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Was it all... A Trick? Empty Was it all... A Trick?

Sun Oct 24, 2021 7:25 pm


Where there is no imagination
Trick or T r e a t

The day started normal, it was the night before Halloween; so the village was bustling more than usual; as Suika walked along, helping anyone she seen needing it of course. So far she had helped three kids making costumes, two elderly folk hang up decorations, and stopped a few teenagers from defacing public property. She really was starting to believe she had found herself a new home; before she could go and ask the Kazekage if she could officially join the village, she felt as if she needed to prove herself to her. There was only a few ways she could help with it; she could help around the village but she could also take on small missions, proof of loyalty the lady at the front desk told her. They wouldn’t trust her to run any larger scaled missions or anything to important but to start small and gain trust… If that was the way things needed to be to work, then so be it.

As Suika rounded the next corner a small group of kids came running past her, some in tears; others shouting for parents. This startled Suika as the smallest girl in the group ran directly into her; “S-Sorry Miss!” Her voice was shrill, almost as if she had seen a ghost, Suika figured it was some teenagers causing more mischief; “Everything okay there sweet pea?” Suika was becoming more adept as speaking to people, she found a sweet voice with younger children would cause more comfort. Teenagers required a much sterner voice, of course Suika herself was only 19 years old. “T…Theres a strange… Creature!” The girl cried out, trying to continuously wipe the tears away from her face, “What did this… Strange creature do exactly?” Suika pressed her lips together, the terror in this small girls eyes was all to real… Similar to how she felt as a child when her parents were killed by the ANBU… Something was off about this situation at hand.

It… It took her…” She whispered; took her? Suika narrowed her eyes, “Took who?” she whispered back to the girl, “Who did it take?” The girl looked straight into Suika’s eyes, “It took my older sister. She’s a trained genin! She tried to fight it… But failed… I have to go, I have to tell my parents!” She pulled away from Suika as she began to run into direction of the living quarters, “Which way did it go?” Suika shouted before the girl went to far, “It was heading towards the caves!” She cried back, disappearing into the crowd before her. Suika sighed, turning heel – “And here I thought I was going to get some rest tonight.” With a small groan she headed towards the caves, hoping to catch up to the creature she was told about… Unsure of it actually being a creature, she figured if anything the girl’s sister was just trying to scare her… And if that was the case; there was going to be a long conversation on the way back home.

It wasn’t to long before Suika stumbled upon the caves, and a trail of blood; this caused a certain panic and sense of rush to find the end of the trail. As she pulled up; she found signs of struggle, blood covering quite a large amount of area space – she knew right away that whatever happened up here… It wasn’t good. As she trolled along further, following the signs of struggle and blood; she came upon an… Altar? The feelings that radiated off of this altar were dark… Ominous… It smelt like… Death? As she came closer she saw a bowl of blood, pieces of hair, candles still burning; some sort of design made in blood on the ground, scanning the area; mostly trying to make sense of what she was seeing before her, she sighed. “There’s no chakra sense around… Whoever did… Their gone.” She groaned, knowing she would have to go and report this location back to the Kazekage and make note of what the children said, as well as the fact it seemed as if a human sacrifice was made out here.

Turning back Suika made sure to quickly get to the Kazekage’s office, where she was stopped by the lady at the front desk; reporting the incident to her, in great detailed to ensure whoever they sent out there, and to look further into would be equipped to handle the situation at hand. As Suika resumed her way home, she found herself behind a group of teenagers heading towards The Grove; a small groan, knowing that she would probably be kept up all night by their partying. She almost wanted to speak up, but choose against doing this, as she knew if anything would have been said to them, she would quickly come to regret it.

As Suika found her hidden spot in The Grove, she couldn’t help but shake an eerie feeling that she was being watched… But she couldn’t determine from where, as she got up to go investigate; she heard a loud “Snap” of a twig, causing her to turn heel only be to greeted but a large dark figure, and a very quick smack into the head with a blunt object.

Groggily Suika awoke, this time she was unsure of her surroundings, but she was dressed up in a different attire then before; she found herself in an almost sheer see-through outfit, her hair, much longer than normal; and very white… Almost silver… She shook her head, unsure of what exactly happened after someone hit her over the head… But she knew that she needed to be on the quick and narrow from this point moving forward. “Miss Suika! Miss Suika!” She heard a small voice cheer out, as Suika poked her head out of what she now realized was her own tent, she saw a group of kids, “Can you come Trick er’ Treating with us?” The smallest of the children asked, for some reason Suika didn’t think she could say no to this request, and nodded her head.

As Suika followed behind the kids, stopping at each door as they walked along the paths, their laughing and chattering growing louder and louder; almost like a ringing in her head; she couldn’t help but notice their costumes… Were they costumes? Where was she? This place wasn’t Sunagakure… The more she had these thoughts, the more the ringing would bug her. The more pain she felt from where she got hit… She couldn’t help but want to reach out towards the other groups of people she kept seeing, but something also told her that was a bad idea, that she needed… No not needed, had to stay with her group until the night was over. She had to make sure they didn’t get into to much mischief.

As the kids once more headed to another house; Suika found herself following up to the door with them this time, “Trick or Treat!” The kids cried out, another kid spoke up, “Give us something good to eat!” But something about his voice sounded… Demonic? She shuttered, trying to push past that though, the kids were given simple treats, nothing to special, that’s when Suika noticed their grins, and the nodding of heads being exchanged… They were planning something weren’t they? She narrowed her eyes, watching them even more closely now; she couldn’t let them leave her sight, they definitely had devious plans they wanted to play out… Perhaps that is why the little came for her? Or was this a test…

As Suika watched, the one of the boys, the one dressed as a vampire attempted escape from her vision; she quickly called out for him, “Don’t you ever dare!” She called out, he stopped dead in his tracks, turning to look at her, “I will chain you to each other. Do not tempt me.” She smirked, something told her that these children… They weren’t actually children. Something about them wasn’t… Right. As Suika got them back in order, they went to the next house; where they would finally bump into a group; similar in style to her own. “Fun night?” She chuckled, the guardian of this group was male; she hadn’t gotten a chance to gage him out quite yet.

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    @Grey && @Cid
There is no Horror

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Was it all... A Trick? Empty Re: Was it all... A Trick?

Mon Oct 25, 2021 12:39 pm
In a rather small port town located in the South-Eastern border of the Land of Fire was where one would be able to find the main character of the many stories to come. Sitting atop the edge of a wall while enjoying the gentle touch of the wind caressing and blowing his hair was none other than Grey, a promising youth that once used to live in Konohagakure no Sato before unfortunate circumstances forced him to leave the village together with his mother who now ran a little flower shop. His black locks moving with the soft breeze while his matching pearl eyes stared into the distance, this time of year was surely something different.

Holding an apple, red in color, in his right hand the young martial artist then cut the fruit into a couple of small pieces before finally taking a bite, juices running down his mouth until wiping them away with the bandages wrapped around his left wrist. Taking a deep breath the Hyuuga swordsman felt his longues being filled with the fresh air making its way through the port he spent most of his time. Working on ships docking in town Grey would be living quite the normal life, away from the harsh shinobi world he grew up in. A system where status and hierarchy mattered more than anything else, hardly a style that fit the now nineteen-year-old free spirit.

It being the day before Halloween also meant an increase in shipped goods needed to be distributed correctly. With that in mind Grey was tasked with helping out to make sure all preparations were done in time so everyone could enjoy the upcoming festivities. That being said, the Hyuuga prodigy got up after finishing his break, all the pieces of apple devoured. Removing some of the dust that got on his clothes he scanned the area around him, looking for possible things to do. From the looks of it everyone seemed to have everything under control, leaving him with not much to do. 

