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Yaijōrama Senju
Yaijōrama Senju
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A Necessary Distraction - Page 2 Empty Re: A Necessary Distraction

Wed Dec 01, 2021 9:45 pm
As Haru came in front of the two, Yaijōrama went to put his hand down. He hooked his thumbs into the sides of his overalls. They were a little too big for him, giving the boy a lot of space in them. Yaijōrama noticed that the silence between them didn’t last long, but what Haru decided to say first wasn’t what he expected.

;; No one has ever just… Directly addressed it. ;; Any time Akiorama’s illness was being discussed Yaijōrama was always quickly sent out by their parents. He knew his brother was sick and he knew next to nothing about his brother’s situation. All that he knew was it would leave him weak. The red of the blood the first time he witnessed it or was old enough to remember… And all Akiorama had done was cough. Whatever this illness was, Yaijōrama hoped that his brother would be able to fight it off… but that was years ago. But here was a medical shinobi, at least aspiring to be one asking about it. Yaijōrama glanced towards his brother after Haru asked their question. Yaijōrama had two thoughts about what he wanted to hear. His father always told him that a shinobi’s body housed many secrets and those who have Senju blood should be careful about who examines them. But his brother was hurting and maybe Akiorama needs a doctor.

His attention didn’t stay on Akiorama for long as he spotted the shadow moving behind them. Darkness was casted over him and he instantly knew Maro decided to move closer. Yaijōrama wasn’t sure how close Maro had gotten, but he could tell that he was at least behind them properly. Yaijōrama also knew what jutsu he wanted to use now. He moved both of his hands into his overalls so his hands would be hidden. While hidden Yaijōrama went to form a hand seal pressing his hands into the clone seal. Suddenly a plume of smoke erupted to the right of Yaijōrama less than a meter beside him.

Within the smoke a Shadow Clone was formed of Yaijōrama. A perfect carbon copy of him, down to every last detail. The smoke lingered for a moment. The clone spawned facing backwards, in Maro’s direction. The smoke didn’t last long and by the time it vanished, the clone was ready and he leapt into the air in hopefully Maro’s direction.“A Shinobi never lets his guard down!” Yaijōrama Clone shouted as he brought his right leg back, prepared to swing it forward to kick at him.

While Yaijōrama’s clone attacked behind them, the real Yaijōrama looked towards Akiorama after his words. “We can just talk about it now. Maybe Haru can even join in our training.” Yaijōrama shrugged his shoulders after. Either way he figured they were going to talk, so why not have it be now.

WC: 474 - 1438 Total
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A Necessary Distraction - Page 2 Empty Re: A Necessary Distraction

Thu Dec 02, 2021 1:31 pm
Maro watched Haru with interest as she slowly approached. She didn't get too close. Just enough for them to hear her clearly, and then she had let the silence linger uncomfortably for several seconds. It didn't bother Maro, not at all. He was interested in what drove the silence, however. Was she simply thinking? Did she do it on purpose? Did she not like to speak? Had he been in her position and didn't want to speak, he would simply have started examining Akiorama without asking. And yet she had asked for his consent, in an exceedingly polite manner, in his opinion, though devoid of inflection and emotion.

He'd be lying if he were to say he wasn't already deeply intrigued by her. Was she like him? Was this not a little lamb at all? Not quite a wolf, though. Too small, too fragile. A fox. A little fox, cunning and slippery, whose false exterior hides predator's teeth below. His black eyes peered over her gasmask. What was it for? He still didn't know. He wanted to find out. He almost wanted to ask. The big brother's eyes flickered down as Yaijōrama shifted in his stance. The large boy was naturally extremely observant, but the gesture of the younger boy hiding his hands was of no concern to him, eyes panning back up to the little beast ahead of them.


A second Yaijōrama, facing himself. Curious. Was this the academy's clone jutsu? What did Yaijōrama plan-
'A Shinobi should never let his guard down!'
Disappointing, Yaijōrama. Maro tsked at the boy mentally. He liked the idea of the youngest of the group testing his peers with his new abilities, but it was outright absurd to announce yourself while you're attacking, especially if you're testing someone's awareness. Maro's guard was never down, even still. He would reckon, in fact, that he was the only one of the four present who was always watching out for threats. Perhaps, though, Haru was akin to himself in that way. She was full of surprises and mysteries.

