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Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Night of Terror Empty Night of Terror

Mon Nov 01, 2021 4:59 pm

Oh Shit, Zombies:

Another dream, no a nightmare. Suddenly awakened by the cold and chilly feeling hanging around the place he found himself lost once again. A breeze harsh enough to pierce through his clothes, the wind causing goosebumps all over the young Senju's body who tried to figure out just what exactly happened to him as he would check his surroundings. At first sight it appeared he had been brought to what seemed to be a desolate yet mysterious village, ironically almost comparable to the state of Konohagakure. "I suppose it won't hurt to do some scouting" the silver haired spoke under his breath only for himself to hear.

During his walk through the village there were a couple of things grabbing Goto's attention, the strangest being the fact that almost zero to no people could be seen on the streets regardless of the time of day it was. "Weird". Even back home there were more than enough people living their daily lives and the Leaf wasn't exactly experiencing its glory days. When he finally came across one elderly struggling to carry a bag of supplies he couldn't help but inquire about the reason everyone seemed to be hiding in their houses. According to the man lately the town had been terrorized by a strange wolf-like beast during the night, while other rumors mentioned a horde of zombies. Either way, it looked as trouble found its way to Yugakure.

(WC: 237)
Ryō Senju
Ryō Senju
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Night of Terror Empty Re: Night of Terror

Wed Nov 03, 2021 2:20 am
Ryō yawned, rubbing one eye with a fist, as he stepped out of the fog and trees and into a dream. No... Not a dream. What was he doing again? He caught sight of white hair and an odd sense of familiarity washed over him. Before he could think deeper on it, Ryō found himself raising a hand in greeting and jogging towards the white-haired individual. It felt like a perfectly normal reaction to have, and Ryō couldn't bring himself to question it as he came up short, finally taking notice of his surroundings.

The village had clearly seen better days, and the near utter lack of souls to be seen on the streets made him question if it was even a proper village or maybe a husk people continued to huddle in for some semblance of safety. In some respects, it reminded him of Konoha... and that feeling pained him. But there were enough details that it was clearly not the Leaf Village. Why he was there and how he got there were questions that just slid off his mind like water off glass. Instead, he found himself moving along with the other boy as they moved through the streets. 

Eventually, they found someone, an old man shuffling as quickly as he could manage to be out of the light of day. He babbled about a danger, first that some manner of wolf-beast had stalked the night and snatched people off the streets before changing his story and talking about rumors of zombies shambling about, swarming over people and homes and leaving ruin in their wake. It all sounded so bizarre and absurd, but as Ryō looked around... there were definitely signs of fighting and in more than one place he could see claw marks on dirt, wood, and even stone.

Although not wanting to say so out loud, it was clear that when Ryō took a second and shared a look with Goto that his own belief was that the old man was crazy. Still, there was clearly something to be done about the whole situation, if they could only figure out what the exact problem was to begin with. Once the man was safely away and out of earshot, Ryō turned to Goto. "So what do you think? A crazy old man or elderly survivor?"


WC: 386
TWC: 386/1,750
Yuu Hyuuga
Yuu Hyuuga
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Night of Terror Empty Re: Night of Terror

Wed Nov 03, 2021 6:45 pm
Yuu wasn't in his bed anymore.

He slowly pushed himself up off the concrete floor as he expanded his senses to try and figure out where he was exactly. The sound of wind, the smell of metal, Yuu could taste something weird on his tongue. The wind smelt different here; absent were the usual scents of leaves and tree dew, replaced with the smell of rundown buildings, sadness and... Yuu froze as the nastiest, most foul-smelling thing he'd ever experienced entered his nose. It was a familiar smell to the boy, as much as he didn't want to recall the memories. It was death. Yuu brought a hand up to his nose to try and block the smell, but the damage had already been done, unwanted memories resurfaced. This wasn't good, he thought. He seemed to be alone at the moment, but that could change at any moment. Had he been kidnapped? Was this a dream?