Walking through town Grey suddenly felt something, or someone, bumping into him. Looking down the youngster noticed a little girl covered in fear which caused her not to pay attention to her surroundings and eventually colliding with the swordsman. Kneeling down in an attempt to calm her down and find out what exactly left her in such a state. "Hello there, can you tell me what happened?". He listened as the child told him about people hearing about a mysterious cloaked figure around town and scaring others with its presence. "Don't worry, I'll go take a look". With a friendly smile he comforted the girl, telling her everything would turn out fine. "Now go home, I'm sure your parents are worried where you are". Assuming they were nothing more than rumors the Hyuuga teen decided to check it out anyway, figuring it might give people some peace of mind.

During his stroll through the village he noticed multiple small groups, all dressed up with smiles on their faces. Although Halloween was supposed to be a horror story it still brought joy to many people alike. Passing by one of the stores in town Grey suddenly came to a halt when seeing his reflection in the window. "What the..", noticing an orange onesie tight around his body and the symbol of a pumpkin where his clan's used to be the martial artist witnessed a change in attire. "Am I dreaming?". Having no time to gather his thoughts Grey heard a scream coming from the distance, activating his Byakugan the lilac eyes scanned the area until stopping at what appeared to be an altar.

Arriving at what resembled a cave the Hyuuga immediately got an ominous feeling upon entering the tunnel. Trails of blood would lead him further inside, the Byakugan still active in case he had to react to whatever he'd find deeper down the cave. Grey finally ended up at the altar he saw moments ago, remnants that implied it was used for a human sacrifice. Continuing what turned into a private investigation the youngster kept walking until he arrived at a dead end, pun intended. For some reason the thought of a hidden passage came to mind as the teenager pushed against the wall, causing some sort of shift to take place as a bright light appeared.

Carefully taking another step Grey realized he was no longer in the port town, having set foot in what seemed to be another village. Before the Hyuuga was able to look around the sound of children caught his attention. Upon closer inspection he noticed small groups of people similar to the ones he saw earlier. For better or worse they came running up to him, asking if he'd be interested in going trick or treating with them. "S-sure", an awkward reply but perhaps not a bad idea considering it would allow him to further investigate whatever was going on. 

While the kids were making their rounds going from door to door Grey followed behind, scanning the surrounding area hoping to find some sort of clue. Having arrived at the next house on their round they'd wait til someone came out and answer their knock, only for another group similar to theirs bumping into them. "Interesting for sure" Grey replied to the young woman dressed in a see-through outfit, her white hair almost taking on the silver color. "Nice costume", with a gentle smile he then realized his own attire wasn't much better. 

(WC: 917)

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Was it all... A Trick? Empty Re: Was it all... A Trick?

Mon Oct 25, 2021 6:19 pm
The day was a typical one, the sea breeze blowing into the window of the room Cid was staying in. The gentle wind would stir him from his slumber, causing him to open a singular golden eye and quickly scan the room. He was relatively safe here in this town, the townsfolk all grateful for the services he provided to ensure their shipments came through. But you know what they say, old habits die hard, but more importantly, those who aren’t cautious die even harder. Seemed like the coast was clear, nobody in the room waiting to interrogate, capture or kill him. He would lift his head up, followed swiftly by his arms that would stretch out over his head. Rising up out of bed, he would dress himself, looking in the mirror to make sure his hair wasn’t a mess. Judging by where the sun stood in the sky, Cid figured it to be just shy of noon.

The freebooter would find his way to the hall of the inn they were staying at. He’d walk past another room, a quick but loud knock on the door meant to wake the person he could hear snoring and slumbering inside. “Hey, you gonna sleep all day?” It wasn’t much effort, but for them to be sleeping so soundly this late in the day meant that it must have been a long night. Cid would crack a grin, thinking to himself that hopefully it was an enjoyable night for them. He’d put his arms up behind his head and make his way to the next room. He was going to knock, but realized that such would be pointless. The Hyuuga lad was usually the first of them to rise and get the day started which didn’t bother Cid any. Hell, the first person up and moving was also the one who could see through walls and detect any threats from, like, a mile away. Yeah, the walking alarm system is definitely who he wants up first. Cid would get to the front desk, offering a brief smile to the innkeeper’s young daughter dressed up as some sort of princess. Turning to the man at the desk, Cid would ask, “So… what’s with the costume?

“Oh, you don’t know?” The portly man would reply, “Well I guess you aren’t from around here so not knowing makes sense. It is the Pumpkin Festival tomorrow night. All of the younger children dress up in costume and walk around the town door to door asking for candy and treats.” He would lift a bucket of sweets up, all individually wrapped in some sort of wax paper. “She is trying on the costume to ensure it fits properly.” The portly innkeeper would look over to his daughter with a big smile from ear to ear. Cid used the momentary distraction to pilfer a piece of the candy, unwrap it and toss it in his mouth while getting rid of the waxy paper evidence by stuffing it into his pocket. It was sweet, almost too much so. Still, he could see why the kids were so excited about such a holiday. “Well, I’m taking a stroll. If anyone’s looking for me just take a message.” Cid would offer before making his way outside. The day was fairly cool, as expected for this time of year.

The town was bustling, everyone setting up decorations for this festival and offering kind words to the children as they ran by, playing some pickup game of make believe with the other local youngsters. Cid would find himself strolling quickly, not lingering in any one place for too long. Old habits, again… He was on good terms with most of the dock workers and seaman, and he didn’t have any particular issues with the locals. Most of them didn’t pay him much mind which was truly a breath of fresh air. He didn’t have eyes always on him, watching his every move.

Moving around the village, there was a shriek from a nearby alley. Cid knew that nothing good could stem from a shriek in an alley. “Do I really even wanna get involved?” He would say aloud, quietly to himself. Keeping a low profile was hard to do if you regularly stuck your nose in other people’s business. Still, he would decide to take action. Not for any sort of altruistic reason, mind you. The man figured he might be able to pull a free meal out of a thankful local, which was motivation enough for him right now.

He knew that the alley wasn’t very big, but it did have various places for the figure to dart down to escape. Ultimately, Cid didn’t care. He wasn’t trying to apprehend the person or anything, so if they got away so be it. Heading down the alley, a cloaked figure would attempt to drag away a fearful and panicking woman. She of course resisted, allowing Cid the time he needed to intervene. “Hey! Asshole!” he would shout, startling the mysterious figure and causing them to stop whatever it was they were doing and dart down a side alley out of sight. Cid figured all was right in the world and would approach the lady to try and get that meal only to see a distraught face with tears pouring down her cheeks. “They took my baby!” She would scream at the top of her lungs. “Ah, shit…” Cid would say, realizing that the person in the cloak already had a bit of a head start. Cid would sprint down the alley after the culprit, the man completely out of sight. Just when he started to think that this was hopeless the muffled cries of a baby were heard down the next alley. Cid sprinted to find the target booking it towards a strange looking cave or something.

Somehow the figure eluded him and made their way into the cave, and while he wanted to help the child, this whole thing reeked of a trap. He hesitated, wondering why he would risk his own neck for someone else. It didn’t make sense, but still something about the cloaked figure felt off to Cid. Something was almost calling to him to investigate and get to the bottom of this. The cave was dark, but there were the tiniest beams of light coming from deep within, which allowed the handsome rogue to clearly see his way to what looked like an altar of sorts, decorated with skulls and what looked to be dried blood. The baby was laying there, quiet and motionless. Cid’s mind immediately thought the worst. He expected to find its life taken, but the tiniest kick of its foot shot a huge sense of relief down the entirety of the buccaneer. He would quickly make his way to it and aim to pick it up, only for everything to go dark.

He would wake up, finding himself on the cold stone street looking up at a dark sky filled with a large, full moon. He didn’t recall drinking anything, so this was all a bit odd. Was he drugged? Lifting himself up off the ground and dusting himself off, he would look around to see various children dressed as different things. There was no way he slept through not only a whole day, but most of a second. Then it dawned on him that this wasn’t the same town he was just in. Strange children walked up to him, commenting on his costume and asking him to walk them around as they asked for candy. “I’m not wearing a –“ His words were cut short when a nearby storefront revealed that he was dressed up as a pirate. He had the eyepatch, the silly hat with the image of a skull and bones atop his head. Someone was playing some sort of trick on him. Only explanation he could think of. “Sure, but I get first pick of whatever you manage to get as payment, understood?”

