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Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Hiroki v Nobo  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hiroki v Nobo

Mon Nov 15, 2021 10:51 am
Drats! It was yet another miss. This time, it was at least done in style. The miss must have been due to the natural reflexes in his sparring partner. One thing was clear: that type of flawless maneuver which was at the same time seemingly ever so simple probably took years of skill and practice to fully accomplish. There was almost no flaw within the attack that was directed at the Kage of Kumo, however that was also just from the black and white haired kid's perspective at least. If the roles were reversed, it personally would've most likely worked on himself. There was also the added fact of the one previously mentioned: the very big skill difference between the two. One was but a mere genin, on the hopeful road to fill the shoes of the other one standing before him.

To finish off, when the kick didn't land, he twisted himself to go in for a second strike by jutting that same leg forward in a sliding motion against the ground. But he preemptively stopped it hearing Noboru begin to speak up. Instead, the younger Kumo nin shifted his weight once more into a graceful and delicate backwards roll, springing up into a standing position about 2 meters away. Although the look on the man's face didn't necessarily say it, his words certainly did. And from them, Hiroki knew even though his attacks weren't actually successful in their attempts, there was still praise being thrown back towards his direction. The chuckle was well received as well. All amazing things which helped increase his own confidence.

Carefully listening to what was being said, there was a certain glint which shone through the once, somewhat hazy blue eyes framed on a fair skinned visage. A glint beaming to the brim with delight and enthusiasm as he was about to be able to do what he did best; learning new techniques to play around with. Especially ones that helped keep someone being fought under wrap. A technique like this was golden for two main reasons. First, there was the fact that it would allow him to get away easier in dire situations. Anything was better than nothing, and this certain was something. The second was that he simply wasn't that good of a melee combatant. Although, basic hand to hand combat was necessity when it came to surviving within this, often times, cruel world, that didn't necessarily mean one had to be the best at it in order to actually do so. The saying is, don't out swim the shark, out swim the person behind you, after all.

Shimada watched closely and intently as the signs were beginning to be formed. His attention being honed in on each and every little movement, from the way the wrist would twist and contort, to each little twitch of a knuckle. This allowed for easier prediction of which sign was about to be formed, further allowing for Roki to somewhat match the pace of the strawberry blond beast. There was a slight delay in timing, but to somewhat exert his own skills and strengths, unlike the predecessor, the mischievous one did these seals one handed; forming tiger, rat, ox; his chakra being maintained and gathered within his body up to this point. Unsure of whether or not to actually attempt to go through with the completion of the jutsu, he didn't actually release this stored energy from within though, simply keeping it there, awaiting further instruction on what to do next.

WC: 585
TWC: 2245
Mid Thread Claims:
750 words to Thunderclap Arrow (was previously D Rank, now completing it for B Rank w/ 25% discount)
1313 words to Singularity (completing it w/ 25% discount)
125 words to Temporary Paralysis (completing it w/ 75% learning discount)
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Hiroki v Nobo  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hiroki v Nobo

Mon Nov 15, 2021 11:20 am
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Hiroki v Nobo  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hiroki v Nobo

Thu Nov 18, 2021 11:07 pm
The salt and pepper split haired ninja was one Noboru could tell he might like teaching. There was candid curiosity in his eyes, and an eagerness to his attention, as he mirrored the Raikage’s gestures with minute lag, and applied the chakra molding techniques with the same precision it was explained to him. The redhead was impressed; in spite of the simplicity of the technique, Hiroki appeared to be talented enough to learn it rather quickly. Noboru chuckled.

He turned around, and took a few steps as he spoke. “Let’s kick this up a notch, Hiroki”, as he spoke, he snapped his fingers, and a katana materialized in his hand, one of many he had been unfortunate enough to collect off of his victims. He swung it twice in his right hand, before stopping five meters away from the genin and turning around to face him.