First things first, he needed to get out of here - wherever 'here' was.

Still clutching his nose with his real hand, Yuu fully stood up and cautiously walked in a random direction. Empty air was in all directions except up, where he could hear the sound of the wind gently skimming along the top of a roof. That meant he was inside a building somewhere, but that darn awful taste was still at the back of the throat. Like the awful smell earlier, Yuu recognized the taste. It was blood. Had he bitten his tongue in sleep? Had he been kidnapped, and been punched sometime along the duration? Yuu didn't know, but he certainly did't want it to be the latter. Morbidly, the 12-year-old had experienced enough kidnapping in his lifetime.

He continued forward and finally managed to find the place he was looking for thank to the sound of the echoes of his footfalls echoing around him. Finally, another wall and, luckily enough, he could feel wind flowing through it. He'd found an exit. Grateful to finally be out of wherever he was, Yuu hastened to get there faster. However, his prosthetic foot slipped on something as he half-ran. Curious, he reached down and felt... Was that hair? A collection of hair was somehow on the floor.

Creeped out, Yuu grabbed a small handful to put in his pockets and left through the door. Then, suddenly, he heard voices on the edge of his range. It sounded like they were discussing something about an old man? They smelt like the leaf village, though, so he cautiously crept through the alleyway he'd found himself in and out onto the street right next to the pair. Gently, he held out his hands to show he was unarmed. He didn't know what these guys looked like, but he had the sneaking suspicion that they were friendly.

"Do you... Guys know where we are?" He said, his voice hoarse and cracked.

WC: 485
Stat Page : Okabe
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Night of Terror Empty Re: Night of Terror

Wed Nov 03, 2021 9:56 pm
obake had other plans in his mind, but he personally didn't mind making extra income. laying in his bed, he now wondered what his next step would be. the chunin recently recovered from the coma after failing to return back from the war. things changed in Konohagakure, and so was himself, obake soon knew a better version of himself would be coming and yet the best aburame in his village. 

as he got up from his bed, wearing his regular black attire, he packed his bags and left the house in a flash. obake was ready to start his day; he mostly needed some more money.

more money I make is alright, as long I find my uncle we alright.

he soon arrived at a unknown place, obake was eager to meet new people and mostly tag along with them, if it was needed. he wasn't the best shinobi around, but someone who would be alert. he soon arrived where he saw three pieces of individuals bickering amongst themselves, he mostly didn't care and just needed to get the job done, obake approached them greeting them all one by one.

hail to all, what are we going to do now, it seems I'm lost and don't know what's going on.

Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Night of Terror Empty Re: Night of Terror

Thu Nov 04, 2021 8:12 pm
It appeared three others would be joining him on his endeavor, Goto relieved to see others had started to show up. It was one thing ending up in a desolate place, not knowing where you were but potentially having to fight a werewolf or zombie, or worse, both, that would be something else entirely. That is if those rumors turned out to be true of course. However, just because there were now more of them didn't necessarily mean things would get easier. At the end of the day, they still had to deal with whatever trouble was about to find its way to the group of shinobi.

The first person who showed up and joined Goto seemed rather familiar, or at least that was the feeling the Senju got from the boy. "I'm not sure, perhaps the oldtimer finally grew crazy after all these years, or maybe he wanted to warn us about the dangers terrorizing this town". Part of him hoped said rumors were false and merely used to scare away unwelcome guests but in case it was the opposite it would be better for them to prepare. "Even though I want to believe the man's gone senile, something's telling me we're in for a surprise, an unpleasant one I'm afraid". And Goto wasn't one to get things wrong.

By then a young child made its appearance, a boy who seemed no older than twelve, scared and looking lost. His eyes, for as far as they could be called that, were made out of glass, informing Goto of his blindness. "Don't worry kid, you're not alone". Before anything else the Senju knew he had to comfort their latest addition to the group, soon there were going to be more frightening things coming their way, of that he was certain. Noticing the wooden prosthetics where the boy's arm and leg was supposed to be the deputy realized the night would be long and dangerous.