A quick glance around found his Hyuuga comrade here. “Very funny. I dunno what hocus pocus you did to dress me up and lay me out in the street, but it’s a good one for sure.” He’d pat Grey on the shoulder, glancing over at the woman. “Oh, sorry to disturb. Did you guys need some time?” The sly grin on Cid’s face followed by the rapid raising of his eyebrows clearly conveyed his meaning.

wc: 1409

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Was it all... A Trick? Empty Re: Was it all... A Trick?

Tue Oct 26, 2021 12:59 pm


Where there is no imagination
Trick or T r e a t

Suika nearly forgot all about her costume until the first comment gave way, her eyes shoot down at her body – nearly naked but covering the important bits, Suika could feel her cheeks turning red, almost as if she no longer had control of her own emotions. A quick internal monologue would fix the slight redness that appeared on her silk like porcelain skin. “I would have to say you also have a nice costume.” A bright orange onesie, hugging his body quite well, she could tell he was quite fit… Her eyes glanced as the pirate and another group of children came up to the door they were located at; the pirate spoke, to the pumpkin she had just spoken too, but these two seemed… To be friends? Or at least familiar with each other. The pirate had referred to some form of ‘hocus pocus’? Suika was mildly confused by this term, and almost spoke up questioning this; but decided against it. If these two knew each other, then it was very possible they were in on this demonic night she was having. “Well then, I suppose you know where we are then?” Suika spoke up, raising her eyebrow towards the pumpkin; seeing as the pirate assumed it was this man causing the havoc.

In the moment Suika allowed her question to escape her lips before thinking of the possible consequences of this action, the group of children she had started her night with had all but almost scattered! Suika looked franticly around, searching with her eyes at the near by houses, until those to began to disappear. Suika moved away from the Pirate and the Pumpkin – keeping her eyes on her surroundings, everything at this point had all but disappeared… Everything except for a single road, was replaced by tall trees and darkness; Suika turned back to see if the two from before were in fact apart of this illusion or if; like her, they were real. A small sigh of relief when her eyes were met by the black and gold pairs of eyes of the two gentlemen from before. “Well, it looks like the night is just beginning… What do you say to a Vampire, a Pumpkin and Pirate going on a small adventure? Shall we figure out what hellish pit we’ve been brought to?” Her words didn’t seem like her own, the sultry in her voice was unfamiliar to that of what she was taught… Something about this night didn’t seem right, nor did it seem natural. There was tickle in the back of her throat she couldn’t explain, it felt as if someone was puppeteering her very actions.

As she finished speaking; she didn’t wait for an answer, she began to inspect each side of the path, she assumed it wanted them to continue the way they were heading from the Trick or Treating, but she wasn’t quite sure; there was the option to go back the way they came, but something felt as if they returned that way – it would end quite horribly for them. She pressed her lips tightly together, only to feel a slight prick on the inside of her mouth, her right hand shot up to feel two fangs where her once normal teeth were… She was confused, and very disturbed by the fact that someone… Went into her mouth to put these… Things? She tried to pull them off, to no avail… Something wasn’t right; what was this nightmare? She turned back towards the gentlemen, “I fear if we return the way we came from… It could end horribly, do you concur with this feeling?” She asked, this time waiting to see their answer.

As Suika waited, she then began to wonder… Could she use her ninjutsu here? Or was something going to be blocking it… She thought of the possibility of not being able to use it; or using it in front of these two and letting it out that she was a Yuki… A monster as she had been called many times before; so many options on how to handle the situation laid before but unsure of the correct answer on how to act upon it. She needed to be discreet if she was going to choose to attempt a jutsu just to make sure if they ran into issue she would be able to preform… But even if she couldn’t… She didn’t exactly have any weapon? She groaned internally; maybe she should ask these two if they had attempted to work out a jutsu or if they had a weapon of sorts… She looked both over carefully, not making note of anything unless it was concealed. As she could tell on her own body, all weapons she once had were seemingly no longer on her person… This made her nervous; whoever changed her outfit made sure to clean her out everything.

After all formal conversations were over; Suika would motion for the men to follow her down the path; as they walked she would casually bring up the missing weapons as well as if they had attempted any form of jutsu since realizing they were no longer in their villages. She then began to wonder what village they came from… none of them were sporting any form of identification. As they walked, Suika turned heel, starring at the pair; “Alright, since we’re going to be together for the next who knows how long… We should complete formal introductions. What are your names and where are you from? As well as… I’m sure you both have been able to tell, but I shall state the obvious. I do not have any weapons. This outfit,” She motioned towards her body, “Has no secret hiding spot, whoever has done this to us, made sure I had nothing.” She glanced back towards them, “Please tell me one, or both of you has weapons.” She paused before returning to speak again; “And would either of you also be a jutsu user…?” She raised her eyebrow as she waited for a response.

Suika wasn’t going to relay any information until she knew these two were no threat to her; if they hailed from her former village, she could run into issues… However if they did not; then there was a good chance she could be able to trust the pair of them for the time being… At least until she was able to trust them enough to get through the night…

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    Mysterious Figure (E):
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    @Grey && @Cid
There is no Horror

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Was it all... A Trick? Empty Re: Was it all... A Trick?

Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:10 pm
As the young lady's cheeks turned red, perhaps a result of Grey's compliment, the Hyuuga noticed he was staring at her quite revealing outfit. The costume accentuated the woman's curves beautifully yet left plenty to one's imagination, covering just enough of her body. Realizing his stares might have been gone on for too long he quickly apologized lest he wanted the girl to get the wrong idea of him. "Ahem, I'm sorry, I didn't see anything. Well I did, but" tripping over his own words the awkward youth rubbed his nose while looking away, this time feeling a blush appearing on his own face.

Before he could thank the young lady for her compliment Grey could hear a familiar voice interrupting their conversation. "Yes thank you, I'm try-", unable to finish his sentence the swordsman didn't know what he was looking at. "What on earth are you wearing?", seeing the pirate outfit on his friend's body was quite the sight. "I'm starting to think you're taking this whole sailing thing a bit too serious, Cid". The martial artist then demonstrated a low kick by hitting the pirate's shin, payback for the earlier comment when he was struggling to get out of his words.

His comrade suspected the Hyuuga to be behind all this, something the swordsman wanted to deny but then noticed her silver hair dancing through the streets as she chased the children that were accompanying her. "Let's follow her, shall we?". Assuming Cid would indeed be of the same opinion he started to pick up pace, his orange onesie a nice addition to the sudden darkness they found themselves in. Tall trees surrounded the three of them as they finally gathered together once more, the road they stood on moments ago no longer to be seen. The night continued to grow stranger by the minute.

What sounded like the beginning of a popular joke quickly turned into a suggestion, the attractive girl proposing a little investigation as a way to find out what they were dealing with. "Lead the way, miss". For some reason Grey got the impression she wasn't feeling like herself, something he could hardly blame her for considering the circumstances they were in. Which is why the Hyuuga wasted no time agreeing while at the same time assuming Pirate Cid would be of the same thought. Following the vampire the three of them continued walking the path they had been led to, unaware of the events taking place.

Still dressed like a pumpkin, an appearance befitting the time of year, his pearl black eyes kept watch of the strange movements the woman was making, almost as if the situation had gotten the better of her. "No need to panic, there's three of us". With a gentle smile Grey tried his best to calm her down, hoping she was able to finish what she was about to say. "I believe it's too late to turn back now. We already made it this far anyway. What do you think?". Wondering if his friend had a different opinion or perhaps even suggestion he waited for a reply. 