In his thoughts, Maro found he had forgotten to do something about the attacking shadow clone. His eyes still linger on Haru as the kick connected to the side of his head with no discernable effect. 'Thunk!'. In the void of climax caused by the non-reaction, Maro's arm shot out to catch the clone by the jaw, moving quickly to rip down and disperse its form without too much suffering. Unlike Yaijōrama, Maro never gave a warning for when he attacked. Indeed, he often did not even show himself before attacking. Some called it cowardly. He wished he were so afraid as to be a coward. How sweet life must be when you fear others.

Provided he had defeated the clone, Maro moved to gently wipe his hand on Yaijōrama's overalls, though there were no clone remnants on it. Perhaps a force of habit from.. picking peppers, of course.

WC: 492-1523

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A Necessary Distraction - Page 2 Empty Re: A Necessary Distraction

Fri Dec 03, 2021 9:03 pm
Haru made her statement and waited she was surprised that she didn't wait long. Even she wondered if she was being too direct. But they responded surprisingly well. They also seem somewhat eager. Intresting. Have they not had many doctors or med nin looking into the situation? Whatever the reason she is glad it all went over so smoothly and that they Akiorama is willing to speak with her. He's Willing yo do so now even.

Her attention is cut off though by the puff of smoke from Yaijoramas clone justu. What is he doing? she thinks before his clone launches its "Surprise Attack" towards Maro. After witnessing the results of the assault that being A ineffective strike against Maro who returned the strike with a swift and simple motion destroying the clone. Haru starts to wonder exactly what is the chemistry here. What purpose do these three fulfill for each other? The brothers might be somewhat self explanatory they have likely protected each other since the beginning as siblings often do. Though it seems one is physically weaker or so information would dictate but one would not tell by looking at them. I all honesty Haru is unsure if she would be able to tell which is the ill sibling if she wasn't informed of who it was already. Normally protection from family is pretty sound. familiarity, Reliability, and Trust come easy. Though she wonders what role beyond mere blood ties hold these two together surly their must be more?

Then there are those two and Maro. A task which with the little information she has is almost impossible to discern. As evident earlier Maro does not need protection at least not from the Senju Brothers. He is isolated often and doesn't seem to desire much in the way of friends and relations much like Haru herself. oddly enough there are many reasons for the brothers to stick with Maro but little if you flip perspectives. Why the way he shadows them seems to imply he is watching them. Protecting them? Why though? that's what Haru wants to know. Why? Why protect two people who offer nothing to you? is there an obligation? Is the behavior rewarded somehow? Would he do so for anyone else? She looks at all three again in the moment and can only see three puppets moving without strings. How long will the magic last? If there truly is any.

Harus musings is cut off when Yaijorama asks if she will train with them. Train with them? She did come here to train though she cares about that even less then she did before. Not only that but from the looks of things they like to spar. Though Haru understands the need to fight she cares little for direct hand to hand combat and doesn't very much like her odds against most of them. Maro least of all. Though she will consider it. "Very Well, If we are starting now then I would like to ask a few questions. First of which being if you know any details as to the nature of your condition and symptoms also when it began to have a noticeable effect"

WC 531-1708

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A Necessary Distraction - Page 2 Empty Re: A Necessary Distraction

Sun Dec 05, 2021 10:37 am
Hearing the answer of his brother and Maro's silence made him scratched his head. ;; I'd rather he didn't know about the big thing...;; He sighed. He didn't really like the idea of just outright saying he's dying to many people. For the most part people knew he was sick and likely underestimated him for it. That was fine with Akiorama. Deception was key to being a Shinobi. However, if his allies knew how fatal his sickness was it would make them worry. He had no time to wait in bed, playing the role of a sickly patient waiting for an end or a cure. No. He didn't want them to worry. The only person who should must be his doctors. And even then, was it even for him?

