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Returning to the Island Walls Empty Returning to the Island Walls

Wed Sep 01, 2021 7:53 pm
Daiko had made it to the gates. He was mere meters from the place where he had to check in. His clothes had been changed earlier using his instant armorire jutsu, so he looked just as he had before he left. Other than that, he had stowed a few valuable possessions that he had taken in his storage displacement jutsu, and on the surface things would seem exactly the same as they were as when he had left. Though his lust for blood was satiated a bit, he figured that it would be best to find some sort of missions to do where he may have to hunt down and kill a criminal. It looks better that way.

Making it up to the gates, Daiko waits to see who would be giving him entry. He didn't really have any papers or anything like that, though he had spoken to the Mizukage and was apparently listed in the registry as an honorary genin. Either way, Daiko hoped that this would be over quickly.
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Returning to the Island Walls Empty Re: Returning to the Island Walls

Wed Sep 01, 2021 8:11 pm
How did this keep happening?! Pinoch had a busy day planned. He was going to take a few laps around the village, hit the weights for an hour or two, and then cool down with meditation and jutsu training. It was going to be a perfect day-- until Saya came down stairs. She'd given him some excuse about having to meet a vendor for fifty seven pounds of ostritch feathers for an outfit she was working on, but the short of the matter was this: It was her day to have gate duty, but she couldn't do it. Her sister was exempt form the ask because..... reasons? She said that Ai was unavailable, but didn't really get into it. He'd also said he was unavailable. Unfortunately that was a less acceptable explaination. After a solid hour and a half of arguing back and forth they somehow came to the conclusion that he would go watch the gates today.

His head spun as realization set in that she'd spun something to shift his focus. He'd been insisting that he couldn't, arguing back and forth in a scene strait out of the looney toons, and then it happened.

"I can't"

"You can"

"I can't"

"you can't"

"I CAN AND THATS THE LAST OF IT! I will not argue with you any more tria. I'm doing it and that's that!" She kissed him on the forhead and was out of the room before he even realized what happened. All of that leads to the current.

He stood just outside the gate house, arms crossed and pouting heavily. She always found a way to do this. THe first and second group were checked more thoroughly then maybe they should have. Pinochio shook them a bit violently to ensure they weren't hiding anything before simply pointing inward towards the village, allowing them entry. Thankfully his day was about to get just a bit better.

He didn't notice the Tau boy approach until he was already in speaking range. Without looking up he adressed his friend, speaking from a place of anger. " Step up, Identification, reason for entry and do--Daiko? EEYYYY Daiko! You're back!!! Man. If i knew you'd be coming back today I'd have been much less angry that Saya tricked me into working the gates for her today!!" In an instant the scowl painted from face to body language eased. His shoulder's untensed, his fists unballed, and a smile crept across his face.

"Did you get whatever you needed done taken care of? You were gone for quite a while! I saved our tatoo appointment for whenever you're ready man so just let me know!!" If it was offered, he would look at Daiko's shinobi ID but it wasn't needed. He knew the ninja before him more than well enough that he could vouch for him if need be. He was already removing himself from the opening to the gate to allow him in when he started the comment about tatooing. Maybe this day would be good after all?

(TWC 505)
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Returning to the Island Walls Empty Re: Returning to the Island Walls

Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:54 pm
Daiko nodded his head. "Yesssirrrr. You know it. I'm never gone longer than a couple weeks, don't even trip homie." Daiko gave a thumbs up. "Oh yeah. We gonna get those tats on soon as possible. I've got a couple things I gotta take care of the next couple days, but after that. We on." Daiko then sighed a little bit and scratched his head. "Oh, shit. It was Saya's day to be at the gates? How's she doing yo? Last I saw she was tangled up with a bunch of otters and seemed to be up to something." Daiko didn't really think she was up to something, though he assumed more that she had suddenly become with otters and was busy with that. It was no matter. The next time that he saw her specifically, he would be much more powerful, and he would be in a position for her to be able to teach him that sage mode that she had worked on. Man, he was really slacking. He's been worried more about killing people and playing games than he was actually becoming stronger. Hopefully, this would change. If not, well. He would go the way of all rogue ninja who decided to stick their neck out for power. He would die. 

And I mean, if not, then He and Saya would probably continue to vibe out in villages around the world. That is if Kirigakure deemed her strong enough to go traveling. Even if not, Daiko wondered silently what she would want to do in the months coming. 

Daiko nodded. "Ayy, I'll let you know whenever it's time to head to the shop my man. Sorry to be in such a rush recently."


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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 58600

Returning to the Island Walls Empty Re: Returning to the Island Walls

Fri Sep 03, 2021 9:32 pm
"Yea yea I know. You've been hard to contact lately though! It's like you've been showing up randomly and then you disappear for weeks at a time. I respect it, ninja have to do what they have to do but I know the twins wish they could see you more. " He returned the thumbs up, pointing both arms outward to retort with the infamous double thumbs up. The next comment brought a clear shift form the chill facade he'd been putting up to that of obvious excitement. The way Daiko had just dipped out suddenly had him thinking that maybe he'd changed his mind. It seemed a silly thought given what the boy's body could do. It's not like he was afraid of the pain right? He could literally stitch his body back together if pieces were removed, so if he felt pain it had to be a normal every day thing given his practice with those wierd threads.

"Dope! Just let me know man! I've got so many ideas for what to get. " That was an interesting question. It had been some time since he'd actually seen Saya. Since his official creation, he'd spent more time dodging the girl than he had thinking about her. He only knew that she missed her teammate because of Ai. They still had to meet up to inform their puppet selves of what was going on in the case Saya was controling them, which seemed silly for him. She hadn't brought out the pinochio puppet in some time because it was so much weaker than the rest of her tools. Was it a tool now? With his sentience in his rightful body, did that mean he existed in two places at once, or was the puppet version of himself, lovingly dubbed pupnochio, just a tool that saya could pull out in times of need now?

"Honestly? I have no clue. I don't see her very often. The girls are doing their thing and I'm doing mine. Trying to get my power up and prove myself to the higher ups in the village. Tria doesn't care much about the whole promotion and village pride stuff, but its part of my reason for wanting to be alive. I really want to excell and maybe one day meet the mizukage!" He realized that he was starting to become a broken record, but he didn't care. The more people he told about his plans, the more likely someone who could make his dreams come true would hear about it. Networking was key to any young ninja.

"No stress man! Have a good day! I assume since the mizukage already knows you're about you don't need to stop in and check in, but don't do anything I wouldn't do yea? " It was a silly precaution. It's not like daiko was the type to just up and rush into a place, gank a random ninja and threaten to take their life. For what? Power?! nah. That wasn't daiko's way.

(TWC for Pinochio 1005 allowing daiko's entrance. putting 1005 towards daytime tiger (1941/2750)previous training and claiming 10 Str exit topic closed )
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Returning to the Island Walls Empty Re: Returning to the Island Walls

Sat Sep 04, 2021 9:35 am
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