“Say, let’s make this interesting. No holds barred, but when the other screams the word pause, we stop what we’re doing. No point in killing ourselves, but I feel like I haven’t had a good excuse to visit the hospital lately. Come on, Hiroki”, he spun the katana in his right hand once more, before lowering his weight once more, legs apart with the left leg facing forward, his posture hunched over as the katana aimed just a few degrees away from him, his left hand by side, aimed at the ground in front of him, his dark eye facing Hiroki slowly flowing with blood crimson as the Sharingan became active.
WC: 257
TWC: 1704
Sharingan -10AP
AP Total: 1490
Permission given to Hiroki to use his current stat page

Hiroki Shimada likes this post

Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Hiroki v Nobo  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hiroki v Nobo

Fri Nov 19, 2021 9:01 am
There was a calmness within the air. No breeze was fluttering about, and there was a certain stillness which wasn't entirely felt from before. It brought with it a sense of total bliss and harmony; peace washing over what once was dreary emotions. The overwhelming feeling which had overcome the young rabblerouser earlier was coming to an end now. Allowing for him to be fully immersed in the current moment. Eyes fluttering closed, the sound of chuckling was heard once more. This would shortly be joined with Hiroki's own chuckle at to what was about to be said.

Ears perked up, hands still meticulously formed together in the ox seal, there was a sweet music which sang. This chorus was the words spoken from Noboru, something which the boy loved to hear: a challenge. At first, it was great, but he was by no means, a hand to hand combatant. The only way he could truly get around basic combat like what they had done was to try and outmaneuver and outsmart the opponent, instead of dealing strikes with devastating power. However now. Now was his true time to shine, and there was no way in which he could be happier.

With his eyes still closed, pearly white teeth peaking through his lips with a toothy grin, the sound of a katana being drawn was honed in on after a snapping of the finger. While this was seen with his own eyes, it was still envisioned within his mind. Clearly, there was enough space between the two of them for this sword to not be right in front of him, however that was a mere guess being hypothesized with the help of his other senses. Although the sound of footsteps must've been missed, what wasn't was the way the voice changed. As if it had gotten further away. This fact alone only added to the hypothesis in question.

Let's get this show on the road he thought to himself, before his eye lids flourished open, looking upon the now transformed sharingan eye. Then, young Roki graciously obliged to what was being posed by replying, "I accept this challenge! And don't worry, I won't go easy on you." A playful tone was indicated within that last bit, not meant to actually mean anything. Just to simply add a little bit of fun and humor to the moment which was quickly interrupted by his hands shifting positions; switching to the following seal formation: tiger -> ram -> dog -> tiger -> bird. Releasing his chakra immediately, 2 clones resembling the genin formed 2 meters in front of him, 1 meter apart from each other. Most notably was the blueish tint to the color of these clones, which one could theorize that these were, indeed Lightning Clones. Once these clones were then formed, he'd proceed to spring backwards a bit, making sure to get some extra distance in the off chance of an area attack, now currently 10 meters away from Nobo.

WC: 493
TWC: 2737

Jutsus Used: Lightning Clone- 40 AP
Current AP: 1185
Current Health: 300
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Hiroki v Nobo  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hiroki v Nobo

Fri Nov 19, 2021 10:56 pm
So it begins. Immediately as Hiroki accepts the challenge, the Raikage summons the familiarity of a thousand drunken stupors to inflame his spirit and loosen his muscles; the change could be seen even as the ninja before him switches the Ox handseal into a series of woven seals, done dexterously and with a specific aim which revealed not long after as the redhead raises his katana to eye level.

As the two clones stepped forward from the silhouette of Hiroki with the crackle of lightning to them, the steel of the katana in Noboru’s hand flashes white before dashing forwards as fast as it would go, aimed at the midsection of the backward moving genin at nearly twice his speed.
WC: 121
Drunken Fist, -40AP
Drum Strike, -50AP
Sharingan, -10AP
New Total AP: 1390
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Hiroki v Nobo  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hiroki v Nobo

Fri Nov 26, 2021 3:55 am
With his clones now spawned in front of him, a far enough distance between the two, Hiroki was readily anticipating for anything. Expect the unexpected. Within the instant of noticing the ox hand sign, Hiroki was ready to spring away in case of an oncoming attack. But for the most part, thankfully it had only seemed like the technique was internalized; something possibly for defense or a fighting style perhaps? However, the finishing flare of the katana after a different, graceful weaving of seals, the young genin was bracing himself for what would come next.