His train of thought was interrupted by the puff of smoke and Yaikorama's Shadow clone. Akiorama had smiled when he saw his brother use such a technique. He was improving. He loved seeing his brother move forward. However, perhaps he took a step back. Just slightly. The failed 'Surprise attack' had Akiorama cross his arms and look at the scene. Much to the suprise of many, his guard was up. This whole time. But he knew he didn't even need to have it up if he was the target. Announcing your attack could be fatal. "Yaijorama...I'm really glad to see your improving and happy that you've got a new technique. But...A new technique means very little if you can apply it properly. Could have distracted Maro and sent the clone to silently attack from a blind spot. Maybe if it was a real enemy, you could attack as well. A fight on both sides would very likely give many opponents a fair bit of trouble." Akiorama started to lecture. He was known for helping many among his class and even those outside his class. Some may find his advice annoying but he still wants to help improve others. "Never let your enemy know your suprise attack. A shinobi never let's his guard down but he also never let's his opponent see his hand. Still though..." Akiorama placed a hand on Yaijorama's shoulder and have him a smile. "Nice work learning something new and potentially something powerful. Strength in numbers applied with some real tactics and more technique application can take you far, if that's the route you want."

His head turned to Maro "Nice work with your swift attack. Always important to finish an opponent of quickly, especially if your fighting multiple." He'd nod towards him. Maro's response was quick and decisive. How an attack should be. Any slight hesitation can cost the entire battle. To Akiorama, A real battle shouldn't take too long between Shinobi. Although a head on fight varies in length. But Akiorama didn't see many reason why a Shinobi would choose a head on fight. One must be extremely honorable, incredibly foolish, and insanely cocky to approach a head on battle when the option of striking from a blind spot presents itself. Maro understood this concept, after all he typically hides and stalks. Akiorama can respect this.

Akiorama turned to look at Haru. He chuckled some and shrugged. "Sorry, force of habit. Sometimes I feel the need to speak my mind." He looked at her a bit more seriously after his brief offer of words to Haru. "If it's fine I'd like to get closer and speak to just you." His head slightly turned and his eyes peered over to the other two, mostly at Yaijorama. "Sorry, I'm not ready to have that talk with you yet. You will know but not yet. I'd just like 'my doctor' to know for now." Akiorama looked extremely serious for a moment. Then transitioned to a warm smile. "Don't think I have something against you or anything. You've got a lot on your plate. Focus on the present for now. I wanna see you grow more." His eyes darted back to Maro. "Could you practice or train with Yaijorama for a moment? I'll hopefully be back soon." He looked back at Haru and approached her. He'd likely ask her to come with him, farther away from the other two. He knew there would be protest and many might not like this decision but it was the one he thought was right in the moment. Dumping such information on a his little brother would be devastating. He knew. When he found out he also felt the same way back then. He doesn't want his little brother to wake up at night thinking about how little time his big brother had or anything like that. This was best for now. Perhaps after their first mission when they get their teams. Perhaps a few more. Perhaps then, he'll tell Yaijorama everything he wanted to.

WC: 805-2292

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Yaijōrama Senju
Yaijōrama Senju
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A Necessary Distraction - Page 2 Empty Re: A Necessary Distraction

Mon Dec 06, 2021 8:21 pm
As the kick landed against Maro’s cheek, he was anticipating a grand display. Maro would fall over and hold his cheek, he had been training after all and even a shadow clone should have the physical power needed. With the amount of force within the kick, with how much effort Yaijōrama Clone was mustering, the ground could’ve quaked and cracked under the collision of the two beings. At least that’s what could’ve happened, in another universe. In this reality however Yaijōrama Clone struck against Maro and as the satisfaction of the hit set in, despair quickly followed after the lack of reaction from Maro. “Hey what-” Were the words Yaijōrama Clone was able to get out before his bottom jaw was grabbed. Yaijōrama Clone didn’t have time to even react before…


Yaijōrama Clone erupted in a plume of smoke just as he entered. This time his body became that very smoke. What was left of Yaijōrama Clone now lived on in the real Yaijōrama. What was left of the clone exactly was the experiences that Yaijōrama Clone lived. This came with the memories and emotions during all of it. The last memory that Yaijōrama Clone had was the freshest thing. The cold empty void spaces that Maro calls eyes were staring back at Yaijōrama, despite his gaze being on Haru. Yaijōrama went to bring his right hand up towards his jaw, his fingers lightly rubbing against it. His jaw flared with pain for just a second allowing him to feel the final moments of his clone. Yaijōrama’s thoughts started to lead down a valley of questions but his attention was quickly pulled at the words of his brother.

