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Trick… or Trick? Empty Trick… or Trick?

Wed Sep 29, 2021 12:55 am
Missions Info:

Perhaps this was the strangest pair of missions he’d ever been on, all things considered. Asuka could confidently say in his 18 years he’d never been hired to escort a group of trick or treaters and prevent them from causing trouble, nor had he ever been hired to look into a mysterious cloaked figure at the same time. Today was strange enough that he’d opted to be cautious himself, pulling a black cloak on over his usual pale robes. At least the escort mission would provide him plenty of cover to look into this mysterious person who’d been lurking around the village. Walking around with a costumed group was far less suspicious than doing so alone, and this way he’d be travelling all over the village. There was one other person they were meant to meet first, though, and as they waited Asuka paced across the meeting space over and over. They were relatively near the village gates, the group consisting of mainly preteens from the academy.

Standing next to them, Asuka didn’t feel quite as short as usual. They were all pretty short too, none seeming older than 14. They weren’t particularly impressed to have an escort, either, but their parents had insisted, hence Asuka’s involvement as an over glorified babysitter. One boy, dressed as a vampire, seemed more impatient than the others, asking Asuka where their last party member was constantly. His patience was starting to wear thin, but he didn’t allow it to show, concentrating mainly on observing the street as he paced. Maybe he’d get lucky and catch a glimpse of the figure. It wasn’t like they were on a busy street, after all, so anybody unusual would be easy enough to spot.

WC: 287
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

Trick… or Trick? Empty Re: Trick… or Trick?

Wed Sep 29, 2021 3:49 pm
With his hands tucked into his pocket, Guren leisurely walked down main street, with his sights set on meeting up with his squadmate for today's series of missions. They were like, yet nonetheless important, as today's agenda would be to chaperone some of the younglings of the village. It would seem like a juvenile task, but the truth of the matter was that the youth needed to have fun. Academy life, in Sunagakure at least, was quite intense and always a matter of serious tones and rigorous training. So the fact that the students were actually permitted to trick or treat today was a shocker to them. And to the academy's discretion, the suggestion actually came from none other than Guren. Since joining Sunagakure, his talents and passions led him to have some pull with the different infrastructural groups within the village. And the academy was one of them.

As he approached the group of well disguised academy students, his eyes met those of his genin companion, who at this point already seemed to be a bit flustered with the nuance of watching children. Guren chuckled to himself and extended his right hand out from his pocket, into the air, and offered a friendly wave. "I see you all are early and I'm right on time. You must be excited."

The students, eager to begin their trick or treating endeavors all exclaimed with glee. The one dressed as a vampire would anxiously respond, "Ugh it's about time! We're about to miss all the fun! Can we just start already?"

Guren would let out a sigh as he stopped in his tracks having finally reached the group. He would turn his gaze towards Asuka, and exchange a semi-defeated smile. Kids were always a handful to deal with. "I guess so, right?" His expression was suddenly creep into a determined focus, as Guren and Asuka both knew the true mission they would be tasked with. Although they did need to escort the students, they were also instructed to track down a mysterious figure. And what better guise to operate under than two, wholesome chaperones with a band of kids?

"Asuka, if you're ready then lead the way! I'll hang out in the rear and make sure we don't lose anyone along the way." Guren would say while maneuvering himself to the back of the pack. Now at the caboose and when the team would start moving, Guren's right eye would flash his Ketsuryugan. As the team paraded themselves on their holiday adventure, Guren's eye would scan the crowd to monitor the chakra and blood within the pedestrians they passed, as well as any clues covered in blood. Although most signatures seemed normal, Guren was looking to detect a reading that appeared particularly sinister. The reports Guren had received thus far had indicated that the figure was likely a murderer, yet the details of the crime were unknown. But if blood were involved, then Guren's right eye would be an asset to point it out.

[WC: 502]

Trick… or Trick? Empty Re: Trick… or Trick?

Wed Sep 29, 2021 10:28 pm
Finally, their final member had arrived, and as he made a friendly wave, Asuka responded with an awkward one of his own. He was glad to finally get started, stopping his pacing as he listened to the brief exchange between the jounin and the small group of students they were meant to escort. He nodded in response to Gideon’s request he lead, setting off down the street once he was certain all the students were ready to go. His steps were light, just brisk enough to keep the students happy, and as normal as he could manage. He didn’t want to seem too hurried, in case their target caught on, but he still needed to walk fast enough that they might actually get somewhere. As he contemplated this, he pulled his hood to further cover his distinctive silver hair. It wouldn’t do to get spotted before they actually got somewhere.

It was when they got to the first set of houses that he noticed someone who seemed a little strange. Hooded, just as he was, and seemingly shifty. The students didn’t notice, too busy gleefully moving to the first house, but Asuka’s eyes sought to find Guren’s, making a subtle gesture to the suspicious person if Guren hadn’t noticed them already. “Keep an eye on that one,” he mouthed, making sure to keep pace with the kids. They couldn’t alert the kids nor their target to what was really going on, so he did his best to seem natural. A somewhat exasperated shinobi escorting students around for the night, nothing more than a chaperone. Surely he could play that role just fine.

WC: 273
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

Trick… or Trick? Empty Re: Trick… or Trick?

