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Intel Recovery

Kozuraba | Kozuko
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Intel Recovery Empty Intel Recovery

Thu May 20, 2021 10:18 pm
Mission: What happened!?

It was another normal day in Kumogakure. Anaphiel was enjoying his morning tea with his sister, their two dogs, Charlie and Cheddar, sitting under the table. They were finally getting back to what their new normal would be, following a very long grief period. Anaphiel was thinking about his friends and family and how thankful he was to have such a strong support network when his reverie was interrupted by an urgent hammering at the door. The Hidemori Chuunin got up and made his way over to the door, his dogs barking excitedly as they raced each other to get their first. On the other side was a messenger with a letter. “Urgent mission from the Raikage’s office!” they exclaimed before running off, likely to deliver another similar letter to another shinobi’s house. Anaphiel inwardly sighed as he opened the letter. It was an urgent mission request: someone had broken into the Raikage’s office while he was in Hoshigakure overseeing their Genin that were participating in the global Chuunin exams. Some important intel was taken and must be retrieved at all costs. ‘No time to sit around then.’ He thought to himself as he rushed upstairs to quickly get cleaned up and dressed. Five minutes later he was fully dressed and on his way out the door. “I’ll likely be home late tonight,” he said to Telantes, who was still sitting at the table, enjoying her own drink. And with that he would leave his house. The meeting point for the mission was the Gates, as there were claims that someone blew by the guards before they could stop them. Some of the village’s shinobi were already in pursuit but they would definitely need assistance in apprehending the culprits. Anaphiel hoped that the rest of the team would be ready to go by the time he got there.

WC: 308

-5 AP Hidemori Physiology

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Enyo Gushiken
Enyo Gushiken
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Intel Recovery Empty Re: Intel Recovery

Fri May 21, 2021 5:06 pm
Silence... it smothered the confines of the hospital. Feint ticks from the grandfather clock of her shared office was the only comfort from the numbing silence. Enyo, at her desk, sat to help Ichigo with his mountain of work. Prioritizing them from most to least important. The drunk doctor seemed to be struggling the last few days, his mind seemed somewhat torn to her, this was the least that she could do for him. Keeping in mind that she also runs his staff and maintain the hospital while he works and studies. 

There was a knock at her door. Her eye glanced over as she stopped what she was involved in. “You may enter.” With her approval the door opened rather immediately as one of her nurses enter with a letter in hand. The Genin noticed the seal clutch in the nurse’s hand clearly, her brows furrowed as her arm outstretched and her hand opened for it. The nurse handed it over, closing the door behind her as she did. The content of letter was one of urgency. An annoyed sigh released from her lips as she subtly shook her head, questioning the competence of the village security. Yet it didn’t matter, it happen and she was assigned to fix it. 

The woman navigated her way from the office out of the hospital, leaving the staff a stern order to keep things as she left it. Eventually finding her way to the village gate she would noticed a familiar face, Anaphiel. The woman would approach with care, minding personal space. “Someone became complacent and we are tasked with remedying their fuck up. This will prove to be fun, or a utter waste of our time.” Enyo addressed. Glancing over and noticing the slightly out of breath kunoichi. Then cutting her eye at Anaphiel. “I’m beginning to grow concerned with your taste in company on these missions. What is your fascination with traveling along with little girls?” Her concern was more so defensive. Enyo had a soft spot for young women, not wishing to see them taken advantage of by no man. 

[WC: 351]
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Intel Recovery Empty Re: Intel Recovery

Fri May 21, 2021 7:38 pm
He was the first one to arrive at the gates, which did not bode well. He had hoped to be the last one so they could simply head out, but now it meant hot footing it around waiting for who else would be joining him. Thankfully the wait itself was short; two other shinobi showed up at roughly the same time. One of them he recognised from their last mission, Enyo Gushiken. The second shinobi was also a woman, perhaps a little over five feet tall, with a stocky build. She had grey hair that fell to her shoulders and lightly tanned skin. She appeared to be a little out of breath, likely because she had been running here from the direction of where she originated. Anaphiel would nod to Gushiken as she approached. “No doubt, I wouldn’t mind capturing at least one of them, so we can find out what the purpose of all this is.” As she attempted to call him out on his choice of mission partners, the Hidemori Chuunin held up his hands in a ‘don’t look at me’ type meaning. “Don’t get me wrong Gushiken, I do enjoy spending time with members of the fairer sex, but I do not put in any special requests for team members in a mission. I’m assigned to a mission and the admin office decides who they send with me.