Just as fast as the memories and feelings came to Yaijōrama, they left just as quickly. Once Akiorama began to praise Yaijōrama for his jutsu but also comment on his ineffectiveness with it. Yaijōrama almost instantly forgot about the brutality of Maro’s actions allowing the words of his brother to take up the mental space. “My clone only shouted that because it was fast enough to land the blow.” Yaijōrama brought his left hand up towards his hair and combed his finger through. “Otherwise of course, he would’ve used the smoke as a cover and pressed on without a word.” Yaijōrama knew that Akiorama was really skilled in planning. While Yaijōrama would rush head on, attempting to overwhelm an opponent with any advantage he can press. Akiorama would most likely do the opposite, waiting for a careful strike to put down his foe. “But…” Yaijōrama smiled and nodded towards his brother. “I’ll show you how I can use that jutsu in better ways.”

Yaijōrama spoke up quickly after Haru agreed to spar with them. He didn’t want to waste any time, since he loved to see what other people could do. “Awesome, we can all work on our form.” Yaijōrama went to shift his feet some into a stance similar to a boxer, he threw two quick jabs into the air. While he was about to follow it up with a hook, his hands dropped once Akiorama made his declaration.

Yaijōrama felt a lot about his brother's request. Not only was their father keeping him in the dark about the condition, now Akiorama was actively doing the same thing. Was it his age that made those above him wanting to keep him in the dark? Maybe a sense of childishness that they didn’t want to stifle out, by showing him the grim reality of his siblings' condition. Whatever the reasons, Yaijōrama just put on a smile and nodded towards his brother.

“Me and Maro? We’re like bread and butter. That’s no problem, go talk with Haru!” Yaijōrama looked back towards his tall companion. Though this time he went to walk over towards Maro. He knew it was a matter of time before Akiorama and Haru split apart from the two and he let the silence settle between Maro and himself. Though once Haru and Akiorama were both out of earshot, Yaijōrama finally spoke up. “You know they say she killed someone… Like…” Yaijōrama went to use his right hand to demonstrate for Maro. Going to repeatedly stab downwards into the air.

WC: 708 - 2146
combat stuff:

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A Necessary Distraction - Page 2 Empty Re: A Necessary Distraction

Tue Dec 07, 2021 3:42 pm
Maro was an observant creature, and he didn't miss the way pain shot into Yaijōrama's eyes, how his fingers massaged at his jaw gently. He had felt that. Maro supposed, to some extent, that he didn't fully understand how that jutsu worked. Did it really matter, however? It was a lesson that was taught without doing any harm to his younger friend. Still, something stirred in him, guilt rising like bile in his throat. A large hand, decidedly a different one than what had just been used to kill the clone, placed itself on Yaijōrama's head, ruffling it affectionately, the apology left unsaid, like most words Maro intended to get across. It was not his goal to cause pain, or suffering. He had, in the past, caused great agony to those who had wished him and those he loved harm. Maro would do that again, but in service of his friends, not against them.

It was a good kick.

His eyes tracked to Akiorama as he spoke. He could sense it coming. He had noticed how others worked to protect Yaijōrama from certain information. Maro himself did not know the intricacies of Akiorama's condition. It was not his business, but even then, he knew he was not excluded from that information consciously. Not the way Yaijōrama was. It was a shame. The boy was so excited, snuffed out subtly behind a put-on smile. Maro's eyes tracked Yaijōrama as he spoke, the boy walking closer to his taller companion. Silence lingered for several moments longer than Maro, admittedly, was used to with Yaijōrama.

'You know they say she killed someone... Like...'