Assuming they all came to an agreement the former Konohagakure shinobi noticed the vampire queen appeared to be lost in thought. Perhaps this whole situation started taking its toll on her, but for one way or another he felt rather calm. Before he was able to say something the girl began to speak once more, inquiring about both of their names given the fact it looked as if the three of them were going to be spending quite some time together. "I'm Grey from a port town in Fire Country, and who might you be?". Expecting Cid did the same and introduced himself as well the martial artist waited for the young lady's reply.

Touching and feeling the side of his body, around the hip to be exact Grey suddenly realized their outfits wasn't the only thing that changed. "My sword, it's gone". A worrying look as his usual equipment was nowhere to be found. Under the impression it would be the same for Mr. Pirate and Miss Vampire he couldn't help but mention the way she was dressed. "Oh that outfit is rather dangerous, trust me". Rubbing the same spot on his nose again, something Grey always did when he got nervous, only to apologize soon after.

About to answer her next question the youngster suddenly noticed a mysterious building in the not so far distance. Activating his lilac eyes to enhance his vision allowed him to pick up on the presence of two people standing guard. "I'm afraid all I have to offer for now are my martial arts skills". Seeing that the young lady emphasized the word "also" could only mean she was adept in ninjutsu herself. "I don't know about you guys but my guess is we have to try and find our way into that building" the Hyuuga would say all the while pointing in that direction. "Or does anyone have a better idea?". As always the swordsman would wait in case either of them had another suggestion on how to proceed.

(WC: 856, TWC: 1773)

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Was it all... A Trick? Empty Re: Was it all... A Trick?

Wed Oct 27, 2021 6:22 pm
When questioned about his outfit, Cid shrugged, "I dunno man. I woke up like this.". He didn't pick the clothes, and if Grey hadn't either, that meant that something very odd was indeed going on here. His thoughts on the matter were interrupted by a swift kick to the shin, the man's golden eyes wincing in pain as he rubbed the injured shin with his other foot. Well, if he WAS interrupting something he probably deserved that one. 

The woman would find herself in motion, aiming to collect the children that seemed to want to scatter like fall leaves in the wind. "Yeah, I don't see why not. I got my own little rugrat here to haul around." He would say, pointing to a young child behind him dressed as some sort of bipedal walking green lizard. It was only the one, which was odd because he thought there would be more. Perhaps he scared them away? Or maybe the little rascals didn't want to give him his share of the plunder. Cid would use his long strides to help make up for his not so quick pace. 

Sudden darkness would flood his senses, yet again throwing him into some sort of dizzy spell. Cid wanted to almost fall over before he found himself coming to his senses once more. "I don't know what was in that candy but children should NOT eat that stuff." He would say with a sigh, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples to try and get his bearings. Upon opening his eyes, he noticed the town streets that they were just in had disappeared, as did the children. They were now standing in a road of some sort, the path leading towards some large building in the distance. The trees themselves were without leaves, which was expected around this time, but they were all mangled in odd shapes and if he hadn't known better looked to be in pain. 

They all seemed to be on the same page, wanting to get to the bottom of whatever it was that was doing all of this. "Yeah, so long as we don't somehow get separated we'll be fine. They always seem to pick of the ones that separate from the group." He would say, referencing the old horror stories he had heard around campfires in his youth. " Yeah, I get this weird feeling. Like something bad will happen if I turn back...Let's just follow the path ahead. I want to know just what vile magic was used to do all of this." He would shake his head, recalling what brought him here in the first place, "Whatever it is, I think it involves human sacrifice..." A shudder would run down his spine, the thought of what that cloaked creep planned to do at that altar giving him the chills. He wasn't the nicest person, or the most noble, but he sure as shit wouldn't kill a baby. "This is a sick world we live in. Sick people." He would speak aloud, mostly to himself but those around would have no issue hearing it. 

When the lady vampire requested they all introduce themselves, Cid would nod. Grey would be the first to offer up the information. "Yeah, and I'm Cid. Currently residing in the same town." He would allow the woman to introduce herself as well, though he would keep his eyes on their surroundings. He felt like he was being watched... was it paranoia? Or was something out there keeping an eye on them?

The vampire was right, it would be rather difficult to conceal any weapons in that outfit. Grey also seemed to be lacking any tools. When Cid would look down, he about screamed in panic. "What!?! What happened to my leg?" The leg he was kicked in just a few moments earlier was now a wooden peg. On the plus side, he did notice that strapped to his other boot was a dagger and he had a cutlass in a scabbard at his side. "I swear to all that I can, if these bastards took my leg I'm gonna kill 'em! Every last one of them." Cid would unclasp his sword belt, "Here kid, you're better with this than I am." He would say, tossing the Hyuuga the sword, scabbard and belt all at once. "I guess this costume had fitting props to go with it. If it will make you feel safer, you can use this, miss." He would say as he held the dagger lightly by the blade and offered her the weapon. "And yeah, you could say I know a thing or two about jutsu."

As for how to get into the building, Cid didn't have a ton of ideas. "I mean, there is always the front door, right? Just walk up, bash a few creepy cult dudes, walk in. Can't be that simple, can it? Nah, probably not. All it would take is for them to alert any others and we will be swarmed. Plus it removed any and all element of surprise. We could torch the whole place... but then again there may be innocent victims inside.... so that kinda shoots that idea in the foot." 

If only Teeths was here... Cid would think to himself. He'd know what to do. 

wc: 883
twc: 2292

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Was it all... A Trick? Empty Re: Was it all... A Trick?

Thu Oct 28, 2021 6:54 pm


Where there is no imagination
Trick or T r e a t

Suika smiled as the pair introduced themselves, they hailed from a small port town in Fire Country… She had no fear from these two; at least not for now… She paused before speaking up once again; “My name is… Suika, Suika from Sunagakure.” Her sudden pause in the sentence she formed, she prayed went untouched… She didn’t normally claim to be from a village… But this time it felt right, she wasn’t sure why it had – But with that she continued to listen; Grey, with the black eyes, and Cid with the gold… She listened to them as they spoke about the current situation, agreed with her initial analyzation in regards to returning the way they came; all parties also agreed to stick together, which brought her a small sigh of relief… If these two were in on the horrible nightmare; they wouldn’t have agreed… At least she assumed that.

Once they both came to realize neither had their usual weapons, and Grey much like Suika did not have a weapon at all; she could feel that his once sense of peace became panic. Grey, seemingly to be the more bolder of the two continued to make note of her outfit, which made her smirk; it seemed as if one was slightly more interested than the other; she figured this could come quite in handy should a battle ensue. She was already working different plans for the coming hours; instead something went wrong that was… nor would she ever admit aloud that she planned for Grey to become a human meat shield if the need arise. Of course that’s when the pirate himself began to notice the factor that he was missing his leg, which Suika could have sworn was there before… She tried to think back to when they all first met up, did he have two legs? Was it always a peg…? Her head began to throb the more she thought about the situation before.

It seemed as if in this current situation; two out of the three of them were becoming more like their costumes… Suika becoming more vampire like; and Cid becoming more of a pirate… But Grey was dressed as a pumpkin… What could that mean for him? And how had he not changed already? She would need to keep an eye closer onto Grey then she had Cid… However; the thankfulness of Cid’s current pirate-like that meant that he did have weapons; the joys of being a pirate. Cid offered Suika accepted the offer, if only for a moment before her hand began to burn slightly – she quickly dropped the dagger, only for it to flip on the back side… A small cross was on the handle of it; “What the…” She muttered, starring at the dagger on the ground. “Perhaps in this story, I am not allowed a weapon…” She laughed, trying to make light of the situation at hand… perhaps not her best work. She looked back to her hand, but the burns that were there before, stayed no longer? “My hand…” She whispered; it was completely healed… She couldn’t believe the fact that she was really becoming a vampire. What the hell happened? What was this place they found themselves in.