In a flash of alabaster, the same sword in question trusted forward, seemingly elongating itself but not in the physical sense. It would seem like his spar mate's Chakra was being formed into a blade like shape which extended between the two clones, almost reaching Roki. If he wasn't already on the tips of his toes, this attack would've hit him, but luckily the teenager managed to jump away in the nick of time. Leaping 22 meters into the air, his own chakra swirling beneath his feet, the Kumo shinobi proceeded to do half of a back flip. This allowed him to land onto a tree branch upside down. The lone tree was barren from any leaves to emulate a barren wasteland like landscape, but that didn't come into play with this tactic. It wasn't to gain total cover, but to grant higher ground and another easy escape should the need for it ever were to arise. With this in mind, the boy's left hand was positioned at the ready to swing around to the topside of the branch. The beam of chakra now beneath him hadn't vanished quite yet, so he'd make sure to watch out for a swing coming upwards.

While this happened, one of the previously mentioned copies comprised of static energy ran around the left side of the man, positioning itself 8 meters behind him. The other one carefully moved back 7 meters, and then sidestepped more towards the right of Noboru; making the two somewhat aligned. A mere inch to the side was the katana's extension. With everything now in position, a counterattack was in order. And a tactful one at that. Every edge carefully taken into calculation, a plan came about to make it difficult to dodge the next series of attacks.

All techniques would be performed in tandem of one another, starting with Hiroki's attack. Hanging from the branch, his right hand weaved through some signs, and his arm swooshed through the air in a u formation. This was make it so that way the ginger would almost be forced to move forward unless he'd be able to speedily make his way past the 50 senbon which flew forth in that same u formation which would form an arch approximately 2 meters in width, 1 meter in length. Only a second or two after this jutsu was launched, the clone behind him went through the seals monkey, hare, rat, dog, then snake. Out from it's mouth began to pour a purple mist, which would be poisonous if inhaled. It quietly began to engulf the area in a 5 by 10 meter cone as it flowed between his lips. To finish this combination, the other clone jumped 5 meters into the air, going through several other signs, before a sphere of lightning chakra expelled from it. This sphere would expand outwards to a 15 meter radius, covering enough ground to catch the possibly distracted opponent, but not enough of an area to catch either of the other Rokis. The whole strategy here was clear and relatively simple, yet still a deadly trio of attacks. Each would cover a major escape route, causing it to be more difficult to not get hit by at least one of them.

WC: 635
TWC: 3372
Justus used: Tree Climbing/Surface Walking Technique- 5 AP
Chidori Senbon (Power/Speed= 85/65)- 40 AP
Poison Mist (Power/Speed= 55/75)- 30 AP
Gigavolt (Power/Speed= 75/55)- 30 AP
New AP Total: 1080
Current Health: 300/300
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Hiroki v Nobo  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hiroki v Nobo

Mon Dec 06, 2021 5:42 pm
The leap was a big mistake. To effectively fight while using this treacherous dimension, one must be able to manipulate it at will, or else they risk falling prey to its whims. Soon as the ninja before him bent his knees to jump, Noboru knew something was to happen, however he allowed his blade to progress. When the ninja lept skywards, Noboru dispelled the chakra blade as he enabled his Byakugan, and as the ninja ascended, each and every muscle within the body of the martial artist tensed, and he darted through the sky to intercept the ninjas as he ascended; yet, Noboru’s skyward speed was double that of the genin, and without issue he would be able to intercept the ninja before he was able to land on the branch. As he neared, and as the genin inched closer to the branch, he pulled his legs in and allowed himself to drop kick the ninja on his chest, so as to deliver a brutal blow to the ninja’s chest, and prevent the plan he had set forth (hinging upon his actions once already secured on the branch) to be set into motion.

With his free left hand, he would reach for the branch, and swing himself onto it, looking down with his Sharingan as Hiroki fell through the air and his clones being kept tabs on via his Byakugan.