With his defense presented, he would turn to the newcomer. “I am Anaphiel Hidemori, I’ll be leading this mission. As this is time-sensitive we’ll make proper introductions en route, let’s move.” At that point, he would activate his Baioregan and lead the team out of the gates and down the last known path that initial response team had traveled. “Alright, so our task will be to work with the response team to find the rogue shinobi that infiltrated the village, recover the intel they took, and kill or capture whomever we find. Capture is preferred, but it’s understandable if they don’t give us the opportunity. So that I can better design a plan of attack, please let me know where your skill set lies. I personally am  trained in manipulating space-time and sensory skills.

WC: 365
TWC: 673

-5 AP Hidemori Physiology
-10 AP Baioregan Activation

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Enyo Gushiken
Enyo Gushiken
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Intel Recovery Empty Re: Intel Recovery

Mon May 24, 2021 10:56 pm
Anaphiel spoke of what was very much already well known. Enyo understood as much, it was just odd for her to comprehend his cell members. She suppose with members off to Hoshigakure that limited numbers in personnel was to be expected, after all she was being throw into a number of missions since her return. She didn’t give him much of a hassle after speaking her prices and hearing him speak his on the matter. She only left him with a stern expression before looking over to the woman that began to speak. 

Enyo observed her as she engaged them in a brief, yet shallow manner. The woman spoke of herself in a manner that was rather annoying to Enyo. Such weak words coming from her and that annoying ass laugh at the end only made it worse. “Was that suppose to be cute, or are you actually pleased in the fact that you’re basically useless?” She inquired, that little cute act that the woman was playing at was not enough to sway Enyo. If anything, it will only draw her attention further. “Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking up top placing you here? Our Kage ventures off for the exams and suddenly we are dealing with infiltration and higher ups not doing their damn jobs. This village continues to amaze me with its inability to function properly without a stern hand.” Her words may have caused some low blows, or even some stinging jabs, but she spoke bluntly as she always did. None of them could deny the fact that any of what she just said wasn’t true. 

Her eye returned to Anaphiel. “Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. Those are my main two specialties.” She then looked over to the woman. A annoyed expression grew darker on her face as she analyzed her more. “You will stick to Anaphiel side. He will be responsible for you. Leave it to me, I’d send you home. Not because of your lack of abilities. But because you’re too comfortable with being useless and that turns you into a liability. We will have to prioritize the success of the mission with your safety.” She sighs dismissively before shaking her head. Following Anaphiel as he lead them through the gates and along a path. 

Anaphiel knew she was an unlikeable person, but did she care? No, of course not. She didn’t dedicate herself to her craft for years to give what people thought of her a second glance. Her scars and the way she walked the village shows the amount of cares she had to give - absolute zero. 

Their mission was broken down by the Chuunin. Though she heard what he said clearly, all she cared for was finding them. “Do what you wish, Anaphiel. But know this one thing. When we find them, we are killing all but one of them. We are not going to let a single one escape. Your rank will reward you my respect as superior officer, but your actions on this mission will either earn you my trust, or my skepticism. That goes for the both of you. I will not tolerate any form of weakness from anyone. Not when it comes to our village.” 

[WC: 537]
[Total WC: 888]
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Intel Recovery Empty Re: Intel Recovery

Thu May 27, 2021 5:29 pm
The first one to volunteer information was the newcomer, Rin. Essentially a fresh graduate of the academy from what she said. No particular skills outside of what they learned in the Academy. In all honesty, Anaphiel was a tad surprised she’d even been assigned to this mission. She definitely would be more of a liability than anything when it came to the battlefield, unless they were up against rank amateurs. At least they would have the support of the advance team so things shouldn’t be too dicey. It would all depend on how many rogue ninja were out there in the first place.

Gushiken appeared to be offended by the other woman’s presence. While he questioned her being here, he had no intention of putting her down for it. She, on the other hand, was full of piss and vinegar today, laying into Rin with blunt words and abuse, for lack of a better word. Anaphiel was a patient man, and while he’d rather not have to deal with this while they were in the middle of a fairly important mission, this couldn’t wait. Especially when she would try to tell him how the mission would be handled. Last he checked, the Hidemori Chuunin was in charge here, not this self-proclaimed hospital bodyguard. “That’s quite enough Gushiken,” Masashi would say to her, an edge of steel creeping into his voice. “Your views on Rin being on this mission are not helping. If anything, you’re going to make the situation worse with your negativity. We will all be looking out for each other, as that is what you do when you are assigned to a team. If you don’t like it, that’s too bad.” His eyes flashed with annoyance when he brought up his next point. “And do not presume to tell me how a mission will be handled. Last I checked, I’m in charge of the mission, not you. We will take as many of the rogue ninja alive that we can. The reason for that, as I’d think you’d realise, is that more rogue agents can possibly provide more intel than less rogue agents. They took the intel from the Raikage’s office for a reason, and it does not behoove us to kill someone that may know why unless it is absolutely necessary. Besides, we have the support of the advance team to help subdue and return these hostile elements to the village, not to mention and rearguard forces that are following up behind us. I realise that it’s my job to think of the bigger picture, but if you want to move up in the village, you should be doing the same. If you have anything more to say, save it for after the mission.

