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Ryō Senju
Ryō Senju
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 100675

Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki] Empty Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki]

Sat Nov 27, 2021 2:48 pm
( Mission Thread )


Ryō walked through the streets of Konoha buoyed by a sense of satisfaction that seemed unending. Things were improving for himself and for the village. Everything seemed to be getting better as efforts were undertaken to begin repairs long overdue from the war. Buildings that had long been neglected due to a lack of manpower or resources to maintain them were finally getting a fresh coat of paint and cracked or damaged parts replaced. Day laborers of all walks of life were more and more common within the village as areas were cordoned off to store debris and parts.

Of course accidents were bound to happen with old wood piles. So it was that Ryō stopped in the middle when he caught that first whiff of smoke a heartbeat before a scream set him off at a run. Turning one corner, he was left briefly stunned as he caught sight of a large building with great plumes of black smoke billowing out from inside. Briefly, he could make out the hints of flames licking at the air, promising the arrival of an inferno if not contained soon.

He looked around and a sinking feeling began to develop in his gut. Most of the people were standing back and gawking. A few  looked to be near to tears while others were visibly grappling with what to do. Thinking back to some of the training that had been provided after his return, Ryō knew the closest fire station was too far to do anything but put out the blaze after it had already raged, consuming the building and maybe others nearby. If something was going to be done to put it out, it had to be done now.

Unslinging his backpack, Ryō leapt into action. Reaching one hand into the larger of his hip pouches and produced a small scroll. Barely large enough to avoid being overwhelmed by his hand, Ryō gave the blue scroll a flick of the wrist as he unraveled it and let it drop to the ground. Along the length of the scroll was a simple but potent seal with a large portion of the center seal formula dedicated to the kanji for water. Ryō quickly wove several hands seals together as he channeled ndnmolded his chakra before stomping on the center of the seal. The seal glowed green for a moment before a wellspring of water erupted from the scroll, creating a large pool of water along the ground.

As civilians cried out in surprise and awe, many scrambling to get away from the spreading water to avoid getting wet, Ryō did not waste time and continued weaving hand seals. Utilizing the unsealed water, Ryō sprayed the side of the building with it. It wasn't enough to put the fire out at all, but it would help ensure the blaze didn't rage out of control before other efforts could be made to bring it under control. The Senju took a step towards the house, his mind racing with ideas and questions.

Just what was he going to so next?


WC: 512
@Miki Satow
Miki Satow
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Clan Focus : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 125200

Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki] Empty Re: Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki]

Sun Nov 28, 2021 7:21 am

Shawty fire burning on the dance floor
c a l l 911

The morning started as it usually would; waking up in a dank tavern, stuck in a situation that she couldn’t seem to get out off… She had applied for various jobs, but hadn’t heard anything back… She wanted nothing more then to go back to the brothel; but she just couldn’t seem to lower herself to beg that nasty man to let her return… Although, from the last conversation… It wasn’t going to be a brothel anymore… Miki wasn’t to sure what her future held for her; she knew that in the coming weeks she would prepare for the first big event in a long time in Konohagakure; and she needed to begin her preparations as she walked along the streets of Konohagakure; stopping and chatting with different vendors; making the preparations for the upcoming events. That’s when she smelt it at first, the distant smell of smoke; at first she figured that someone could be starting a fire in a pit; but the deeper she got into the village, the more it became apparent that this wasn’t the case.

As Miki saw the first sign of the black smoke rising above the village; she took action, sprinting towards the smoke and heavy smell of fire; she wasn’t sure if there was anyone else going to be there – but she couldn’t allow the fire to overtake the rest of the surrounding buildings; it was to dangerous of a start especially if the building was in a tight fitted area; as she weaved along the streets of Konohagakure; Miki became suddenly familiar with the area; as she pulled up to the street in question she saw the building far before her eyes would land on Ryo Senju; her eyes darted; the building on fire was her former brothel… She couldn’t believe it… There was no returning to her home… No hope in hell; she watched for several moments, the fire escaping through open windows, glass shattering out towards the streets as portions of the building that were untouched became engulfed.