Yes, he did know, a small nod confirming that. His head titled, dark eyes searching out Haru in the distance. A killer? Potentially. He could not tell with the mysterious potential doctor, who stood a considerable distance away, chatting with Akiorama. People like himself; people like her, they did not have blood on their hands. They simply washed them too frequently. His hand went to gently push Yaijōrama's hand down as he made the stabbing motion. The boy needed to practice more subtly when talking about someone, especially someone so perceptive as Haru.

Maro knows the amount of anger it takes to stand atop someone and stab downwards into their body repeatedly. He does not believe Haru is capable of that anger.

It was not so easy to tell if someone was a killer. Haru could very well have killed someone. She could very well have bad intentions in regard to the boys, but Maro was here protecting them. He was their watcher. Maro was not frightened. These boys held such potential, and he would not let anything, or anyone, squander that potential. There were few lights in the world, he refused to allow some to be snuffed out. These were his friends, and for his friends, he would bloody his hands again. For these boys he vowed to protect, he would die. This was the watcher's promise.

He had once lived a life of solitude, and he had once lived a life roaming, with no attachments, and with those experiences to compare to the one he lived now, he quite easily found that he preferred this one. His people were not meant to settle down, they were never meant to be caring protectors. It was not in his blood, and perhaps, eventually, it would backfire, but he had yet to feel as if he'd made a wrong choice. He cared about Yaijōrama. He cared about Akiorama. They had been good to him, and in turn, he kept them safe. It was a nice life. He felt like a brother again, and a big brother for once. A better brother than his own had been.

Maro's hand raised once more to ruffle Yaijōrama's hair. He did not need to worry about killers in his midst, Maro would handle them with barbarous cruelty, when the time came. The large boy offered only a shake of his head in response to Yaijōrama's statement, making it clear he did not believe Haru killed anyone. In truth, he didn't care. But he didn't think she was dangerous. Few people their age were dangerous to Maro, and to maliciously challenge Yaijōrama or Akiorama was a death sentence so long as Maro drew breath, and Maro simply refused to die. So, he was not worried, and he knew Yaijōrama wouldn't have to worry either.

WC: 738- 2261

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A Necessary Distraction - Page 2 Empty Re: A Necessary Distraction

Thu Dec 09, 2021 1:02 am
Haru observes the trio closely. She admits alone she wouldn't find much interest in each of them. Maybe Maro as he seems to be an almost inherently perplexing character. The other two though not particularly. But together there comes a familiar urge in Haru. The desire to understand. The pyre of curiosity burns hot in her mind and as the interactions between these three display in front of her more fuel is added. The small interactions have much to dissect. Yaijōrama is confident he seems to deserve it. His attack was good and he did land it though Haru is unsure if Maro even attempted to dodge it. She doubts it. He is a leader perhaps? A symbol for the other two? What about Akiorama as he speaks on the other's performance. It doesn't seem like Yaijōrama and Maro would need a mediator but perhaps something similar? A force to keep them grounded. A judge, not a harsh one but one nonetheless. Everything falls into place. Though she questions the way Maro comforts the Bold Senju. Does Guilt drive Maro's actions here? Or Pity. Then there is Maro himself. The Still, Silent, and Watching Maro protects the two. Quite the  Haru feels another desire. An urge to prod and reveal. The many layers that conceal these bonds frustrate her and she will remove them in time.

However, now is not the time Akiorama has decided to speak with you on the matter in private. Normally this is perfectly understandable but there is something strange in the way it was presented. The way he looked at Yaijōrama. Yes, That was it. His eyes gave an apologetic look. maybe Yaijōrama isn't the leader. Maybe he's more akin to a mascot. Comforting and in need of being protected. He calls the shots and makes the moves as long as they allow but it's all performance whether he knows it or not. What a poor fate that would be for the Confident Senju. Haru will take note of this. "Fine let's go elsewhere then we will discuss your symptoms and I will relay to you my conclusions". She begins to walk away to find a more isolated location on her walk she begins to let the information she's gathered piece itself together in her mind.