And finally, the third member. Claiming to be lost, he surely looked that way alright, the man also joined the group, wondering what was going on, a rather obvious question considering the situation they found themselves in. "You and everyone else here my friend". It would sincerely surprise the silver haired if anyone had a clue about what was going on in the village of Yugakure. "That makes four of us, at least we're not alone". Although they were strangers it would beat having to run around alone, aimlessly trying to escape the nightmare.

With the elderly having disappeared they had to find other means of solving the mysterious case, there was no other choice than to start their own little investigation if they wanted to make it out anytime soon and preferably alive. "Standing still won't do us any good so let's get moving". Goto would start taking the lead, someone had to and it seemed he was the more experienced of the bunch. Making sure everyone would be following behind he maintained a steady pace, careful the young child with the wooden legs was able to keep up with the rest of them.

As they continued walking the Senju noticed the entire town was boarded up, almost as if all of them were hiding and living in fear of something. "I don't think the old man was that crazy after all" he voiced, implying there might be more truth to the stories than originally thought. Suddenly the silver haired came to a stop, noticing strange markings had appeared on the road ahead of them. "I'm no expert but these don't look human". Even if you tried your best to explain, thinking it were footprints of a regular sized animal would be quite the stretch.

And then, there it was. The howling sound of a wolf, impossible to believe any other creature was able to produce such a distinctive noise. "Quick, hurry". His mind was telling him no, but his body was telling him yes. Goto started running into the direction the Awoo was coming from, still not believing or expecting to run into an actual werewolf, something that only appeared in movies or horror stories could now well become his opponent, an enemy needed to be slain in order to return piece to the village. 

After a couple minutes they would finally come across the creature, a furry. "Oh god, not one of those". However, in reality it was indeed a werewolf, its mouth covered in blood as it leaned over another of his victims. The enhanced senses of the beast, compared to humans like himself, allowed the wolf able to pick up on the group of shinobi quite easily. "No point in hiding now". Acting almost simultaenously with the fear enticing roar of the wolf the young Senju began to form a set of hand seals, following each other in quick succession.

Bird - Rat - Ox - Monkey - Rat - Dragon - Ox - Snake. Dark rainclouds started to coalesce high above the area they were standing, as soon as the clouds finished forming torrential rain began pouring down within the technique's range. Slowly but surely puddles formed in the environment, flooding the streets of the village. The heavy sound of rain would hopefully disturb the beast's sense of smell but that wasn't the only reason why the Leaf deputy decided to activate that specific technique. "And now it begins". Executing yet another set of hand seals the boy performed the second part of his plan in order to deal with the wild creature in front of him.

Using the water of his first technique to his advantage the Senju would create a total of then whips which he would launch at the unexpected werewolf who more than likely wouldn't see the attack coming. As a result the body of the beast was soon impaled by multiple water whips, ending the fight before it could even begin. To his surprise, and probably the others' as well, Goto witnessed how the wolf began to shift, taking on the human appearance of .. the old man they saw when they arrived at the beginning. "What on earth is going on here?" the boy asked himself, clearly confused with everything going on.

Knowing the only one able to answer his question would be the elderly he carefully approached the man who was on the brink of death. Coughing up blood, no longer that of his victims, the old wolf explained what was going on. The silver haired listened, paying close attention as the grandpa used his dying breath to inform the group about everything. Apparently he was created to deal with another threat to Yugakure, protecting the citizens from a horde of zombies that began to appear over the last couple of years. "Experiments on how to create a werewolf?". It sounded rather bizarre but it is what it is.

