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Stat Page : Aminui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6500

Ninshū’s Wake Empty Ninshū’s Wake

Sun Jun 20, 2021 7:12 pm
Ninshū’s Wake

His movements were conducted with a feeling of uneasiness. For the hours that followed his discovery of an advanced use of chakra, the wild-haired teen didn’t feel good. His insides were being rearranged by the emotions his surroundings granted him access to.

He didn’t comprehend what was happening to his body and mind; his perception of reality was changing drastically in a short stretch of time, all of which traced back to his discovery of an ability through which he interchanged his thoughts, feelings, and past with those he came across--at least, that’s how he believed it functioned. He hadn’t attempted its use with anybody before his descent to the village’s northernmost district, where his theory was confirmed; by infusing the air with his chakra, Aminui was able to connect with those in his surroundings.

He discovered the dangers that came with this technique through its continuous use, with the latter being one of its risks: his control over his chakra wasn’t great, and, by using any sort of chakra-consuming technique, excess energy went into his environment. Later on, he learned that, due to his lackluster chakra control, passively, it left his body and interacted with others’ consciousness unwillingly. These interactions varied from telepathic messages from one to the other, exchanging feelings for a limited time, to getting an insight on their past--usually it being a brief, almost indecipherable scenario.

It was an assumption of his, but the lad believed what he felt and saw went both ways--just like he savored new feelings, others perceived his and looked into his memories for an uncommon happening that changed his life forever, if there was any.

A hand, rolled up into a fist, flew into a flower shop’s wall, breaking through it and tumbling what flower pots were in the way of his wild swing. Groans that quickly raised in tone filled the market within which the mad man stood. Everyone watched or pointed fingers, sharing their worries with the rest. The mix of emotions--dread, sadness, frustration, anger--came close to breaking him apart, but he survived, pulled through, and controlled these abstract things that he described as annoying. He shut himself from his surroundings, returning to his old way of being.

Glintless eyes were set on the flower shop owner, who he intently watched, saying not one word. If the long-haired teen were to assume what she felt, it would be a great fear of what he could do to her shop. How nobody had come to check on the commotion was beyond her, and, because it was, she feared for her life. The dark-haired, middle-aged woman was clad in a white robe with images of flowers, grass, and the sun adorning it. Underneath it, she wore a marine-blue kimono with shapes of waves, representing an ocean’s, or perhaps the waves that closed in on Kirigakure’s shore.

In between her hands was the vase of a sunflower. One that wouldn’t live due to Kirigakure’s weather. The shop owner tugged the vase in close and hid it from him. She rathered keep the vase and her shop safe rather than run to safety, like many in the area were. Muffled pleas went to deaf ears, with the wild-haired teenager treading closer to her. Her fate was set in stone when she opted against fleeing.

He set a small sack that rang upon being set on the woman’s table. His doings confused her. Wasn’t he going to proceed? He didn’t have a reason to harm her, to her eyes, but, since he started the conflict, he might’ve as well finalized it. She didn’t understand shinobi at all.
“ husband’s just like that…” A thought that reached his mind and was replied to with one of his own: “Your shop smells nice.” He added confusion to the woman’s state of incomprehension. Deciding that was enough for the day, the shop owner delicately put the vase down and sat down on her shop’s sole seat, closing her eyes shut.

No matter how hard Aminui tried to reach her subconsciousness, the flower shop owner answered not, helping with better marking his ability’s boundaries.

The masked shinobi left her shop and climbed to its roof, from which he leaped to another building's to escape the responsibility of damaging property. Once he determined he was far enough, he went on about his day. Better controlling his chakra was a priority of his now, according to his recent discoveries. He understood the technique’s functions but would require experimenting more with it to determine its utility in and out of battle.

The arms of the towering teen elevated and went through a single wave, forging the Ram seal. He shut his eyes closed and began focusing on his chakra’s flow, including its interaction with his surroundings and the amount that seeped his body. It was incredibly low compared to before. His chest beat fast from his fast escape, but his emotions--the existence of whom he only earlier learned of--were under control.