All things considered, this was a great success. A new subject to study. A group to observe. A group with potential allies. She doesn't understand what they think of her yet. She supposes it doesn't matter as long as they trust her enough to continue her observations. But what will she learn from the upcoming conversation with the Akiorama she wonders? What about his condition needs to be kept a secret? She supposed that The two siblings knew just about everything about each other. Neither seems the secretive type. Being proven wrong has given Haru another wave of curiosity. Her inquisitive nature toils in her mind like a hungry animal. She wonders to what extent the Senju will allow her testing to go when the time comes. Haru is fine waiting though. She has waited this long for her life to reach this point already she can wait a little longer.

WC: 532-2240

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A Necessary Distraction - Page 2 Empty Re: A Necessary Distraction

Thu Dec 09, 2021 1:52 pm
Akiorama began following Haru as she began looking for a spot. He eyed her. His smile dropped now that no one was looking. His eyes were inquisitive. Now that they were closer, he'd start to analyze her. Her posture, her movements, her attitude. He would cross reference it with just the briefest of exchanges between them vocally. She was perplexing. He had a new thing he wanted to learn about now. No, not a thing. A person. So far, she seems cold and to the point. Likely calculating too but to what extent? He wonders what impression he's given her as well. Akiorama preferred when people made misconceptions about him. A shinobi's best tool was deception. Those that see others like a book that is easily read is either wise or foolish to Akiorama. Humans are capable of such beautiful little lies and secrets. He had some of his own but some would need to be revealed so that he can keep going forward without error. Akiorama believed that actions needed to be made to meet an end. His main two were to instill happiness in those around him and to make sure everyone in the village will feel at peace. To what end is Haru trying meet? Was it broad or narrow? Stupid or Noble? Violent or peaceful? How would she go about this? Was he apart of this goal or just a small piece in a large machine? Regardless, the now was that Haru wanted to study his illness. Perhaps she could do it. Perhaps it was possible. Akiorama had hope. But the way she acts...what brings more hope than a doctor? A happy and fun doctor who wishes to see their patients walk, talk, and laugh. Haru didn't seem that way. Akiorama thinks for a moment. Perhaps a change was needed if she was doing this for selfless reasons. A bigger change if selfish. Though, did Akiorama really like the idea of changing someone? Is that even right? Now he must question, to extent would he go through to meet his ends?

The silence would be peaceful to Akiorama but he wasn't trying to relax. He'd rather get to know his 'new doctor' while he walked with her. "The field of Medical ninjustu had interested me. Still does. I've thought of dabbling a bit though I've went to excel in other areas. I have a bit of a soft spot for science, biology, anatomy, and the like. Fun to learn about and always interesting, wouldn't you say? By the way...why did you want to take this path? An interest from when you were young or something?" Akiorama was a curious kid. Always wanted to learn more and see much of the world and what it had to offer. He gave some friendly banter before asking his prodding questions. If she ever bothered to look at him, she'd notice a smile as usual on him. Looking warm, friendly, and inviting.

He'd continue a bit "If you don't mind, I'd like to train with you as well. Perhaps we could help each other more than what your doing here. You can show me some of the stuff you do and I can teach how to really defend yourself. Not too bad, right? I understand if the request is sudden and you'd wanna turn it down. I just wanted to make some friends and maybe learn some things" He'd chuckle a bit. Softly. "So, how about it? We can do it in between check ups and studies on my condition." He definitely felt a desire to get closer to Haru. After all he didn't know much about her. There were many rumors about her, sure, but that wouldn't stop this child. Besides, if she was an actual threat than she would be swiftly dealt with. He wouldn't hesitate if there was danger. But for now, it seemed ok and his curiosity would continue to grow.