Now that he took a closer look at the bodies around them Goto noticed they weren't human, they just looked like it. Upon closer inspection they would find that the surrounding corpses were those of zombies, the undead the elderly had to take care of and make sure wouldn't harm the villagers. But at the end the man began to lose his humanity himself, thanking the Konohagakure delegation for ending his life before he completely lost himself in the beast. The only promise he asked to be fulfilled was to take care of the zombies in his stead, to make sure no harm would come to the people of Yugakure. 

As the elderly's eyes closed he was finally put to rest, but the nightmare was far from over. "I suppose we need to take care of the undead before we're able to go back home". And with that the deputy started walking once more, the rain had stopped but the dream continued.

(WC: 1300, TWC: 1537)
Ryō Senju
Ryō Senju
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 100675

Night of Terror Empty Re: Night of Terror

Fri Nov 05, 2021 4:17 pm
Seeing others approach, Ryō's hand briefly strayed to his kunai pouch before realizing that both of the new arrivals were also from the Leaf. As odd as that information should have been, given how far they were from the Leaf Village, Ryō merely accepted it as natural and moved on. "As great as it is not being alone, I somehow doubt that numbers alone will keep us safe here. If... If we do decide to take that old man's warning as the truth, then there is something dangerous in this village. We need to keep on guard and not stray from the others."

As the group began to move on, Ryō turned and stared down the road out of the village - or rather, what should have been the road. Shortly beyond the village's apparent border, the last buildings giving way to nature, a deep fog rolled over the ground and in the air, making it impossible to see anything beyond one's own nose. Deciding to take his own advice, Ryō stayed with the group and moved to investigate whatever strange malaise had befallen the village. 

Ryō naturally fell into a rhythm with the white-haired boy. He was fairly certain the other boy was also Senju, though he couldn't place from where within the clan's structure he would have been as compared to his own. Regardless, there was definitely a clear air of confidence born from experience with him, and Ryō wasn't the sort to try and bullrush anyone who knew better than him. If the other Senju had an idea on what to do and where to go, Ryō was happy to follow.

Seeing as how their leader was partially preoccupied with tending to others within the group, Ryō decided to take it upon himself to act as something of a vanguard. Leaping into the air with a pulse of chakra through his body, Ryō landed on one of the rooftops of the village and perched on its edge. Hoping that maybe something would be out there to illustrate the harmlessness of the situation, Ryō was somewhat crestfallen to find more of the same; more boarded-up buildings, more evidence of fighting, more fog... but no bodies.

That fact felt strange in his head, but somehow significant. As he continued to move across the rooftops, sometimes alternating sides of the road to get a better view of the area, Ryō noted a smell that began to catch him across the face as he jumped about. It was unpleasant, to say the least; pungent and metallic; it was as if a great deal of blood had been tossed onto the ground and left to dry. But everywhere Ryō looked, he saw no blood or any other signs of gore. It wasn't a permanent feature of the air either; it came and went, sometimes with the breeze and sometimes without it.

And then, there it was; the terrible howl of a wolf twisted by some unknown force so as to be clearly unnatural. Following along from the air, Ryō perched onto a chimney and watched as they stumbled onto the beast. He contemplated his own plan of attack before being stunned by the rapidity with which the white-haired Senju started, and ended, the fight. There was a brief moment, as if the world needed a moment to process what happened, and then the beast slumped to the ground. Yet before it would change before it ever touched the ground itself, revealing the bloody visage of the elderly man that had treated them only recently.

Whatever else was about to happen was missed by Ryō, as a shuffling movement to his right caught his eye. Repositioning as the initial threat was dealt with, Ryō investigated the movement to keep track of any other threats. The pungent smell from earlier was back, and much stronger. He landed in the middle of the road and scanned it in either direction, hoping for something different. Yet as far as he could see in either direction, the road was empty of everything but some scrap and stone pebbles. 

There was a sound, of something being bumped and pushed against the floor, that startled him. Coming from one of the nearby buildings that had a door free of any boards, Ryō walked towards it to further investigate. It seemed to have been a small inn or restaurant of some sort, as small tables periodically dotted the floors. Some were elevated and came with chairs while others were nearer the floor and had more traditional kneeling mats. It should have been a nice building.