Thu Sep 30, 2021 12:11 pm
As the team traversed the town, Guren refrained from carrying himself in any way other than his typical demeanor. He maintained a leisure, but focused pace while monitoring the group in from of him, all while decorated in his regular attire. Anyone who knew Guren would easily recognize him, but that's how it should have been. This was his village, his home. It was the assailant who should be disguising himself. Yet Guren respected the anonymity that Asuka was upholding. Drawing less attention to their group wouldn't hurt a thing. But Guren had other plans. If the figure had laid his eyes upon Guren, he should be deterred in starting a ruckus. But that also meant that he'd be unable to quickly flee the scene if spotted, making Guren's job a bit easier.

As they went from house to house trick or treating, Guren and Asuka would simultaneously notice a hooded figure. Asuka would give a slight motion to Guren, and Guren would barely nod his head. With that he'd angle his face more in the man's direction, and hone in on his discernable details. His sandals, the wrapping on his fingers, and the walk with a slight limp. It was obvious he had been in some type of altercation. A closer look would set off Guren's eye as he could sense and see signs of foreign blood stains on the man's finger wrappings. Surely this was their guy. But right as the Guren began to shift his body to approach the man, he vanished in the commotion of numerous disguised and decorated civilians attempting to enjoy the holiday. Guren would formulate a single hand seal, and generate a water clone right behind him. The clone would maneuver over to the area the man had been standing, and it would subsequently see a trail of blood drippings, indicating those stains on his finger tips were fresh. Guren's clone would follow the trail, while the real Guren remained chaperoning alongside Asuka. If Asuka chose to follow Guren's lead and create a clone to accompany him, then the two would be led down a series of pathways, alleys, and through a back entrance which was certainly the murder scene. 

"Oh my..."

Blood, bodies, and pentagrams. Everything Halloween embodied in its culture, brought to life with several poor souls in multiple homicide. It appeared to be some type of sacrificial event. Guren's clone would look at Asuka's, if he had accompanied him, and simple shake his head. "I'm sorry this is the extent of that man's actions. We'll find him and stop him. But for now, we need to report this to the T&I Department. We shouldn't interfere with the scene too much..."

Meanwhile the real Guren and Asuka would have been traveling alongside the academy students and we're nearing the final set of houses. The two missions at hand could be summarized by the activity they were performing. Tricks, and treats. Horrible actions, and sweet joy. The nature of these missions was so completely different that it truthfully made Guren feel a bit conflicted. He was happy to help the academy students, but simultaneously disappointed as he wanted to pursue the figure. But that man's fate was coming, he would be apprehended and punished for his crime. And who better to deliver that prophecy other than Guren, or Asuka? 

But at face value, Guren's true self maintained a calm yet light demeanor. He didn't want to scare the kids. This was a time of relaxation and happiness for them. There was no need to make the mood more...grim. 

(WC: 596. Total = 1098)

Trick… or Trick? Empty Re: Trick… or Trick?

Tue Oct 05, 2021 12:09 am
Asuka’s expression turned grim when he saw Guren make a clone, his hands automatically moving to form the seal and make one of his own. As he watched the students having fun, whooping and hollering every time they got something good, his clone would follow Guren’s into the maze of back alleys. After going through many twists and turns, the clone arrived behind the other clone, gasping when he saw the gory scene before him. “Asuka won’t like this…” murmured the poor clone, looking decidedly sick to his nonexistent stomach as he examined the area.  The real Asuka hadn’t reacted, but he was torn between rage and wanting to puke.

“You’re right, we have to report this information. It’s not safe in the village right now, clearly.” responded the clone, eyes focused on the wall opposite from him. The young man was horrified by what had happened here today, but the real Asuka couldn’t let it show. He wasn’t about to ruin the happiness of these kids today, they deserved a little fun in their lives.

WC: 176
TWC: 736

Claiming 7 stat points towards Chakra.
Claiming 2,200 ryo and 10 AP
Claiming 4 event tickets.
Using 196 words towards Mochi release for a total of 2,000/2,000.
Using 500 words to learn Water Replacement

Last edited by Asuka Shimizu on Tue Oct 05, 2021 2:51 am; edited 1 time in total
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

Trick… or Trick? Empty Re: Trick… or Trick?

Tue Oct 05, 2021 2:14 am
Guren's clone would nod his head in agreement with Asuka's, and following that would take several steps backwards. He distanced himself from the crime scene and Asuka. The clone would then dart off towards the T&I department in order to inform them of the mission results. In the meantime, Guren's main body would remain chaperoning the students as they frolicked freely throughout the residential side of Sunagakure. They had no worries, doubts, or fears; as they were simply children enjoying a fun time. If only they knew the truth of what was going on. Nevertheless, Guren would follow alongside them until their endeavors ended, to which he would then escort each student to their respective homes. 

(WC: 116. Total = 1214)

1214 WC Towards Genjutsu Amplifier; Max Stat 25% Discount
Claiming D and C rank, then remaining 89 words towards B rank

Claiming 2000 Ryo and 4 Event Tickets
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Trick… or Trick? Empty Re: Trick… or Trick?

Tue Oct 05, 2021 6:53 pm
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