Quickly Miki would take action as she finally laid her eyes on the Senju; he pulled out a scroll, forming a sprout of water, weaving hand seals to begin the attempt to put the fire out; Miki quickly darted out in front of the shocked on lookers, “Quickly! Everyone who cannot help step out of the way! You need to get back, you don’t want to be in the line of fire if anymore glass comes flying!” She shouted, directing quickly for those who could wield the element of water to step out and help with the relief of putting the fire out. As Miki began to bark orders towards several men who stepped out of the crowd offering help; she quickly found herself beside Ryo; “Fancy seeing you again.” She spoke to him as she herself quickly wove several hand seals; the water would begin to rise in front of the young raven haired Kunoichi would make quick work as she focused on the base of the fire; that was until she heard the screaming in side of the building – she knew the voice all to well; she debated at first; considering how much good it would be if the building just stayed on fire…

A few moments on internal struggle lasted what seemed like hours in her mind; within that moment Miki decided to act quickly; she would change the direction of the water; allowing it to soak herself as she ripped a piece of fabric long enough to cover her face as she also soaked that in water, “Base of the fire guys! Try to keep the place as cool as you can!” She screamed before taking off towards a window that didn’t have fire shooting out of it; she quickly threw herself in, coming to a roll as she stayed low to the floor; the smoke throughout was rough; vision was minimal, she could hear the water hitting against the building and flying inside, the hissing from the fire being hit was loud, almost as if it was bacon sizzling throughout the large building.

Miki quickly found her pace, recognizing the room she was in, “Keep screaming! I’m coming!” She would shout; the voice would shout out once more – the man obviously not recognizing Miki’s voice at this point; she would continue to stay low to the ground as she crawled her way through the building, hearing the structure of it beginning to crack from the heat and pressure of the building beginning to rise.

  • Health 100
  • Chakra 35
  • Vigor 60
  • Speed 25
  • Strength 5

Total Post WC 758
Total WC 758
Total WC Needed 758/1000
Active Skills
Active Jutsu
  • None
  • Total AP subtracted is 0 AP

  • None

Post Information
Call the Fire Brigade!:

I gotta cool her down
Ryō Senju
Ryō Senju
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 100675

Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki] Empty Re: Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki]

Sun Nov 28, 2021 3:53 pm
Ryō blinked surprise at the girl who stepped up next to him. "Miki?" Surprise and disbelief were etched into his features, but Ryō had no time to ask more questions. There was a dull wump sound following an explosion if glass as a window burst from the pressure. More flames began to lick and dance as the fire began to build into an inferno inside the building. His mind began to race as he considered his next move, though that decision was made for him when Miki ran into the burning building.

"Miki!" Ryō cries out in alarm as her form vanished amidst the flames and smoke. Panic began to well in his chest, but he forced it down as he fell back o to his training. After all, a panicked shinobi was a dead shinobi. Taking out another blue scroll, Ryō unleashed another deluge on the building to control the flames. He hadn't fully replenished the contents of water scrolls after his training, a fact he was cursing himself for now, but it was enough.

The first signs of the fire brigade arrival were welcome to the Senju. They brought with them large containers of water that would be essential in fighting the flames and keeping the other buildings from being consumed. Whether or not they could save this building, however, was up in the air.

It was unfortunate that the first brigade to arrive seemed to have no one trained in ninjutsu as they began to set up their pumps to expel the water from their tanks. Hopefully they would be enough for now, as Ryō decided he had a new job. Before anyone could stop him, he ran into the building and was immediately beset by smoke and flame.

Glad that he had taken an interest in fuinjutsu, Ryō made several handseals and unsealed a special seal over his throat. Immediately he could feel his body relax as he was no longer attempting to breathe embers and ash in air that was rapidly becoming too hot to endure. He could hear Miki in the building, although it was difficult to make out where she was.