Instead, it was ominously quiet and darker than its unlit interior should have been for that time of day. Ryō noticed that one of the tables had been disturbed, pushed out of position and one of its chairs turned over on the ground. Compelled to approach by some strange force, Ryō noticed a figure hunched over behind one of the many walls that had been used to subdivide the room and create some privacy. He approached, noting the thinness of the person's figure, before he called out a short distance from her. "Hello?"

A flash of grizzly opportunistic lightning revealed the horrific sight of her face as she wheeled about on him and snarled. Ryō recoiled reflexively, jumping backward to create distance between them as she stumbled to her feet and began to shamble towards him. Nothing he said did anything to stop her, and something about the monstrous expression on her face made her intent for him plainly clear. 

As he retreated to the doorway, Ryō spotted another two beings rising within the building, each seemingly roused by the ravenous cries of the woman. In fact, as Ryō made his way to the streets and looked around, an alarming number of bodies were suddenly everywhere; as if a veil had been lifted, making their presence observable for the first time. And, as Ryō jumped to the roofs and returned to the group, many of them were beginning to rise.

"Uh... We've got a problem."


WC: 1,000
TWC: 1,386 / 1,750
Yuu Hyuuga
Yuu Hyuuga
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Night of Terror Empty Re: Night of Terror

Sat Nov 06, 2021 10:46 am
They hadn't attacked him, that was... Good, wasn't it? Yeah, definitely good. Yuu had been alone for so long that his sense of, well, everything had been completely thrown out of the window. He felt that he would have to start trusting the others in the leaf village, but for now, he was stuck assuming the worst of everyone. Ever since he'd been kidnapped in broad daylight in the middle of the village Yuu hadn't been very trusting. It had been foolish of him to so readily accept that these two - now three - people were going to be allys just because they smelt like home in a scary unfamiliar place. He'd been lucky this time, for sure, but for now he would have to make sure it didn't happen again.

The group began to move through the village and, if the others were to look, they would see how paranoid Yuu was beginning to get about everything. With advanced senses like his, Yuu kept hearing something horrifying moving right on the edges of his perception range. A truly disgusting creature, or creatures, was toying with him. They somehow knew about what the boy could see, and was darting in and out without a care in the world. What was happening? Why were they doing this? Why had four Leaf shinobi been kidnapped and put in an empty town? The creature smelt like blood and rage, and Yuu hated it. It reminded him of everything he had felt back when he'd been kidnapped. The blood-curdling screams of the other prisoners, the clinical cruelty of the surgeons. Yuu began to hyperventilate, real hand twitching endlessly. He'd give anything to have a weapon in his hand right about now. But, unfortunately, they didn't really sell proper weapons to Academy Students.

The older male among the group, who's name Yuu didn't know, seemed to be quite jovial about this whole thing. His tone was light, for lack of a better word. It definitely helped assuage Yuu's anxiety about the situation. The other one, was watching over them like a hawk from the tops of the rooftops. That was good. Yuu didn't know if it was for him, or just for the mission, but he appreciated it nonetheless. Regardless, the ex-Hyuuga would have to be on guard for anything that might arrive. Despite being blind, he probably had the best capability to sense incoming danger out of anyone in the group.

As it turned out, that was unnecessary as the beast that had been hunting them this whole time decided to make itself properly known. A loud, piercing howl coming from somewhere. Yuu winced, letting out a small grunt of pain as he fought the urge to collapse to the ground and curl into a ball at the loud noise. He brought his arms up and pressed them against his ears to try and deafen himself, but it was all for naught. That disgusting, blood-curdling howl still pierced his eardrums and brought great pain to the boy. When he finally removed his arms, one could see a thin trickle of blood stemming from his ears. Weirdly enough, through it all, Yuu's face hadn't changed all that much. Even now, thoroughly dazed and confused as he was, his face was completely impassive.