WC: 230
TWC: 2072
Drunken Fist, -20AP Upkeep
Crashing Thunder Charge, -40
Sharingan, -10AP
Byakugan, -10AP
New AP Total: 1310
Jump Speed = 135 Speed
Base Taijutsu Damage = 100
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Hiroki v Nobo  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hiroki v Nobo

Sat Dec 11, 2021 7:25 am
Where there was a will, there was a way. And on this day...well, apparently there wasn't much of a will because much like a deer just caught up in some headlights, was poor little Hiroki with his light blue eyes slowly turning more dreary as the series of unfortunate events danced before him. First Noboru managed to make it to the very branch he was jumping towards before he even got there. This in turn allowed for the ginger to successfully dodge the clones attacks, and stop what he was about to attempt at doing. All Roki could do was watch in complete horror as a kick was now descending down towards his body. One could say that all of this was shocking, yet not in it's entirety. The kage of the village hidden in the clouds certainly had a name that he had to live up to, and boy was he doing it. Probably without even trying in actuality. Which meant that Roki just had to try even harder.

With the roundhouse kick landing right upon the young genin's sternum, he was pretty sure he heard a crack or two in there. But nevertheless, it didn't stop him. The pain merely acted as motivation. As the hammer which drove the nail into the plank; Lord Noboru was the hammer, Shimada, the nail. The hammer wasn't necessarily doing this to hurt the nail. Instead it's own motivational drive was to stabilitize. What was stability if not ensuring the village nin knew how to fight, and do so hard.

Now falling downwards, plummeting towards the ground, a hand begun to perform many little intricacies which had formed the seals; rat, then ox, then tiger, then hare, and finally dragon. All the while, his torso was being maneuvered in a way to make it so his back wasn't being the part in which he would land upon. Upon finishing this final sign, Hiroki Shimada's feet made contact with the ground. The 20 meter distance wasn't enough to damage him upon impact, but there was enough force and momentum behind it to kick up dust within the air.

The two clones immediately ceased upon doing what they were, but not in time to finish their own course of action. However, the one would immediately get rid of the poison mist as soon as it got the chance to, while the other would do a roll after leaping through the air, heading to grab the katana which had been placed at the one end of the arena before this fight began. Once in possession of this, the same clone would proceed to dash over to where the real Hiroki had landed, waiting 5 meters away to his left side. The other clone waited back, readying and watching closely over whatever possible course of action was to be taken from the opponent; ready to either intercept or try to outright stop it from happening.

Clones in their places, dust still clinging to the air. It partially obscured the view, but the stillness that was once there became muddled by the sound of hands moving once more, this time only more rapid. The seals, tiger, boar, dog, dragon, rat were done in quick succession of one another. This series would further boost the next attack which would be done. Right after this, more handsets waved about through the air, being done with only his right hand, just as the cloud had begun to settle. A spear emerged from between glistering white teeth which only dazzled by the light of the bolt being created. This spear was then gripped by this same right hand, his left would then grab the additional trident like blueish white beam which was also made.

The speed of which was much faster than any of the previous techniques performed by him. Besides that, there was something else that was different. The shinobi of the cloud had seem physically enhanced in some way. Veins now bulging, there was an aura of lightning chakra surrounding him, 4 inches away from his skin. Smirking up at the man, with previous actions being devoted in the offensive category, it was time for defense. Neither of the spears were thrown. Yet that is. When the timing would be right, and using tedious calculations on where he might go next would determine were the spear would be thrown, so it was all a matter of time simply.

WC: 739
TWC: 4111
Jutsus Used: Raijins Rage (+50 Vigor and Chakra) -40 AP
Ninjutsu Amplifier (+30 to False Darkness, all to speed) -30 AP
False Darkness (115/145, Power/Speed) -55 AP
Current AP- 955
Current Health- 200/300
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Hiroki v Nobo  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hiroki v Nobo

Mon Feb 07, 2022 12:07 am
With the vision of his ninja falling onto the earth, disheveled from the brutal kick the redhead delivered. Mayhaps he should’ve been kinder and tapped him in a gentler fashion, but alas, he wasn’t one to pull punches – or kicks, for that matter. Now perched atop the conquered roost, he freely observed as the clones discharged their techniques, to no avail: their target had moved, but the clones were too fast on the draw, and ended up providing Noboru with precious information that would be of assistance in formulating further battle plans. It had been short, but he had seen enough for the day. Stretching himself to his full height, he bellowed “That’s enough”, and making sure Hiroki and his clones stood down and dispelled their techniques before moving, he would proceed to drop backwards once it was safe, his weight shifting so that he rotated on his way down, shifting all along until he was able to drop on his feet with grace he had no right to hold.