Anaphiel would then address Rin in his normal speaking voice. “It’s nice to meet you Rin. Everyone has a part to play, and while you may not be as experienced, we will do what we can to bring you home alive, and having learned some valuable lessons out here. I don’t need to tell you how important this mission is, but we have more support than we would normally have on a mission this dangerous.” That much was true, the advance force would have hopefully caught up with the rogue ninja and slowed them down enough for Anaphiel and his team to overtake them and hopefully subdue as many as possible.

They did not get attacked as they followed the path that the advance force had used to pursue the invaders, and before long the sounds of combat could be heard up ahead. “Prepare yourselves,” Anaphiel said to the others while he pushed his senses to the limit to get as clear a picture as possible while they advanced. About 30 seconds later, he finally detected movement. As far as he could see, there was a group of people ahead, at least 5 people, and a few more showed up on the edges as they moved closer. He was unable to discern who was friend or foe, so he would need to wait until he could visually differentiate between them. “The advance team has engaged the enemy,” he said to Rin and Gushiken. He glanced back at Enyo when he said “remember, we want as many of them alive as possible.” With that, he would bring them in on top of the fight going on.

The advance team was made up of four shinobi, none of whom Anaphiel knew. They had engaged a group of the same size, shinobi with no affiliations to a particular village. Two of the rogue ninja were in close combat with three of the Kumo vanguard, and the other two were dueling at range with a single Kumo-nin. Anaphiel would look at Gushiken and say “go assist the three Kumo nin that are engaged in close combat." He’d then turn to Rin, “Rin, you’re with me. We’ll go assist the one that’s by themselves.” He’d immediately make his way in the direction of the solo shinobi, making a quick set of hand seals, and firing off a quartet of energy beams, two beams at each of the two shinobi, aiming to seriously injure them, but not kill. He was hoping that the other long-range specialist would be able to capitalise on the added assistance.

WC: 886
TWC: 1559

-5 AP Hidemori Physiology
-10 AP Baioregan Activation
-20 AP Storm Release: Energy Wave

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Enyo Gushiken
Enyo Gushiken
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Intel Recovery Empty Re: Intel Recovery

Mon Jun 07, 2021 10:13 pm
Enyo listened to the sharp words of the Chuunin. They jabbed towards her throat, meaning to silence her for speaking her mind. Her brows raised as she delivered the man an unamused expression. Did she hit a nerve? Or was he merely pulling rank to show some form of dominance? She scuffs, dismissively at what he said to her. Turning her attention in the path before them. “My view of her on this mission is my opinion and mine alone, Anaphiel. You govern no jurisdiction over them, you will do well to remember that. Call it what you want, negativity, or what have you. It’s the truth. I will speak it as bluntly as I desire. You men like to sugarcoat your words because you feel that will make things alright, but in the end it only complicates things. You and I both know that someone fresh out of the academy on an S rank mission is a prime example of foolish judgment. It will only seem that I’m man enough for the both of us to say it. Your soft and intangible words will lead someone as green as her to their death one of these days, Anaphiel. See then if you can speak soft whispers to make things right once it’s over.” Her words were equally as sharp, perhaps even sharper as she made sure that they reached the mental and the heart of the Chuunin. Enyo may have been a total bitch, but she held a great move for the people of her village. His next point would have been reasonable, but to her and the situation given, it was not. Her eyes flared with flames of disappointment. Her brows furrowed from what he uttered from his feeble lips. “And last I checked rank grants you leadership, but that alone does not grant you the wisdom of one, nor safeguards your from poor judgment. Who are you trying to convince, me? Rin? Or yourself? Have you once took the time to consider that we have a traitor in our midst? How else would we explain the Raikage’s office being infiltrated, while he is away on top of that. I don’t believe in coincidences, neither should you, or does your rank blind you from such a thought, such a reasonable circumstance? You present nothing but weakness at this point, sparing lives that insult us as Kumo shinobi, our Kage, our home! One is more than enough to learn what you wish to know, to assume that prolonging the lives of the captured is ridiculous. All you will receive is lies and stubborn refusal. Like I said, I’ll leave you just one to play your mind games with. Don’t get in my way.” She scuffs once more before turning her head from him. 