She could feel her sense of panic rising once again, she needed to stay calm, she had to stay calm. Her panic was cut short by Cid, thankfully she listened to him right away and didn’t stay stuck in her own head; he spoke of going through the front door… Which of course was a terrible idea; which he agreed with reason in the same sentence that he suggested it. She decided to let him work things out in his own head before she would speak up and they would figure a way in. She did like the idea of torching the place; that was something they could do; but the possibility of there being other people, people like them or even the missing girl from her village… She thought back to the fact that Cid had made mention of a human sacrifice… Which of course made sense; they were all brought here by a human sacrifice… And perhaps their mission in this moment was to save them… Or could they be stuck in a genjutsu? No… If that was the case… Suika was quite a distance from where these two claimed to live… She sneered at a moment while starring at the magnanimous spinetingling building… Grey spoke of two guards in the front… She knew that they could only get through as long as no one was alerted to their presence.

Suika held up her hands together; speaking before she finished her hand signs; “I will scout ahead… I will send a sign, and you’ll know that it’s time to follow me.” She quickly preformed “Ram -> Tiger -> Boar” Before she sunk into the ground, her body moving through the softened earth below as she brought herself close to the side of the building she had been watching before… She was certain of a window being there… As she emerged from the ground she discovered she had been correct, approximately 20 feet above her; was in fact a window they could get in through… She paused thinking about if she really was going to call forth the others… Debating on if she could go in alone, or even if it was safe to do so. In that moment she decided that she would call the others, if only for the purpose of her own survival… She needed to make sure she came out of this alive… There was to many things she needed to do and she wasn’t going to be able to get them done by sitting around this hell hole waiting to be rescued… A rescue she knew wouldn’t be coming.

In that moment, Suika raised her hands, these two had no idea before but they would certainly know now. She focused, envisioning the spot she was once standing with the pair of them; at this point there was approximately 80 feet – She pictured snow flakes falling on top of the pirate and the pumpkin – She hoped the pair of them would quickly figure out what she meant by ‘you’ll know the sign once it happens’. As soon as she took notice on movement from their direction, Suika stopped the snow; and proceeded to look around… It seemed as if the only way up would be to walk up…

With a quick motion of her hands, and a strong focus; she pictured her chakra at her feet, breathing in slowly; with just as slow exhales she moved herself onto the surface of the wall; beginning her ascent up; once she got to the point she could almost reach the window, she focused slightly less chakra in her feet, and some in her hands; almost appearing as if she was crawling up the wall instead of walking, peaking her head just enough to look through the window; it was slightly ajar, which was perfect for her, she would be able to open it just enough to slip into; and get the guys in as well… She waited for several moments, saying dormant on the wall waiting to see if guards would walk past… After about a minute; a set of strange looking guards walked past, they were speaking in a strange tongue; something she had never heard of before – Their eyes were crimson red; she made note of their prolonged fangs… Vampires? She felt more confused than she was before… Were they guards? Or were they people like herself… She couldn’t take the chance… She waited longer, there was a ten minute interval before they returned. That meant the group had ten minutes to get in and find somewhere to hide without being caught by the rotating guards that were walking around.

As Suika flipped herself into the window as the guards disappeared from sight; she stuck her head out the window; whispering for the others to make their way up; and quickly. Suika began her search, quickly finding a spot to hide not only her petite self, but the two larger males that were making their way up the wall and through the window… Suika waited, they were taking quite some time; she made note of the pair of vampires returning… She swore under her breath before moving faster than she had ever moved before; ‘Ram > Dog > Bird > Snake’ touching both vampires on the shoulder as they quickly became paralyzed. Without a second thought, Suika rammed her fist into the vest of each vampire; their bodies crumbling to dust; shock whipped through her body as she stood there… It wouldn’t be long before their status of missing became noticed, which meant they needed to move fast.

As soon as the two of them would make it through the window; she would have them follow her; a series of corridors, most of them leading to dead ends, and a few of them lead to rooms, rooms Suika at first was very hesitant to attempt to open… Deciding against trying to open the doors; she continued down the corridors, hiding at times they would hear foot steps, and people talking; this having gone on for what felt like hours the group happened upon a stairwell, Suika made note of a symbol above it… Unfamiliar with the symbol itself, she figured that was the direction they should go in… Something inside of her pulled her towards it. As the group ascended the stairs; for nearly five minutes before they found themselves in front of a large door – again with the same symbol from earlier; but this time the symbol was painted with… Blood?

Suika felt sick, seeing it the second time – she realized where she had seen it before… The caves in Suna… When she was looking for the missing girl; “This is where we need to go…” She whispered, as she slowly and quietly opened the door she made note of the darkness in the extremely large room… Near the center of the room, hundreds of candles lit, giving an earie color’d space. Once more, in far more blood than before was a single cloaked person, the chakra exuding from the figure was large… It felt heavy and dark… The sickness Suika felt before returned; this time in a far greater amount. Surrounding the middle man was approximately 6 humanoid like cloaked figures… From there – she made note of 3 vampires, 2 large dog like creatures, 3 very large snakes, and 2 even larger spiders… Suika could feel her own blood turning cold… She turned back to look at her comrades, once more whispering; “The middle one… It has to be responsible for this nightmare…

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    Mysterious Figure (E):
    Trick or Treat(E):
    The Truth | Part One (ARC):
    The Truth | Part Two (ARC):
    The Truth | Part Three (ARC):

  • Tagged
    @Grey && @Cid
There is no Horror

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Was it all... A Trick? Empty Re: Was it all... A Trick?

Fri Oct 29, 2021 4:16 pm
When Cid claimed to have woken up just like that Grey realized chances were either his friend had no clue what was going on, or they didn't wake up yet and were still asleep, everything happening would basically be taking place inside their dreams. The young Hyuuga prodigy already had some suspicions but decided to keep quiet for now since there was simply no proof to back up his claims. Theory aside, it still didn't help them figuring out where they ended up or what they were supposed to do, well besides getting out and back home obviously. "Not much we can do about it" the man voiced, attempting to see the glass as half full instead of empty.

It appeared his friend also noticed the sudden change in atmosphere, their surroundings no longer the same and all three of them clearly confused. With the children having disappeared they were the only ones left, only a single mysterious building in the distance. The swordsman noticed his companion to be in agreement, deciding it was for the best if they stuck together. If anything the martial artist wanted to avoid getting separated from one another, regardless of such a scenario being popular in the horror movies these days. 

And then, a sudden scream one would usually hear in the same genre he just thought of moments ago. "What on earth". Before Grey could even finish his sentence the sight of Cid missing a leg only to have it replaced with a wooden peg caught his eye. "Like I said, you really should stop taking this pirate thing so seriously". Although shocking at first, he couldn't help but find the view quite funny, trying his hardest not to burst out in laughter. The Hyuuga gratefully accepted the sword, a tool he felt rather comfortable with and made his own over the years of practicing both the blade as well as the Gentle Fist.

By then Cid had also laid his eyes on the building, for some reason it continued to look even more mysterious than it did when they first made note of it. Giving one-legged Pirate a moment to share his thoughts on how to proceed, the swordsman listened attentively all the while paying close attention to the man's words. "Force might be our only option, but if they're really using the place for human sacrifices we can never be too certain that there are no innocent lives involved". Deep down he hoped that not to be the case, but it wouldn't surprise him if this horror story had a bad ending.

By then the young lady had already introduced herself as Suika. "Ah, Sunagakure. Sand". So far his knowledge on the place the woman hailed from, impressive right. From the looks of things it seemed the kunoichi with the see-through outfit also became aware of the wooden peg where usually Cid's leg was, a sight that still gave Grey trouble dealing with. "Sorry bud, it's just .. Never mind". It was all fun and games until something like that would happen to him. Missing a limb, the Hyuuga couldn't even begin to imagine how he would continue living his life as a swordsman and martial artist if he were to lose one of those tools. 