He began to race after the others who were so fearless in the face of danger. It was admirable, but Yuu was still hesitant. That howl hadn't come from a wolf, or any other normal beast he had encountered. It was something worse, something... More. Could the group of four deal with such a sickeningly scary beast? He didn't know. He certainly couldn't, what with only being an Academy Student with no weapons or Jutsu, but the others seemed confident. Even with a higher speed than most of his peers at the academy, the boy was struggling to maintain pace. Was this the power of a ninja?

With his lower speed, Yuu arrived far after the others had to see that the fight was already over. He could smell blood in the air, and the scent of rain was heavy in the air. Was he really so far behind the others that he had, not only missed the entire fight, but an entire bout of rainfall as well? The thought that he was so far behind wasn't upsetting, per say, but it put things into perspective. He'd have to step up his own training if he wanted any hope of surviving in a world as cruel as this.

He'd arrived just in time to witness the beast's bizarre transformation into man, something that was incredibly gruesome to do so without any sight. The sound of bones crunching together, skin loosening, and then stretching? They weren't memories Yuu would so easily forget. It sent shivers down his spine which progressed into shivers across his entire body as the... Thing began to speak as a man would in between coughs of blood. The boy listened intently as the old man was questioned by one of the Leaf Shinobi in the group, and the story the man was revealing was troubling to say the least. Had Yuu and his group been summoned to this place to deal with the zombies? That couldn't be right; Yuu was only an academy student so he probably wouldn't stand much of a chance against a zombie, let alone a whole hoard.

Realizing how strange that sentence would be in any other context, he moved on.

Suddenly, on the edge of his perception. Shuffling. Something was coming towards them, shambling slowly.

"Something's coming," Yuu said quickly to the group, body tensing. All around, bodies began to rise from the ground, filling the air with the disgusting scent of death and decay. Panicking inside but remaining quiet on the outside, Yuu prepared for a fight. Lacking any proper weapon, the blind boy felt around with his foot and managed to find a sharp rock which he quickly crouched down to pick up. It wasn't a lot, but... Hopefully it'd be enough.

WC: 1009
TWC: 1494
Stat Page : Okabe
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Night of Terror Empty Re: Night of Terror

Sat Nov 06, 2021 2:30 pm
I suck at writing.

Last edited by Okabe on Sun Nov 07, 2021 11:58 am; edited 1 time in total
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
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Ryo : 752950

Night of Terror Empty Re: Night of Terror

Sat Nov 06, 2021 6:28 pm
They were just done taking care of the werewolf but there wasn't much time to take it easy as a second threat had appeared. One of the other boys came back running, informing the others of the next problem presenting itself. As he looked around Goto noticed their group slowly became surrounded by a horde of zombies that started crawling from the ground. Quite ironic for the undead, rising up when they were supposed to be buried underneath. "At least we don't have to go looking from them" the Senju voiced, preparing for the inevitable fight. He could only hope that the night would be finished once they took the last obstacle.

Forming the hand seals Tiger - Dragon - Rabbit - Monkey - Snake, the silver haired quickly transformed the area into a battlefield he could use to his advantage. Having created constructs such as trees and the likes Goto would begin manipulating each individual part in order to apprehend the undead. Those trapped by the roots would soon find themselves drained and unable to move any further. Hopefully this would also allow the others some more room to move and not having to worry about the zombies slashing away at them. However, just because the creatures were trapped didn't mean the fight was over.

The young Senju formed another set of hand seals, Bird - Dragon - Monkey - Boar, before touching the ground. A total of ten spears made out of earth protruded vertically which he then angled towards an intended target before sending them at the undead. After the sharp projectiles had been launched they soon impaled one zombie after the other, causing them to crumble to nothing more than dust. Although they were unable to feel any pain even those creatures would no longer be able to go on after being hit by such a devastating and destructive attack.