Driving home how dangerous of a situation this was, a burning beam crashed to the ground with half of it still glowing an angry red. The building was rapidly becoming unstable. However, the idea of abandoning Miki was unacceptable to the young Senju. He pulled out scroll after scroll, looking for a particular one before he found it with a surge of elation. Setting it on the ground, he unraveled the scroll to reveal the sealing formula and quickly made several adjustments.

Unsure if it would work, Ryō knew he had no choice but to try. Molding his chakra ad he activated the seal, Ryō did his best to not flinch as a gust seemed to flow in from all directions, bringing the fire towards the center of the scroll and the sealing formula. After a harrowing moment, the seal flashed a sharp red and expelled a brief burst of energy that cleared the air around him

The fire was still raging and consuming the building, however his efforts had cleared a substantial portion of the flames from the main hallway. Although he couldn't see her, Ryō knew she was still in the building. "Miki! Miki we have to get out of here! We are you?" He shouted into the inferno, hoping that from somewhere within she would answer.


WC: 572
TWC: 1,084
Miki Satow
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Sugar Baby
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Clan Focus : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 125200

Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki] Empty Re: Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki]

Mon Nov 29, 2021 3:43 am

Shawty fire burning on the dance floor
c a l l 911

The smoke was thick; difficulty breathing was beginning to kick in; even with the damp cloth over her nose and mouth; Miki began to cough, calling out once again for the man, “Keep scream….Screaming!” She coughed out; she felt her way to the stairs in an army crawl, she knew that he had to be up in his ‘office/room’; it was the only reasoning that made sense to her; once she came upon the stairs, found just off the main hallway; Miki could hear the commotion; a large ‘thud’, along with crackles of burning wood; a large beam falling down just behind; short by maybe just a few feet – Miki took a glance back towards it; her heart was racing; perhaps running into a burning building wasn’t the most smartest of things to do; then she heard that familiar voice, the man she had met only nights before at the ramen bar; “R…Ryo!” She would shout out; “I…I’m by the stairs! A beam! It came down!” She called out; “There’s a man in here still! I’m going for him!” not waiting for a reply, Miki began her crawl up the large set of stairs, working her way carefully to the top.

Once she reached the top of the stairs, she could hear the gagging; she hadn’t thought of how she would get him down, considering his size – she wouldn’t ever be able to lift him… Hopefully he could still walk; as Miki went to grab the door handle, she made note of it glowing red… “Oh nuts…” She would whisper to herself as she thought about it… The fire had probably started under this room; although the fire hadn’t touched it yet, the moment she went to open the door; it could very well cause another explosion… She searched around the smoky hallway for answers; unsure of what her current situation would lead her; then she remembered; the bathroom… The sinks; they all poured water… Water that she could use… Miki quickly went back down to her stomach; the floorboards at this point were burning hot; it wouldn’t be much longer until the entire building would go down in flames… Crawling to get to the closest room that held a sink; she found herself in a pickle; the door to that room was closed off as well…

Miki sighed slightly; this was not the time for mistakes; she looked about; there had to be something to open a small pin hole in the door, to depressurize the room some how. She began to search open doors; rooms she had access to proved pointless, emptied out for the most part; Miki needed to hurry before something else bad happened in the course of their time in the building. As Miki came up to the last room with an open door; she made note of the small pear knife sitting on the table… Unsure if it would work; Miki grabbed it anyways, she made her rushed crawl back to the bathroom; she was approximately 8 feet from the bathroom door when the flooring under her gave way; she quickly grabbed a hold of one of the heavy wooden tables’ leg; hoping that the floor wouldn’t collapse anymore; a scream of horror as she hung above the flames; if Ryo had made his way to the beam; he would see Miki hanging above the raging fire.