If he didn't know any better Grey started to think Miss Vampire over there had something on her mind. Perhaps in the time they spent together so far she grew fond of him, not that he could blame her. I mean, look at him. Long hair, flawless skin, a physique built like a cathedral, beautiful black pearly eyes. If he ever decided to pursue a different career then the Hyuuga might as well consider becoming a model. It were all thoughts that made him rub his nose, taking in the imaginary compliments before realizing they simply played off inside his mind.

Carrying the sword given to him by Pirate on his right hip the prodigy was caught by surprise the moment he saw Suika's hand had started to burn. "I could make a pun about her being hot but I'll keep it in for now" the youngster thought to himself. Luckily it appeared she wasn't in that much pain considering the joke that followed soon. "I'm glad to see it can't hurt that much if you're able to play it off". Although, it could still be considered strange that out of the three of them only the kunoichi was unable to carry a sword. "Perhaps it's a vampire curse" he smiled before grabbing her hand to see how bad it was.

Adding to the confusion would be her hand getting healed without any use of a medical technique, at that point Grey already started expecting the unexpected. Standing close to the woman, waiting for her to calm down, he suddenly realized they still didn't let go of each other. "Ahem, I'm sorry", looking at her hand the Hyuuga released his hold of hers before creating some distance between the two of them to not make her feel anymore uncomfortable than she already did given the situation they were in. Suike agreed that simply walking in through the front door wasn't exactly the best idea, her thoughts clearly going over other possible options.

While they were waiting on a decision it was Suika who decided to take action, claiming to go scouting and making mention of signaling both men when they could come follow her. The woman then formed a couple of hand seals before disappearing, sinking into the ground. "She better not leave us" the Hyuuga spoke, however if necessary he could always keep track of her through the use of his Byakugan which allowed him to even see through solid constructs such as the earth the female vampire manipulated. Remaining aware of their surroundings Grey placed his hand firmly on the sword in case an unpleasant surprise showed up, one could never be too careful after all, especially considering the circumstances they found themselves in.

Through his precious lilac dojutsu the Hyuuga made sure to keep an eye on everything happening around them, focusing on a single point as a means of precaution in case something or someone would show up and possibly endanger Suika. "What's taking her so long?". Although he wasn't completely unaware of what the kunoichi was up to, the Pumpkin still wondered if everything would turn out just fine. Not that the lack of update worried him but it wouldn't hurt knowing the girl was doing alright. After all, they were all in this together. 

In that moment, the prodigy witnessed countless snowflakes falling down the sky. "That must be her sign" the swordsman voiced as he looked at Cid. It would be too big of a coincidence that it suddenly started snowing, which is why he figured Suika had to be behind the current change in weather. "Let's go". Picking up pace but trying to remain as vigilant as possible both men would start moving as well, hopefully going by unnoticed by whoever was keeping watch in the building. Still keeping an eye on the two guards he also made sure to not get caught by them.

More than a handful of minutes passed when both pirates made it to the side of the building, so far so good. Slightly looking up the man would be able to see a window that was opened just enough to crawl through. "Suika must have made it in this way". Hearing the whispers coming from above confirmed those thoughts, another sign for them to follow suit and make their way up. Slowly popping his head through the window the young prodigy saw how the vampire had taken care of two guards before they quickly turned to dust. "What happened here?". Finally setting foot into the room Grey used his Byakugan to make sure no one else would show up out of nowhere.

Assuming Cid did the same the woman gestured the two men to follow her. Doing so they passed a series of corridors, most of them leading to dead ends with only a few of them leading to rooms. They continued making their way wherever Suika would lead them, only briefly stopping whenever they could hear footsteps approaching and voices speaking. It appeared the lady's eyes fell on a unique symbol upon a stairwell, one that the Hyuuga failed to recognize. Regardless of what it stood for, it looked as if the image drew Suika in, the kunoichi heading in the direction of the stairs.

Ascending the stairs their little group finally found themselves in front of a large door with the exact same symbol attached to it, although this one slightly different. Upon closer inspection the youngster realized it wasn't paint, but blood that was used this time. The female vampire whispered once more, certain that this was the place they needed to be. His eyes watched as the woman slowly opened the door, doing her best not to make any noise. As they finally entered the room they would all immediately notice the darkness filling the place.

The smell of blood grew stronger, masked by the numerous lit candles in the center of the room. From there they could see a single person whose chakra was dark and foul. If that wasn't enough there were another six of them and to top it off those were joined by three vampires, two creatures resembling a large dog, three very large snakes and two even larger spiders. "You". His voice as heavy as the chakra being emitted from the cloaked individual. "Are you the one responsible for all this?". Not waiting for an answer Grey placed his right hand on the sheath while his left would be resting on the handle. "Get ready". Warning both Cid and Suika to prepare themselves as those creatures would likely not go down without a fight. 

(WC: 1650, TWC: 3423)

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Was it all... A Trick? Empty Re: Was it all... A Trick?

Fri Oct 29, 2021 11:46 pm
Well, despite the fact that he was not completely missing one of his limbs it would seem as though Grey would hold back laughter. "Well I guess nobody can say that I ever half-ass my costume, eh?" Once the panic of the situation passed, he understood how one could find such a thing funny. Even he thought that it was a little bit funny after the initial realization. He couldn't help but feel like this was all some sort of trick, or illusion. Maybe this was all some sort of weird ass dream caused by, probably like five too many drinks. 

The woman would introduce herself as Suika from the village of Sunagakure. It was not much, but in his travels Cid had heard some rumors regarding the Village Hidden in the Sand being a hub for criminals to seek refuge. Of course, it would be hard for him to believe that the whole village had been made up of such people. First off, how could one have any law at all in a village of outlaws and criminals? Cid considered a trek there early in his career, but quickly realized that it was far easier to rob folks when there were more easy marks than people looking to do the robbing. Less competition for resources and all. Grey would chime in with what he knew of Sunagakure which was... well, that it had sand. Cid would nod, accepting the fact that Grey technically was right. It did indeed have sand. 

Cid went to hand her the dagger, only for her hand to burn and it drop to the ground revealing a cross on the handle. Cid thought nothing of it, but perhaps this strange place had given her all of the weaknesses of vampires told in tales older than civilization itself it would seem. Grey was quick to try and grab her hand and break the touch barrier. You sly little dog. Using any excuse to hold the pretty ladies hand. The hand which seemed to heal almost instantly...

It would seem as though the other two kept looking at each other, not being able to stop ogling the other it would seem. A sly grin would creep its way to his face, "You guys need some time or something?" He looks around, "I don't think that is a good idea though. Those folks that do that tend to die horribly in these horror stories I was speaking of." He would let out a slight chuckle, laughing at the awkwardness of these two. Well, more importantly he was laughing at the awkwardness of the Hyuuga, thinking this was at the very least as funny as his peg leg had been. On the plus side, perhaps the comedy of the situation could help calm the nerves of the motley crew stuck here in this evil, hellish place. 

So the woman was indeed a kunoichi, made abundantly clear by her sudden weaving of various hand seals. So she was going to scout ahead and would send a signal that they would be able to recognize without issue. "Works for me." Cid would offer, making no efforts to convince her not to risk it. They would hear no, "Oh no, its too dangerous!" or "Maybe you should let one of us go." Nope, none of that. If the Kunoichi wanted to scout ahead, he figured she could handle herself. Plus, he knew that the Hyuuga ogling machine would be able to keep his all seeing eyes locked on her, even from here. He half expected the boy's nose to spout blood like an open faucet at this rate. "Better not leave us?" Cid would ask. Once she was underground and out of earshot, Cid would give Grey a look raising his eyebrows yet again in a way that very easily conveyed his meaning. "Heh, I've never seen a rosey pink pumpkin before!" Cid would offer light pokes with his elbow. 