[WC: 834] @Daiko
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Ninshū’s Wake Empty Re: Ninshū’s Wake

Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:53 pm
Daiko, as usual, was doing absolutely nothing and was pretty bored. Over the past few weeks, he had just been doing missions and stretching out his legs in terms of actually combating some opponents. Not much has changed, though he did have a particular desire to see what else the village of Kirigakure had to offer. Though he hadn't entirely settled on making this place his home in the long term, he did run into a couple of friends along the way and he felt passion slowly festering in his rotten core. Or, in better words, he felt a small tinge of being cared for. Either way, he had nothing else on his mind other than staring at the droves of people that slowly go to and fro about their daily lives, not really seeming to have any idea what was going on outside of the walls of their home village. Daiko didn't either, but it was still amusing to him to watch the people scurry around in such a rush. Finding his way to the bench that he always sits at because he has nothing better to do, Daiko has a seat and stretches out his legs. Man, he needed to get some sleep.

Taking a moment to roll his neck to the side to stretch his shoulders, Daiko isn't quite sure what there is to do around the village. There was nothing that Daiko could really go off of in any sense, so he decided to look up at the rooftops out of pure boredom. Scanning the different types of shingles and the conditions of them therein, he thought for a moment. He had never considered that people would have to take extra care of their places because of the island climate. Beaches and stuff. That sounded like a pain. As he continued to scan, Daiko saw a figure that looks like they were planning on defecating on the roof. They looked like they were squatting, holding their hands together in a constipated gaze into their own self. Daiko decided to investigate.

Strolling over to the building that the man was focusing on, Daiko slowly walks up the side of the building before getting close to the top. At that moment, he would peek his head over the edge of the roof, looking at what the man was doing. Ah, he wasn't constipated at all. It looked like he was focusing his chakra, or doing something of that sort. Daiko takes a short moment to size up the man. The dude was tall, that's for sure. From the looks of it, they also had dark blue hair that was pretty messy. Other than that he looked... Kinda serious. Daiko wasn't quite used to running into people that seemed to demand respect by their very presence, other than when he had stumbled into the Mizukage's office when first arriving. Deciding it probably best to reveal himself, Daiko climbs up the rest of the way to reach the top of the roof, less than moments after taking his initial peak.

Daiko gets a bit close, but still maintains 5 meters from this person. Watching that he's sitting there focusing and such, Daiko decides to sit down, his feet flat on the roof in front of him and his arms wrapped around his legs for balance and support. Going against his better judgment, Daiko decided to get this man's attention if he hadn't already. "Yo, what's up man. How's life treatin' ya."

Stat Page : Aminui
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6500

Ninshū’s Wake Empty Re: Ninshū’s Wake

Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:05 pm
Thorough studies of his chakra paved way for new discoveries of its functions, such as it being his lifeforce, its never-fluctuating flow, and the different ways it interacted with his surroundings. Prior to this day, he hadn’t taken into consideration his mediocre chakra control in his daily life; an extra change of chakra never hurt him, and, until recently, he hadn’t given it many uses besides wall-climbing and the other basic jutsu. He achieved more via training his other arts, per se, kenjutsu, shurikenjutsu, and taijutsu. Alongside the previously stated findings, Aminui learned that, because of his chakra sensory’s short-range and the need to wave a seal, retracting his ability to use ninjutsu, his ability was hard to use in combat.

The long-haired teenager broke the seal, and, with it, his concentration. He required offensive, long-ranged alternatives since his kenjutsu and taijutsu would be for neight if he couldn’t reach a faster opponent, against which slowing techniques or chakra-made cages were viable options.

From his arrival, the first time he scanned his environment, a forest formed of tall, leafless trees, was after his self-evaluation. Through his porcelain mask’s slanted lines, he glanced upon the hazel, parted-haired man who he looked up and down. The wild-haired lad was motionless for the moments to come. This was a problem; the other’s ease at walking up on him would’ve led to his death on the battlefield. He realized his need to shift his examination from his insides to his reality.