  • Health 100
  • Chakra 35
  • Vigor 60
  • Speed 25
  • Strength 5

Total Post WC 563
Total WC 1321
Total WC Needed 1000/1000
Active Skills
Active Jutsu
  • None
  • Total AP subtracted is 0 AP

  • None

Post Information
Call the Fire Brigade!:

I gotta cool her down
Ryō Senju
Ryō Senju
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 100675

Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki] Empty Re: Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki]

Wed Dec 01, 2021 7:36 pm
As part of the training every genin underwent in the Konohagakure Academy, particular emphasis was placed on that split-second moment where a situation began and the problem was made apparent. It wasn't enough to know what to do in a given situation; that first series of actions needed to be instinctual, and needed to be done almost faster than one could recognize the need to perform them began to filter down. 

And so it was that as that terrified scream touched Ryō's ears, he was already leaping through the air, traveling deeper into the building. Turning one corner, Ryō saw the hanging figure of Miki, hanging precariously over a stretch of fallen floorboard, with flames jumping up to lap at her feet. His hands went into hand seals before he even thought to do so. With the floor already giving way, and with the flames only growing higher and hotter, Ryō didn't spare any consideration to avoiding any further damages. Earth pillars, each thick enough to let someone stand comfortably, burst forth from beneath the crumbling floorboards and cut through the air and into the ceiling above, giving ample, safe space to step and move through the burning hallway.

Adding a series of earth beams between the pillars to make movement easier, Ryō approached Miki. The seal on his throat was largely effective at keeping the worst effects of the smoky air at bay, but the heat was rapidly becoming unbearable. "We have to get out here before this whole place comes down on us." To emphasize the precarious nature of their situation, a hunk of ceiling and support beam crashed beside him, creating another gaping chasm that led down to fiery destruction below. "This place isn't going to hold up much longer. Where's this guy you said you were saving?"

It wouldn't take much to convince Ryō of the need to stay, to get the last man still trapped inside out and to safety. Out of scrolls to produce water, and not nearly skilled enough in Water Release to make any significant quantity of water, to say nothing of a usable quantity given their situation, Ryō was left with little else to offer up for assistance than his own strength, some kunai, and the ability to make earthen pillars to stabilize or offer a means of traversal as the building rained down around them. Hopefully it would not be too difficult to free the man, as Ryō was not sure there was much else he could do to offer meaningful assistance. 


@Miki Satow

WC: 421
TWC: 1,505
Miki Satow
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 125200

Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki] Empty Re: Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki]

Thu Dec 09, 2021 2:42 am

Shawty fire burning on the dance floor
c a l l 911

Miki didn’t even realize what was happening until Ryo was beside her; she was able to drop down onto the earth beam; it was becoming increasingly harder – the damp cloth she had been using to cover her nose and mouth were now very dry; the heavy smoke was beginning to choke her; there wasn’t much of anything else she could do… She was almost certain that the man; the owner of the building was already gone.. She couldn’t be sure, but she also wasn’t going to risk her own life to save the life of that pig vile… Miki; coughing and gagging on the smoke would reply to Ryo; “T…There’s a room… Upstairs… If …. You go through…. The hole…. It’s at…. The…. End of the…..Hall….” She managed to spudder out between coughing fits; “I… Don’t think…. He’s alive.

As the final words escaped her mouth, another large beam would come crashing down not to far from their current location; in a matter of moments the entire building would collapse. There wasn’t a point to being heroes, especially if they ended up being dead ones. As Miki grabbed a hold of Ryo’s shirt, the smoke inhalation finally getting to her, she would give one last scream, one last attempt to get the attention of the man, if there was no answer within a minute; she would make the decision that the pair would need to get out of the building before it killed them all.