She listens to him speak to Rin, more soft words and intangible backings. It disgusted her to her core. This mission made things clear to her, Anaphiel was not quite fit to be a leader of any 3 man cell, not in her eyes. He smelled of weakness in spirit and mind. 

As they rushed along the path the sound of steel clashing and conflict gradually grew to their ears. The sound and feeling of danger made the woman smile maliciously as she and her team got closer. Anaphiel cautioned them to prepare themselves, a cautious that Enyo did not need or want. She lived for moments like these, trained her entire life for the thrill of danger. The sound of tension within her body cracking and flexing as she outstretched her arms and spread her fingers as she approached. The sensation of dark intent could be felt seeping from her very being as she smiled even wider. Anaphiel thought it was for the best to mention to her to keep as many alive as possible. In which she would remark. “Sharpen thy will, hammer thine body, be the bulwark against the wicked...” Her eye were glazed over porcelain white. Her muscles grew in size nearly doubled what they were as her toned physique pressed more from beneath her clothing. And aura chakra manifested about her being in a golden hue as a extension of feather like chakra expands from her. Anaphiel and all who could sense chakra would noticed, hell, even those who could not would see her will visually manifest before them as boldly as it did. Her speed and strength increased greatly - 85 each. With a cloak at a power of 80 health. 

With the order given, she launched herself from their left to assist the three shinobi that were doing their best to subdue the two close quarter adept rouge shinobi. The Kumo shinobi struggle seemed to be one sided. Where one of the rouges managed to take two on at once, leaving his partner to face a Kumo shinobi alone. The female rouge was quite skilled. She managed to throw the Kumo shinobi off his game with a feint kick to his left shin, close to the knee. He buckled as she fell. She moved to end things with a raised axe kick to the top of his skull. The force that she drove with that foot was great, roughly at a power of 35 and a speed of 40. However her attack intercepted by Enyo. She caught the kick with her right hand. This of course caught the women by surprise. “!!” She gasped as she layer eyes on the woman that exuded talent and will. “What a nicely executed kick... you aimed to kill this man. Had I not arrived as I did, you would have succeeded.” The woman moved to retract her foot, but found that it was impossible to do so. Enyo help her ankle with such a grip that it made returning the leg futile. The Kumo shinobi looked up at the burned bandaged woman with gratitude. But his gaze was met with a stern darkness from her expression. He gasped as she crawled back from her. Enyo turned her eye over to the woman releasing a nasty smile. “Tell me, are you in charge of this group?” Her grip grew tighter. The woman screamed loudly as she could feel her bones fracturing from the pressure. “Arghhhhh!” Enyo licked her lips. “That is not a reasonable response to my question.” Her eye would then shift abaft of the women where she noticed the male holding his own with the other two, steadily growing in advantage. Enyo found him to be more prominent than this girl and so her use for her have reached its end. Three finger were extended with the free hand as chakra coursed them. Enyo whipped the woman off her feet and snapped her towards her. Meeting her momentum with a piercing of her chest cavity through her ribs and heart and lung. The sound of choking on blood would be heard coming from the woman as she suffocated on her blood as it trailed from her mouth to the arm of the woman. Enyo would then toss her aside like trash before walking over towards the next target. 

The man noticed the scream of his comrade, he looked over to see what happened and saw that she was no longer moving on the ground. Enyo saw the look in his eyes as he saw his comrade bleeding out on the ground in her wake. He held a certain sadness in his eyes that eventually turned into anger. The man spinning kicked the two shinobi he was fighting. He then rushed the woman with all of his might. “How dare you harm my sister!” He screamed as she closed the distance and threw a swift straight jab at the face of Enyo at a power of 65. It connected, but only because it was allowed too. It couldn’t press beyond the cloak that was bestowed to her. But it was strong enough to meet her acknowledgment of it. He held his stance with the fist still connected to the cloak. “What?” Enyo slowly raised her right fist an inch from the man’s torso. “Driven by your emotion? I need not bother to ask you anything.” chakra focused in her fist as she glared at the man. She then extend the fist with proper form at a speed and power of 95 which was enough to make the man buckle. She would use her left hand to grab hold of his arm to prevent him from moving out of range and delivered four more punches like the first. The man was dead by the second one. He hung limped from her hand. She discarded him as she did his sister...apparently. 

