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Stat Page : hey, little songbird
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 700

long nights ; missions with jiro Empty long nights ; missions with jiro

Sat Dec 04, 2021 8:48 pm
Escort Service & Holy Matrimony

Mission Specs:

The delivery of an old woman and her granddaughter’s dowry to the wedding itself a couple of towns over had yet to go wrong. The mountain air was frigid despite barely being a quarter of the way up the slope, and as such what would normally be a one or two day journey was taking much longer. There hadn’t been any snow yet, but her protection detail, Oshizame, had difficulties during the nights where the temperature approached subzero.

She was bundled up in enough furs and cloths to make it nearly more efficient to carry her- but at the same time, Ume didn’t want to leave the chest containing the dowry by itself, nor did she want to jostle the older woman’s spine.

The glasses donned monk turned to her temporary contract partner. “There’s a suspension bridge up ahead,” she noted simply, “I can carry the dowry or Oshizame, should it become necessary, but I’d prefer to keep the both of them together. Can you support either of their weight?” she asked. She didn’t ask what the stranger’s name was, nor was there any push to learn of his identity.

“If not, it might be best to delay the trek across at least until morning. It’s getting late, and the ravines get very windy when the sun goes down.” Ume added after a few moments. She’d lived in the area for quite some time, and it was likely that the stranger would be able to recognize that she was a local.

[WC: 251]
[Total WC: 251]
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

long nights ; missions with jiro Empty Re: long nights ; missions with jiro

Mon Dec 06, 2021 2:24 pm
Jiro found himself in and odd situation. He was just wandering around the place looking for some herbs he could use and came across some people that needed help. an older women making her way to a wedding and with her was a young monk with glasses. He didnt get any herbs he wanted or needed but he was always happy to help. He would hum lightly as they walked, not really saying much as he looked around. He never met a monk before but he heard about the monks a little bit from his work and his wandering. It was interesting to meet one in the flesh. Jiro himself was just a tall young man with black hair and adventuring gear, he didnt look any special however. He then heard the monk speak and he would nod slightly as he listened to her. Thinking for the moment. "I can carry either no problem but let me carry our elderly friend, you seem to know the area more It would be better for you to carry the dowry since we shouldnt damage that, i at th least can make sure she will see no harm." He smiled at the monk. "I rather not wait till morning but its up to you,." He smiled still and looked down the cliff to see its perils drop down. "I will never understand the appeal of living on a mountain, what if the cliff gives way and everyone falls down or theres a land slide and the paths are destroyed." he shakes his head thinking about it. "least on the plains theres nothing to worry about but wolves and bandits, both are easy to take care of." he would say as they get closer to the bridge.

twc 294
Stat Page : hey, little songbird
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 700

long nights ; missions with jiro Empty Re: long nights ; missions with jiro

Mon Dec 06, 2021 2:39 pm
“Of course,” she replied simply, hefting the dowry over a shoulder with one arm and letting it cling to the limb with a misappropriated Surface Walking. She’d turn to him, making sure her temporary partner was following at an appropriate pace, and delicately made her way across the suspension bridge, testing for loose panels as she went. “It’s a matter of perspective.” she answered his statement. “These mountains are called home by many, regardless of its inherent difficulties. By and large, most disasters are easy to circumvent and predict. And in the case of a landslide… Well, the Daimyo does employ chakra users. There’s not enough conflict to sustain an active military like the mainland, so ninja have to find other methods of employment.” Ume added.

Ninja were odd on this continent- chakra users as a whole tended to be referred to as Ninja, regardless of if they had a village upbringing or citizenship. Perhaps the definition had spread from the western ports, which had the most contact with lands such as Island and Lightning countries.

“I will say though that most people don’t live in this part of Valley country.” she spoke apropos of nothing. “You’ll mainly find indigenous clans in these mountains, with a few settlements here and there. The largest cities are down south east, where they have access to warm water from the Kaijuu ocean.” at this, she had finished crossing the bridge, and the stranger would likely finish soon, too.

Should nothing else happen, she would make her way to the destination and complete the mission.

[WC: 261]
[Total WC: 512]


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Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

long nights ; missions with jiro Empty Re: long nights ; missions with jiro

Mon Dec 06, 2021 2:59 pm
he would follow the monks steps as he looked down. he was not scared of heights but he couldnt help but look down now and again. as well as listened to her. "ah well I can understand that much i suppose i can understand, but it still would be a lot easier for everyone to live on ground you know wont break under you." he would say as he stepped and a wood panel of the bridge would break. He caught himself and stepped over it and he sighed. "what i would give in order to fly." he would shake his head and keep walking with the nameless monk more. "well if you ever found yourself on the ground and need anything just look me up, im not a hard person to find and down at the plains its a lot more straight forward then being on cliffs." he would chuckle. He didnt like the word ninja, the few ninjas he has seen left a bad taste in his mouth and many others, some werent sneaky as their name would suggest. but he would never start anything if he didnt have to and would leave things there. but soon after the bridge once they where finished they would see off the older lady and the dowry and he would sigh with relief, he then turned to the monk but she was already gone, left to the wind. he looked around a bit and then shrugged. he then would start to walk down the mountain path to the ground, looking for any herbs on his way down but still not getting any he needed or wanted to get. he would sigh deeply and move on.

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long nights ; missions with jiro Empty Re: long nights ; missions with jiro

Mon Dec 06, 2021 3:10 pm
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