that what he did.

Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

Enjoy the holidays  Empty Re: Enjoy the holidays

Sun Dec 12, 2021 7:51 pm
At the moment all he could summon was two clones , even though he wish he could had summoned more. Having the clones stand side by side facing Ciel, he would look at both clones and start talking. “Alright look fellas , we need food and I don’t mean any food and I don’t mean food that we eat on a regular day . We need something new and different , something that when we had a long day or being the bad ass shinobi that we are it will relax us and fill our bellies”, he would say while walking back and forth. 

The clones would just stand there and listen to the original talk , all the while wishing that Ciel would shut up so that they could go and start tasting food. They at the end of the day was one, so the clones had a pretty good idea on where they would go first and the things they wanted to try first. “All right go on and find us something amazing” , Ciel Would say and In an instant his clones dispersed. Once they were gone he found a nice bench to sit down at while he awaited their return but for some reason he couldn’t help but wander what he could be doing to Make himself useful but couldn’t think of anything at the moment so he decided that he would just sit here untill the clones come back with something good for them all to share.

Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

Enjoy the holidays  Empty Re: Enjoy the holidays

Mon Dec 13, 2021 10:26 pm
Sometime had passed since the clones had left and it started to make Ciel wander what the hell the two of them could be doing. They were exact copies of him so he was sure they understood how much he hated waiting on people, which added to the confusion of why they weren’t back yet with his food. If he had to take a guess , he would assume that either they been out eating the food for themselves or they found something interesting to get themselves into but either way all this time they had him waiting was unacceptable.

“I have half a mind to cancel these damn clones if they don’t hurry up and bring me back something to try, I know they have to be out there eating all the good food without me”, he thought to himself as he layed back on the bench he was sitting on. As he looked up at the sky he wandered what had made him use his own clones to go out and gather food and bring it back, knowing that there was almost no chance of those clones returning untill they had their full of food and more than likely will return empty handed. The only reason Ciel didn’t cancel the clones was because he would be getting all of their memories when he call
Them back so he might as well let the guys finish having their fill. “If they are not back soon though my good mood might end and I’ll have to call them back home”.

Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

Enjoy the holidays  Empty Re: Enjoy the holidays

Thu Dec 16, 2021 11:11 pm
“Okay now it’s starting to piss me off , what the hell are they doing”, Ciel said to himself as he sat up. He had been waiting for about an hour and it had seemed that his clones were starting to abuse the amount of time they had to bring back some food from around the village. “Well I guess it’s time I go take a look around and see what these fools have gotten themselves into”, he said as he started to get up and stretch, he had been sitting down for quite some time now and this stretch would be enough to help him get mobile again. 

“Alright, so if I was a clone that wanted to taste great food but at the cost of my money where would I go ?” , he said as he placed his hand on his chin. He couldn’t help but wander what the clones were thinking when they went out to get food. He knew they must of had some sort of idea of where they wanted to go and what food they wanted to try but unfortunately for Ciel he couldn’t think of anything. Then it hit him , there was this new BBQ restaurant that just opened up down the street and he knew he had to go there one day and since the clone would know that then it’s more than likely that’s where one of the clones had went to, hopefully he was right because he was starting to get really hungry.

Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

Enjoy the holidays  Empty Re: Enjoy the holidays

Sun Dec 19, 2021 4:53 am
As he made his way to the BBQ place he couldn’t help but wander what made the clones not come back after they had tried the food. He hoped that they didn’t find themselves a way to get into trouble because it would suck if Ciel would have to explain why his clones were out running amok around the village. Normally he would rush to them but since the day was still so young and since the clones hadn’t been destroyed he felt as though he didn’t have to hurry and he could enjoy his walk over to the first one. 

As he reached into his pocket to pull out a piece of candy he had been waiting to eat he had realized that his wallet was still in his pocket and that he hadn’t given the clones any money to go and buy food. “ ah shit , now I see why these clones hadn’t come back. They must of eaten food and wasent able to pay for it not to mention have enough to bring it back for me to eat”, he thought to himself. He couldn’t believe he forgot to give the clones money to but the food, he figured he must of been in such a rush that he had forgotten to give them any money. “Hopefully the stall owners would forgive me for this when I get there , I would hate to not be able to buy food anymore from these places”, he would say as he picked up his pace a little. 

Ciel Uchiha
Ciel Uchiha
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Nightmare Demons
Familiar : Sebastian
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 46000

Enjoy the holidays  Empty Re: Enjoy the holidays

Sat Dec 25, 2021 12:51 am
It had been a long day. He thought it be a good idea to give up the search for the clones and just make them disappear. He had been working hard all day and it seemed that these clones were going to run him into the ground and not allow him to eat any food today but he didn’t mind anymore. He had been out searching for these fools for the last hr and now that he hadn’t found them or the food they were suppose to have gotten, he dispelled them. He really had hoped that they would bring something back that they all could share but then again he didn’t enjoy the nice day outside. 

As he dispersed the clones he could see that they were all at the places that he had figured they had went to but now he finally understood why they did what they did. One of the clones was busy cleaning up around the shop when the owner realized the clone didn’t have anymore to pay for the food that he ate. He felt bad that his clone had to do all that work because he didn’t give out anymore before they had ran off, but at the same time it was slightly amusing. The second clone was actually being chased around the village by some dogs that the second Stall owner had in case anyone was trying to skip out on paying their tab. He was pretty had that he called this clone back before it was dog food

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