When they had finally made it to their destination he'd stretch and lean up against a tree. "Alright, let's skip to the bit we're here for. I'll go from minor symptoms to severe." He closed his eyes and crossed his arms. A secret would now be told but a necessary one. "The most minor is Hemoptysis. Happens every so often but frequency has been increasing since time has passed. Back pain and shortness of breath typically from this. At times, I'd start to bleed from my nose as well and the bleeding could take a while to stop. Next...I'd say it's a tie between these two. At rare times I've experienced blackouts. I've tried fighting it in the past and I've had some success but just recently I had passed out and was told to get bed rest. Didn't have much of a choice" He sighed. He hated bed rest unless it was absolutely necessary as otherwise he saw it as a waste of time. He could be training, learning, or making someone's day much better. Regardless, he continued. "I also get severe pain. It varies in levels typically. I've only had one occurrence where the pain kept me from moving. The rest? Just pain. Location is around the heart. And finally...the big one...." He opened his eyes and looked towards Haru. Though despite what he had to say, there was a warm smile on his face. "I'm dying, Haru. Doctors have said my limit is late twenties to mid thirties. How unfair, right? It what I've been keeping secret from a lot of people. Only my father and you know. Besides the handful of doctors. I've trained hard in order to not be looked down on. When I should be on my knees, I instead choose to walk. No matter how much it'll hurt." He scratched his head. "Truly a cruel fate to put on a child and it's unlikely that many will truly understand my fate but that's alright. I'm just a boy fated to die without knowing love of all every kind, without knowing true triumph, without seeing so many people smile. But you know? Before I chose to walk instead of fall, this time I choose not to believe in fate. Will I find a cure? I sure hope so. What's the point of accepting a grim outcome when there's a chance to be saved? And what's the point of lamenting in the fact that I can't be saved? I will simply continue doing what I do and try to make the most of it." Akiorama paused for a moment then laughed. "Sorry, seems I've spoken what was on mind again. Probably annoying to hear to you, huh?" He would continue to laugh a little more.

"We should meet up again at some point. See what we can do. But for now I should return to the other two. I hate rushing but I've got somethings I want to do. Maybe the next time we meet we should get some food or something!" He'd extend his hand for a shake then begin walking away after everything concluded. Leaving the scene. "Cya around, Haru. Good luck on your training and endeavors"

WC: 1,189-3481

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A Necessary Distraction - Page 2 Empty Re: A Necessary Distraction

Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:31 pm
;; Why is he trying to keep this away from me? I’m a shinobi, I can handle the reality of a situation. ;; Yaijōrama let these thoughts carry on as he watched Akiorama and Haru walk off. The question continued to ring in his head while the silence between Maro and himself lingered. What was so wrong with his brother that they’d need to keep it a secret from him? He already knew that sometimes blood came from his mouth, so what? Akiorama would complain about pain, but he already knew about that. ;; He isn’t… Dying right? ;; Yaijōrama thought about the question and felt a pit form in his stomach. ;; There was no way that could be it, his brother was strong. He could run at least three laps around the farm, he could pull the wagon when needed and it never looked hard, and he could dodge most hits from Pops… There is no way Big Bro could die. ;;

Yaijōrama dismissed the thought, whatever it was he’d eventually find out he knew it. He’d just have to wait for his brother to tell him or their father to sit him down for the conversation. Whatever it was he knew he could handle it but he only had to prove that to everyone else around him.

Yaijōrama was pulled from his sea of thoughts by the hand placed upon his head. He looked upwards towards Maro and let a smile spread across his face. ;; Maybe Maro knows? Would he even tell me if I asked? That’s assuming he even KNOWS. ;; Yaijōrama wouldn’t bother with that for now, that was for another time. Right now Haru was the point of conversation between the two.

“You don’t think she could do it?” Yaijōrama questioned Maro and he stopped the stabbing motions. “I don’t think so either. She has a cold exterior but I bet when you get past it she’s pretty cool. Like how you learned to enjoy my dad’s tofu stir fry.” If Maro really liked the stir fry or not didn’t really matter to in the situation, Yaijōrama was under the impression that he was but it was also his favorite dish. Yaijōrama could see one similarity between Maro and Haru. They were both quiet, at least Yaijōrama figured Haru was normally quiet. When he or his brother said four different sentences, she had been replying with one sentence that was short and precise. If Maro did speak, and that’s a big if it was always one sentence. Yaijōrama couldn’t even remember if he had ever heard Maro speak more than one sentence at a time… Or even more than one sentence in a day.

“Maro, can you help me do something? I want to work on being stealthy… Maybe you could show me how, and we could jump scare Big Bro?” Yaijōrama looked over towards Maro with a bright and mischievous grin. If Maro decided to help, Yaijōrama followed along pretty well. Though he most likely gave them away because he probably whispered.