The humanoid statue moved its right arm into its back pouch, through which it searched shortly for an item of choice. Hidden underneath but within his grasp was a pen. Alongside it, there was a spiraled notebook with ‘words’ as its title. He slid it open and began writing on the last white sheet. Against his better judgment, he showed it to the man.
“You’re stealthy,” it read. After showing it for half a minute, he took his book back and noted down more lines. “Who are you?” The lad’s calligraphy wasn’t the best, but his written sentences were comprehensible.

Aminui knelt to match Daiko’s seated position. While they interacted, he dwelled on the dark-haired man’s chakra and presence, as well as his stealth. Had he been trying to run up to him? If he wanted to, he could’ve attacked him right there and then. He would’ve picked up the killing intent, but perhaps then it would’ve been too late.

[WC: 415]
[TWC: 1249] @Daiko
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Ninshū’s Wake Empty Re: Ninshū’s Wake

Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:31 pm
After greeting the man, Daiko notices that the ninja then reached into their pocket to grab something out. Watching to see what it was, he noticed that they had pulled out a notebook. Weird. Either way, Daiko wasn't concerned about it. Daiko blinked a couple of times after reading what had been written. Stealthy? Hmn. He assumed that it was because he didn't have a troupe of excitable puppets by his side that he had come off as moving in silence. Though he was used to traveling with some caution, he was flattered that he had done enough casually in order to warrant praise from this man. Watching as the Kiri ninja joined him sitting down, Daiko wondered if there was something that was preventing the person from speaking. He decided that it was probably best not to question it for the moment. "Oh, yeah. I'm Daiko. Nice to meet you. You a ninja here? You definitely look the part well." Daiko nods his head for a moment and then takes a moment to think to himself. 

It seemed like his man took their job of being a ninja pretty seriously. Daiko for a moment wondered what their nindo was, as well as why they purposed themselves to behave in such a manner. Was it a defense? Did the man not trust Daiko? He wasn't sure. Truthfully, Daiko also had no idea how to gain someone's trust either. For his friend Saya, it had basically come down to them eviscerating a rogue shinobi on the borders of the country, as well as spending countless hours doing nonsense missions with dancing monkeys and the like. Taking a moment to consider, Daiko wondered if the ninja in front of him had any interest in picking up some new skills, or if they were just here to take in the views. 

Daiko scratched his head, taking a moment before speaking again. "Man... You give me the same feeling that the leader here gives me..." Daiko continues, not elaborating on what he was talking about unless asked specifically. "You seem like a pretty serious dude. Uhhh... Blink if you're being followed?" Daiko realized that he couldn't really see the person's eyes. Damn. Daiko wasn't entirely sure about what was going on, though he was currently under the assumption that Kirigakure, at the moment at least, was having a time of peace. From what Daiko could collect, there weren't any crazy enemies wandering about, or secrets that weren't uncovered. From what Daiko could collect. Though a bit slow, he did eventually realize that this strange ninja could have a story of his own to bring light to some different parts of the village. "Anyways. It's really nice to meet you. Do you not trust me or somethin'? I can promise you that the Mizukage will personally skin me alive if I were to do anything bad. He knows I'm here and stuff, and probably has someone watching me right now." Somewhat out of character, Daiko gives out a small laugh, showing no sign of fear whatsoever. "Anyways. You looking to get food? Head somewhere? Honestly, you're one of the first ninjas I've approached that didn't give me a hard time out the gate. Maybe we can be friends or something.

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Ninshū’s Wake Empty Re: Ninshū’s Wake

Tue Jul 20, 2021 6:00 pm
Daiko stares for a second and then realizes that he likely wouldn't hear this man speak. Turning his head to the side for a second, Daiko decides to climb back down from the building, and head back to doing ninja things.



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Ninshū’s Wake Empty Re: Ninshū’s Wake

Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:12 pm
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Ninshū’s Wake Empty Re: Ninshū’s Wake

Tue Jul 27, 2021 5:40 pm
[48 hours, confirmed exit]
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