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Mitsu Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
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Ryo : 23

A Booby Trapped Hellscape (Halloween Event) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Booby Trapped Hellscape (Halloween Event)

Wed Oct 13, 2021 1:26 pm
With Gonk and Pinnochio busy with the obelisk Mitsu takes to talking with Kita. "Ah yeah. Mitsu Hyuuga actually. Recent genin and.. no not really. Couldn't see too much in here. Seems this place likes to mess with my eyes. Thankfully it seems we'll be alri-"

Interrupted again this time by the obelisk cracking and crumbling to pieces Mitsu follows along with the rest of the group. Crlimbing down the stairs and using his robes to shield his hands from the grimy material of the ladders aging metal. "It seems itll be alright atleast... I don't really know what it is that's going on but me and Pinnochio have been going through a few of these already. Some of them he dies in but he comes back the next time. So I think we'll be safe here? At least every other time I would just wake up in my home."

Reaching down to the disgusting sewer floor Mitsu performs the hand seals for the surface walking technique, standing on the walls ready to try and use his byakugan to find keys and more... before Pinnochio just punches open a door. Kind of dumbfounded Mitsu jumps across the sewage gap across to enter the door that he opened. And then he comes just in time to see Pinnochio tumbled down to the ground into the hole in the floor. The key descending not long after. Mitsu, normally one to be scared and worried after seeing something like this just sighs. "He's probably woken up now then after all that" He snatches the key dangling from the roof. Tossing it to one of the other ninja.

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A Booby Trapped Hellscape (Halloween Event) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Booby Trapped Hellscape (Halloween Event)

Mon Oct 18, 2021 11:50 pm
Gonk followed his three teammates down the ladder, and stepped down onto one of the small concrete paths that lined both sides of the sewer tunnel. The smell down in the tunnel was foul, as one might expect of a sewer tunnel. But as he stood there, something occurred to Gonk. 
“If there’s fresh sewage here that means we must be near some kind of civilization.” Gonk thought. “I guess this Yugakure place must be a modern ninja village. But it’s strange that I’ve never heard of it.” Suddenly, the crackling intercom interrupted Gonk’s thoughts.
“Really, we have to find random keys?” Gonk thought, annoyed. “And what’s with them all being in gross or painful places?” Gonk sighed. 
“What a pain,” he said aloud. He was just about to ask people which key they wanted to try their had at when the small shinobi seemingly punched through an invisible door, before calling out that he was going to take care of it. Gonk shrugged. 
“I guess I should probably go for the one underwater,” Gonk said as they gazed into the murky depths. This was about to be the grossest thing he had ever done. Even worse than drinking the flood water that was infused with tea all that time ago. First Gonk stripped off his armor, no point in getting that needlessly filthy. Then he took a deep breath and dived in, rapidly swimming towards the bottom. Gonk wasn’t sure if the sewer water was even remotely breathable and he honestly didn’t want to find out. Luckily his ability to see in the dimmest of conditions allowed him to almost immediately discover the gleaming key and retrieve it with relative ease. After around 30 seconds, Gonk broke the surface of the sewage, key in hand. After taking in a breath of air, Gonk swam back over to the edge and hoisted himself out of the filth.
“Anyone else get any keys while I was gone?” Gonk asked as he looked around at his teammates. 
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
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Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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A Booby Trapped Hellscape (Halloween Event) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Booby Trapped Hellscape (Halloween Event)

Tue Oct 19, 2021 1:14 am
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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A Booby Trapped Hellscape (Halloween Event) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Booby Trapped Hellscape (Halloween Event)

Wed Oct 20, 2021 3:04 am
Kita watched dumbfounded as the one called Pinnochio managed to smash through a wall and find a hidden room. An event that the young shinobi hadn't expected in all honesty. He was about to congratulate the fellow ninja when they descended into the pit, promptly dying in a matter of seconds. The entire event was so sudden and bizarre that Kita had trouble formulating an appropriate response to it. Mostly he was just in shock that something like this had happened on what was to be the first challenge. Yet it seemed as though Mitsu wasn't concerned, instead insisting that this was a common occurrence for the strange shinobi, and that they usually wake up back at home.

"What do you mean back at home? Like waking up from a dream?"

Truth be told that was the thing that made the most sense in Kita's opinion. After all, only a dream would allow him to conjure up such strange visions. Still, he didn't particularly feel like dying here, even if it was a dream. Kita snatched the key Mitsu tossed out of the air and took a deep breath and jumping to the platform below on the right. The boy cried out lightly as the glass and other sharp objects drove their way up through his shoes and into his feet, drawing blood and slicking the objects as he passed by. This was going to hurt profusely. With gritted teeth and welling tears Kita made his way over to the two skeletons on the side of the room. In each of them he reached in with his left hand holding the key, feeling the skin brush against the cold metal of the blades, as well as the slicing and tearing as Kita ripped his hand out. When he finished with the ordeal his hand looked practically degloved, more bloody mass than flesh. Still though, not all was awful. The key Mitsu found fit a keyhole in one of the skeletons, which caused a resounding click throughout the room. He found an additional key on the floor through sheer luck, though it didn't fit the keyhole in the other skeleton, so he tossed it back Mitsu's way.