Either way Yaijōrama wanted to train with Akiorama and Maro. Though secretly he was more interested in watching those two train together, they were good at something he wasn’t particularly good at.

WC: 559 - 2705 Total
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A Necessary Distraction - Page 2 Empty Re: A Necessary Distraction

Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:04 pm
Maro's eyes travelled between each person, unsure of where to focus his attention, with each and every person doing something. He opted, in the end, to focus on Yaijōrama, the only person within range of hearing. The boy talked a lot, and it was in his best interests to listen to at least half of it. He couldn't miss the way Yaijōrama looked saddened at his brother if he wanted to. Yaijōrama did not like being left out, and sometimes he was anyways. Maro didn't think Yaijōrama was particularly too young to know anything. The taller boy had been hit with hard truths since before he could read, and these sorts of things only helped to shape someone into a stronger individual. Maro would tell his younger friend himself, if he knew what was being said, but he didn't.

His eyes met with Yaijōrama's as the boy looked at him, though the black orbs that gazed down upon the child were not visible behind the blinding bangs of his hair. Maro's large hand continued patting the long-haired boy's head awkwardly before finally dropping, his head turning to stare at the two in the distance.

'You don’t think she could, do it? I don’t think so either. She has a cold exterior, but I bet when you get past it, she’s pretty cool. Like how you learned to enjoy my dad’s tofu stir fry.'

Maro did not like his dad's tofu stir fry.

His face was an unreadable stoic slate as he stared into the distance, focused on what Yaijōrama had said. Maro disagreed. Indeed, he thought that Haru was probably much scarier when known intimately, and to some larger degree, lame. To him, she read as a nerd. A dork. She was curious, as he was, and it manifested differently. She likely had books upon books, she wanted to absorb information. Maro did not think there was a part of her that was 'cool'. In fact, her temperature was probably a little less than 98 degrees Fahrenheit. There was a lot to focus on about what Yaijōrama said. Was Maro considered cool now? And did that only happen when he 'enjoyed' Yaijōrama II's stir fry? Concerning.

Maro didn't think anyone quite understood Haru. She didn't have a cold exterior. A cold exterior was a bad thing, it meant someone was offensive to some small degree, that they were unreceptive to kindness and warmth. To many, even Yaijōrama, it was seen as an invitation. You become so warm you melt the cold exterior. Maro did not think it was an issue. Haru's outward behavior was not a conscious effort to deter people. She simply was on a different wave than everyone else. Perhaps even himself, but out of everyone, they were the closest in processes. It was not possible for someone like Yaijōrama, or Akiorama, to ever truly understand a creature like Haru. Only he himself was capable of that.

She existed in another world. Haru existed in a world of information and the processes required to obtain information. She was clinical and she was curious, and she was dedicated to an obtainment of knowledge and information that, to some, could seem dysfunctional. Maro knew better. He was similar in many ways, but while she looked for knowledge on paper, expanding her mind, he looked for knowledge on people. He was the wolf guarding the hens from foxes. She was a fox, but not quite a malicious one. She just wanted to know things, and in turn, he wanted to know her.

He did not intend her any harm, as she did not intend him or his any harm, but Maro found he wanted to know more about her. He wanted to see the books she was interested- he wanted to see what she filled her time with. It was a professional curiosity to see how she diverged from the others, and to see how she sat similar to him. Did she have the same anatomy book as he? She likely had the very same and better. Did she listen to music as he did? Did she care for it? Was her home cleanly and organized, or was it a half-abandoned mess of a home put together enough to perfectly function? If she were like him, her chaos was designed.

'Maro, can you help me do something? I want to work on being stealthy… Maybe you could show me how, and we could jump scare Big Bro?'

Jump scares weren't quite Maro's thing, despite how often he seemed to do them. He did not usually intend to get seen while hiding, and he definitely never intended to surprise people. Surprise was an animalistic reaction, a fleeting moment of flight or fight, and he was not keen on getting attacked because someone thought he was a wolf attacking their lamb throat.

And yet, for Yaijōrama, he would.

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