It wouldn't be long before the air would grow cold and snowflakes would fall on them out of nowhere. He would shiver, "I'm not really dressed for winter." He would say, rubbing his hands together and then rubbing his arms to keep warm. "But you are right. This has to be the signal from Suika. Lets move." Again, Cid would feel like he was being watched. He would look around, trying to find the eyes that felt like they were locked on him. Despite his best efforts, Cid would find nothing once more. The snow would stop as quickly as it started, suggesting that she still had been keeping watch on the pair. 

Despite his wooden leg, he was able to hobble along at a reasonable pace to try and match that of the Hyuuga prodigy. He would keep his eyes peeled, looking for any and all hidden assailants that might pop out at them and try to end their story prematurely. Luckily, no such adversaries would make themselves known in the time it took for them to find their way to the same ajar window that Suika must have used to enter. Well, it would seem they had no choice but to climb using chakra control. It wasn't like there was a ladder or such that they could just as easily climb. So, Cid would take a deep breath and focus his chakra to the bottoms of his feet.. Well, foot. He didn't account for his missing leg at first, so he would very clumsily fall to the ground. It wasn't loud enough to alert the cultists, nor was it high enough to hurt anything more than the sailors pride. "Not. A. Word." He would mutter to the Hyuuga as he lifted himself off the ground and dusted himself off. It would seem as though he was going to have to focus chakra into his palms and knees and crawl up the wall like some sort of super toddler. 

Grey was the first through the window, with Cid following close behind. He would not see the vampire kill the guards, but would instead only see the ashy mess afterwards. "Man, they really need to clean this place up. Ash? Right in the middle of the floor?" His words were hushed as he shook his head. 

They would quickly find themselves darting down hallways, drawn by some unknown force. Well, this unknown force seemed to be lost since they kept finding themselves at dead ends. Still, the trio would press on, making sure to avoid patrols whenever possible and hide when their paths crossed. Luckily, the patrolling guards were far too wrapped up in their own strange conversations to be paying much mind to their surroundings. Note to future self, don't hire any of the incompetent guards from Cults R' Us. 

After what felt like an eternity, they would find themselves at a staircase that had strange symbols, much like those at the sacrificial altar. They were getting closer now. Everything in the buccaneer screamed danger, but at the same time he was lured up the staircase and to a large door like a moth to a flame. Suika would open the door as quietly as possible, to the point which no sound could be heard by Cid. 

The room was dark, but lit by candles. That was more than enough illumination for the golden eyes bandit to see the whole room as clear as day. Her observation seemed to be right. The other people and creatures in the room all seemed to be surrounding the figure at the center, all lost deep into some sort of dark prayer to their evil god of destruction. There were two doors at the far end of the room, but his vision was not like that of a Hyuuga so he wouldn't be able to detect that which was behind the closed doors.  Well, from what he could tell not a soul in here was a normal person, but considering the fact that he had been transformed into a pirate, Suika had turned into a proper vampire and... well, Grey didn't turn into his costume which honestly was a relief. A pumpkin sure isn't a whole lot of help in a fight. But since they were transformed, maybe others had been too. Honestly, it was not going to be easy to pick the innocent out from the rest if that was the case. 

The man would think to himself, "Teeths, what should I do here?" Then as clear as day he witnessed in his head a technique as it watching it from outside of his body, and felt the urge to complete the various hand seals needed to produce a mouth full of flames. "You guys like barbeque?" He would ask quietly to the other two. Of course, the headstrong Hyuuga prodigy would not wait to spring into action, addressing the priest in the center lost in prayer. 

Just then, the figure in the center would rise, almost as if lifted by some sort of dark magic. Screams could be heard from behind the closed door, and some sort of blood red streams of energy or something come pouring from them and funneling towards the dark priest. His body was pitch black, with an almost skeleton like structure forming on his face and arms. He would smile, as if he had already won.

Whatever it was their ragtag team was going to do, they had better do it quickly. They might not have another chance here shortly.

twc: 3875

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Was it all... A Trick? Empty Re: Was it all... A Trick?

Sat Oct 30, 2021 1:49 pm


Where there is no imagination
Trick or T r e a t

 As the door opened, and the group slugged into it; it wasn’t long before the black hair’d man decided to speak up, she groaned as he spoke – She was hoping it would be a surprise attack; instead the enemy had time to get ready. The creature in the center of the room rose up, blood red streams of chakra flowing through the room; almost like lightening… Went flying towards the creature, Suika was able to recognize these lines as chakra… This creature was siphoning it from somewhere… Probably the sacrifices that it had its… Cultists take. Suika took note of the lack of meat on the creature… It almost appeared skeleton like… She watched as it smiled towards the group; a smile that would make any persons stomach twist. “Those lines, they have to be chakra! He’s siphoning  it from somewhere!” She shouted, her hands quickly working as she kept her eyes on the prize. “We need to find out where he is holding people!” Bird-Snake-Monkey-Bird-Tiger-Dog – Suika shouted out, “Ice Style: Earthen Consecutive Chains of Ice!” She slammed the palm of her hands on the ground, as the ground began to shake, she had a feeling this old building had an underground well below it; as the huge chains busted out from the ground below, her suspicions were confirmed; 5 large and thick ice chains came flying up, all heading towards the creature in the center of room.

Just as quickly as they moved, the creature dodged the first two before the third would pierce it through the stomach, the first two that missed, came flying back; one for each leg; brining the creature down to it’s knees. The final two chains would pierce it’s shoulders, pulling it to the ground – she wasn’t sure if the jutsu would work in full… As she had a feeling this creature was already dead… But she could tell that the chains would hold him… Even if it was only long enough for her to search for the sacrifices. Once again, Suika turned her focus towards getting out of the room, to get to the other side; as quickly as possible… With her own vampire status, she figured she would be able to run much faster then she could before… but the other vampires surely could run just as fast as she. “Alright, I’ll search… You guys, clear out the room!” She cried out – her eyes focused on the vampires she made note of earlier… They would go for her, but she had her own surprise. As she took off running, they quickly followed her; Suika’s hands once again moving as fast as she could possibly get them.

Dog, Rat, Bird, Snake, Dog.

Quickly, spears of ice began to form on the ceiling; all approximately the size of stakes; as quickly as they would appear, they would shoot out towards the vampires; this taxing jutsu wouldn’t be able to be kept up for very long, as the fast speed fight continued in front of the two gentleman; Suika could no longer see them, they had begun their own fights; as quickly as Suika reached the door; the vampires had all been spiked, and turned into dust; the spears of ice sticking out of the ground; Suika took one quick turn before exiting through the small door, where she had sensed the potential victims could be. As Suika glanced towards the fighting; she held her breath… If she left now… Would they be fine? The vampires had been killed… but the other creatures… Would they be able to handle it? She shook her head… Of course they could, they both seemed to know what they were talking about when questioned earlier that night… Her mind flashed back to earlier…

The black hair’d shinobi… No not shinobi… he referred himself as a  martial artist, had grabbed her hand… She couldn’t help but think of the heat in her cheeks in that moment, or how long the holding stayed… As if it was almost natural… She wondered; how did people act like that towards each other ‘normally’? She shook her head, she had once planned to use this man as a meat shield… And yet, it seemed as if her mind was slowly changing in regards to that… She thought that… If they got out of here alive… She wouldn’t mind spending some extra time with him… She groaned as she closed the door behind her. “Suika… Get your head in the game.” She muttered as she looked up, only to be greeted by a very large cultist… “Well, would you believe me if I said the Master sent me?” She starred for a moment as the cultist cracked his neck, then knuckles laughing.

Suika sighed, the man plunged towards her, as she quickly used his height to her advantage, she grabbed his shoulder, her strength obviously having been increased; she gripped it fairly hard as she flung herself over him, feeling the bone crunch in her hand; landing behind him. “Alright; since you wanna mess around.” She snickered, taking her frustrations about earlier this evening would work perfectly; she took her right fist; slamming it through the mans back, right through to the other side; his heart in her hand. “That…Was a little too easy.” Her eyes were beating a bright crimson red; she felt thirsty but… Thirsty in a way she hadn’t ever felt before; her throat burned… Her lips felt… Cracked; the heart she was holding her in her suddenly appeared… Tasty. She felt her breathing becoming heavier… She dropped the heart, her hands shaking, as she wiped the blood against the back of the now dead cultist. “Oh my gods…” She whispered, shaking her head before taking another run, she needed to find the people… She had to find them.

