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Travin Iburi
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Finishing off the Pirate bosses - Page 2 Empty Re: Finishing off the Pirate bosses

Sun May 23, 2021 8:14 pm
Travin watched as Saya used genjutsu release feeling the genjutsu fall away. Travin agreed that with time it would become easier to figure out when she was in a genjutsu. “As far as tips the best way to tell is when something changes way too quickly. However, it is the job of the shinobi to disguise their genjutsu as simply ninjutsu or other forms, so it may not always be easy to see” Travin added. It was about the only thing he could think of that may help her in the future, and he knew how to disguise his genjutsu vary well. 

When he turned to look out at sea to think of anything else his tone became more serious as he looked out in the sea. “We are almost there I can see the island side” he would tell them. The cave entrance was located on the side of an island. He could tell why it was so hard to find since you would only be able to get in when the tide was down if it was up it would cover the entrance to the island. He was glad that they had picked a good time to do this mission. “Remember the plan wait a few seconds before coming in and releasing hell on everything moving,” he said as he watched the island get closer. 

Once they were a few hundred meters away from the cave entrance he would yell out once more to drop anchor. “We can run over the water the rest of the way we don’t want them to know where he before its time,” he told Saya. once the ship had been stopped Travin would jump over the deck of the ship using the surface walking jutsu and take off towards the cave entrance. He would make sure not to go too fast and keep a steady pace that Saya could keep up with. If she was using a puppet to run her then he would go a lot faster at his max speed of 85. 

He would stop to the side of the cave and wait for the puppets to get into position. The mouth of the cave was 15 meters high and 10 meters wide easily able to hold all of them within it. He wasn’t able to see just how far back it went but he could see 20 meters down before the cave took a turn. Travin made a few hand signals to Saya letting her know he was going to move in as his eyes glowed with a deep blue.

(WC-431 TWC-2020)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Finishing off the Pirate bosses - Page 2 Empty Re: Finishing off the Pirate bosses

Mon May 24, 2021 5:56 am
Pinochio rushed over to the anchor as it was called out. With a great heave he put the entirety of his three foot weight into dropping the anchor to stop the ship. Unsuprisingly it did very little. He is very very small. To help aid, the massive coach puppet stepped up. With his bulging wooden muscles he easily grasped the small hand holds of the anchor and with a mighty heave of his massive form.... nothing happened still. You see dear listeners, while the coach puppet was large, it's actual strength was unfortunately based on the small ninja's own transfered through chakra strings. That left all of her puppets quite sorely lacking in that department. Also the release on the anchor needed to be pulled for it to be able to move. Hindsight....

Rolling her eyes Saya turned, and with a flick of her wrist a shuriken released from her fingertips. It hit it's target perfectly, jostling the release for the anchor and with a ringing of metal the boat began to slow. 

"Lets stop joking around pinoch. We have a mission to do. " As she followed behind travin, leaping up to the edge of the boat to head across the water. She couldn't see pinochio, but she knew because of them sharing a mind that behind her he stomped and motioned and just generally had a tantrum at the suggestion that HE was joking around when they should be working. The script flipped so fast that he could feel the whiplash. 

As the four lept into the water something occured to Saya. She'd taken time earlier to train a boy she'd found while sailing her ship, and had decided it was important to use a jutsu to help her close the distance to shore before riding on the coach puppet's back so she wouldn't have to swim. The combined effort of pushing him through the water while keeping her balance was a hastle she saught to ease through earth jutsu. Travin simply used surface walking and walked instead. She made a mental note to try this much easier method of travel as she shifted in midair to catch her fingertips between two of the slats of Coach's chest. As they hit the water all three stood on top of coach's back, Pinochio on the bottom, then Ai, then Saya in a tall tower of people and puppets that seemed to teeter to and fro as Coach swam after travin at a speed that nearly matched his own. This could have been a great time for her to actually just use surface walking, but the others would have had to swim still so yanno. When in rome? At her chakra threads speed they moved incredibly quickly to shore, and after a slight shaking to dry the one puppet who'd swam, and a moment of water pouring from between his slats, they followed travin's lead into imminent danger. 

Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Finishing off the Pirate bosses - Page 2 Empty Re: Finishing off the Pirate bosses

Tue May 25, 2021 4:16 am
Travin took note that Saya and her puppets stood on the back of the big puppet to get across the water. He wondered why she didn’t just lift the puppets up out of the water and use surface walking, or if that was not possible why not just seal them up and unseal them when onshore. Either way, it was not the time to think about it or bring it up he knew that Saya was not as fast as he was but her puppet could swim fast enough to keep up. Once they were at the mouth of the cave Travin stood to one side and waited for Saya and her tower of puppets to get out of the water. While the big puppet was draining itself of water Travin moved on into the cave silently. It wasn’t very far into the cave before torches started to appear on the wall. They were recently lit so everyone must still be in the cave for the day.

The cave opened up a little ways further to a massive cavern, stalactites hanging from the ceiling and rising up out of the floor as well. Travin walked on in motioning for the puppets and Saya to stay for a moment as he walked over behind one of the stalactites. From here he could clearly hear 5 voices going over their loot for the past week. Travin peaked around the corner and was able to tell that he was only a few meters away from the 5 shinobi. Looking back over to Saya and her puppets Travin held his hand up showing five fingers and making a count down. Once he was sure that Saya knew what he was trying to tell her he started to make his hand seals.

Ram, Monkey, Hare, Ram, Monkey, Dragon before Trees started to sprout up from stone floor-filling half the room with trees and a river running down through the cavern. Travin could hear the shinobi on the other side of the rock he was behind start to panic unsure as to what was happening. One of them yelled they were under attack when Travin jumped out from behind the rock into the center of the group around the same time that Saya should be springing into action. In the center of the group of enemies Travin made a few more hand seals Dog, Rabbit, Snake, ox, Dragon. Before water molecules formed around him and shot out hitting all five members of the group of rogue shinobi blinding them.

With the battlefield set up for success, Travin would wait and see what Saya and her puppets would do before deciding on what his next action would be.

(WC-451 TWC-2471)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Finishing off the Pirate bosses - Page 2 Empty Re: Finishing off the Pirate bosses

Tue May 25, 2021 4:36 am
They moved quietly through the entrance to the cave, Saya doing her trademarked sneaking step... Yanno the one where you hald your arms up, with hands bent over at the wrist like a pride parade welcome and raise your legs way too far up to bring them down only on the toes of each foot? It was a rediculous sight to see, but by roleplaying magic, it somehow worked. Travin stopped, and the quartet, who had decided to go one in front of the other created a chain of motion as they tried to stop too suddenly for the one before them, bumping each forward in a line. Pinochio, the smallest of the group and also the front runner of team puppetry fell forward from the weight of the large coach puppet behind him. Threatening to ruin everything he tumbled to the ground, only to be held an inch from making the expected loud thud as the chakra threads held him levitating just above the ground. Then the symbol came out. 

Saya nodded immediately in understanding at the five fingers. When I say "understanding" please recognize that I use the term loosely. No sooner had travin turned his attentions to their enemies, then Saya sprung into action assuming the symbol was a suggestion to go and not a count of the targets. Ai caught her by the back of the shirt and held her flailing silently for a few moments to allow travin to set things up. When the team saw the suiton hit their opponents, Ai decided it was time to unleash her rabid pitbull of a little sister, which is a really odd saying considering pitbulls are very sweet loving dogs who do not deserve the bad wrap their given, BUT I digress, and have missed her entire charge into the fray. 

As with most things, Saya's response to the enemies was pretty simple. She had a number of tools at her disposal now, but there was one in particular that was just so damn efficient at answering threats that she ended up using it most of the times she fought. She formed the seals for the exploding water colliding wave jutsu, and as she released it she barelly realized the difference from her normal casting. To any with chakra sensory it would be clear that something had happened just before she allowed a torrent of water to flow from her lips. The soft glowing that had centralized around her chest area was now flowing through her entire body, filling her form with a warm blue light. The inset of her eyes shown in dark near black rings as if she'd used war paint to black the area out, and the power of the chakra coming from her lips was incredibly more dense then usual. The stream of water filled the entire cavern with a speed and power of 125 as the power of her ancestors amplified her vigor and chakra by 80 points. It took mere moments for the five to crash against the back of the cavern, their bodies crushed between stone and the pressure of her mastery over suiton. Releasing the technique she watched the five crumple into nothing at the combination attack. WIthout their sight they knew from the roaring waves that something was coming, but had no hope of guessing that the attack would come from every single direction. If they had, how could they possibly have gotten out of the way?

"Did... Did we do it? Did we win?!" Saya turned back to Travin. She was unware of the glow in her own body or the odd coloring around her eyes. She hadn't even intended to access so much of her own power. THrough her subconscious she'd simply found the will to activate the strength of her blood and weaponized it to destroy their enemies with incredible precision. 

Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Finishing off the Pirate bosses - Page 2 Empty Re: Finishing off the Pirate bosses

Tue May 25, 2021 5:52 am
Travin luckily had seen Saya flying through the air once more and through his deep blue eyes, he saw the chakra flowing through her, and knew the hand seals she was making and what it was for. He needed to get the hell out of their double time. Quickly making some hand seals as fast as possible Travin vanished in a flash of blue light appearing next to the entrance with the other puppets. “She is going to get me killed,” he said under his breath, as a massive burst of water filled the cave shoving the five rogue shinobi across the cave and slamming them into the wall. The water flowing out the only ground-level entrance to the cave system. Travin was just happy the cave was big enough to hold that much water as it flowed out around him and the other puppets. 

He watched Saya land on the ground walking back out to her Travin heard her asking if they had done it and won. “Yea we won you almost filled the entire cave with water. If I wasn’t able to teleport you would have gotten me with that blast as well. You have to be more careful of your teammates when you use a massive area of effect jutsu like that.” Travin didn’t realize till he once he had started the heat in his voice. Calming down he added “You did well this time, but if you are with someone not as strong as I am or with different abilities than I have you have to be more careful. When you’re with me you can play by the seat of your pants and I can cover your weaknesses for you, but if I hadn’t blinded them before you came flying in you may have been signing your own death warrant with theirs.” The heat from his tone completely gone now and slid more into teacher mode than lecture. 

He was really impressed with her jutsu and the power she was able to put into it, but he wanted her to know the dangers of doing something so reckless as flying through the air. He also wanted to make sure she knew what was at risk if she didn’t pay attention to the battlefield either. “Let’s finish this tie them up and we can throw them in the jail cells of your ship and take them back to Kiri for sentencing.” He added walking over to the closest one.

(WC-412 TWC-2883)


10k Ryo 50 AP
2500 WC to Hiding with camouflage
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Finishing off the Pirate bosses - Page 2 Empty Re: Finishing off the Pirate bosses

Tue May 25, 2021 6:44 am
"i. WH. Yea. It kinda was alot stronger this time for some reason. Dunno what happened. But I did make sure that I was pointing the stream away from you and i promise had it pushed back towards you I would have stopped the jutsu so it didn't cause you harm. " It hadn't even occured to her that the water would have enough force to actually bounce back. It felt like she'd put more then her max into that attack somehow. With a shrug she figured it was something she could figure out once she got back to her other training. 

"Um. actually... I believe that you've unlocked a fundamental power of your bloodline. See. The senju clan were well known for their massive chakra power. Do you feel the strength coursing through your veins right now?" Pinochio was explaining as he pulled rope from Saya's bag. He easily tied up the pirate leaders, making sure to tie their arms and legs to one another in a way that left them laying on their back like dumplings. 

"Well yea... I mean I can feel something. I feel like. My chakra is pulsing under my skin. It kind of feels like theres too much and its trying to burst out. Why didn't you tell me that would happen?" She looked down at her hands, flexing them one by one. There was an immense power coursing through her veins. Of couse she'd never felt a strength like this, but how this could even be possible just through the power of her ancestors was mind boggling. 

They gathered up the thieves. One by one The coach puppet lifted them up and chucked them, slinging them all the way to the deck of the boat with one great heave. It wasn't exactly the nicest way for them to be transported, but honestly they were kind of criminals and had they gotten the opportunity to actually respond to their entrance they would have done everything in their power to murder the five of them. It would have been very dificult considering three werent alive. They would have tried it though. WIth their new cargo on board Saya motioned for the team to drop sail and began the slow journey back home. The wind kicked up her hair, ruffling the lace around her new white outfit. Finally she felt the power of her senju blood calm down. With the threat of danger gone, naturally her body released the strength of her amplification technique. 

And so we end another tale exactly as it started. Our heroine found fair water. The fresh salt spray in the air filled her soul with joy and the five captives stayed quiet the entire time. If she had to consider, she might have accidentally killed them. That would be a shame. It was a heroic scene, watching the puppet master stroll through the village with a large gym coach puppet and a very small girl who looked exactly like her carrying a pole with several possibly dead men attached. 

(TWC 3510 claiming 10k ryo and 50 ap from missions,  3510 towards trifle of the senju (3510/5k) and 70 additional ap. mission complete, exit topic closed)
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Tue May 25, 2021 8:56 am
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