When Gonk re-emerged with a third key, Kita was sitting cross legged and hanging from the ceiling, resting his weary feet after treading across the broken floor below. He asked if the others had any luck grabbing other keys, to which Kita nodded and called out to the Hoshigaki.
"Pinnochio found one, but he... lost his life in the process. Mitsu says that he'll likely be fine, but unfortunately we have no way to verify that. I found one other key that goes to the other side of the room. Unsure what Mitsu found."

Kita winced. The pain of his feet and hand were murder on the poor boy. When he got out of here, he'd definitely need a severe amount of medical attention. Though looking down at the poor, dirty looking Hoshigaki below, Kita had a silent thought that he did not mention aloud to ensure the pride of everyone in the room.

"Why didn't we all just use Shadow Clones?"

Word Count - 528

Total Word Count - 2649
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Sharky Boi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 151400

A Booby Trapped Hellscape (Halloween Event) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Booby Trapped Hellscape (Halloween Event)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 7:56 pm
It would seem Kita and Pinochio had both retrieved keys while Gonk was gone, leaving only Mitsu to find one. Unfortunately Gonk had no idea where he had gone. Near where Kita was sitting from the ceiling there were two skeletons, one with a key in it. 
“Here, see if this key fits in the other hole,” Gonk called, tossing his friend the sewage key. “And pass me that one, I’ll find where it goes.” 
Assuming Kita threw Gonk his key, Gonk would take it over to one of the other skulls and stick it in, his hand protected by his armor. As he turned the key, there was a satisfying click, signaling that it worked. 
“Just one more to go,” Gonk thought as he looked around the room. Suddenly something caught Gonk’s eye. It was a metal grate on the ground. Gonk walked over to it and discovered the key within. However it was under a foot of steaming green liquid. First Gonk ripped off the grate, then after taking a breath he stuck his hand and quickly grabbed the key. As his hand emerged from the liquid, he could see that the green fluid was acid. Or at least that’s what he assumed due to the fact that his glove had melted away along with much of his skin. Gonk moved the key into his other hand as it was in immeasurable pain, then walked over to the final key hole, which thankfully was not within some kind of death trap. Assuming that Kita had used Gonk’s first key successfully, when Gonk put the final key in the hole, the gate would open, heavenly light spilling out. Gonk walked over to the open bars and stepped though, suddenly waking up in his bed, completely clean and intact.
“What the hell was that?” Gonk said aloud.
“Huh?” Momo said sleepily. “What are you talking about.”
“Nothing,” Gonk said after a moment. “Go back to bed. 
Momo happily obliged, and after a few more seconds Gonk followed suite, drifting into a dreamless sleep for the rest of the night.
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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A Booby Trapped Hellscape (Halloween Event) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Booby Trapped Hellscape (Halloween Event)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 10:35 pm
Gonk tossed Kita his key, which Kita caught in his good hand. The boy shuddered under the thought of putting his hand back into the skull of that skeleton, though he had little choice in the matter. Using the wall as leverage to preserve his poor bleeding feet, Kita walked towards the skeleton he had tried earlier and placed the key into his bloodied hand. His poor fingers burned under the weight of the key, though it was far preferably to losing the other one here. Through gritted teeth Kita jammed Gonk's key into the skull of the skeleton, sending a resounding click throughout the room. He pulled his hand out once more, ripping out yet more chunks of tendon and flesh. By this point his bones were clearly visible, and there was so little muscle that the boy had trouble moving it. Still, it would do for now.


Kita shouted it out a couple of time, cradling his hand close to his chest. Though his cries were drowned out by the sound of the gate behind them opening up, some ethereal light appearing behind it and spilling into the room before them. Gonk was the first to step through the accursed thing, disappearing into whatever lay beyond and leaving Kita and Mitsu behind. Once Kita recovered a bit he rubbed his hand lightly before leaping behind the Hoshigaki, vanishing behind the streams of light.

In the real world Kita opened his eyes to the sun shining through his apartment window, illuminating his pale form comfortably laying in his futon. With groggy movements Kita rose to a sitting position and brought his previously marred hand to his face, observing the fact that it was in pristine condition. In fact... the more he thought about it, that dream didn't make much sense. His blood was boiling water now, not blood. That, and weren't there supposed to be more challenges? Kita's brow furrowed. Already the memory of the dream was fading from his mind, leaving Kita with only vague recollections of what had happened within it.

"That was... an odd dream."

With that, Kita stood to his feet and began getting ready for the day, oblivious to the horror he had just been through the night before.

Word Count - 376

Total Word Count - 3025

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A Booby Trapped Hellscape (Halloween Event) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Booby Trapped Hellscape (Halloween Event)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:04 pm
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