As Suika ran through the small corridors, she heard a cry… A baby? Her hearing seemed to be amplified, she took of running in the direction of the cries; quickly coming up to two men, similar in size of the other cultist. She didn’t even give them a chance to be ready, as quickly as she pulled up on them, she quickly jumped on the back of the first cultist, sinking her teeth into the neck, draining the life source out of him; before the second cultist could even make a move Suika was on top of him, ripping his throat out without even thinking about it… This was the most violent she had been in a long time… This is how Shoji wanted her… She felt a shiver go up her spine… She still had a sneaky  suspicion this was his evil eyes… She had already had one nightmare earlier… She figured he was behind this one.

As Suika moved the bodies as far as possible from the door; she returned, opening it slowly; peering inside; she noticed that the room was as filled with people… She found the source of the cries; a baby… She felt sick to her stomach; she slipped into the room, closing the door behind her. She looking around the room; every person was attached to cords, laid in beds… Seemingly asleep? All but the baby… She figured they had different plans for the baby. Suika made quick word, unattaching the cords to people, slowly waking them up; over an hour passed before Suika finally had each person awake and unattached to anything. With the baby now in her arms and calmed down; handed it off to a woman of birthing age; who happily took her. “Follow me, quietly. I will get you out, please, the strongest, those who know jutsu, and who know how to fight keep those who are unable to in the middle. Surround them, protect each other. Your survival is based on it.” She paused, looking towards the Sunagakure Genin, “You, when you return to the village, tell them. Tell them of these people; warn them. I might not make it out of here… The Kazekage will send backup.” She spoke with hope… She wasn’t certain… But she hoped that if she couldn’t succeed in this fight ahead; that her Kage would. She opened the door, peeking around the corners, before opening it, the group behind following as quietly as possible. Suika had them follow her down a series of small passageways; before coming to a window; she looked out the window, there wasn’t a guard in sight, she figured at this point they had been alerted to the ensuing battle in the main room.

Alright, you’ll go out this way, then run, run together… Go home.” She whispered, holding her hands on the window seal, focusing on her breathing, a slide of ice began to appear; it shot down in an even slope; ensuring they would get down and get down safely. “Each of you, go now!” She waited until the very last person went down, before breaking the ice off of the seal, watching the slide fall to the ground, turning into water. She nodded her head, and took back off towards the main room. As she made her way back; she found several walkways where groups of cultists were coming; she found herself creating large blocks of ice to block the way to the main area; ensuring that they wouldn’t be able to get through, at least not right away.

Before Suika knew it; she found herself back in the small hallway; with the body of the cultist she had killed; she wasn’t sure what she would be walking in, but the man in the center of the room had to be weaker now. She took a single deep breath; opening the door as she re-entered the room; freezing the door behind her. “I found them!” She called; she didn’t even take notice of the two men at this point, her eyes landed on the creature in the middle of the room… He needed to die. But not before he answered her questions; as she walked towards him, her chakra began to emanate from her petite stature, engulfing in the blazing azure color; her eyes, glowing blood red at this point as her anger could be felt through her chakra. Each step she took; leaving cracks in the floor from the sheer power of her chakra. “Who the hell are you?” As she reached closer, she knelt down, “Who the hell are you to think you could take innocent people… Innocent souls? Take them and drain them for your own will?” She wrapped her hand around it’s boney throat; the pressuring she would put against it would have killed any mere mortal man.

A baby? What did you think you were going to do with a baby?” Her voice, risen in volume at this point as her starred into the already lifeless eyes of the creature… As she starred down, she found herself looking at a very large, elderly man, nearly all but skin and bones… He was incredibly strong to begin with, despite his own stature, no longer draining the chakra from the group he had hidden away, he wasn’t as strong as he once was, the chains getting tighter around his frail old body; “Did you think that you were going to get away with it?” She whispered, her hand becoming colder, emanating a bright blue, brighter than her chakra; similar to how Flash Freeze would work; this was simply an element manipulation. “You really thought you could complete your evil workings didn’t you?” She wasn’t evening thinking at this point, she was simply doing. As she slowly froze the throat of the man, she felt as if it wasn’t good enough, extending her other hand; she formed a large spear, sharper than a normal kunai. “You don’t get off easy… Monster.” She spat at him, taking the newly formed ice spear, piercing it through his side, ever so slowly.

Disgusting.” She muttered as she dug it in as deeply as she could, the mans’ throat would begin to fill with blood, he began to choke; unable to get anything out of his mouth, as it would be at this point; her chakra still expunging around the pair at this point, he finally was able to muster out words, “Stupid girl… if I don’t complete it… Someone else will… The power of Jashin is unbreakable.” Suika’s eyes widened, Jashin? Where had she heard that before… Something about it seemed… Familiar. She shook her head, lifting her hand off of his throat, only to slam her fist back down, shattering his entire neck; at this point something told her he wasn’t quite dead yet… She took the spear; piercing it through his head; then through his heart. “May you never find peace.” She muttered before standing up; she glanced about the room.

Only to find both Gray and Cid starring at her… She knew that she had certainly gone over bored with her actions in those moments… But they hadn’t seen, or experienced what she just had… With a small laugh, and a scratch to the back of her head; she waved towards them. “At…Least it’s over… For now?” She said this, more of a question than a certainty, as she couldn’t be certain if this was reality or if it was… Another nightmare so to speak. Just as she finished speaking, a maniacal laughing began; the room began to fill up with smoke; before anyone could react to it, or say their goodbyes. Suika could feel her vision blurring, her throat once again burning, not in the same way she once had… But as if she was dying. She tried to call out to the others, but to no avail… Before she knew it the darkness had over taken her…

A rank smell, the feel of sand, a warm breeze… Suika’s eyes shot open, her head felt as if someone had taken a hammer and beat it in; as she raised her hand she could feel a large lump… As she got up; she found herself groaning… She looked around, there was no longer any evidence of the alter that was once there… “What the hell…” She spoke aloud, had it been another nightmare? She couldn’t make sense of the situation… She starred towards the village of Sunagakure… Was it all over now? She wasn’t sure… She couldn’t be sure. She knew that for certain this nightmare was over… But for how long. With a small sigh, she headed back towards the village… This time she was going to go and speak to the Kazekage. Something wasn’t right about these dreams… Something, or someone seemed to be targeting the village… No, the world? Who was it with her… She remembered two men… They weren’t from Sunagakure… Who were they? Her head felt light the more she thought of them… Their faces now blurry… She sighed as she walked. “Guess sometimes… Things aren’t meant to be.” She laughed to herself as the sun began to set, how long had she been out?

Exiting Thread

  • Health 300
  • Chakra 100
  • Vigor 75
  • Speed 90
  • Strength 10
  • A P 555/830
    Total Post WC 2503
    Total WC 6764
    Total WC Needed 4335/4335
  • 167/167 - Mission One. (Complete)
  • 167/167 - Mission Two.(Complete)
  • 1000/1000- Mission Three / First Arc.(Complete)
  • 1334/1334- Mission Four / Second Arc(Complete)
  • 1667/1667 - Mission Five / Third Arc(Complete)

  • Active Skills
    • Beloved Presence This skill gives me double the mission rewards, and double ryo.
    • Display of Power - Used in Mission, during moment of pure rage against main baddie.

  • Active Jutsu

  • Claims

  • Post Information
    Mysterious Figure (E):
    Trick or Treat(E):
    The Truth | Part One (ARC):
    The Truth | Part Two (ARC):
    The Truth | Part Three (ARC):

  • Tagged
    @Grey && @Cid
There is no Horror

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