In case there were still any standing Goto would finish things off with his last technique. Horse -  Rat -  Ram -  Tiger, concentrating fire chakra from within his body the silver haired would emit it outwards like an explosion, the concussive force behind the attack enough to destroy the remaining zombies. Assuming the others were also able to take care of things on their ends the battle would be over, ending in Konohagakure's favor. Enjoying the victory wouldn't exactly be possible as a darkness suddenly came over him, closing his eyes and losing consciousness in the process.


(TWC: 1939)
- 1939 towards Singularity
- 38 AP from being max stats
- Mission rewards (14000 + 1000 Jounin bonus ryo, 70 AP, 18 Tickets)
Ryō Senju
Ryō Senju
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 100675

Night of Terror Empty Re: Night of Terror

Sat Nov 06, 2021 7:24 pm
Unable to stop himself from chuckling despite the situation, especially given the white-haired Senju's comment, Ryō pulled out a pair of shuriken. As the trees began to animate and snare the zombies, Ryō leapt into the air and landed against one of the village's buildings. Clear of any possible wood-related entanglements, Ryō began dispatching zombies paralyzed by the trees with a shuriken to the chest. Some died with only a single shuriken to the head while others required several to stop moving. 

Realizing that mere tools weren't going to put the larger problem down, Ryō began weaving his own hand seals. MIrroring the other Senju's second jutsu, ten pillars of stone emerged as Ryō slammed his hands into the ground. Though not quite as thick and well defined as the others, they did an equally fine job at cleaving zombies into halves as they tore through the massed group. It was a gruesome sight, and it should have bothered him more. Yet, for some reason, Ryō couldn't find it in himself to feel upset or bothered by their actions. 

Taking the time to flit about, Ryō quickly dispatched others with a barrage of stone or a precisely fired shot of lethal water. They were not people anymore, not in their monstrous states. If anything, it was a mercy to put them down. Before he could burden himself any further, Ryō stopped and turned in time to see a large wall of fire balloon outward. Vaporizing the zombies as it passed, Ryō didn't care to share their fate and so jumped backward with another pulse of chakra, virtually teleporting away and onto a roof outside the radius of the explosion. Watching as bits of tree or unfortunate building rained down. Rather than be concerned or agitated by the large explosion, Ryō could only look on in awe.

That was a true display of power, and one Ryō envied a great deal. However, he wasn't the sort to dwell overly much on such dark thoughts, and so he jumped back down to join the group in celebration. As his feet hit the ground, however, Ryō found himself slipping through the dirt and falling into a void of darkness. Looking up only revealed further void, leaving him falling through the darkness. At some point, he became aware of a truly odd sensation, rather like he was falling headfirst rather than feetfirst. He only had time to look 'down' and see his own body rushing towards him before he awoke with a shout.

Awakening on the training fields, having nodded off in the early morning while working on developing his techniques and power, Ryō looked around in bewilderment as the whisps of the nightmare began to fade from his mind. Something about it lingered, however; a question of power and a thought on where to go to achieve it. Not wanting to waste his training by cutting it short, he continued to practice his jutsu, even as his mind remained locked on that one singular thought of what his next milestone would be. 

As a Senju, there was a certain degree of pressure to inherit that most coveted Kekkei Genkai. To have control over the forests, to create life from chakra, was something many Senju were renowned for. If he was going to achieve that same notoriety and power, Ryō knew he was going to have to awaken his ability to perform Wood Release. 

It was ironic then that, hidden behind a small boulder and thus unseen by him as he finally finished training and left to find something to eat, Ryō never saw the signs of a small sapling having abruptly burst through the stone field and mature to a modest sapling in no time as all from his chakra leeching into the field.


WC: 629
TWC: 2,015 / 1,750

-  Mission Rewards: 14,000 ryo, +70 AP, 18 tickets
- +10 to Vigor
- +10 to Speed
- 2k WC spent to unlock the Advanced Element, Wood Release
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