Is this really all they had? You three allowed them to hold you back? Disgraceful... I’ll go and play with Anaphiel and Rin’s food then.” She stated as she turned to look in their direction. She would take off in that location. By the time that she arrived to the fray, she noticed that Rin already eliminated one of the remaining two. Enyo paused as she smirked at the woman. Acknowledging the vomit on her sleeve and the dead body she couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. “Well, well... perhaps you are not completely useless after all, Rin. Good job.” All that was left was one, Anaphiel fired some form of beam, this marked him as a ranger fighter to Enyo. She even acknowledged that he aimed to only hurt and not eliminate. She sighed out of disappointment, but figured it was fine considering that it was the last one. She stood at Rin’s side to observe what was to come next.  Her left arm stained with blood from the elbow to her fingers. 

[WC: 1,623]
[Total WC: 2,511]
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
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Ryo : 42750

Intel Recovery Empty Re: Intel Recovery

Wed Jun 09, 2021 6:41 am
Today would not be Anaphiel’s day it would seem. Of course he would get the mouthiest Genin in all of Kumogakure to be on his team. Clearly she had something to prove, being this defiant. And the fact that she wouldn’t shut her damn mouth and the direction of her conversation made him think that she simply didn’t like it when a man told her to do something. Normally he would agree that it’s not a man’s place to tell a woman what to do. However this was not a man telling a woman what to do, it was a squad leader, who was put in charge for a reason, telling his subordinate to fall in line. She was lucky they weren’t in Kiri-controlled Konoha, where such impudence would merit death, and no one would bat an eye. Still, the words she said had gotten a rise out of him, and he needed to check his anger, losing focus on the mission would not do anyone any good. Of course he wanted to capture these hostile thugs alive. You can’t get intel out of a corpse, and there were a myriad of reasons why leaving just one alive could provide them no useful information. Clearly there was more at play here than just traitors in their midst. Killing the rank and file only served to warn the enemy of something at work. Their higher ups would be more careful, and would be less likely to slip up in the future. There was time enough to instruct her on the merits of showing what she would call weakness, they were still in combat and had some enemies to subdue.

He felt, rather than saw, the surge of power that came from Gushiken as she activated some form of technique and then launched into the fray. He had other things to deal with at that point, so he didn’t really pay much attention to that part of the fight since there was four friendlies against two hostiles. The fight was over sooner than he’d expected, the two over here appeared not to be as strong as he’d expected for a group that had purportedly broken into the Raikage’s office and stole important intel. Aaaaaand of course neither of the Genin on his team seemed to grasp that breaking someone’s neck, stabbing them through the heart, or caving in their skull with a punch would allow for them to be interrogated. Rin had snapped the neck of one of the two that she’d attacked. The other was stunned under a tree with some burns on his torso, being tied up by the closest member of the vanguard force. He turned to look at the other members of the vanguard and saw that the other two were very clearly dead, by Enyo’s hand from the looks of it. Anger flared up in his eyes momentarily before he pushed it down, regaining control of his emotions as exploding on these two, regardless of their incompetence, would do him no good.

Having seen the elbow that Rin had taken, thanks to his Baioregan, Anaphiel would walk over to her and ask if she needed any medical attention. Should she say yes, the Hidemori Chuunin would use Basic Medical Ninjutsu to repair the damage long enough for her to at least get back to Kumo where a proper medical nin could take a look at it. That was also assuming a medical specialist would not be with the rearguard. Once he was done with Rin, he would walk over to the rest of the vanguard squad. “Let’s find the intelligence that they took,” he said to them as he began rifling through the pockets of all of them. He wasn’t sure what intel or how big the document(s) were as they were from the Raikage’s office and likely to be classified material, so he was able to find a handful of pages among the three bodies, some in varying states due to blood stains or other damage. Anaphiel let out a small sigh before returning to the pair of Genin. “We’re done here,” he said to them, looking at them with eyes full of disappointment. “I hope for your sakes, the one you so charitably left alive has information worth extracting.” That was all he would say on the matter. There was no point in trying to argue with someone that clearly felt they were in the right, as was incredibly evident in at least one of the two. The other was likely too inexperienced to know any better, but he’d hoped that she would have at least followed his order. With that, he would lead them back to the village. Upon returning he would dismiss them without a word and would head back to his home to file a pair of reports. The first one would be about the “success” of the mission, no doubt the higher ups would not be pleased. The second would be a report on the conduct of Gushiken Enyo during the mission. It was his belief that she lacked the maturity and mindset of a Chuunin and would vehemently oppose her attaining that rank until that changed. After a day like that, he needed a good night’s sleep, and some cuddles from his dogs.


WC 883
TWC: 2442

((Will post claims later))

-5 AP Hidemori Physiology
-10 AP BaioreganActivation
-10 AP Medical Ninjutsu
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