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Relic Retrieval

Emilia Kaneko
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Relic Retrieval - Page 2 Empty Re: Relic Retrieval

Tue Oct 19, 2021 10:59 am
The flames burnt, crisped, and would eat everything in their path. Flames didn't discern friend from foe, user from victim.. They existed for one sole purpose. To consume, char, and blacken anything that might be unfortunate enough to fall in it's wake.

Rich continued to hold the tiger hand seal and stay stationary as the fires roared. Emi and Yuuma were already stuck inside of the fire, having done nothing to counteract it yet, their skin and clothes being consumed by the mighty flames. They had already begun to be melted by the flames, and they were still inside, being slowly turned to embers.

Rich would continue to let the fire roar unless some action proved it more beneficial to do something else.

Claiming Hits on 
Emi Ren - 125 damage {125 - 20 DR = 105}[195/300 HP]
Yuuma - 125 damage {125 - 30 DR = 95} [205/300]
Archemedes - 125 damage [Dead]
Emi Clone - Dispersed
Yuuma Clone - Dispersed
All Armor/Gear worn by the two is destroyed by the flames. 

-20 Majestic Fire Destruction Upkeep
60, scaled by 150. 60 + 45 = 105 (Speed), 105 + 20(amp) = 125 (Power)

[1355/1500 AP]
[200/200 HP]
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
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Relic Retrieval - Page 2 Empty Re: Relic Retrieval

Tue Oct 19, 2021 6:45 pm
(ooc: First let me start off with saying that I appreciate Kenshin coming in here and taking the time to provide his ruling to what Daiko had questioned. I believe there’s a different timeline scenario here that was not caught and would change the way the posts is played out. Also – I apologize for getting to this now – but I was busy all day and it was 5:30am when the ruling came in for myself.)

This is clearly an an ask for a 2nd opinion
1)      Daiko claims that Emi and Yuuma entered the Marketplace after he had already turned his back toward the worker and began to walk towards the center.

2)      He then says he timelined his actions while we were making our way in the marketplace which he performed his jutsu that rendered our actions void and we would have been hit by the fireball technique he performed.
The issue with this is that Emi moved into the marketplace as soon as she heard Rich yelling… which was the very first sentence of his post.

Emi wrote:Emi was keeping a lookout for any unruly crowd noise happening or someone who may look like they are in a hurry to get somewhere to try and make a quick buck

-          That was the set up in my very first post – then I wrote this after Rich started his entrance by yelling at the worker.

Emi wrote:As the sun beamed down on the marketplace, Emi noticed a loud noise coming from a ways back, most likely close to the northern wall. The clone, Emi had stationed on top of the building to try and get a better vantage point had hopped down beside her. The four of them began to enter from the south end, with both Yuumas fanning out, keeping a distance between themselves and Emi.

-          This very first part in my post states that we entered the market as soon as we heard the noise. Rich still had another bit of conversation with the worker before actually turning his back.

-          I also want to note that Emi’s speed is 100. This is important because Daiko’s claim is that his back was already turned watching the entrance as we came in. Which wouldn’t be possible at this point.
The timeline would actually be as follows:
1)           1) Rich yells at worker first time
2)           2)Emi and Yuuma move in
3)           3)Rich says something else to the worker
4)           4)Clones fanned out
5)           5)Rich turns and says he knows a rat when he sees one, and then WALKS(walking isn’t full speed) 5 meters towards the         center.
6)          6)Emi performs Genjutsu Binding in his line of sight as he was looking in that direction and walked towards the center
So based on the above timeline – Daiko actually wouldn’t have been able to perform the majestic flames jutsu when he said and would have likely been caught in a genjutsu from my clone since he stated he saw us fan out and I had already had the clone performing the seals.. coming to a stop in the line of sight of Rich Skortcha.
Which has me coming to Ken’s ruling where he states the only point he needs to make is that Daiko was correct on the timeline and that we ignored his timeline and tried to simply continue with the original. The issue here is that Daiko actually ignored my timeline first… as silly as that is for me to type out – it’s true.
Ichigo Sato
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Relic Retrieval - Page 2 Empty Re: Relic Retrieval

Fri Oct 22, 2021 7:49 pm
Alright, second opinion here. Let's get this over with so the hunter can continue.

I understand what Emi is trying to say but it doesn't really influence the situation, at least not in a way they would hope for. It doesn't stop the timeline from continuing, in his first post the NPC mentioned turning around before the last thing he said and it's not like it was specified what they heard him say, just that they noticed a noise. So in his next post the NPC had already turned around and repeating the same line he used to mention he was facing outwards.

The way Daiko timelined it was in a way that allowed him to attack while Yuuma and Emi were fanning out, placing himself in a position where he could cancel the things his opponents wanted to do and that is what happened, as Kenshin explained in his ruling. Rich's actions took place as Yuuma and Emi approached and they got timelined, which caused both of them to get hit by Majestic Fire Destruction. 

So after going over all the posts, screenshots and whatnot I have to agree with Kenshin's ruling. All in all the battle is far from over, Yuuma and Emi have lost a little bit of HP and got their moves cancelled which in turn also means they can still be used.