“That’ll do, Hiroki”, he stated, snapping his fingers so the katana he held displaced onto his storage. “First off, don’t jump if you can’t control your trajectory, or else someone else will get you mid jump. You’re lucky I decided to kick, I could’ve very well had your head right there and then.”

He dusted himself off lightly. “Secondly, that was a neat trick you pulled with the clones, trying to box me in. But you also gave away precious information that could determine my next steps. Namely, that you’re also a medical specialist on top of a ninjutsu specialist with a Lightning Nature. This isn’t much, to be sure, but it’s still information, and information is power: don’t share it with your enemy if not necessary.”

He looked Hiroki up and down, and nodded once. “You may yet have a future in this village, lad. What can you tell me about yourself? What goals or dreams get you off the bed in the morning?”
WC: 335
TWC: 2407
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Hiroki v Nobo  - Page 2 Empty Re: Hiroki v Nobo

Mon Jun 13, 2022 11:47 pm
”Understood, Lord Raikage.”

His words would ring loud and true, piercing through the air with the static electricity from the two bolts of lightning in his hands. The clones that were present would promptly then be dissipated, dispersing into the air until they ceased to exist entirely. With a spinning flourish of hands and spears, the two bolts would be driven into either side of the genin; cracking the ground underneath them and kicking up some light dust. With a grunt, the miscreant would promptly rub his chest area. Yep, fractured sternum, most likely heavy bruising. Note to self: don’t be on the wrong side of a fight against Nobo again…or at least don’t jump like an idiot. Hiroki would think to himself as the spar came to a close.

Listening carefully, the lad would interject when necessary. The first of which came with a sense of humor, hopefully the light joke would be able to crack a smile on the man’s face. ”Well I thank you for not doing that. I kinda need my head after all.” Gritting through the pain of that kick proved to be a difficult challenge, but manageable with a smile through clearly clenched teeth. As the Raikage went on to continue with his after fight statements, shimmering eyes would peer over yonder in his direction, taking in the critiques that were being given. Nodding in agreement, Roki would add a bit of a retort but not meant to be portrayed in a snarky sense, simply adding to what was already said ”Yes, but unfortunately, certain information will be unwillingly given away throughout the course of a battle.” The shinobi’s remark was then followed by the cracking sound of joints popping, as with one hand he tilted his head and neck to the left and right to relieve the tension within his bones.

By this time, the sun had begun to set. The day certainly had gone by rather quick apparently. Speaking to the red head about his question on aspirations, he’d proceed to say ”Well, one day I’ll become the Raikage. That much, I’m sure of; to be the greatest shinobi within the village of Kumogakure. Also, I’m pretty sure you’re already aware of this, but the whole incident with my family continues to drive me forward to this very day. Not a day has gone by that I haven’t remembered what occurred, and I plan on making it so no one would ever have to even worry about such a thing happening to them.” The incident in question was made in regards to the crime that his brother had apparently committed. Even still, there was always that nagging feeling that things just didn’t add up. There was too little evidence within his eyes to wholeheartedly say it was Hiko who caused the death of their parents.

”Well, as much as I’d love to stay and chat, it’s getting pretty late and I’ve been training since the morning. So I hope you don’t mind if I take my leave from the training facility, Lord Nobo.” If and once confirmation that he was good to go, Hiroki Shimada would then head out from the place, heading back to where he was staying.

WC: 537
TWC: 4548 (2188 words already used in mid thread claim)


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1500 to Equilibrium Release for my Advanced Element, completing it with 25% max stat discount

750 words to Raiju’s Stride, completing it for C Rank with 25% max stat discount

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