Miki, using the last of her energy would give out one last scream, loud enough that the entire house could hear it if there had been a person in each room – “ARE YOU STILL THERE?” She would scream out, her throat and lungs burning from the heat, she could feel her entire body slowly burning up, she wasn’t expecting it to happen so soon but yet here it did… She felt the agony she had been hoping to avoid when she first entered the building, counting the seconds go buy… She knew after 30 seconds that there was no chance that this man could still be alive… From his size, to over all demeanor; he would have succumbed moments after the last time he spoke… And yet she tried to save him anyways…

Miki was nothing but a good hearted person, even in the eyes of certain failure, she still made an attempt to save the man that ruined her life… “There…Just…No…Way…He’s still….Alive.” She spat out once again in between coughing fits – she wanted to truly help but there was no longer a reason to keep herself and Ryo in the building. She would release Ryo’s shirt, “We…Have to go…” Her voice was no more than a rough whisper at this point, her throat and lungs torched nearly from the heat alone. As Miki used his earth pillars to get down and out of the building – she hoped that Ryo would simply follow her; as she got outside to the fresh air, she would finally collapse, just as the ‘backup’ would arrive, several medical shinobi catching Miki before she would hit the ground.

After carefully looking the young kunoichi over; they determined the best place for her would be the hospital. With quick action, Miki would be carried off to the hospital within Konohagakure.

  • Health 100
  • Chakra 35
  • Vigor 60
  • Speed 25
  • Strength 5

Total Post WC 549
Total WC 1870
Total WC Needed 1000/1000
Active Skills
Active Jutsu
  • None
  • Total AP subtracted is 0 AP


Post Information
Call the Fire Brigade!:

I gotta cool her down
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki] Empty Re: Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki]

Thu Dec 09, 2021 11:20 am
Approved for Miki Satow
Ryō Senju
Ryō Senju
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 100675

Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki] Empty Re: Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki]

Sun Dec 12, 2021 8:28 am
The situation was rapidly deteriorating as the fire began to exact its toll on the building. The floor had already begun to break apart, gaping holes in the floorboards giving way to burning chasms below, but now the ceiling and roof above were showing signs of imminent collapse; a long beam, normally a support piece for the roof, crashed through the floor an uncomfortably close distance away, stirring up more ash and embers.

Although the breath seal was helping to keep him breathing normally, Ryō could feel his skin begin to blister from the heat and his eyes were stinging from the smoke in the air. As much as he was beginning to struggle with the situation, it was clear that Miki was struggling more; her voice had a ragged edge from the smoke she had been inhaling, and there was a desperation to her holding onto him that spoke to her desire to make sure everyone got out fighting with her own body telling her that she needed to get out. 

However much Ryō might want to help with that, however, he had a new matter that needed addressing; getting them safely out of the building before it came down on them. A large, heavy beam smashed through the wall to their right, bringing down part of the roof with it and smashing clear through to the ground below. Glad that Miki seemed to resign herself to the fact that the last man had likely perished, Ryō quickly turned to lead them out and saw that another part of the roof had collapsed and was now blocking their way. 

A part of him considered turning back around and attempting to find another way out, but he knew that was just as dangerous; with all the smoke and embers in the air, and without ever having been in the building, he knew that the probability of getting lost until succumbing to the blaze was unacceptably high. He knew the way out, but it had to be through the burning barricade. Gathering chakra in his mouth, Ryō formed the hand seals needed and fired a barrage of stones at the barricade, precisely targeting the weak spots in the supporting beams and causing it to collapse far enough to allow them to pass. 

Cognizant of the weakness of the floor, and the burning death below it, Ryō made sure to stick to the earth pillars he had made to get here. Wherever there was a new gap in the floor, he made the earth flow to make another pillar or a bridge. He kept pace behind Miki, making sure to keep an eye out for her to ensure she didn't collapse before they got outside. He needn't have worried too much, however, as she was strong enough to make it back out into the clear air and a much, much larger crowd of onlookers and fire brigade personnel. Immediately she was whisked away while Ryō was left, after a checkup, to sit back and watch the building burn and collapse into a pile of burning ruins.


- 4,000 ryo
- 20 AP
- +20 to Vigor
- 1k WC to learn Breath Seal at C Rank
- 1k WC to learn Earth Style Wall at C Rank

WC: 513
TWC: 2,018
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki] Empty Re: Is that supposed to be on fire? [Miki]

Mon Dec 13, 2021 3:49 pm
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