The fight continues with Yuuma's post next, have fun and don't lose hope because of this small setback.

Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Relic Retrieval - Page 2 Empty Re: Relic Retrieval

Sun Oct 24, 2021 4:45 pm
Flames spit and fire whirled. Such was his fate, his companion blasted from his shoulder in a puff of smoke to land behind him, incinerated and very much deceased. A troubling development, to be certain, but one Yuuma would have to look past for now in order to deal with the matter at hand. And that matter had proven himself to be a loose cannon, ejecting such a destructive technique in the middle of town. Reckless. Unforgivable.

Once the flames washed over Yuuma for the first time, he'd put his hands up to shield himself on instinct as he turned and returned back to the south in order to exit the fire as quickly as possible. Once he was no longer affected by Majestic Fire, he would complete the seals he had been holding starting with his right hand forming the Boar symbol, activating his barrier to begin expanding around him. Simultaneous to the beginning of his medical jutsu, his hands would come together to clap and allow his shadow to expand around him.

"I'm going for him. Don't allow yourself to be struck by his jutsu in the meantime, and keep on the pressure." When his pair of jutsu activated, he would slip underground to vanish at a speed that far surpassed his usual slow-moving stature. Burying himself down to a ten-meter depth, Yuuma would instantly begin moving in the direction of the thief at top speed once he was beneath the surface. When the thief inevitably found himself within 20m of Yuuma, taloned hands of shadow would reach up from the ground and latch onto the thief, sapping him of his spirit and his speed and leaving him momentarily impaired. Using the speed of his technique, Yuuma maintains a position directly under thief at a distance of 10m below the surface of the ground.

WC - 304
TWC - 1,723

Combat Info:
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
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Relic Retrieval - Page 2 Empty Re: Relic Retrieval

Wed Oct 27, 2021 11:32 pm
Flames spit out of the thieves mouth, swirling around and hitting Emi. It was an unfortunate circumstance that happened and it certainly wasn’t the ideal scenario for her. She would need to think of something and think of something quick – letting herself go and continuing to burn would not be an appropriate response to this. The young genin was thankful that she had taken in her surroundings and had an understanding of where she currently was in the marketplace.
With the flames coming over Emi like a wave, she darted backwards and turned her back. She was heading towards the closest wall to her as fast as she possibly could. She would leap up towards the west entrance wall that had been only about 14 meters from where she was when the fire hit. Emi would concentrate chakra into the soles of her feet and land onto the 15 meter high wall about half way up. She turned as she landed on the wall to face the thief and keep her eyes peeled. Staying out of dodge of the continuous flames that the thief used, she noticed that Yuuma had made his move already and wasn’t in the spot that he was when Emi darted out of the way of the flames.
”Now that I’m out of the way of the flames.. I need to try and make some offensive moves. But I’m too far away right now…” 

WC - 221 | TWC - 1798

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Relic Retrieval - Page 2 Empty Re: Relic Retrieval

Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:03 pm
The Shinobi and Kunoichi sent after Rich had fell into his burning ball of fire. They had fallen down, and the flames lept higher. The fire had spread to its maximum radius, and it was still on the field for the foreseeable future. Rich was standing in his place, and had continued to hold the hand-seal necessary in order to keep the flames roaring. His eyes darted around, and he was keeping track of the action. It burned burned burned, the ball of fire... The short of it, was that the attack continued to mar the battlefield, damaging everything within 20 meters of the center of where Rich had originally attacked. (21 meters diagonally south-west of his position).

There was a lot that was going on at the moment, with both of the combatants continuing to be scorched and burnt by the ravenous, hungry flames. While Fuuton might make someone speed across a field, or Doton would help someone gain an advantage, Katon had one purpose, and one purpose only. It was to remove material. Flesh, bone, earth, life... It was meant to turn all of that to ash, and let it blow away in the wind, nothing but scars and incinerated pulp left in its wake. In the beginning, two things were going on. Yuuma had headed down directly south from his position, and had gotten out of the range of the fire for a moment before making preparations to do something else. Emi, on the other hand. Wasn't so fortunate. With their chance to run out of the fire, they had only turned around, and jumped 14 meters to the west. Rich wasn't sure what they were planning to do, but with the distance they were from Rich, (21 or so meters from Rich, detailed in Emi's last valid post since her latest) led to her being near the epicenter of the fire, if not directly on it. Even so, her jump towards the WEST was not only not towards the actual exit gate, but also not to safety. The gate that the two ninja had walked in through was to the SOUTH, not the west. Emi had only made it a mere 14 meters, and with both the jump and the distance traveled, they were never able to make it out of the fire for a moment before hitting the ground.

Yuuma had a bit more planned, it would've seemed. When Yuuma went underground, they had traveled a mere 10 meters underground, and Majestic Fire Destruction would've chewed the earth away down to a depth of 20 meters. Yuuma headed for a straight line from his original position, directly towards Rich. Due to this oversight, Yuuma would pop outside of their Hiding Like A Mole, and back into the flames, 10 meters deep in the crater and not moving any closer to Rich since then. Rich was still well outside of the range of Yuuma's Shadow, and Rich Scortcha continued to upkeep the flames. The flames continued to eat away at Emi, very quickly beginning to turn her entire body into ash. Yuuma would've felt the heat even just when running out of the flames, likely suffering third-degree burns that would leave a nasty scar. 

Claiming Hits on 
Emi Ren - 125 damage {125}[70/300 HP]
Yuuma - 125 damage {125} [80/300 HP]

-20 Majestic Fire Destruction Upkeep
60, scaled by 150. 60 + 45 = 105 (Speed), 105 + 20(amp) = 125 (Power)

[1335/1500 AP]
[200/200 HP]
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Relic Retrieval - Page 2 Empty Re: Relic Retrieval

Thu Oct 28, 2021 10:23 pm
Having completed his jutsu and slipped beneath the earth, Yuuma would gain the sense of being able to feel what was happening around him out to 20m. He would recognize the earth being chewed away in layers once he reached that 10m depth. Once he recognized the fire had begun to eat through the next layer of earth, a simple course correct is all it would take to circumvent the sections of ground being eaten away by the majestic fire, moving around the jutsu to the west as it chewed away at the ground and continuing on his course towards Rich at full speed, being mindful of the fire and doing his best to avoid it. Shadow talons clawed at Rich as the distance between them hit 20 meters, sapping his spirit and speed. In his travel, he would activate his surface walking technique, drawing chakra to his feet. Nearing the thief, Yuuma would aim to emerge from the jutsu with two meters between himself and Rich, popping up just to the north of the thief. Instantly upon breaching the surface, Yuuma's shadow would race towards Rich's in an attempt to make a connection and paralyze the man.

WC- 198
TWC- 1,921

-27 AP for Shadow Degradation Field upkeep. P/S/H = 70/150/-. Reducing NPC Speed and Vigor by 70 points each.
-19 AP for Damage Reduction Shield upkeep. P/S/H = 80/80/-
 AP for Hiding Like a Mole upkeep. P/S/H = 90/90/-
- 30 AP for 
Shadow Imitation. P/S/H= 100/100/-

Remaining AP: 1,467
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Relic Retrieval - Page 2 Empty Re: Relic Retrieval

Sat Oct 30, 2021 12:51 pm
The flames continued to roar, with Emi and Yuuma continuing to be roasted alive by the flames. Emi's body had turned to ash, and would likely settle into a small pile wherever they were standing inside of the flames. Yuuma was still alive, though not for long. Having popped out of their Hiding Like A Mole and back into the fire, they had not taken any actions since then, and were burning alive. Yuuma would begin to feel their body quickly turning to a cindering pile of flesh. 

Claiming Hits on 
Emi Ren - 125 damage {125}[0/300 HP] (Dead)
Yuuma - 125 damage {125 - 80DR = 45} [35/300 HP]

Claiming Death of 
Emi Ren

(OOC - Nothing had changed in between the time that Yuuma had walked out of the fire, and then used Hiding Like A Mole to head towards Rich, therefore, he has nothing to react to/timeline to get himself out of coming out of HLAM in the fireball. The earth had already been destroyed at the initial activation of the technique, when it had spread out. Because of this, Yuuma's previous post where they had 'timelined' themselves into figuring out/feeling that the earth was being chewed away was invalid, and the result is the same as if they hadn't posted at all.)
Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Relic Retrieval - Page 2 Empty Re: Relic Retrieval

Sat Oct 30, 2021 12:56 pm
Calling BM on the basis of the jutsu not instantly eating away the entire radius worth of earth within the first post or two. Using common sense, the jutsu would have to eat away at the ground layer by layer allowing time for the recognition and course correction. Also if the last post from the Hunter is made valid, they failed to pay upkeep for the jutsu they are claiming to use.

Last edited by Yuuma Fujiwara on Sat Oct 30, 2021 1:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Relic Retrieval - Page 2 Empty Re: Relic Retrieval

Sat Oct 30, 2021 1:05 pm
OOC for BM
^ The tech in question. 

Daiko wrote: As the fire approached the destination in question, Rich would forcibly activate the stream with the seal of confrontation, causing it to violently expand to a 20-meter radius around the initial point. The flames would explode outward at their maximum speed, 

The fire was already to expand to it's maximum radius of effect. 

Fire -- Power of 125. 
The ground/earth - Health of 100

This is the health of objects within the environment, from trees to boulders to the very earth itself. Natural trees are treated as having base health of 75, and typically a physical attack or jutsu will need to surpass this to be able to destroy one truly. Natural Earth itself is treated as having a health of 100, and typically a physical attack or jutsu will need to surpass this to destroy it. Please use common sense when using these health stats. Natural Boulders, concrete, and walls are treated as having 125 health, and typically a physical attack will need to surpass this to destroy it.

125 > 100 

Since the fire had already expanded and has the power in order to destroy the earth, the earth would've been destroyed once the fire had reached its max size. (Which happened much earlier in the thread.)
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